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Everything posted by ComicFan777

  1. Since the crossover is about Oliver exploring the question of true love, I would be inclined to think that he will be the one proposing.
  2. As much as I like Alena, I don't think she would necessarily be a good judge of whether Cayden James only became bad after ARGUS - she didn't seem too bothered by killing the person in the elevator last season so it's hazy where she would draw that line.
  3. Didn't the newbies film a scene at the BBB food truck in 6x09? - could be them just hanging out or it could be newbies thinking about going rogue...
  4. One of the things that I liked about this episode was a tiny glimpse of what Felicity's life was like when she was younger (ie. Donna forgetting to pick her up from school and not having time to make her snacks) and how it affected her. When Oliver had mentioned something about her providing snacks for William and her advice to him about what to say, it made me admire the quiet support she's been giving and how thoughtful she has been in trying to ensure that William would never feel the same way she did when she was younger. Surprisingly, I am starting to warm up to the William storyline now that Felicity is involved because I get to learn a little more about her. At the same time, it also makes me curse the BMD lie even more because I would have loved to see Oliver gain a more profound perspective in S4 had he talked to Felicity right away and she was allowed to provide her own perspective as a child who thought her dad abandoned her and what it was like growing up with just her mom.
  5. I think it's really wonderful that both Oliver and William like Felicity for her brain.
  6. Technically, quadratic equations are equations that have x^2 as the highest-degree variable, and the quadratic formula is one way to solve a quadratic equation. Some other possible ways to solve the quadratic equation are factoring, completing the square, or the square root method.
  7. Yeah, on the night Oliver asked her to go to dinner with him and William, Felicity mentioned something about being a buffer or something...I assumed that she must have met him already and was a buffer before then - you know, as "Dad's friend," because he's used to that kind of thing with Samantha.
  8. I think Thea had a uniform. I found that some private schools do and don't. Most of the private grade schools in my area do, whereas a lot of the private high schools have been phasing out uniform requirements.
  9. The only reason I could think of to explain William getting bullied is if Star City citizens assumed that Oliver was the Hood and became the Green Arrow. If William went to private school with the one-percenters, then I could see William getting bullied since his dad took down a lot of rich people.
  10. That is exactly what it is - that is what made OTA special. If Dinah is put in a sorta co-leader role, I think it would feel unearned because it's as if she's saying, "Hey, I'm new here, but I know better than you," - discounting all the experience OTA has gained over the years. But from what we have seen so far, Dinah has been inserted into Laurel's place in almost every way, so yeah, we'd be in the exact same place as before - the writers would be doing this simply for comic canon dynamics even if it makes no sense here - like the 100th episode.
  11. I think the writers want to move Dinah into a sorta co-leader type role because they want the GA butting heads with BC dynamic. It used to be Diggle and Felicity disagreeing with Oliver - now OTA is more in sync with each other in some ways since they've walked in each other's shoes and have a deeper understanding of each other, so we don't see them fight in the same way as they did in S1 and S2 - it's not to say that they never disagree, but they discuss rather than take stances because they all operate in shades of grey. The writers probably want to bring the kind of arguing/fighting dynamic back with Dinah (coming from the law perspective) taking the moral high ground while being on equal footing with Oliver. I think they wanted to do this with Laurel, but Oliver/Laurel fighting always had a bitterness/hatred to it - they've tried to correct this with Dinah by removing that awful history.
  12. If they are thinking about doing a BOP with Dinah, then it would have been better to gradually ease her into being a co-leader - arcs that highlight an earned trust with each member of the team and a gradual work-up of showing her make good decisions rather than sudden jump to ordering people around. We've seen Felicity and Diggle gradually earn their spots as co-leaders and partners over the years onscreen. Even with a potential for spinoff, Dinah jumping straight from being newest newbie to being bossy comes across as very arrogant. In the first episode of the season, we find out that she decidedly helps Lance hide his secret about BS - everyone thought BS was dead and then she comes back killing a lot of people. Why should the team trust Dinah's decisions when it reminds me of when Laurel decided to raise Sara from the dead, chain her up in the basement, and not tell anyone and then the team starts hearing about a crazy lady who got loose and started killing people in the next town over. This is so not the way to earn people's trust, writers!
  13. Because of his conversation with Diggle in 3x01, I'm guessing he must have ran out of money by the start of the season - since he mentioned that was the reason why he had to make Baby Sara's necklace instead of buying something.
  14. Does Oliver have money though? I thought in 3x01 when he gave Diggle Baby Sara's necklace... Diggle said you cannot afford this and Oliver said I can't afford anything, which is why I made it.
  15. I could see Oliver taking time off arrowing since the team is really big now. But would he be able to get paid leave from being mayor? Since he's a single parent, I think it would be hard to take time off from a job to take care of his kid for 5 months.
  16. Yeah, I think Dinah this season has pretty much continued what they were trying to do with Laurel in S4: being on Team Arrow and being bossy, having heart-to-hearts with Diggle, having a father-daughter relationship with Lance, being a sorta justice warrior as a cop instead of DA. She's replaced Laurel in almost every way because she has the canary cry.
  17. From Felicity's: "I know we talked about it and that he's getting used to me and it might be a little weird to...I mean, confusing, right, for him...for us...for me...for you." I take it as Oliver and Felicity are dating, but they are keeping it low-key and haven't really officially announced it to William yet because he is still settling in.
  18. I don't think that Felicity had other plans and that's why she didn't go to dinner with Oliver and William. I get the impression that she's having a hard time knowing when is the right time to try to fit into Oliver and William's life as Oliver's girlfriend - as much as she would love to spend time with them, she wouldn't want to intrude when William hasn't even really accepted Oliver as his father yet.
  19. I think that it would have made sense for a panicked Samantha, not caring how dangerous it would be, to head back to the temple where the villains set up their base to see if William was hidden in one of the rooms...maybe they overlooked something. She'd want to rush back there before the explosions because the path would be gone afterwards. The villains would be unlikely to bomb their own base, so if she could make it there in time, she would find shelter, too.
  20. I've seen some lauriver fans say the whole "I love you" declaration at the end of season 2 was a lie Oliver concocted just to save Laurel from Slade - so of course, they would be fine with it.
  21. I don't really like Iris's wedding dress, but I guess, I can't see the whole thing: https://twitter.com/ThemysciraBound/status/918265349392424960
  22. I think in real life, you would need a marriage license for the marriage to be legal, but I could imagine Felicity hacking in the database to issue one and back-date it accordingly.
  23. One random thing...when I was looking into Tornado Twins just because, I stumbled on stuff about Earth 22 where Wally actually had twins named Barry and Iris West. Given the earlier discussions about Iris and Barry being like brother-sister - I found it amusing that in another universe, there is a Barry and Iris that are actually brother and sister, with Iris being the spunky speedster superhero and Barry being the broody guy who is always inclined to follow every one of her ideas.
  24. UC, San Diego for bioengineering and chemical physics...kinda dropped the medical part when I realized that blood made me too quesy.
  25. At Johns Hopkins, you get a MD-PhD - https://www.bme.jhu.edu/graduate/md-phd/ Other places that have both can be found here: https://students-residents.aamc.org/applying-medical-school/article/mdphd-degree-programs-state/ I was considering this program once upon a time, so there are programs out there that have both medical and bioengineering concentrations combined in a single program.
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