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  1. I am not 100% certain about this, but it is possible that one of the reasons Scorpion was canceled is that it did not have any sort of syndication deal, at least as far as I know it didn't. So either no one made an offer to buy any of the show's episodes or CBS rejected whatever offer might have been made because they felt it wasn't a good deal.
  2. I sort of suspect (in fact I pretty much know) that it wasn't a JLH fan at all that did this. But instead was this one particular AJC fan who admitted to me one time that she created a fake JLH twitter account in order to harass the cast and crew. I suspect (know) though it was more than one. She would than use these fake accounts to bash AJ and her character. Meanwhile she would use one of her other so call accounts to bash JLH and call her a heartless bitch for refusing to do anything about her fans that were harassing poor AJC.
  3. But isn't the custom designer herself partly to blame. Has she ever offered or at least suggested to the actress that she should wear different types of shoes. The kind that would give her the height she is looking for yet ones that she'd be better able to walk in.
  4. Sorry to be responding rather late to this. JJ did not need to be given agent status because she already had it. But other than that I feel your assessment of the character is rather spot on.
  5. I need a Reid spin off. With it's own show runner and it's own writers. Although I would probably want to steal Breen and then try to convince Sharon Lee Watson to be part of it.
  6. No she doesn't. She was however engaged at one time, but it didn't work out.
  7. I was originally in favor of Jeanne Tripplehorn leaving because I had hoped they were finally going to quit trying to bring in these replacement. I feel differently today. Because I find myself wishing things had worked out with the actress. I loved the rapport Blake and Reid had going. Not to mention I think she may have been the only person on that team to have ever considered that something she said was hurtful to him and apologized for it.
  8. Without Reid, this show which was once "mustseetv" for me, I wouldn't bother giving it the time of day. And the number one reason is of course the writing.
  9. Dear CBS/ABC Studios Please do not allow Erica Messer and her writers to do any more of these so called arcs. Because quite simply they do not seem to have the talent/creativity to be able to pull it off the way Ed Bernero and his writers were. signed a disappointed CM fan Believe it or not I actually liked watching this episode even though there were things about it that irritated me. But at the same time I find it hard press to disagree with those who felt the execution of this entire arc left much to be desired. I really hope that we will find out later in the season that there was actually something more sinister to Barnes, otherwise what in the hell was the purpose of putting the team through all of that beside just doing it for the sake of the drama. But than again I am still waiting for an explanation as to who in the hell was behind keeping Reid in Genpop during his stay in prison
  10. While it wasn't a favorite of mines neither can I say that I outright disliked it. At least in comparison to the way I have felt about some of CM's other episodes. And of course like you I was also a fan of Greenlight. Now I am waiting for Karen Maser to come up with an episode that I'd be able to find at least half way decent. Because so far she has been one big disappointment as far as I am concerned.
  11. Well this definitely speaks to there being a season 14. Otherwise they would have easily added one more episode bringing it up to 300. I just hope they do not come up with a story line for 300 as convoluted as the one they did for 200. But even more important I sincerely hope the screen time is a hell of a lot more balanced than it was in 200. That was an outright disgrace in my opinion.
  12. I concur with the "Stop it, show" sentiment. However I am of the opinion that at least Ed(the better show runner) and his (better) writers did a better job when it came to pulling off stuff like this.
  13. Someone else made a similar point in regards to Barnes vs Garcia going out in the field. And it is a point I will admit to being valid. However I will always have an issue with Garcia being put in a position where she is sometimes required to wear Kevlar. IMO as a non agent they have no damn business putting her in a position that requires her to wear it. I guess it just irks me to no end that Messer and her writers seem to totally want to overlook the fact that she is not an agent. As oppose to Ed and his writers, who whenever they did have Garcia going out with the team, still remained mindful of the fact that unlike the rest of them she was not an FBI agent but merely someone who was employed by the agency.
  14. Fair enough. I will concede that this would be another way of looking at it. And one that is more preferably to the way I saw it when I first heard Reid say what he did.
  15. I adore Reid, but sorry I take issue with him saying that Prentiss defines what it means to be a Unit Chief. Because to me it almost as if they are implying that Prentiss is a better Unit Chief than Hotch was. But hey that could just be me. And then there is Dave's line "no offense but you are not a profiler" as to why this woman should not be allowed to go out in the field with them. And yet they don't have an issue with allowing Garcia who isn't even an agent let alone a profiler going out in the field with them. Still I will admit my interest is somewhat peaked. And I will probably watch even only to see if Reid will indeed be able to talk Emily into returning and fighting for her job.
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