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Everything posted by rl27rl

  1. I hear you! It has always ticked me off that they say that size doesn't matter as long as they fit into the uniform. And I'm like, isn't that an oxymoron?
  2. I remember that one episode where K/J called Olivia over to speak with her and told her to follow her Group Leader which was Sydney. Right there, that told me, what an amazing and gifted dancer she was because Sydney was off and it made her look bad as a veteran and Group Leader. I always thought Sydney was a mediocre dancer at best. There's a YouTube somewhere that shows her at a hockey performance where she actually misses a kick in the kickline.
  3. I think you are on to something! I was thinking that Vivian likes to relive the (un)Glory Days!
  4. Completely agree! I go to her Instagram occasionally and though I am all for body positivity, the girl has gone overboard! She is constantly posting about how she used to feel and how she was bullied when she was on DCC:MTT and how they laughed at her because of her weight. She even went on a podcast to chastise K/J. I think you are right, it completely futzed with her.
  5. Same here! I never saw anything appealing or great about her.
  6. No, you are correct. That season just ticked me off. They took Stephanie but cut Liz Reuter, whom I thought was a WAY better dancer than Stephanie. But she was bestie's with Brooke.
  7. Gosh that photo is not a photo! It is so photo shopped! I can't stand the eyelashes as well! Has anyone noticed how big they made her sleeve to make her look skinny? It's like they took the bottom half of a thinner DCC and put her top on top of it!! STAAAPPPP it TPTB! Please! Enough with VK already!
  8. 2. My thoughts exactly! I think this whole relationship thing is a farce and Chase will dump her after he's had his 15 minutes of fame. 4. Thank god I am not the only one that noticed this! No wonder she doesn't lose weight (besides from her eating)! And I think you nailed the head on this one! I am just bummed I missed the whole cake eating thing! (Cue roll of eyes) When is she not shoving food in her face?
  9. I am also just curious as to why, someone who has plantar fasciitis, was walking around Paris with itty bitty sandals with NO support when she could barely finish a 5k in Hawaii. Did I miss something here? Because in Hawaii she was apparently in so much pain even with tennis on. And I still can't get over her and her tatas just bouncing everywhere on that bicycle! That is an image I wish they hadn't included and a scene I wish I had never seen!
  10. O.M.G. She is ridiculous! Why does she even have a show anymore? I was all for it when she first started, but now, this show is absolutely ridiculous! Her constant screaming and complaining and whining, I have had just about enough. Ugh!
  11. IICRC, she was in a car accident that messed up her back and she didn't finish the season . . . can someone add to that?
  12. Ugh! Her and her damn leggings and sports bra! In public! Yuck!
  13. Looks like she has been hitting the milkshakes again . . .
  14. Exactly! And I think that is why I was so turned off to her by then. I was rooting for her the first time and the second time, but she kept looking at herself . . .
  15. Completely agree! I use to like her and then when she made it to training camp again, she just turned me off. Also, has anyone seen her Instagram these days? Not sure how to describe it!
  16. Still can't believe she actually goes out in leggings and a sports bra . . . I'm glad I have found this board, so many of you are on target with Twit!
  17. Looks like Veruca has a little pooch going on, she looks uncomfortable sucking it in . . . is she starting on the milkshakes again?
  18. Couldn't agree more! And her engagement ring always bugged me because it looked so cloudy and fake.
  19. Amen! I am so tired of hearing this as an excuse as to why she gained so much weight too! Own up to it! Girlfriend likes to eat!
  20. I have watched her here and there on these episodes, not an avid watcher. But last night's episode, I cringed at every scream she made when they were white water rafting. I put it on mute. And I felt for Ryan having to tow her to the dock and going no where!
  21. My two cents: 1. Heather is being victim shamed, but they didn't do that to Whitney when a Halloween photo of her as Lil Wayne was "leaked" to the public and in fact became a group leader, went to Pro Bowl while preggers, and was Point 2. Glad to hear that Christina is retiring, I use to be a fan and hoped she make it, but she has no power compared to others, even roookies and some of those that have met her have mentioned her attitude problem. 3. The video upthread with the DCCs dancing with Neal McCoy was so cringe worthy. I was looking a video when Nicole Hamilton was doing a booty-pop and she and the other DCCs at that time made it look awesome. The recent one just reminded me of a sad high school girls copy cat of DCC dances. Okay, I'll get off my soap box now. Thanks! K! Bye! 😊
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