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Everything posted by IntrovertGal

  1. Ah yes, you are right of course, I got that mixed up. Still, quite a risky thing of Frank to do, cutting the timing so close. Or maybe subconciously he really didn't care all that much anymore if Claire found out or not. He did say that maybe he wanted to hurt her.
  2. I have to admit I was a bit sceptical about David Berry's casting as Lord John Grey (and I'm still a bit miffed that they didn't give him a blond wig, would that have been so hard? Especially since the actor who played young LJG had blond hair!) but I have to say I was positively surprised by his performance in this episode. I love Lord John Grey, he is one of my favourite characters in the books so I was rather anxious that David Berry and TPTB got him right. However, what we got so far was pretty good so I'm relieved. The Jamie and Lord John Grey interactions were great, I enjoyed them all. Although, like WatchrTina, I really wish they hadn't condensed their entire time together at Ardsmuir into one episode! I wanted more scenes between them, more dinners, more chess games, more conversations, damn it. Still, both actors played their scenes beautifully. Sam Heughan was especially good when he talked about Claire at their chess game, the longing and grief on his face just broke my heart. And then when LJG stroked Jamie's hand, you could see Jamie's PTSD and everything he had suffered at the hands of BJR play out on Sam's face, just beautifully done. Also, LJG's horror and shame at what he had done playing out on David's face, also very well done. I'm glad that things in the episode did not end on that note but on a more redemptive one with a hint of the friendship to come. So the TPTB finally thought they should show Frank's uglier side? It was about time. But wow inviting your girlfriend/lover to your wife's graduation party? How cold and cruel is that. Was that in the books? I don't remember that. Still, I felt bad for Frank when he died in a car accident before he could finally be with the woman he loved and who loved him. Not enough Joe Abernathy in this episode! Hopefully, we will get more next week.
  3. I completely agree. Just because we don't like their connection doesn't mean there wasn't one. Jack in in his twisted mind really desired and loved Jamie. So to me it felt perfectly in character for BJR to want to touch Jamie one last time before his death. Also, BJR lying on top of Jamie and thus putting pressure on his wound ended up saving Jamie's life so I had no problem with that scene. Now if the show creators go against the books and somehow have BJR survive, then I'll be pissed off, but I didn't mind their scenes as depicted in this episode. I really enjoyed this season premiere a lot, much more than the season 2 premiere. Sam Heughan did a great job throughout the episode, conveying so many things non-verbally. Last year I visited the Culloden memorial site, which was a very powerful and rather distressing experience. Seeing parts of the battle on screen now and seeing the Scots so mercilessly butchered was very upsetting, The shot of a bloodied and tattered Scottish flag at the end of the credits was also painful. I admit, at times I felt bad for Frank while watching Claire being cold and distant towards him (and I have never been a big Frank fan). While I completely understand where she is coming from, you could tell how much Frank was hurting. Whoever said above that they wanted to slap every man in Boston, I wholeheartedly agree. Seeing Claire having to endure all those sexist jerks was quite hard to watch. I cannot wait for her to become a doctor and show those jerks that she is not some little housewife they can keep down. Yay for Hal showing up and saving Jamie's life! I thought the actor did a good job with the role. I cannot wait for the adult John Grey to show up and to see Jamie's interactions with him. So happy and pleased that Droughtlander is finally over and the show is back! Voyager is one of my favourite books so I'm very curious to see it on screen.
  4. I haven't watched this show in years (I dropped it after season 5) because it just does not hold my interest anymore, but I had to watch this episode because I used to be a huge Jackson fan back in the show's good old days. I loved seeing Colton Haynes back on the show. I was never all that fond of the twins so I wish Jackson had found another boyfriend, but I guess their scenes and banter were okay. With Colton coming out it felt perfectly natural for Jackson to be gay (or bisexual) as well. I think I read in an interview that Jeff Davis had always planned for Jackson to be gay. I don't really know what else is going on this season, but I do hope that Stiles and Derek and even Kate show up soon and all of them will join Scott's pack to take down Gerard. Monroe must be one of the most annoying characters ever to appear on this show. Hopefully, she will get her comeuppance soon.
  5. LOL yeah, that would have been awesome! :D Maybe Dany will mention Jon's prowess next season? Yes you are probably right. I have nothing against Lena Headey, she is a great actress and she makes Cersei a truly despicable character so kudos to her. I'm just so sick of Cersei almost always winning, also for reasons that make no sense, just because D&D want to keep her alive.
  6. Yup my favourite scene was Theon and Jon as well. It even made me tear up a little. If someone had told me that I would ever like a scene between Jon and Theon of all people this much I wouldn't have believed them. I loved that Jon told Theon that he didn't have to choose, that he could both be a Greyjoy and a Stark and this gave Theon the courage and determination to go save his sister. Such a beautiful scene! To be honest, Boat!Sex was a letdown for me. It was way too short and abrupt. I wanted to see Jon and Dany kiss first. Also their sex scene being intercut with Bran's cold voice and the Rhaegar and Lyanna flashbacks didn't help. In addition, the Rhaegar actor looking so much like Viserys really creeped me out. On the plus side, the show finally officially spelled out R+L=J in the text and they even revealed that Jon is not a bastard but the legitimate heir to the Iron Throne. I do not really like the name Aegon though, I'm gonna keep calling Jon Jon. The Winterfell storyline does still not make sense to me, but I'm glad that Littlefinger is finally dead and the Stark sisters have made up. This stupid tension and strife between them was so annoying. Loved the reunion scene between Brienne and The Hound and how they talked about Arya and the scene between Brienne and Jaime. I had to chuckle how shocked Jaime was when Brienne told him to fuck loyalty. Cersei has done so many horrible things and this is the thing that turns Jaime against her? WTF? But fine, whatever, as long as Jaime is removed from Cersei's influence and no longer with her, I'm glad. Of course D&D completely screwed up Jaime's redemption arc, his turning against Cersei should have come about 3 seasons ago. I just hope that GRRM will continue to write Jaime's arc better in the books. I really hope that Cersei dies early on next season, I don't know how much more of her that I can take. I'm sick and tired of her character. Seeing Viserion the Wight destroying the Wall was impressive but I really hope Tormund made it out alive. It's gonna be a long wait until season 8!
  7. So happy Gendry's back! He was awesome in this episode and I loved his banter with Jon when they were talking about their fathers. Wow the scene where Drogon recognises Jon was brilliant! I had goosebumps throughout. Also loved Dany's surprised look. Jon finally needs to know about his lineage. I really hope that still happens this season. Another huge reveal (even though it was a throwaway line by Gilly of all people): Rhaegar's marriage annulment! I really did not expect that and was flabberghasted. Yay for Ser Friendzone being back all cured and Dany being visibly pleased and even hugging him. That hasn't happened for awhile. Of course Jorah has new competition in Jon now, poor guy just cannot catch a break. So disgusted by the fact that Cersei is pregnant again! I really hope she was lying and it's not Jaime's. Poor NCW having to play this Cersei-whipped version of the character, who is not recognisable from the books. :( Still glad that Jaime survived because I have not given up hope that he might turn against Cersei one day. Maybe her "don't betray me again" line was foreshadowing? Or maybe it's just wishful thinking on my part. Loved the last shot of all these diverse characters joining up and going beyond the Wall to fight the WW. This week's episode was not as good as last week's (but then again how could it?), but it still provided plenty of highlights. Oh and I hope that Arya will kill Littlefinger soon!
  8. Fantastic episode, from start to finish. Definitely the best one of the season so far IMO. I wonder how much the battle at the end cost but it sure was worth every penny. So glad that Dany & co. finally got a win and Cersei lost a battle. Although maybe burning all the food was not the smartest move on Dany's part. And how convenient that the gold had already reached King's Landing. I loved Jaime in the books (but hate what D&D have done to his character on the show) so for his sake I hope that he is not dead. He still has important stuff to do (namely kill Cersei). I usually like Bronn but could have killed him when he hurt Drogon. Not cool, Bronn! I didn't see much chemistry between Jon and Dany in last week's episode but in this episode they had it in spades. That cave scene was so full of tension between them. I loved Davos teasing Jon about his attraction to Dany afterwards. Also loved Davos correcting Jon's grammar, nice callback to Stannis. Davos gets all the best lines lately.
  9. So we finally get some lovely Malec make-out and morning after flashback scenes only for the boys to break up at the end of the episode. Why can't we ever have nice things? Then again I'm hoping that the show will follow the books with respect to Malec and I was very surprised that Max survived Jonathan's attack. If Jonathan is supposed to be this super strong Big Bad, that made no sense whatsoever. I guess the show writers didn't have the guts to kill off a kid. Also, why weren't the other characters more suprised that Sebastian was Jonathan? In the books this was a huge reveal and here it felt glossed over, anti-climatic, like so many scenes which were a big deal in the books. I was rather disappointed by that. I'm really relieved that the Mortal Mirror on the show was not just a compact mirror but is actually Lake Lyn like in the books. If they had changed that, that would have been a huge let down. It was also good to finally hear the story of how Maia got bitten and turned into a werewolf. This was long overdue IMO. Hopefully, the character of Jordan will show up sooner or later (maybe next season if the show gets renewed?).
  10. Yay the Idris on the show is still close to the Swiss border. :) They have changed the books' mythology so much on the show that I'm always pleased when they insert little stuff like that from the books. I really would have liked to see Alicante, but I guess they are saving that for a later episode. I enjoyed the scenes between Will Tudor and Alan Van Sprang, they had a believable rapport. This episode nicely demonstrated that Sebastian/Jonathan is an even bigger psychopath and sadist than Valentine. Glad Maia kept Simon from coming out to his family as a vampire, that was really not the time or place. I missed Magnus and Raphael as well. Hopefully, they will be back next week. And Alec'd better not lie to Magnus.
  11. That is certainly true and I find it annoying as well. However, I still felt a bit sorry for Simon, having to witness that long kiss between Clary and Jace and getting his heart broken must have been rough. On the other hand, Simon and Clary make no sense whatsoever as a couple (neither in the books nor on the TV show) so if that's the end of that relationship and Clary/Jace can finally really start I'm all for it. Although come to think of it Jace has more chemistry with Maia than he does with Clary (that kiss last week was so hot!), but I guess they will follow the books in that respect. Glad Will Tudor was back this week, I really missed him in last week's episode. He certainly elevates the level of acting on this show. I'm also glad that we finally got to see a glimpse of evil Sebastian this week. I hope Izzy doesn't fall for him on the show. Raphael may not be right for her (still love the two of them together though) but neither is Sebastian! Also, Jace and Sebastian were way too friendly this week, Jace should be wary of Sebastian, not confiding in him. I have to say I'm a bit worried about Malec. They seem to disagree and fight a lot these days and the displays of affection between them are rare. I want to see their relationship explored on screen in more detail, not these snapshots we are getting at the moment.
  12. Agreed on all counts. I'm pretty sure it was Sebastian who stole the Soul Sword. I cannot wait to finally see him in season 2B. I'm curious how Will Tudor will make the role his own. It sucks that we have to wait until June though. As much as I enjoyed this mid-season finale, I was very disappointed and felt cheated by the scene where Simon drinks Jace's blood and thereby becomes a Daylighter. This was one of the sexiest and most emotional moments in the books and the show writers changed it into something lacklustre. When Simon says to Jace "I could have killed you" and Jace replies "I would have let you", that was an incredible and heartbreaking moment in the book, whereas in the show it was brushed over and didn't even register. Very disappointed by this. Other than that, I liked the episode a lot. Glad Jace (and the TV viewers who haven't read the books) finally knows that Clary is not his sister and my heart broke for him when he wanted to tell her and saw her be all happy with Simon. Very happy that Alec and Magnus said "I love you" to each other, it was a well acted and emotinal scene. But yeah, I agree with Madhacker, there needs to be some Malec sex in season 2B (and not just a fade to black), even if the show airs on Freeform. No more double standards, show!
  13. Yeah I have to say I was very disappointed that we didn't get a Malec morning after scene. I know this show airs on Freeform, but I still expected more, especially since we only got a fade to black last week. I mean, we have seen plenty of scenes of Izzy making out with guys and lounging around in bed (or Jace when he was enjoying his single life) so the same should apply to Malec. At least they implied in this episode that they are both in this relationship for the long haul. I also loved the Jace "if you hurt him, I'll kill you" scene. I just enjoy their brotherly bond so much. And Magnus freaking out about the Parabatai bond was very funny indeed. Wow I cannot believe that Simon finally came clean about his feelings for Clary. I'm not buying though that she is into him just as much, IMO she is running from her feelings for Jace. And Jace looked very pained when he told her that he was happy for her and Simon so I doubt that Clary/Simon are gonna be a couple for long. I like Simon and Clary as BFFs but they have no romantic chemistry. Turns out Izzy and Raphael have a surprising amount of chemistry. I really enjoyed all of their scenes together in this week's episode. I'm rather worried about Izzy though, she has turned into a full-blown junkie pretty quickly. Glad that Maryse is not completely a bitch anymore and has made up with Jace. It was sweet how both Jace and Alec were disgusted with their father for cheating on Maryse. Magnus was pretty awesome in this episode, what with throwing a fabulous party and defeating the evil witch Valentine sent. Oh and his "this is not the Real Housewives of Idris" line made me chuckle.
  14. I really enjoyed this week's episode, especially all the relationship stuff. Malec was much better in this episode than in last week's, they had plenty of chemistry and good talks and it was great to see how confident and determined Alec was to have sex with Magnus. I also loved Alec's talk with Izzy about it. The Jace and Simon scene at the bar was hilarious, I literally laughed out loud several times! Jace's dating advice was the worst though and completely backfired. Too bad I enjoy Simon/Maia, they are fun together and have good chemistry. If Simon could only get over Clary and start dating Maia, that would be so much better. I also liked how even when Jace was intent on losing his pain in women he immediately sprang into action when he heard Clary was in trouble. I hope we will see more of Jace and Magnus being roommates, that was fun in the books. Holy crap the introduction of Ithuriel! He did not quite look how I pictured him but I'm psyched that they adopted that from the books. Ithuriel flying off to heaven when he was freed was beyond cheesy though and his wings were also not that impressive but I guess those are hard to do.
  15. Seriously, Jace, you have the worst timing! Although after all that build-up the Malec date was a bit of a let down. At least they agreed to work on their relationship and kissed. Also yay for Jace moving in with Magnus, glad that they adopted that from the books. Luke has a second sister now? And she is evil? All this non-canon stuff makes my head spin a little. At least Amatis got mentioned. I really enjoyed Maia in this episode, she has good chemistry with Simon and I'm curious to see their relationship unfold. Loved the little look Maia gave Simon when she figured out that Clary meant more to Simon than just being best friends.
  16. So mad that Bonnie is the one who loses and suffers yet again! These writers really have it out for her and it continues to piss me off. I used to dislike Enzo a lot but really came to enjoy the Bonnie/Enzo relationship (KG and MM had great chemistry) so I hate that they killed him off. Unless Bonnie can bring him back with her new found magic? I liked that Bonnie was quick on her feet when she stabbed Stefan with the cure but hate that Stefan is the one who gets to be human. He is the one that deserves it least IMO. Only a few more episodes to go. At this point I can only hope that the writers will somehow create a series finale that won't be a complete trainwreck.
  17. Wow did they really kill off Jocelyn? I certainly did not expect that. The show has gone completely off canon now, not sure how I feel about that to be honest. Apparently, the showrunners had Cassandra Clare's blessing but this still feels weird. Otherwise I agree, it was a gripping and well acted episode. I really enjoy the Jace storyline a lot as well, there is a gravitas there and Dom's acting has much improved compared to season 1. And of course I loved that Jace's first question to Clary in the City of Bones was about Alec's welfare. I also enjoyed the Simon, Raphael and Magnus dynamic. A bit miffed that Malec still haven't had their first date yet. This better happen soon!
  18. As a huge fan of the Jace and Alec relationship (both in the books and on the show), I really enjoyed "Parabatai Lost" a lot, probably my favourite episode of season 2 so far. I have to admit that I got a bit teary when Jace was saving Alec's life and both boys got all emotional, such a beautiful scene well acted by both Dominic Sherwood and Matthew Daddario. Plus we got Jace and Alec flashbacks, which was great. The actor playing young Alec even sort of looked a bit like Matthew. I also liked the introduction of Maia and the fact that there were more Raphael scenes. Alberto Rosende portrayed Simon's inner struggle pretty well, he can do dramatic scenes just as well as funny ones. I'm looking forward to seeing more of Simon coming to terms with his new vampire life and how he will have to say goodbye to things and people from his old life, should make for a nice dramatic arc. Colour me shocked but Jocelyn finally did something right in this episode! Glad she rediscovered her maternal feelings for Jace and saved him from the werewolves (at least for a little while). Jace really cannot catch a break, can he? He is going from one horrible situation to the next. But I guess he's better off with the Clave than with Valentine. Plus I'm sure the gang will figure out a way to keep Jace safe from harm.
  19. Agreed on both counts. The quality of season 2 is higher in all aspects. It's interesting to see Jace struggle with himself and against his father. Seeing baby Jace with the black eyes was creepy. In this week's episode I especially enjoyed the Alec and Izzy working together scenes, Alec saying that he needs Jace and Simon finally mastering his encanto. Plus his camaraderie with Magnus was fun. Oh and I was pleased by the return of sassy Raphael, even if his scene with Simon was way too short for my liking. Alec'd better not be seriously hurt. Hopefully, Magnus and/or Jace can fix him.
  20. Yay glad the show is back! I agree, Katherine's acting was much better, much more natural. Maybe the new showrunners gave her a few pointers. Also, I'm happy the show doesn't look so cheap anymore, big improvement from season 1 indeed. Watching Alec being a jerk to Magnus sucked but hey at least he apologised in the end and there was flirting. However, I hope that Malec won't just lovingly stare into each other's eyes all season, I want to see some more action between those two. This show is still good though with providing the male eye candy, I approve. I hope they will do a better job with the parabatai bond this season. It wasn't really emphasized enough and written well enough for my liking in season 1. This season premiere was a pretty good start, at least on Alec's side, so fingers crossed. I was quite surprised that they revealed that Valentine injected Jace with demon blood and experimented on him so early in the season, it happens much later in the books. But maybe they will combine parts of books 2 and 3 in this second season. Simon had a few funny oneliners in this premiere which made me chuckle. Rafael (I hope he shows up soon) should better teach Simon how to become a better vampire though, his encanto was so pathetic.
  21. Man Jamal and Derek were hot, their chemistry is just amazing. I loved their romantic kiss in front of the fire. Jamal's love life is finally going into an interesting direction. Too bad they had him OD on painkillers though. Luckily, he's got two hot guys now caring for him. And I swear if they are actually showing (or even implying) a threesome between three gay black men on network TV, my head's gonna explode. I also loved that Cookie scene you described above, SimoneS. And yay for Angelo's little speech and stripping on live TV. Hakeem is getting more and more ridiculous by the episode. And they turned Andre into the Big Bad? Not sure I'm liking that all too much.
  22. Word! I think I would have stopped watching the show if they had killed off Connor. I hated how Oliver hurt Connor in this episode. Yes Connor is lying to him and has been hiding stuff from him, but like Connor said he felt it wasn't his place. Plus if Connor confessed everything to Oliver, wouldn't Oliver become an accessory to all the crimes Connor was involved in? So in a way Connor is protecting Oliver. I don't know, I just find Oliver very unlikeable and judgmental this season. And he really does not have any rights to judge anyone, given what he did with Connor's Stanford application.
  23. WTF Hakeem?! Spouting homophobic slurs and dissing both of your brothers live on the air? That's just beyond low. I just lost all respect for Hakeem. He was way too easily swayed by Lucious who is as evil as ever. I guess it is time for Cookie to hit Hakeem with the broom again. I hate it when the brothers fight and are at odds with each other so this episode was not really enjoyable for me. At least hot D Major is back! Too bad his scene with Jamal was so short though. Hopefully, he will have more to do in episodes to come. I couldn't care less about the Shyne storyline, it bores me to tears. Taye Diggs is growing on me. The way he told Cookie he would fight for her was hot. Cookie thought so too.
  24. I really loved this episode, they packed so much in it. This show is slowly turning into a must-watch show for me, the writing and acting are consistently strong. The scene when William calls Randall son for the first time made me tear up, those two actors are just killing it. SKB was phenomenal on American Crime Story and he is just as good on This Is Us. I'm happy that he finally gets the recognition he deserves. I felt so bad for Randall when people at the school play were laughing at his daughter for playing Snow White. Glad that Milo got to shine a bit in this episode as well. I have always liked Milo as an actor, first on Gilmore Girls and then on Heroes. I guess I'm one of the few people here who loved the character of Jess on Gilmore Girls. ;) That scene with Jack snuggling up with all three kids was so heartwarming and seeing Jack apologise to Kevin for not paying attention to him and giving his speech to Kate and telling her she was a princess, that was just great. As someone who is interested in Kevin's storyline, I was also glad that we got some Kevin character development. No wonder he became an actor. I'm really curious to see how Kevin and Randall will interact as adults. To be honest, I really disliked Toby in the first three episodes. He came across as overbearing and creepy to me. But I gotta admit that his speech to Kate in this episode rang true to me and that for once he did not creep me out, this time it was Kate with her stalking of Toby's ex. Toby had a point when he called it not sane.
  25. As someone who likes blond guys a lot, I was really hoping that they would cast a blond actor for Lord John. But maybe they will dye David's hair. Still, I'm trying to be optimistic about this casting news because so far the Outlander casting department has done such a great job. Also, as Grashka pointed out above, the chemistry between Jamie and Lord John is key and if David Berry manages to bring that across I'll be satisfied with his casting. Lord John is one of my favourite characters so I'm a bit anxious that the show gets him right. I'm beyond excited about seeing adult Lord John in season 3. I just reread Voyager and there are so many scenes with him that I cannot wait to see on screen. I wish season 3 would air sooner, Droughtlander really sucks.
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