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Everything posted by MulletorHater

  1. Thanks for an awesome recap, CountryGirl! Lord, I hope this woman is thinking, "Hmmm...where did I hear those words before? Oh, that's right! I said them to Ridge when I decided not to marry him. I decided that RJ and I deserved better. I decided that RJ was just going to have to be disappointed. I realized and told Ridge to his face that there is something seriously wrong with him especially when I understood he targeted Quinn; in fact, he copped to it and all but admitted it that conquering women was a game." The selective amnesia that Brooke reserves exclusively for Ridge's sludgy ass is simply astounding.
  2. WORD to your entire post, TeddysMom. I always cringe when Meek-a and her fiance go on one of the self-congratulatory rants. It's as if these people can't keep "the Clintons" out of their mouths no matter the topic, from Senator Franken to global warming to Joe's increasingly high pompadour. I also found myself rolling my eyes at Joe's lack of awareness at how the members of his "former" party have already broken precedent in usurping the will of the voters. Or, maybe he truly doesn't remember the 8 years of deliberate obstruction that President Obama endured, including the outrageous theft of the Supreme Court seat that was Obama's right to fill with a candidate of his choosing? That the GOP did this despite the will of the voters--the majority of whom decisively elected Obama twice--seems to be lost on Joe and the bobble heads who allow him to control the narrative. So, please do not insult the audience's intelligence about how it would "set a precedent" if the Senate overrode the will of Alabama's voters and refused to seat Predator Moore.
  3. Do you have room for one more at that table, GrisGris? There is a reason that this show consistently scores in third place in those all-important demos for women of a certain age. This prompts me to ask if there are any female writers on staff at all? It is 2017, and there is no excuse to write a woman of Brooke's age this way. It's beyond disgusting that a 50-something woman has to constantly be REMINDED by ANYONE of what a shit stain her ex-husband has consistently been. If I closed my eyes, I could have sworn I heard Bill talking because he literally said everything to Brooke--repeatedly--that Thorne said to her today. And, yet, she persists. Not to mention KKL is getting a little long in the tooth to be keep playing the giggling ingenue who saw her "destiny" for the first time, first in a newspaper wedding announcement and then in person at a party she and her mother were catering. For fuck's sake! There is nothing cute or sweet about anything Sludge has done. It's about control and making sure that another little boy doesn't take his chew toy, which he'll cling to until he's ready to throw her away for someone else. Brooke lived with that fucker and knows how he operates. She was reminded of it yet again as recently as a few days ago. Yet, she becomes a doormat whenever that cretin is around. From sitting there and allowing him to have any kind of opinion about whom she invites to stay in the house she pays the bills for, to allowing this rumpled fucker (who looked like he wandered in off the street) to interrupt her lunch and meekly going with him back to the office to this shit today. Where is the woman who rightly dragged Bill's lying, trifling ass for filth a few weeks ago and hasn't really looked back? Where are Sludge's "consequences?" And, why in the ever-loving fuck am I being punished for daring to look at Sludge with Brooke in the steam room? After having the guilty pleasure of seeing Bill shirtless and wearing black drawstring pants? Show...just no. FUCK NO!
  4. RuntheTable, your entire post was fire, but especially the above. What's so disconcerting about all of this is that it seems as if two different teams of writers are scripting the show these days. And, apparently, never the two writing teams shall meet. It was established yesterday that the ADULTS were all at Forrester Creations (professionally and beautifully attired) and that two of those ADULTS went to lunch. Yet, the supposed co-CEO of Forrester Creations was at home snottering, bawling, blubbering and gaslighting her fool huzzbennnd, who continues to bow and scrape and kiss her corn-encrusted feet and hammer toes. Like you, I was wondering when was the last time Stuffy showed up for work. Between whining (and fantasizing) at home with her huzzbennnd and constantly showing up at her partner in skankery's house, it's a valid question. Does anyone at Forrester Creations even notice that she isn't there? Do they even care? Has there been a throwaway line from Eric or anyone else about Stuffy taking a leave of absence or working from home? It's as if the three principals involved in Swill are on a deserted island (as it probably should be) where they can feed off each other's carcasses as if they were carrion. It's an island where dark, putrid flashbacks of rancid sex run in a continuous loop; damn lies are routinely told; scheming is done; and cuckolding has been perfected to a science. Of course, there's the requisite visit from Wyatt, whose sole purpose these days is to whine, be a listening post for his father and brother, give some loving to Katie, and to grab his tambourine and sing Stuffy's praises. Although I still wish TK had been cast as someone other than Ridge, I have to agree with your take that he has taken the role and highlighted all of Ridge's negative attributes to the 10th power. It's amazing what he can do when he's working with actors who elevate his performances beyond rasping, mumbling, posturing and telegraphing to the audience that he's only there for the check. I am also looking forward to seeing more of Brooke and Thorne in scenes together.
  5. I really wish Brooke would take Thorne's advice to try being alone for a while and seeing how it feels. You have to laugh at Sludge's raggedy ass actually wondering how a grown man can travel all the way to Los Angeles and not having a hotel room somewhere. Really?! Look in the mirror, bruh, because your bum ass has been itching to get into Brooke's house (and panties) for months now. I also have my feelings about the way that Sheila was shoehorned into yet another storyline in her delusional quest to be "the next Mrs. Eric Forresterrrrr!" The Leffy portion of the show doesn't even warrant viewing, much less comment. Oh, wait. I have to say this. Am I to understand that Skankerella actually looked in the mirror and all it did was yell at her "LIAR!" and "GUILTY!" Sheeee-it! I can think of several other things that mirror should have done, including bringing that ho-bag 7 years of bad luck.
  6. First of all, it's been a real pleasure to watch an entire episode! Boy, I'll say this about Ridge. Like his mother, the former wife he doesn't remember and their daughter, he is the King of Projection. Ever since Brooke moved back home, that creep has been putting the full court press on her. It includes using language such as "our home" as if he actually lives there and pays any bills there. It includes throwing his son as a football only to have his slouchy little butt land as incomplete forward passes. It includes blocking any and every man who dares to look Brooke's way. It includes presumptuously announcing that he and Brooke are "definitely" back on when that is not true. But, he claims that Thorne is "up to something." Really? Look in the mirror, bruh. Ridge actually bitches and moans because Thorne was in Paris for a while and didn't come back home for the family and other events and turmoil. Yet, Thorne never left Forrester Creations and worked in Paris so in a certain sense he was still involved with the family. Contrast that with Ridge, who also went to Paris after dumping Brooke on their honeymoon and remained incommunicado from the rest of his family. In fact, Ridge kept his rancid rump there for approx. 18 months. He had nothing to do with his family even though his daughter lost a child; he hadn't designed one glad rag; and he didn't even come back to help his mother transition and even missed her "home going" party. Then he pops back into town expecting to arrogantly pick up where he and Brooke left off with his funky rose petals. He shows up at Forrester Creations and starts throwing his weight around, including attacking Rick and Hope, and firing Oliver. Now, either all that hair gel has seeped into his brain and his memory is foggy but it's amazing what that jackass seems to have forgotten in his haste to project his B.S. onto Thorne. And, yes, creep. When someone point blanks asks you to stop calling him a nickname, and you persist, it's obvious that it's with malice and that you're now using the nickname as a pejorative. And, I can't believe Ridge mentioned Zende being an "up and coming designer." Ruh-ROH?! Let's see, Zende was a frigging fashion photographer and became a couture designer in the space of a couple of weeks. And, that was after a lot of whining. The swimwear he designed for the Spencer Summit was unremarkable and looked like something one could purchase at any mid-level department store. I realize that TPTB have yet to recast Zende, but this is one of those instances where I have to ask, "What has he done for me lately?" I've watched Ridge's body language to see if I missed something to justify Ridge's squawking. Excuse me while I laugh my butt off because from the moment Thorne walked through Eric's door the day after Thanksgiving, it's been Ridge who's had a bug up his rancid butt about Thorne returning home. From squawking about the fact that Thorne is staying at Brooke's as if that was any of his business. Then it went to walking into Eric's office and squawking about a "meeting" taking place without him. Now, isn't that special? Here is the King of Projection again. What's the matter, Ridge? Scared that someone is planning a coup the way you and your equally rancid daughter did? I'm sorry, but Ridge is a jackass pure and simple. He's rude, dismissive and condescending. He's clearly jealous and feels threatened and wants to clearly undermine Thorne's confidence. All I can say is, "Get in that ass, Thorne!" BTW--AB is such a lovely young woman and she reminds me of a younger Elizabeth Taylor. Why they don't use her more and give her a major storyline is a mystery.
  7. Even when TK's version of Ridge is dressed in a suit, he still comes across looking rumpled--like someone who slept on a park bench after an all-night bender. Whenever he's showing out with Brooke, he comes across like that pesky cockroach folks repeatedly step on, but it just won't die. He's beyond annoying at this point with his "Me Ridge--You Brooke" routine. Why is it any of his fucking business that Brooke has Thorne staying at her house?
  8. I've wondered about the timing of it myself especially since as "recently" as August, DD and KKL did a joint interview promoting Brill and stating that they foresaw the honeymoon not ending for the couple anytime soon. Yet, Brooke was relegated to spectator status while JMW was inexplicably EVERY FUCKING WHERE, from the moment Stuffy orchestrated her brother's breakup with his girlfriend to when she and Bill "rescued" two people who nearly died because of his actions. Every time she had her ass propped up in Bill's office, it was obvious that the writers' were chemistry testing them. They had IT years ago, but now? Just no. I also believe that the abrupt departure of PF opened up some "opportunities" to revisit Swill and Sally was left in limbo. Plus, with the departure of Zende's portrayer, I'm sure some money was freed up to bring in a big hitter like IR, whom I understand B&B had been courting for some time for a short-term role. Even if the actor and "actress" promoting Swill believed it should be revisited, I think it was a gross miscalculation on Bradley's part to have listened to them. This is one of those instances where something may look good on paper and sounds good in production, but ends up being poorly executed when it finally hits the screen. While Swill's "animalistic" call to the wild may have been long overdue for some, it left a bad taste in the mouths of many fans, as was evidenced by the piss-poor ratings those 2 days received. Bill's descent into blatant criminality was a compelling enough story to tell on its own without his having to dip his wick into the rotted parts of his DIL. Nor, does it help that the head idiot in charge made it his mission to devalue and totally discount Bill's other relationships to prop Swill/Stuffy. That left a particularly bad taste in people's mouths as well. It seems to me that once writers make a decision to do shit like that (including recycling 5 years' worth of dialogue from another story), the pairing is already doomed and the writers are signaling that from jump. Stuffy's initial reaction to waking up next to Bill told me everything I needed to know. She thought it was a sleazy event and that's what was conveyed to the audience. Bradley strikes me as the type of writer who makes up shit as he goes along just to get him through the next sweeps and news cycles. Then he panics when the shit isn't working (i.e. Summer of Sheila) and shakes things up. If the ratings pick up for this mess, maybe the principals' calculation will be vindicated but right now I seriously doubt it. Just the thought of JMW trying to emote as she attempts to convey what is supposed to be angst about an inconvenient--and very predictable--pregnancy isn't exactly something to look forward to. Nor, does it help that she is the weakest link in this ever-evolving mess. SC has done some very stellar work and so has DD. Yet, this particular storyline arc does the Liam character no favors whatsoever. And, when one considers who the hypotenuse of this so-called triangle is supposed to be, the whole thing makes even less sense despite the over-the-top and constant propping of someone so basic and unappealing. But, I guess we'll see.
  9. And, I'm calling it now. Hope returns just in time for Liam to be the hypotenuse in yet another triangle, this time with two young women who are actually root-worthy. The Gelding will tell his slag that Hope has "given [them] a gift and now [they] can finally be together." You know how these writers love to recycle things, and they have been having themselves a ball recycling Bill's dialogue to Brooke and trying to pigeonhole the same dialogue into Swill's train ride to hell. Skankerella will climb on board "kicking and screaming" and trying to explain to her pappy how all of this happened. Le sigh....poor DD. Relegated to the JV team while IR gets to play on the varsity team with the adults. Of, course, like her Teflon-coated mama before her, Skankerella will have an escape hatch. Every time Taylor wanted to confess something (i.e. Big Bear Baptism, Darlagate, etc.), she had a team of pinch hitters ready to fall on their swords for her. I guess Skankerellla will also have a ready-made excuse if the truth about Aly and the cover-up comes out. She wanted to tell...but...but...but...
  10. Good evening, CountryGirl! Excellent recap! I look at those screen caps of Hot-in-the-Ass Hauxdi and the Gelding and can't help but laugh. I feel like the girl in the ridiculous red cap in the movie, Carrie, who doubled over, pointed and laughed out loud. The ratings for the week of November 13-17 were just released and they're not good, particularly in those all-important demos. Swill is just stinking up the joint and the show continues to shed viewers. Of particular note, the days that the Gelding and Hauxdi engaged in their "animalistic" human sacrifice dance: Wednesday and Thursday, were the two lowest-rated days of that week: 2.46 and 2.48, respectively. In a genre where there are only 4 running soaps, B&B is either in 3rd place, or tied for 3rd in the demos in which JMW/Hauxdi should appeal: women ages 25-54. Who in the ever-loving hell thought breaking up Brill, launching Swill and continually propping Hauxdi was a brilliant idea? All at once? And, yet this shit continues unabated. No wonder Bradley was trying to preemptively do damage control because he had to have known on some level that it just might not fly with viewers. It seems once viewers got wind of what was coming, they tuned out. DD has apparently been charged with turning a sow's ear into a leading lady and it's not working. Nor, can JMW elevate the performances of any of the actors who have had the misfortune of being paired with her. I'm sorry but no amount of Skin-i-Max soft porn "animalistic" flashbacks (with saxophones!) will turn that mess into a love story or romance. Neither the Gelding nor Hauxdi elevate each other because they're both pieces of human refuse. Nor, is it believable that any breathing men would fight over this trick. But, the writers brought this ratings disaster on themselves. Bradley's decision to put all his eggs in this non-actress' basket has bitten him on the butt. When will these fools get it that the Stephanie Forrester, Jr. Praise & Worship Show is a disaster of Titanic proportions? Nor, am I here for Hauxdilocks and the Three Spencers.
  11. I don't know if I would use the placement of the actors in the picture as an indication of storylines to come. It's not surprising that KKL and JM are front and center since they are the show's two remaining original cast members. DD is standing next to KKL, but Brad Bell and DD both indicated in the SOD promoting Swill that Brill is done for good (I know...I know...there's no such thing as "for good" on this show). I do think based on what I saw that TIIC will tease the audience with Quidge but keep Ridge's rancid ass tied to Brooke until the show finally goes off the air, which is unfortunate. I like HTom's dress, and I love that shade of green on KKL. As for JMW and that poor puppy. It doesn't bode well when I have to wonder where the pelts for Stuffy's ill-fitting lace front wigs and weaves come from. Even in that picture, I can see that her face is pulled so tight that her eyes are virtually slits.
  12. Here's the official Christmas 2017 photo of the B&B cast:
  13. Um, 50-Cent Bill, the definition of "beautiful" lovemaking is NOT having your bed warmer waking up next to you and reacting as if she woke up in the wrong guy's bed after a night of smoking crack and cooking meth. Yet, Stallion, that's exactly what your slippery slag did. Bitch couldn't wait to wipe your stench off of her carcass and go running home to her huzzbend--YOUR SON! Not only that, we still don't know if your precious slag washed her behind before she renewed her vows to YOUR SON. P-U! But, if that's the experience you call "beautiful," have at it. So, yeah, bruh. Keep trying to have it both ways because I've yet to figure out how "reuniting our family" translates into spreading one's legs or unzipping one's pants and having a sleazy ONS. That this occurred after weeks of plotting how to destroy YOUR SON by any means necessary doesn't compute for you, does it? And, no, Stuffy. You're still the same vacuous, soulless, trifling troll ho-bag that once stole someone's wedding ring to blackmail your taken man. Nothing has changed where you are concerned. But, I can see the excuses coming a mile away: TODAY'S TOP TEN LIST OF STUFFY'S PATENTED EXCUSES TO EXPLAIN AWAY SHAGGING HER SATAN-IN-LAW 1) Booo hooo hooo!! I honestly thought our marriage was overrrr! 2) What was I supposed to do? You promised to love me FOREVER! 3) Even though I spent weeks rubbing your father's thigh and pumping his, um, ego--I didn't mean for any of this to happen. Please believe me! 4) It meant NOTHING! 5) Yes! Yes! I fucked him! Yes, I did that! Okay? I own it! But, if you're going to let one little fuck come between OUR love, then there is something really wrong happening here, baby! 6) How could I possibly tell you that our baby had a 50/50 chance of being born with horns and a tail? I swear--I DIDN'T KNOW!! 7) But, you kissed my arch nemesis--TWICE! How could you do that to meeeeee! 8) I made a mistake and I've regretted it everyday since then--especially calling out Bill's name during coitus! I swear it won't happen again! 9) Damn--what do you want me to say? It was just a few kisses and a couple of humps, aiight? To tell you the truth, I don't even remember how it happened! 10) This is all Brooke's fault! That's right--I SAID it! If she was HALF the woman I am and had supported Bill when he really needed it, he wouldn't have been blinded and thought I was more beautiful than she. And, no, I'm NOT giving him the antidote to cure his blindness and temporary insanity!
  14. Sheila's unwelcome presence aside, I can't even begin to convey what a pleasure it is to actually watch an ENTIRE episode without fast-forwarding or holding my nose to cover up the stench that wafts through the TV screen whenever the Swill mess is on. Even better? No STUFFY! Excuse me while I do my Aunt Esther holy dance: Hallelujah! AMEN! Oh, Glory! I continue to be impressed by what I've seen so far of Brooke and Thorne's interactions. Hopefully, it will continue in this vein--as a deep and abiding friendship that's spanned the course of several years. I mentioned elsewhere that it almost seems as if there are separate writing teams: The Orwellian one that is charged with selling Swill as the love story of the 21st century, and the other one that is charged with trying to use the show's canon even if they have to expand on it. Brooke and Thorne's friendship has had its ups and downs, particularly when they fell in love and decided to get married but for the most part, the friendship remained intact. On a show where history is routinely rewritten now, along with people's motivations, I'm just grateful that the writers are slowing their roll quite a bit with this one. Admittedly, it is going to take some time for me to see IR as Thorne, and I found myself briefly wishing yesterday that he had been cast as someone different like a new designer. But, I imagine that accepting IR in this role will come over time--just as it took me a while to accept JT and then WH as Thorne. And, how's this for irony? There are some Swill/Stuffy shippers who are complaining about Thorne's supposed insta-mix turn as a couture designer. Yet, nary a word is said about the fact that his niece is the CEO of a company with no executive experience or anything else to recommend her other than the name on her birth certificate and some other shady mess. Let's not even talk about the fact that she's hardly ever at work anymore and even when she's there, we're hard-pressed to figure out what she does. While Brooke didn't have any executive experience either, I would challenge anyone to look at the clips from the BeLieF storyline to see exactly why and how she ended up taking over the company. It was some of the best writing I've ever seen from this show and it was a clinic on what happens when you fuck with people's money. I thought Thorne explained what happened in a way that made sense. I don't see this like the Zende situation. Remember Zende--a photographer--became a couture designer literally overnight with no training, supervision or inspiration. All he had was a chip on his shoulder and a serious whine game. Thorne did explain that he had extensive training while he was away and explained the inspiration for creating Aly Fashions. Someone apparently did their homework because a lot of the major couture designers have seen their sales decline in recent years and smaller, lesser known designers are having their work featured in magazines and are dressing people, from celebrities to First Ladies. Based on what I saw last night, if I were DD, I would be extremely worried especially if the writers ever intend for him to work with KKL again. As I said yesterday, it turns out that IR isn't some mere consolation prize. He was brought on to play a core character in a core family that's been featured since day one. He comes with a large fanbase, who will tune in just to watch him in all his fineness. He's already featured in the show's opening credits (looking yummy in blue jammies!) and is paired opposite one of the leading ladies. IR has also bought in early--unlike his counterpart, TK. KKL and IR's scenes so far have been effortless and their chemistry leaps from the screen, taking in this skeptic--who is still mourning the demise of Brill. I was disturbed though by the way Brooke still has a tendency to minimize whatever Sludge does. Why?! No, boo--it wasn't just some "silly" kiss. It was a goodbye kiss. If a couple is kissing one another goodbye that means that they had to have something more serious going in the first place. Of course, she has no way of knowing that this wasn't just some mere emotional affair. Even after they all returned from Australia, Quidge were rolling around on the bed in that now-funky lust shack a/k/a Eric's guesthouse. Sometimes people are forced to see the truth for themselves even when they try not to. Even if what Brooke saw yesterday was entirely innocent, Sludge is who and what he is. He simply can't keep his hands off the merchandise, no matter who it belongs to. Brooke knows it and rightly called him out in Australia on the way he interacts with women. It's a game to him and he enjoys the chase. She's like the show's Dr. Bellows (I Dream of Jeannie), who sees all this crazy mess with her own eyes, but the folks who need to see it--like RJ--are conveniently never around. Just once, I would like that slouchy brat to see for himself why his mother stepped away and it had nothing to do with "Spencer getting in her head." Does anyone find it odd that Ivy--Eric's niece--was not present for Thanksgiving dinner, but was on hand to gush about Quinn's latest designs and to give the side eye to Quidge? That young woman is being totally wasted and it's criminal! So, I guess if JMW is not onscreen, AB gets to fulfill the requirements of her SAG card?
  15. Excellent recap, as always, CountryGirl! I think that KKL's haircut suits her perfectly; her hair actually looks fuller and healthier. I remember protesting that IR's nu-Thorne was a consolation prize to Brooke/Brill fans. Huh! Boy, did my tune change when I saw that promo! How could that be a consolation prize? I am loving Brooke and Thorne's interactions so far. However, I think the spoiler the show runners used was a little misleading. From what I saw, it didn't take much for Thorne to figure out what happened on his own. Brooke was way too effusive in her praise of Sludge, but was quite circumspect in revealing the reason they didn't get married in Australia. This is one of those instances where the use of a flashback actually works. It's a stark reminder (one the writers want us to forget) as to real reason Brooke didn't marry Sludge. Strange because a few weeks ago when Brooke read Bill's ass for filth after he revealed his role in the Spectra-gate scandal, the dialogue suggested that she had a perfect life planned (with whom?!) but she chose to marry Bill instead. But, we knew that was a lie from the pit of hell so it was nice that TPTB stopped trying to gaslight us for 5 minutes even if it was to advance Brooke and Thorne's conversation. I love that Thorne made it clear that he knows how his brother operates when it comes to dogging Brooke out and not much needed to be said on that score. I'm disgusted that fucking Sheila is still around. Good grief! Talk about beating a dead horse! And, speaking of beating dead horses, how many more honors and tongue baths must that unsanitary ho-bag receive? It's quite obvious that she is being set up to look like the "victim," who "wanted" to tell the truth but was "forced" to keep quiet because Big Bad Bill manipulated her into doing it. Whatever, show! The stallion and his slag have been playing this game for weeks now so don't try to clean it up just because people refuse to hold their noises and accept the stench wafting through their TV screens. Don't get me started on that ridiculous conversation between Sludge and his former side piece. That it was taking place at virtually the same time as Brooke and Thorne were discussing why GarBridge didn't remarry made it simply revolting for me. Why is Quinn, of all people, playing the latest GarBridge pimp now? It's like these two motherfuckers don't get it; GarBridge didn't get married because of YOU TWO! Damn. Maybe someone needs to sky write it or place in on several billboards around L.A.
  16. She sure was. It was reported back then that WH approached Bradley about being paired with KKL. I vaguely recall Bradley doing an interview where he told Brooke fans not to worry because she would be getting a "new man real soon!" Imagine my shock and anger when it turned out to be Thorne; I desperately wanted the character to move beyond the Forrester gene pool for dates. Plus, Thorne was with Macy at the time, whom Stephanie all of sudden claimed she loved "like a daughter." I was dragged kicking and screaming but ended up supporting the pairing. KKL had a pixie haircut at that time, and it definitely worked for the storyline. It was also one of the few times that Brooke looked at Ridge with a jaded eye. It was also one of the few times that Ridge and Taylor didn't need Brooke as a part of their storylines to generate interest. Instead, they were mired in the Morgan DeWitt muck, which was roundly panned by critics because it made Taylor look like a fool and Ridge was declared the "dumbest man in daytime" according to one soap rag. Meanwhile, Throoke's star rose and they were getting all the positive press in spite of the dubious way in which the relationship began. Here are a couple of pics of them before they were ruined to prop Ridge as the great love of Brooke's life after the Morgan mess proved to be a just that--a mess and a ratings disaster. The first picture is a playful publicity still, and the other is from their wedding:
  17. Here is Ingo Rademacher's interview with Michael Fairman, and his take on the role of Thorne Forrester: http://michaelfairmansoaps.com/news/ingo-rademacher-talks-being-bbs-new-thorne-forrester/2017/11/28/
  18. I'll say this from the outset. KKL/Brooke literally lit up like a Christmas tree when that tall drink of water walked through the door. I haven't seen that kind of unfettered joy on her face since...I don't know when. I think it was when Brooke was in Bill's office when she had on that fabulous outfit with the coral or pink-colored slacks and gorgeous blouse with her hair up. KKL and IR effortlessly passed the chemistry test, which is why it is so odd to me that she has none with TK. Thorne couldn't take his eyes off of her and forgive me for being crude, but he eye-fucked her a couple of times but he did it in such a cool way. It was quite obvious when he and Eric embraced and he mentally sopped Brooke's ass up with a biscuit over Eric's shoulder. That he did it in front of Ridge made it even more delicious. As Brooke told Bill jokingly, she does love being admired and Thorne's praise of her beauty was quite lavish, which caused La Spencer to glow even more. She was delighted to see him, and she had the girlish quality in her voice. La Spencer is playing it close to the vest, but I wish she had been more forceful in shutting down that piece of dog doo-doo, who insists on being stuck to her shoe. Good Lord! Does the fool not know when to quit? At no time did Brooke convey that they were getting back together. In fact, when Thorne came in, it was Sludge who was talking about spending the rest of his life with her. When Thorne wanted to confirm if the two of them were back together, Sludge just had to rasp that they were making things right the way they should have been from the very beginning. Brooke was a lot more polite than I would have been because I would have apologized in advance to Eric and put that fucker on blast in front of everybody because he knows the real reason they didn't get married. Don't stand there and try to front as if Brooke chose Bill over you as some kind of social experiment because that is not what happened. I noted with interest Eric's throw-away comment that it will take months for Bill and Brooke's divorce to be finalized. Is that TPTB's way of hedging their bets just in case Swill ends up not being received as the "love story" they have been trying to pass off despite their Orwellian efforts to erase five years' worth of canon? As for the Marone DNA slur, too bad; so sad. Frankly, I loved the way Thorne stepped to Sludge, firmly telling him to cut out the "little brother" nonsense because at this point in their lives, it is condescending. It's interesting how Sludge tried to flip this back on Thorne by making it seem as if Thorne was the one who walked through the door with a problem. Yet, from what I saw, Sludge is the one who made it clear from the outset that he wasn't thrilled that Thorne was there. He barely grunted when Eric suggested that Thorne come back to work at Forrester Creations. I was also confused by the "too soon" foolery coming out of Sludge's mouth. Really? Coming home "too soon," compared to what exactly? Compared to being away for approx. 18 months while one's mother and puppet master was terminally ill and transitioning? And, excuse me while I laugh at Sludge's warning about how it's not a good idea to antagonize him. I'm sorry, but you ain't built like that, bruh!
  19. What I find particularly irksome is the ridiculous notion that just because La Spencer is shedding her husband that she's automatically back with Sludge. Ruh-ROH?! I love you, Eric, but you really need to shut up in this instance. First of all, your wife and son had an affair that derailed GarBridge's 666th wedding or did you forget? Second, Brooke deserves better than to chain herself to this mangy mutt of a man you call your son. Maybe I missed something, but does anyone recall GarBridge actually reuniting? Does anyone even know where Sludge is living these days? It makes no sense that he is lifting his leg and peeing on Brooke to mark his territory in their non-relationship. I love that Thorne isn't willing to stay in the shadows anymore and allow Massimo Marone's bastard to treat him in such a condescending manner. As for the rest of it, I have no desire to watch Stuffy being propped yet again by Wyatt (whom she cheated on with Liam), her besotted fool of a husband or her fuck-buddy-in-law. What's even worse is that Liam is kissing his treacherous daddy's ass. Nor, do I have any desire to watch interminable flashbacks of that cauldron of communicable diseases riding Bill. ENOUGH already! Wake me when Liam takes a trip to the clinic and starts to wonder what's up.
  20. Well, in all honesty, Maya was yet another example of Bradley's "shock and awe" brand of storytelling. He obviously didn't think it through beyond the initial, "Oh nooos! Maya is REALLY Myron and Rick's been sleeping with a dude!" nonsense. He's had no idea what to do with the character despite arrogantly declaring at that time that Karla Mosley was effectively the show's leading lady--period. Several of us laughed outright and didn't hold back our irritation at that pronouncement. The storyline was handled like an ABC After School Special, where all was forgiven after 45 minutes of actual air time. Rick barely batted an eyelash and anyone who dared to call Maya out on her gold digging and trifling behavior had to worry about being considered trans phobic. Rick is chained to Maya and the only storylines they have is whether or not to use Nicole's womb to birth their babies, as well as dealing with the occasional bigot. As beautiful as Ms. Mosley is, I have never bought Maya as some runway model who is virtually iconic. WOW...It's amazing how much younger--and basic--she looks without the troweled on drag. And, yes, her fiance does have a striking resemblance to SC's Liam. Congrats.
  21. Having seen Stuffy's Thanksgiving Day slattern wear, the visuals are more awful than I realized. It screams for attention--from her fuck-buddy-in-law no less--and is all kinds of inappropriate for a family dinner at PawPaw's house. One would think that she would be so embarrassed by what happened with Bill that she would tone down the blatant trampiness, but she just can't. She's always so extra and is always trying way too hard. She can't even act appropriately even in a room full of grown folks who dressed appropriately for a sit-down dinner in someone's upscale home. Don't even get me started on the troweled on makeup, which gives her a low-rent Kartrashian look. I mean, how in the ever loving fuck do you make that brood of human urinals look classy?! Come on, show! Are you really trying to convince us that this trick is what floats the boats of every male over 12 and under 70? And, this is the thing that was sitting at the other end of the table as if she was the head of the family. Someone in my own family would have said out loud, "You're kidding with this shit, right?" and opted to sit at the kids' table. I totally agree about Swill, whose stench wafts through the TV screen. I also agree that if Bill had to go there with anyone, it should have been with a grown ass woman who doesn't have to try so hard and who doesn't look like an anatomically correct blowup doll and attention whore. I was also convinced that the revenge-fuck was where they were going with this, but these hack writers just can't STOP propping this trick even at the expense of five years' worth of canon. GrisGris and OhioSongbird, please accept my condolences on your respective losses.
  22. This has to be one of those instances where the hacks who wrote yesterday's episode haven't actually WATCHED the plot-driven dreck they have been feeding the audience for months. Had they bothered, they would have realized that half the people in that room wouldn't be sitting at that table. Some would have politely declined the invitation once it became clear that Bill was invited. Bill should have had enough self-awareness to decline the invitation given that his soon-to-be ex-wife (who rightly dumped him and hasn't looked back) would be attending, as well as the slattern he just screwed a couple of days ago. Quinn would have asserted her authority as the mistress of the house particularly after battling Sheila during the summer and into the early fall. No way would she have ceded that to Skankerella. Rape victim, Liam, would still be feeling a certain way about being around Quinn. Vivian (who reminds me of my own mother) would have had some choice words for Nicole about her attire and it wouldn't have mattered if she was a grown ass woman. Given that Bill only faked a reconciliation with Liam a mere couple of weeks ago, how in the bloody hell can he claim that Skankerella brought his family together? Shirley, who has no boundaries, would have dragged Bill for filth and then asked someone, "could you pass the macaroni and cheese please?" The folks who presumptuously packed Brooke's things and moved her out of the Spencer mansion would have been throwing shade at Bill throughout the entire meal. Some folks would have also been giving Skankerella and Nicole the side eye, not only for their inappropriate attire but also those awful wigs which look as if they were purchased at Sally's Beauty Supply at the local strip mall. Had Bill been trifling enough to accept the dinner invitation, he would have brought his own food taster with him to ensure he wasn't being poisoned. I can tell you how my own family operates. Someone would have angrily excused themselves to go outside and have a cigarette because they couldn't take it any longer and refuse to be fake. Someone would have muttered, "Chile..." when that person left the table and reached for the biscuits. Another person would have run outside after that person to calm him or her down to convince them to come back inside. Someone else would have abruptly stood and announced, "I'm sorry but I'm not doing this!" especially knowing half the shit that has occurred. They would have apologized to the host and hostess, grabbed a paper plate and some aluminum foil and fixed a plate or two to go.
  23. Does anyone recall Eric having a cow pasture in his home? I only ask because there was so much bullshit being tossed around in that dining room that I'm shocked anyone had an appetite. There should have been plenty of shade being thrown around, which is what happens when real families gather together and half the people in the house can't stand each other. First, even on Thanksgiving Day, the Stephanie Forrester, Jr. Praise & Worship Show must continue! Why was her trifling ass sitting at the head of the table? And, what in the world was she wearing? Why must everything she wears scream, "LOOK AT MEEEE!!" As the hostess and the mistress of the house, Quinn should have been at the head of the table. But, I guess it would have been less drama that way. If this were the real world, Bill's ass would be sitting at home alone. There isn't enough goodwill in this world or the next that would have me sharing a table with him. The Spectras shouldn't have two words to say to him. I suspect that the Spectras were there because RJ asked if his girlfriend and her family could come. Brooke should have done a sneak move and changed those place cards because she shouldn't have wanted to sit beside either of the pigs she was married to. Brooke, I love you, but if you truly believed that Bill worked to make things right with his sons, you would be with him now. Rick knows full well what Ridge's deal is with respect to how he treats his mother. So, stop it, bruh. And, Bill should have been struck down by lightning for letting that mess come out of his fool mouth. Steffy is praised and worshiped for holding the Spencer family together? How, Bill? Why don't you enlighten Lotty, Dotty and everybody in that room exactly how that field slut "held" your precious family together--the same family you wantonly threw away for a Lego set. Speaking of family, where were the rest of Eric's children? Noticeably absent were Ivy, Thomas (oh, that's right--they haven't recast the role yet), and the little ones.
  24. Hope will definitely be a breath of fresh air especially if she returned with a husband or love interest in tow. Hopefully, it will give us a respite from the Stephanie Forrester, Jr. Praise & Worship Show. It's interesting that Wyatt and Katie have this "scandalous" relationship going on and it's barely caused a ripple beyond Quinn's over-the-top reaction. The fact that they're already engaging in role playing during sex doesn't bode well. If that mess dies out with a whimper, I wouldn't put it past the writers to throw Hope at Wyatt. But, I'll take a wait-and-see attitude.
  25. As always, CountryGirl, your recap was spot on! As much as it pisses off this Brill fan to the highest of pissivity to have it implode the way it did, I take grim satisfaction in seeing how reviled and detested Swill is overall. And, yes--I'm petty like that and proudly aspire to Alexis Carrington Colby Dexter Rowan levels of pettiness. No amount of smutty soft porn flashbacks of Bill bedding that unsanitary skank will ever make them "hot" or romantic. JMW claimed their fucking (not lovemaking) would be "animalistic." Sorry, boo-boo, but the only thing animalistic are the hides of those poor rodents on Stuffy's head. No amount of Stuffy claiming she just wanted to bring the family together will ever change what happened. This is particularly true when she repeatedly put Bill over Liam. I said a few weeks ago that my own father-in-law is one of the most gorgeous men I have ever met but that doesn't make me want to rub his thigh or eye-fuck him while we're talking. And, If I'm sooooooo horrified about sleeping with my FIL, why in the world would I go and visit him and be alone with him? In addition, if my FIL struck my man and set out to destroy him, I would want nothing to do with him. But, that's what the "heroine" of this piece did. Repeatedly. And, no amount of Bill's revisionist whining about his previous relationships to prop Stuffy and Swill will change the fact that they are what they are: two disgusting, trifling, and detestable degenerates who will shit on anybody to get their way. So, instead of getting the redemption storyline some of us hoped for, we get this trash, which degrades everyone involved in it--even the "innocent" spouse whom everyone is supposed to feel sorry for, but can't quite because he looks too stupid to live thanks to the writing. Hardly anyone is buying Bill's show of remorse because that's exactly what it was: a show. We saw Bill actively plotting to ruin Liam by any means necessary for weeks--including using Liam's rode-hard-and-put-away-wet wife as a bodily fluid receptacle--to believe anything that comes out of Bill's mouth at this juncture. Bill's face reminded me of Michael Corleone's when he dramatically embraced his brother, Fredo, in The Godfather II, knowing full well he was going to have the hapless sap killed. Don't even get me started on that horrid creature, Stuffy, who will stand there and allow her huzzzzbend to debase himself under the guise that they are getting a clean slate. Sorry, boo-boo, but your tears don't move me. My bowels maybe, but that's about it. It would be poetic justice if any spawn that passes through her loins is stillborn. I'm not up for months on end of this creature rubbing her swollen belly and wondering who sired her demon seed. Better that that thing die in utero than seeing the light of day and being raised by Stuffy. And, the unwitting person who really got shat on in all of this is Sally. Stealing designs and profiting off of them and throwing some cake on a dressed-in-black idiot do NOT justify what has happened to her. If she had any sense, she would recognize that she is actually in the cat's bird seat and start acting like it. There would be no price too great that Bill, Spencer Publications and Stuffy could pay to keep buy my silence. I would keep twisting that knife until it couldn't be twisted anymore. But, then, too, I'm petty like that.
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