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Everything posted by WordFreak

  1. Thanks! I must have missed that part somehow. Makes sense.
  2. The beanball storyline was a bit uncomfortable for me, since the team I cheer for seems to get involved in that sort of thing entirely too often. Still, I thought it was a good device to help Ginny get some allies on her team, instead of further alienating her from the group. I enjoyed the storyline with the manager Al, especially the part when it turned out he could speak Korean and no one seemed to be aware of that. Now, I know this show isn't totally based in reality, but don't most teams have someone on staff to act as an interpreter for non-English speaking players? I know the Blue Jays have an interpreter on call for Spanish speaking players, and I've seen players on other teams doing press conferences with interpreters also. Just a little nitpick though. Overall, I'm really enjoying this show, which means it will probably be cancelled soon. I hope not...
  3. This show was a nice bit of escapism last night when my Blue Jays were slowly killing their playoff chances in a horrible game. I got to thinking they could use a motivational speech along the lines of the one Lawson gave the team in this episode. That said, I'm still really enjoying this show. I liked the insights we got into Lawson's failed marriage and his fears that his career is coming to an end. Perhaps that explains his bravado a little bit; projecting a bit of a cocky attitude to distract from his insecurities. I thought his scene with his ex-wife was nice, and showed a very real side to his character. Yes, the scenes with Kimmel were a bit weird, but I think having Ginny speak out on the rape case was a good way to show her struggle to fit in with the guys while at the same time recognizing that young girls are looking up to her, as an example of a strong female. Add me to the list of Dan Lauria fans. He's such a great actor, and I think he's well cast on this show. He just looks like someone who's been managing a baseball team for years!
  4. Huge baseball fan here (go Jays go!), and I am pretty excited about this show. I thought the first episode was pretty good, and I like that MLB is fully behind the show, so that they can depict real teams instead of made up ones. Looking forward to seeing what other MLB figures appear in cameos as the season goes on. I think this show will be just the thing to tide me over once this baseball season is over and I'm waiting an eternity for the next one to start.
  5. I have to say I really enjoyed this finale. Sadly, I actually watched every season of this show, even when it started to decline somewhat. The only other show I watched as long was ER. I enjoyed the nostalgia of seeing so many past contestants, and couldn't believe that I actually remembered them all! Kelly Clarkson will always be my favourite idol, so I really enjoyed the medley of her songs she performed. Could have done without the JLo segment, but I enjoyed the performances by Keith and Harry; that girl singing with Harry was so poised, it was like performing on such a huge stage was no big deal for her! I'm happy for Trent for winning. I liked both him and LaPorsha, but thought Trent was more versatile. LaPorsha will be just fine, especially since I heard she got a record deal as well. I will miss this show and all the cheesy goodness it brought us over the years, but I will not be surprised if it returns in some other format in a few years. If nothing else, this finale shows that Idol brought us many talented singers, and I am glad that clips from the show will live on on YouTube.
  6. Wow. So much to unpack after watching this. First off, I just want to say I think this was some of the best television I have seen in a while. I've already given shout-outs for the amazing acting, so let me just add my admiration for the writers as well. They did an excellent job of taking the major issues from this trial and presenting them in an intelligent, compelling way. Hopefully, Emmy pays attention. I was about 16 when the verdict was originally read, and I remember it clearly. I was in my Italian class, and the teacher had obtained a TV for us to watch on, since she knew we wouldn't get any work done until we knew the decision. When the not guilty verdict was read, I remember being stunned, since even with my basic understanding of legal procedure, I knew a horrible mistake had been made. When I went to my next class, I remember some other students who were football fans yelling, "Don't squeeze the Juice!" celebrating the verdict. Watching it again on this show brought that feeling of disappointment and disillusionment I originally felt right back. Some highlights from the episode: -I thought Robert K's reaction was beautifully played, particularly the vomiting in the bathroom after the verdict, and his walking away from that bizarre party at the end -The prosecution's press conference was powerful, especially when Darden broke down in tears and was embraced by the Goldmans. All of the aftermath with Clark and Darden's disappointment and sadness was excellent. You could really see how much this trial cost both of them on a personal level - My heart broke all over again for the Goldmans. First of all, their son and brother was barely even mentioned in the trial, and then they didn't even get any justice. During the closing credits, when updates were given on all the key figures, I was outraged to see that in the civil trial, the Goldmans were supposed to be awarded $33 million, but only received about 500K. Talk about yet another slap in the face. Other things stood out for me too, but the above moments were the most powerful for me. I was very moved by the photos of Nicole and Ron that were shown at the end. It was a powerful reminder that the trial was supposed to be about them, but that fact was lost in the circus of a trial. I'm sad that they still have not received justice. I will miss this show, but look forward to seeing what's in store for season 2.
  7. Not much more I can say about this that hasn't already been said. I'll just add: 1. Emmys all around. Each week, I am thoroughly impressed by the acting on this show, and even actors I wasn't sold on in the beginning have grown on me, in particular Travolta and Schwimmer. 2. I'm sad that there's only one episode left. The show has flown by so quickly and I know I'll miss it. I can't wait to see how this will all be wrapped up next week, but I know that seeing the verdict again will outrage me just as much as it did when I saw it originally.
  8. Damn this show is good. I'm sorry that there are only two episodes left. Add me to the list of posters who thought the use of music in this episode was brilliant. I actually chuckled when Another One Bites the Dust came on, and thought to myself, "well played show." Fight the Power was the perfect choice for the jury revolt also. Watching RK come to terms with OJ's guilt was powerful. I've always been haunted by his expression when the verdict was read, because you could clearly see his realization that OJ had gotten away with murder, and he had played a small part in that. It makes me wonder what impact that knowledge had on RK in the time after the trial, and it's a shame he's no longer around so that we might learn about that. I had trouble with Schwimmer in this role at the beginning of this show, but I've come to appreciate his performance. I thought he really nailed it last night.
  9. Watching this show is like watching a horrible trainwreck, yet I can't look away. While uncomfortable and painful to witness, it's fascinating. And yes, Sarah Paulson killed it in this episode; give her the Emmy now. As angry as I was watching Marcia be constantly scrutinized for her appearance and for her struggles balancing the case with being a mom, I admit I did laugh at the Rick James comment. Not much else to add that hasn't already been said; I'm just looking forward to the next episode.
  10. Where to start? Well, I'm not sorry about any of the four who didn't make it. I'm especially glad that Jenn is gone, with her contrived quirkiness, as well as Jeneve, who I felt massive secondhand embarrassment for in each performance. That said, can we take a moment to once again acknowledge the awesomeness of Kelly Clarkson? I just love her. I love her total lack of pretense and her self-deprecating comments; she just seems like a really genuine person to me. And, her talent is undeniable. That song she sang was so moving; let's just say Keith wasn't the only one who was crying... On to the contestants: Olivia - She reminds me of Taylor Swift, and I can't stand her. Pronunciation also drives me up the wall. Can go at any time. Gianna - Not feeling it; tired of hearing about her famous mother. Meh overall. Lee - Good raw material, but needs to work on enunciation and pitch. Avalon - I find her to be a nice antidote to the more pageant-y singers here (Sonika, Gianna). Agree with KC in that I don't like the artists whose songs she chooses, but she makes the songs enjoyable. Dalton - He's great. I like how he switches up the songs, and I get a kick out of his personality. Great stage presence. Tristan - Meh. Good voice, but was terrible and pitchy tonight. Too hit-or-miss for me. Mackenzie - I like him, but admittedly, I tend to like WGWGs, unlike many other posters on here. LaPorsha - I like her. Can't stand Rihanna in general, but LaPorsha made me like this song. Sonika - Gorgeous voice, but was very pageant-y previously. Enjoyed seeing her try something different tonight, and it worked. Trent - Can't decide what I think of him. Alternate between thinking he's good and awful. Only time will tell... So, while there are some people here I can root for, mostly I just wish we could crown Kelly Clarkson again!
  11. What a great episode. I loved seeing the interpersonal conflicts playing out amongst the defence team, and the jury selection process. I also thought the scene with Fred Goldman and Marcia Clark was very well done, and couldn't believe the actor's uncanny resemblance to the real Fred Goldman. As I watch this, I realize how little I remember about some of the actual participants in this trial. I was in high school when this all happened, and I remember major aspects of the trial and how it devolved into a sideshow, but that's about it. I confess I don't recall any of this business with Faye Resnick, but man, what a piece of work she was, if how she's being depicted is true! Also, was Shapiro really that much of a douche, or is the show playing up certain aspects of these people's personalities to ramp up the drama? If he really was that bad, all I can say is wow. I'm not usually a fan of Travolta, but he is really doing a bang-up job here of depicting Shapiro's arrogance. Too bad I'm so distracted by his face!
  12. Interesting. I'm okay with most of the people who advanced, but I really wish Jenn and Olivia hadn't. Both of them just scream "contrived" to me, and I cannot stand how Olivia pronounces words when she sings. I can't put my finger on what it is exactly that she does, but it just sounds weird. As for the returning idols, I actually enjoyed seeing David Cook, as I really liked him on his season. I thought Jordin was a great mentor, who actually gave her duet partners concrete advice that made their performances better. I also enjoyed seeing Chris Daughtry again, and loved his celebration when Dalton got through. The other three returnees were neither here nor there for me. Also, thanks to BogoGog24 for reminding me of who Kory was, after I didn't remember his existence on Wednesday's show. As it turns out, his existence is a moot point, given what happened last night. Boy, did he look pissed when his name wasn't called! On the whole, there are a few people in this group of 14 for me to root for, but I'm not too excited about this season as of yet.
  13. Who is Kory? I swear I watched the whole show last night, and I have absolutely no recollection of a Kory. Not a good sign, when you can't remember a contestant exists. Speaks volumes about the talent (or lack thereof) on display last night....
  14. Just a quick comment here about the inclusion of the K kids in this show. I guess what bothers me the most about it that it only gives the Kardashians more exposure than they already have. I keep wishing they would just go away and we wouldn't have to hear about them ever again, but this will only happen if everyone stops talking about them, writing about them, watching their vapid show and buying their crappy products and apps. Depicting the kids in this show unfortunately just puts the spotlight on them again and gives people another avenue in which to discuss them (as I am doing right now. You gotta love irony!) We know Robert Sr. was involved in the OJ trial, so I guess I just wish we could see him without being reminded of the vacuous famewhores his children became. Now, I feel so much better having gotten that off my chest, LOL.
  15. I really enjoyed this episode. When all of this originally went down, I was way more interested in the trial than all the stuff with the Bronco chase, so I'm glad we're now closer to the main event, so to speak. I enjoyed seeing how OJ's legal team came together, and getting some insight into the strategies each side (prosecution and defence) planned to use. Knowing how those plans turned out adds an interesting extra layer to this show I think. Overall, a good episode, and I look forward to next week.
  16. Maybe it's just me, but I'm finding this show to be rather uneven so far. While I find some of the acting quite good (Cuba Gooding Jr., Sarah Paulson, Courtney B. Vance), other casting / performances are distracting. When I watch Schwimmer, all I can see is Ross, and John Travolta's horrible plastic surgery makes it hard for me to focus on his acting. Not just that, but the tone of this seems kind of all over the place as well. Here we have the Bronco chase with OJ close to killing himself the whole time (serious), and then the K kids watching their dad on TV and chanting their name. That moment put the episode into camp territory for me, if just for a moment. Then at the end, when OJ asked for orange juice, I felt the same thing. Despite these issues however, I'm going to keep watching; I was in high school when this trial happened, and I want to see how this show handles that debacle. I guess if nothing else, right now I'm enjoying the cheese factor of this show so far. MMV of course.
  17. "Na na na na, na na na na, hey hey hey, GOODBYE! Best news I've heard all day.
  18. Autumnh, thank you for sharing your experience. I am so sorry that you had to go through such a horrible thing, but I hope you are finding peace and healing now. And to all of the other posters on here who have shared your experiences of sexual abuse, please know that I wish nothing but good things for you as you move forward. I hope you continue to stay strong. Virtual hugs to you all. I guess this is the other thing about this whole debacle that angers me. If only the Duggar girls who were preyed on by their brother had any access to the real world. Maybe then they would realize they aren't alone, and that there is actual, legitimate help, and people who care about their welfare out there. They certainly aren't learning any of that stuck in the Duggar bubble of delusion. Thanks again to everyone who has posted here for your thoughtful, honest and intelligent commentary. It's the main reason I keep visiting this forum, even though the topic we're discussing disgusts me.
  19. I too, am sorry to see this show go. I've been a fan of Dean Winters since Oz, and it was great to see him in a lead role on this. I thought the show was coming together nicely, and it had the potential to be something pretty good. Too bad it was scheduled in such a bad time slot. I'm glad at least that we got a semblance of closure on some of the story lines. We got an explanation of why Milt was in Battle Creek, and we knew that Russ and Holly were going to take a chance on a relationship. It's a shame we won't see how any of that works out in the long term. Farewell Battle Creek. It was fun while it lasted!
  20. I never post about this show, but I have greatly enjoyed reading all of the snark from you guys. Well, those days are over. No longer is there anything to snark about on this show. This whole situation with Josh makes me sick. I feel horrible for his victims, his wife and his children, but I'm having a very hard time mustering up any sympathy for Josh, and especially not his "parents." Yes, Josh was a victim to some degree, given the ultra-repressive atmosphere JB and Michelle have created. But, in the end, his actions were his own; he was old enough to have some concept that what he was doing was wrong, but he did it anyway. Though this whole situation is appalling and sad, what really makes my blood boil is the fact that Josh and his parents continue to blithely sweep this whole incident under the rug. Nobody takes any real responsibility for what happened, and the statements the family have released thus far use a lot of words to say a whole lot of nothing. Josh's statement is especially frustrating because it focuses only on how it affected his life, and gives no consideration to the hell he put the victims through. Perhaps if these people had any self-awareness, and dealt with this situation in a real, honest and productive way, the public reaction wouldn't be quite so vicious. As far as I'm concerned, this family needs to disappear from TV and from the public eye, the sooner the better. I hope the victims and Josh get real counselling and are able to recover from this whole horrible debacle. Somehow I doubt that will happen, but a girl can dream I guess.
  21. This was definitely better than I thought it would be, but add me to the list who thought Mr. Scratch would have been a better choice for the finale. I also was bugged that Meg was smart enough to figure out how to try and save herself, but somehow stupid enough to get herself into trouble in the first place. The writing there didn't make much sense. Also, it was stupid that yet again, JJ was front and center shooting the unsub, knowing that she was pregnant. Just once, couldn't another team member have been the one to save the day? That said, I did like JJ's pregnancy reveal to Reid, and I loved the scene at the end with Hotch and Kate. I thought the hug was really sweet, and I thought both actors played the scene really well. This season, I learned it is important not to judge things before they've happened. When I first heard JLH was going to be joining the cast, I was a bit worried, and thought she might be out of place on the show. However, I found myself really enjoying her character, and now I'm sorry she won't be back next season (assuming there is one). Maybe she can come back in some kind of guest capacity once she's had her baby. Overall, pretty good episode, and definitely better than the last few season finales, IMO.
  22. Meh. This whole episode has pretty much been done before, as many others have noted here. After last week's awesomeness, this was rather subpar. Way too much unsub, and the case didn't make much sense. I did like the hooker hitting on Reid, and Reid looked good in the episode, but that's about all the positives I can think of. Though I like Kate, I just can't muster up any enthusiasm or concern over what happens to her niece. I guess I'm getting tired of the season finales where a member of the team or someone connected to them is in peril, but the niece just seems so peripheral to the show that I'm really not invested in anything involving her. Also, I guess Hotch is just fine and dandy now, even after the trauma he suffered in the last episode. Either that, or they'll someday tack on a PTSD episode for him, much like the one we got this season with JJ. The lack of rhyme or reason for events and plot lines on this show lately can be mind boggling sometimes.
  23. That's why I was confused I guess. You're right that the arrest scene wasn't from Hotch's POV - it was Morgan and JJ who arrested Lewis. However, it didn't seem to me like Hotch came out of his delusion until the very end, when he was ready to tell Rossi what happened. I might need to see it again to sort it out. At any rate, I liked the ambiguity of the ending, and that I'm still thinking about the episode now, unlike most where I've forgotten it almost immediately.
  24. I finally got to see this episode, and my reaction boils down to, WTF?!, but in the best way possible. Loved this episode! While I don't think some aspects of the case would hold up under intense scrutiny, I thought this was effectively creepy and suspenseful. MGG did an excellent job directing this one, and I loved the fact that Hotch was front and centre. He's been underused for far too long, but I thought TG nailed it with his performance here. Loved that they couldn't rely on Garcia's magic supercomputer to solve everything, and Reid had a prominent role this time. Not too much JJ or Morgan either, but what was there was not annoying. It will take a while for me to get the sound of Mr. Scratch appearing out of my mind - so creepy! I also enjoyed that the ending was a bit ambiguous, in terms of what was real and what was a hallucination. My reading was that Hotch was still hallucinating when Peter Lewis gave him that weird smile while being placed in the police car. It seemed to me that Hotch only snapped out of the hallucination at the very end of the episode, when he said to Rossi, "This is what happened." Am I way off here, or did anyone else see it this way? Regardless, I thought this was a really strong episode, and wish more of the episodes were this well put together.
  25. Thanks, BigBlueMastiff, for bringing up the story of the name Gunnar. That was my grandfather's name, and he just happened to have Norwegian ancestry. I always thought it was kind of a cool name, so I had to laugh when Norma and Romero were saying what a stupid name it is. Anyway, what a great episode this was - I especially enjoyed the dinner scene. So many layers of meaning in that scene. This show just keeps getting better and better.
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