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Everything posted by MulletorHater

  1. Thank you. The lack of self-awareness exhibited by Meek-a and her fiance never fails to astound me. Evidently, they forgot all about that hot mic moment, where they all but agreed to peddle softball questions to the cretin they helped to legitimize. They must have also forgotten that powder puff interview Meek-a gave Malignia. They apparently forgot about the September 2016 trip to the Trump Tower of Doom that received so much attention and how their coverage of him became so favorable that viewers and media watchdogs alike called them out on it. It mirrors their behavior during Governor Christie's bridge closure scandal, which they mocked and ridiculed until it could no longer be ignored. Their self-congratulatory pats on the back disgust me. And, I'm still waiting for that apology to their viewers for turning their show into Morning Trump for the better part of a year.
  2. Will someone please remind Fauxdilocks that if Lame was really a true blue, faithful, good guy that she wouldn't be with him now?
  3. I'm pissed off at everybody involved with this shit, as it was so unnecessary. I will always resent the "Summer of Sheila/Fall of Fuckery," as it screwed up storylines and pairings in an effort at "shock and awe." Not to mention the added bonus of propping Quinn, whose forays into bat-shit craziness are now all but forgotten. Now, this mess has limped along to this pitiful resolution. I won't even touch on the stunt casting of the always delightful Ian Buchanan to move this foolery forward. All I know is that we wuz ROBBED! How in the bloody hell did the fallout of Quidge become all about fucking Sheila wanting to be "Mrs. Eric Forresterrrrr" again? It's apparent that Bradley and his team of hacks are making this shit up as they go along with no forethought to the lasting damage to the show's characters whatsoever. It's all about the next big thing that he thinks will draw viewers in. Meanwhile, the ratings and those coveted demos continue to slide... And, because I'm in such a salty mood this morning, I would be the first person to volunteer to literally kick KB's ass back to her avocado farm, or onto the campaign trail, where she belongs. Whatever that young tenderoni Wyatt has going on between his legs, he needs to bottle it and sell it.
  4. Lovely! Bill turns to his slippery slag of a slattern-in-law who is "a forbidden love." Will he be high, hallucinating or drunk? What's forbidden about a slag with an open-leg policy who has everything she has because of her ass? I'll be tuning out on this bullshit.
  5. WORD. And, the thing I'm still trying to wrap my mind around is that Mika is marrying Joe. Joe, being the co-host who stuck his finger in her face, has berated her on national television numerous times and who publicly disrespects her in other ways. What is it about Joe that says "marriage material" to any woman? I won't even touch on the fact that they shilled for the ultimate P-grabber, who is squatting in the White House.
  6. Well, they can certainly start by recasting the role with someone who looks as if he could be the son of KKL and RM circa 1987, and who could actually act. Oh, and he should at least look and sound like someone a girl would want to give up her virginity to. The show already had no shortage of GarBridge pimps and cheerleaders and didn't need RJ in that role. How great would it have been if Brooke and Ridge's SORAS'ed son actually had a refreshingly honest outlook on his parents' many trips to the altar and repeated failures to make their "destiny" work? Most children of divorce at some point have already figured out that their parents are better off not being together especially under the same roof. RJ could have simply taken the position, "It's all good; I just want my mom happy," and left it at that. It has always infuriated me that Ridge can jump into bed with and marry whomever he pleases, and his little mini-me barely utters a peep. But, the moment Brooke steps out of line, it's a constant barrage of criticism, manipulation and guilt-tripping. Writers, just stop it already. Either kill of RJ or send him back to whatever school he was in offscreen and have him return in the form of a fine-ass recast, who could talk my panties off. But, it's a typical Bell formula, even on Y&R. Evidently, folks get married for the sake of the baby, but they have to stay married and/or reconcile repeatedly for the sake of grown ass kids who need to mind their own damn business and who know full well exactly why their parents' marriage(s) were doomed. Coco is one of those blink-and-you-miss-her characters. As someone commented upthread, people die in alcohol-related and failure-to-pay-attention car accidents all the time. The writers definitely failed us in that regard back in July.
  7. I appreciate that Joe actually took the time to call out his party, whose mantra has been "Support the Troops!" Yet, one might as well hear crickets chirping after the spectacle "the adult in the room" made last week when he attempted to discredit Rep. Wilson.
  8. Thank you, Eliot. I'm beyond sick of people telling Black folks "how" they should grieve, "how" they should or shouldn't speak up, and "how" they're not supposed to be offended or are being overly sensitive. Fuck that noise. Anyone trying to defend Drumpf's behavior or explain it away needs to take a good, long look in a mirror and check themselves. And, then ask, why does someone need to be tutored on how to properly offer condolences to someone. I'm sick of everything this fool does being graded on a curve. Things such as good manners, empathy, and human decency can't be "taught" to a 71-year-old malignant narcissist. Maybe unhealed bone spurs makes a motherfucker emotional and he understands the struggle. But, why must everything someone says be met with a fucking Tweet? Yet, his bloated, little fingers can't dial Mrs. Johnson and apologize. Nope! He has to call a grieving Mrs. Johnson a liar. How pathetic is it that standards are so low that something that should have brought comfort to a grieving family only ended up causing them more heartache and aggravation. And, Joe, please quit trying to put distance between yourself and the man you and your fiancee gave hours of free advertising to throughout 2016 up to Election Day.
  9. So, is today the day that Stuffy officially became the "Ivanka Trump" and matriarch of the Spencer clan because of her "calming influence" on her father-in-law? Fuck outta here!
  10. Well, "poor Katie" must maintain the illusion of her virtue. The beauty of this woman and other soap characters just like her is that people very seldom, if ever, call them on their bullshit and when they do, those truth tellers end up looking like bullies. Never mind that characters like Katie give as good as they get. As an added bonus, when all else fails, Katie has a bad heart that she can use to manipulate and control those around her. I've seen pictures of DD at those B&B events and he always looks as if he's having a blast. Just because he likes JMW personally doesn't translate to his wanting to be in scenes with that wooden thing every damn day. I'll give him his props though because he's a real trooper and a professional. There was a blind item published a few years ago during the first round of "stink" where he reportedly complained to the director because JMW stuck her tongue in his mouth during a kissing scene, which is a professional no-no.
  11. Thanks for the recap, CountryGirl! Whatever JMW is doing to herself, she needs to stop. NOW. While there is still time. Otherwise, she will end up being a cautionary tale like the actress who used to play her TV mom. At the very least, some reputable professional should have placed a cease and desist order on anymore procedures for her. This goes beyond bad wigs/horse hair and troweled on makeup. The cheek implants are more obvious than ever and her face is stretched so tightly that it simply doesn't move anymore. As horrid of an actress JMW is, her face is devoid of anything resembling emotion . And, speaking of makeup, the cat-eye look that's prevalent now does her no favors whatsoever. Plus, I thought the "rule" was if you're wearing a bright red lip, the blush should be toned down considerably. Don't even get me started on the stenciled-on Instagram brow look. As for Bill's slattern-in-law, I'm not sure what the writers are going for here. All I know is that my own father-in-law is one of the most gorgeous men I've ever met but I would never massage his thigh especially under the guise of "consoling" him.
  12. I agree, GrisGris. KKL's body language speaks volumes. She is clearly comfortable with JM and they seem to fit together like a couple of comfortable slippers.
  13. Here's a picture of IR (nu-Thorne) on the set with KKL, JM and TK. Based on this pic, Brooke Spencer, we hardly knew ye!
  14. Thanks for that explanation, TobinAlbers. It certainly goes a long way toward explaining how a one-woman crime spree has been elevated to lady of the manor with pristine drawers. All of her vile and heinous acts have been thrown into the sea of forgetfulness, never to arise or be thought of anymore. Evidently, according to B&B lore, sleeping with one's son-in-law and having his child out of wedlock is a far bigger crime than kidnapping, rape, physical assaults, stalking, possible murder and other crimes of moral turpitude. And, all it took for Brad Bell to accomplish that was dusting off two of B&B's super villains, Sheila and Deacon, to give him a little help along the way. This show managed to go from zero to shitty in a matter of weeks. As pretty as Mateo is, I can't watch this jack of all trades have yet another massage session with Quinn. Sheila's ass needs to die for good. Nor, am I willing to sit through Katie acting all brand new when she pulled a gun on Quinn (without even knowing if it was loaded) in the middle of a psychotic break (Katie's, that is). And, I'm definitely not about to watch Bill dip his wick into the stale and rotted honeypot of the Stank One. I apologize in advance for the visual. And, am I to understand it that Sludge can't go into SP without wanting to throw up in his mouth? This is just simply too delicious not to comment on. Look in a mirror, buddy, and you will understand why I might feel the same. And, now, it appears that Brooke is pimping in a roundabout way for the inevitable "stink?" Of course, these hacks have all the subtlety of a Mack truck.
  15. This perfectly explain why I can't stand Quinn and never could. Somebody should have busted a cap in her ass a long time ago. The woman has absolutely no boundaries whatsoever. It reminds me of when she walked into Brooke's house one day and marched upstairs to Brooke's bedroom to confront Bill about making their silly son an heir or some other such foolery. Am I to understand it that this trick ass bitch was rolling around on a bed with Ridge in a guesthouse on her huzzzzbend's property just a few short months ago, flirting with Ridge, sharing "just a few kisses" with him, constantly regurgitating their stolen moments and clinging to him like a dying patient needing a new liver? And, now she wants to act all extra? Bitch, please. I have no dog in this fight, but it's a shame that those knock-down-drag-out-wig-snatching-earring-removing cat fights were wasted on Quinn and Sheila. I suppose the writers are setting up another pretext for Quinn and Eric to disagree about, since he already knew about Watie and didn't share that information with his beloved wife. Plus, I've always gotten a creepy vibe from Quinn's unseemly over-involvement in her son's love life. It will be like deja vu all over again for Eric.
  16. Thanks for the recap, CountryGirl! I'm just sorry that you-know-who just had to be a part of it. And, why does she look like the Joker?
  17. The problem with these idiot writers is that they function like politicians who lie in real time or who took contradictory positions on certain issues a few years ago only to turn around now and say something else. The problem is that there are always receipts--whether in writing, by video, or through social media that will contradict those lies. Just like with Throoke, Bricky and now Brill, we have our receipts. They are all over the frigging internet thanks to YouTube and other people's private collections, which they have chosen to share. The receipts are contained in soap magazines, which promoted these pairings. The receipts are contained in the ratings that these pairings brought to B&B. Plus, we have our own memories. We know what we witnessed. Yet, these idiots treat the audience they need as if we are either stupid, have Alzheimer's or are the victims of some mass hallucinations. Even worse, they treat us as if we will buy the happy horse manure they shovel at us with no complaint. It's downright insulting to be basically told that we shouldn't believe our lying eyes. Nor, does it help that DD and KKL were out there promoting Brill as recently as August, indicating that the honeymoon was definitely not over for this couple and that they hoped the pairing would last for a considerable amount of time. How do you trash a relationship that began organically 5 years ago between 2 people who couldn't stand each other? All just to give a couple of superfluous actors something to do. Yes, I'm especially looking at you, JMW. It's bad enough that Brooke and Bill's relationship has been decimated, but so has Bill's relationship with his son, Liam. It was one of the few organic and enjoyable father-son relationships that exist on this show. But, PLOT, PLOT, PLOT! Now, Brooke is back to ping-ponging between men, crying and not having any control over her life whatsoever. In fucking 2017! I think that's what I find most offensive of all about this mess. The actress deserves so much better at this point. What happened to the self-assured woman who told Bill months before that she was taking control of her life? In fact, she first told him that she didn't even want to get married; she just wanted her and Bill to be together. What happened to that woman? And, am I to understand it that she brought up Bill's dumping Sludge's ass out of a helicopter as a factor--but she married Bill anyway? It makes no sense whatsoever. That is until you realize that Brooke married and/or was set to marry at least 3-4 times a man who sexually assaulted her in her own home while she was zonked out on Xanax. And, her rapist did this after she told him to leave her home. That this same man is even in her sphere with their unattractive kid and is being considered or teased as an option is simply mind-boggling. I remember years ago during Throoke, CBS' switchboards reportedly lit up because KKL got so into her scene with WH that she used an expletive ("goddammit, Thorne!") on television. Apparently, she ad-libbed that line and Brad Bell refused to do a retake and offered to pay the FCC fine up front. Wouldn't it be so satisfying if KKL broke out of character and told all the men in her life--including her GarBridge and Beric promoting sons--to back the FUCK off and give her some breathing room and ask how much more can a bitch take? Hell, I would raise money to pay the fine my damn self if that happened.
  18. Okay...raise your hand if anyone really believed the words coming out of Bill's mouth? Two or three weeks ago, I would have kind of believed it but the writers did such a thorough job of trashing Bill beyond recognition--and redemption--that I as a day one Brooke fan would have no problem if she simply walked away. Especially since it hasn't escaped my notice that he spent more time with Skankerella and telling her that she was the "total package" or some other such nonsense. I have purposely avoided reading the spoilers, but if Bill is going to go after Lame (um, when did he actually stop doing that?) then it is clear that Brooke isn't going to budge. I guess Brill is truly over--just in time for nu-Thorne, I suppose. While we got a Skankerella respite, I was none too thrilled to see her father and sometime brother. As for Sludge and Slouchy--what Brooke chooses to do with Bill is really none of their business. Just because Bill is behaving like a sociopathic piece of shit that doesn't mean that Brooke should wallow in a trough with a known pig and piglet just so they can perpetrate the delusion that they are fambly.
  19. Thanks for the walk down memory lane, Anna Yolei. That's why I could never, ever take Lame and Stuffy seriously as love's young dream. First of all, I never saw the chemistry and I've always believed that she fixated on Lame because (a) he saved her miserable life and (b) she couldn't have daddy and accepted Lame as the consolation prize. Plus, there was the added bonus of sticking it to Hope, who was one of the "evil Logan wimmen." What Stuffy's stank-ho ass won't admit is that there's nothing like getting a little help from your friends to nab the guy who wouldn't have otherwise paid any attention to her beyond playing her savior. At least Ridge actually took the time, energy and effort to romance Dr. Hayes before proposing to her in St. Thomas. Admittedly, she did have a little--well a lot--of help from a powerful friend along the way. But, unlike her daughter, Taylor had some professional accomplishments at a relatively young age and she at least had a moral compass and real compassion for others. Unfortunately, she and Ridge gave birth to and subsequently reared a sociopath with no redeeming qualities whatsoever. As for "Steamless?" I don't watch Lame and Stuffy, but I have to ask, did he ever make a real effort to romance her? I vaguely recall them being on their way to Hawaii for their honeymoon, only to have Bill and Brooke with Will in tow, board the plane and head to Aspen. From what little I managed to watch of the TOD, I could have sworn that most of Lame and Stuffy's time was spent with him ping-ponging back and forth between her and Hope and Stuffy scheming with her "good friend," Bill. Even when KM left the show, I still didn't see this great love and romance with "Steamless." Lame said all the right things but there was no real passion there other than her having an open-leg policy.
  20. Well, isn't that fucking special? Too bad she didn't decide to do that before screwing up at least a couple of very promising storylines--and couples. Although, the cynical side of me thinks that's why she took the job in the first place--to get her face out there. Not to mention the additional people who were dragged on the show to support this mess.
  21. I suspect the writers have put her in the layaway until nu-Thorne comes aboard. Remember when La Spencer used to make stuff happen? Now, she is a shockingly passive bystander as all this activity whirls around her. She gives Bill her ring back, and Sludge's homeless ass and their trophy brat are in her face with the full court press, and her relatives take it upon themselves to pack up her things and move her out of Bill's home. I commented a while ago that since the writers made such a big deal about Brooke's struggle with alcohol, it would have been understandable if she was tempted by the bottle yet again. Bill stops by FC to demand that Sludge not interfere in his marriage, but didn't see Brooke. But, I forgot. The Stuffy Show and the ratings bust known as the "Summer of Sheila" are in full swing. It's also clear that the Sheila nonsense has run its course and is a huge bust, but Brad Bell would rather be right than be happy, particularly when it comes to his stunt casting and shock-and-awe storytelling.
  22. Anytime Bill Maher (Bill Maher!) has to ask what you were like when you were still getting high, then you might want to tone it down and slow your roll.
  23. WOW...great call on Bill's hair. I keep my eyes averted when Skankerella and 50-Cent Bill are onscreen because it's just way too creepy even though Halloween is just around the corner. But, I guess TIIC want viewers to ignore the age difference between these two. I will never understand how a show that's supposed to be about "fashun" can have so many hair-don'ts and jacked-up wardrobe choices. Just a few short weeks ago when Bill was with his age-appropriate goddess, he actually had grey at his temples, and it was pretty prominent on Brill's wedding day. I'm not surprised by Bill's lack of remorse; look at what he's talking to. And, of course, it will never occur to Skankerella that had she not conspired with Bill to manipulate her brother in the first place, along with Carolyn', Liam would still have his blinders on about the piece of dog excrement he's married to.
  24. I enjoyed that segment and appreciated how the panel wondered how many people had 911 emergencies, who weren't able to get help because of the traffic jam caused by Pence's motorcade, etc. That makes this stunt even more despicable because that pursed-lip motherfucker and his boss knew he wasn't going to be there long. As mentioned, of course, they knew that the players on that particular team were going to take a knee because that was Cap's last team. Not to mention the amount of time the Secret Service had to spend the day before combing the stadium for devices and other security risks--all just so that despicable white-haired motherfucker could stage his stunt with the help of his homely wife. Yes, I'm going in on the wives, too, because they go along with this shit. What should have been a crowning moment for Peyton Manning was trashed. As an aside, I found it interesting that they so readily mentioned Governor Christie's "bridgegate" scandal in that context. This is the same scandal that Joe and Meek-a sneered about and attempted to minimize when they were singing Christie's praises.
  25. Yes. Their tentacles reach into international decision making by world leaders, and now it appears Hollywood. Too bad their tentacles aren't long enough to reach into their own personal relationship. Too bad they don't have friends who will keep it real with them about how their relationship comes across onscreen, particularly Joe's bullying, braying and bloviating and Meek-a's chickenshit acceptance of same. That the words "know your worth" even come out this woman's mouth is simply astounding. I just can't with these two.
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