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Everything posted by yourpointis

  1. Oh darn. Sorry about the link. What I think; and I could be way off base, is that viewers/fans submit a list and then the producers scan through that list and eliminate for whatever reason songs they don't want the contestants to perform. Plus Dexter has already gone on record saying if he hadn't been eliminated he would have performed this song the following week. It's not like this song is some kind of hot commodity and everyone is clamoring to perform it. Too much of a coincidence. jmho Doesn't matter who will/wants to perform it, it is just a tired old chestnut that should be taken out back and shot repeatedly.
  2. I'm truly hoping that the song spoiler posted at MJ's is wrong. The cynic in me is thinking this is a derailment courtesy of TPTB. http://www.mjsbigblog.com/american-idol-13-top-5-song-spoilers.htm
  3. You know I just want the contestants to mix it up a little. Show if they can be well rounded performers. If you play an instrument, ditch it for one performance. Just to prove these things aren't crutches. Heck I'm old enough to remember when rock singers looked down upon singing anything that was considered tender or anything resembling a ballad. I would love to hear Caleb just sit on a stool or stand still and have a tender moment as well. Everyone is getting predictable and that makes for a boring season. I guess I'm just saying as a viewer I want to be surprised in a good way.
  4. It would imo be a travesty if CJ doesn't go home tomorrow. Tonight he pulled out all the stops by being sharp and flat during both performances. Harry begrudgingly gave Jena a critique, while all three begrudgingly gave Jess a compliment. Sam's performances are improving, but he needs to find a way to eliminate that pained expression while performing. I hope Alex is safe tomorrow. His first performance fell a little flat, but that second one was beautiful. Jena must be killing in the voting. That's the only reason I can come to terms with the judges tongue bathing her performances every week. Just once I wish Caleb would perform a song without ever picking up the mic stand. /rambling Seeing Grumpy cat makes me long for a cat, but unfortunately my son is highly allergic to cats. :( Hoping bottom two will be CJ and Jena but knowing it won't. Watch Jena will be first or second (after Caleb) called to safety.
  5. The asteroid song is I Don't Want to Miss a Thing by Aerosmith (movie/Armageddon)..
  6. Hey cool I'm a Seinfeld fan as well. I've lurked that forum at TwoP for years. Sshhh...don't give Ryan Murphy with his soul sucking plotlines any more bad ideas. Unfortunately I've watched that show since the beginning and am determined to go down with that sinking ship. Its been hard watching the newbies at McKinley High and adding Jena to the mix would just have me climbing a clock tower. :)
  7. I'm rather 50/50 with that I think Harry could or possibly would do it, but I don't believe that he does. I don't believe that Harry is above toting the company line either. He is in essence a judge on a reality show but probably with a set of parameters. In no way do I believe scripted conversation amongst the contestants is toting the company line, just that I think its a nod to the audience that we know what you're thinking/saying. It happens every season. Nigel was very big on letting the public in on this knowledge. I don't think Per is any different. I also understand if others think differently about Harry. ymmv
  8. I'm fully aware that those convos are scripted, but its to the point where the producers are breaking the fourth wall with a huge nudge and a wink wink. We know that TPTB have some lowly pa's perusing the forums to get a read on what America has to say each season regarding the latest contestants. Where do you think Harry got his Ricky Nelson critique a week to two after it had been suggested online as well as the other things being talked about amongst the competitors? I text but don't tweet so the pic I found was on Rickey's site. So it was probably Rickey's caption since he's a huge fan of her. My apologies to Miss Ascuitto. Wish I liked her though lol.
  9. I'm sorry but those dinner conversations are so scripted they're becoming embarrassing. The meta is becoming too meta (if that makes sense lol). Yet I'm still hate watching (which is all on me). After reading your post, I had to chuckle. I'm picturing you speaking in third person like George/Jimmy in that episode of Seinfeld ("Hello Patti is getting upset") Sorry I have issues, and I digress. Came across the pic that Sam tweeted and noticed the caption that reads Jena Irene Ascuitto and five others. Now I don't know the correct protocol regarding tweeting out a pic since I haven't logged into my Twitter account in about three years, but why couldn't it have just read the top seven? Why do I have such an irrational dislike for this 17 y/o child/teen that I do not know personally? Just so you know, Demi has gone on record to say that Jena is her favorite contestant this season. Yeah. http://www.rickey.org/american-idol-2014-results-top-6-revealed-04172014/
  10. Jaded? Nah. Here's three of the contestants performing the same songs from last night pre Idol. Every season the contestants perform songs they're already familiar with if the theme allows. The other four probably performed their respective songs as well. Jessica Gunpowder and Lead 2008 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kSh6_GnUQEw Jena Creep 2013 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z7ZgyfNlGcs Alex A Team 2012 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9iwiHRC3mS8&list=PLPOlZF6z9XfvoEMWuFw-p-pHZGH7LLxKd eta missing link
  11. This. I don't care who says it, fave or not, its too presumptuous on the part of someone who is dependent on public votes. It just drives me crazy when a contestant says 'when' and not 'if'. Oh and Jessica, Haley says welcome to the club.
  12. I forgot about Caleb's ranking on iTunes BogoGog24. I don't know why I follow it, since I never buy downloads. My kids do, but they can't stand Idol. For some reason Jena just rubs me the wrong way. She doesn't seem authentic. Like she's following a script of what a cool rocker chick is supposed to be. Each season I have a few faves, they mostly never win. I can live with that. I never actually subscribe to the thought that my non faves must lose, but that I'm pulling for my faves to win. This year may in fact be the first year that I'm pulling for a contestant to lose. I think I need reality show therapy lol. eta: It drives me crazy as well with all the JLo close ups. I know I can't speak for the whole viewing audience, but I'm sure not tuning in every week to see her reactions or her mug period. This drives me crazy during the auditions on SYTYCD. I want to see the performers, not the judges. If they have to show the judges reaction shots, then do a split screen. I'm also glad Harry addressed the fact why he doesn't stand up after a performance. Even though he never got to finish his explanation.
  13. Sorry I meant to say weirdo not riddle lol. I was doing two things at once and accidentally typed riddle while thinking widdle. That's what I get for snarking on TCO.
  14. Yeah the judges have had it out for Jess since the lives began. I actually watched the show tonight with my mom and told her exactly what was going to happen prior to it happening lol. I guess TPTB, I mean the judges, are tired of being subtle and pulled no punches tonight. Who is Jena's vocal coach? Sylvester the Cat? She pronounced weirdo as widdle and that warranted a standing ovation?!?! Oh but she can sing anything - as long as it doesn't involve her lower register. And don't ya know she ranked on iTunes last week. They fail to mention that Alex and Sam pretty much lead week to week on iTunes. They want these contestants to step outside of their comfort zone, but they're still performing songs they sung prior to the show. Hello producers - there's video evidence. How about next week mixing up the duets. Let Jena scream her way through a song say with Sam or try to maintain perfect pitch with CJ. Maybe she can continue to swallow/gargle her words with Dexter. I just cannot listen to her affected way of singing anymore. Sad to say she'll probably be here till the bitter end.
  15. I want to get excited for next week's theme, but the contestants probably have a pre-approved song list in which to choose for their competitors. Thus meaning more of the same ole crap that we've heard from seasons past. Going by an article prior to the start of this season someone related to the show had stated that this season purse strings would be loosened and we (the audience) would be hearing a wider variety of songs. Last week we had eight solos and only two of those solos had not been retreads from seasons past. As a viewer, I would like the show to hold to that promise. Just one full show of songs never performed on the Idol stage would suffice (and I'm not referring to all originals by the contestants because those can be hit or miss). Of course with my luck they will just be retreads from the other singing shows (USXF, The Voice) ugh. I don't have any particular song suggestions, but I would like to only hear songs from the 90s to the present. Yes I'm an old lady but this old lady has had her fill of Motown, Beatles, Leiber and Stoller (?) theme weeks cause I seriously doubt this group is going to produce another Summertime moment. mmv
  16. OMG you are so right BogoGog24. Thank you. I don't know how I confused those two contestants lol. Yes Casey James played the heck out of that gee-tar.
  17. Ah Bucky Covington. I think he competed during season 9. Remember when Kara asked him to take his shirt off during his audition? Didn't he have an identical twin brother?
  18. Tonight was pretty hit or miss for me. Seeing David Cook made me nostalgic for past seasons when contestants actually had more engaging personalities and their progressions where far more favorable than these last few seasons. The Bad: I just can't get my head to wrap around why the judges (read TPTB) see pop star when it comes to Jena. For me she is basically a piano bar/lounge singer (not that there's anything wrong that). She has no lower register but never arranges a song so she doesn't have to dip below her comfort level. When the audience think the band is drowning her or Malaya out imo it is basically because they have no lower register so they have to whisper sing those parts to get to the belting part of the song. I am also sick of these contestants playing a couple of bars at the piano and then ditching it. Either commit to it for the full performance or don't use it at all. Just a pet peeve of mine. Malaya's voice is not full bodied enough to tackle Through The Fire. I don't think a couple of years will make a difference. No lower register and just shrieked her way through the higher parts. Of course the judges couldn't even comment on her being flat during her duet with CJ. I don't know what was worse - her flatness or his sharpness. Just basing on her movements only, I'm guessing Malaya is a tomboy. Nothing wrong with that if it is true. I'm a tomboy, but I'm not on a national stage performing in front of millions of people. Someone, a choreographer perhaps, needs to work with her on her movements. She moves like a hype man for a rapper. Now if she's going to be a hip hop artist, then no problem. CJ I just give up on. You knew from his audition on that he could not sing in tune. Yet here he still is doing the same exact thing two to three months later. Enough is enough. He never should have been wildcarded. The OK But Not Stellar: Jessica is basically always on point vocally, but she doesn't know how to perform. She looks like a sleepwalker when singing. She's one that can switch between rock and country. As long as she doesn't have to sustain long notes then her vibrato isn't as noticeable. Sam looked like he was having a mini stroke during his solo. His left eye kept twitching or closing. I guess that was his way of emoting. Poor guy. I don't think he will ever get over his shyness. He needs to find a way to just lose himself in the performance if making contact with the audience is way beyond his comfort level. Vocally he nails it for me everytime and he can switch between pop and big band. I hope he truly gets someone to mentor him after the show. I really liked Alex this week but I caught myself daydreaming midway through his song. He is someone who knows who he is as an artist, but competing on AI isn't the same as performing out in the real world. He's more of an intimate setting performer than performing in large venues. Dexter - competent but karaoke. I agree with JLo that Caleb did not appear comfortable during the softer moments of Faithfully. I still enjoy his vocals, but he's no Steve Perry. I didn't hear his "old ladies" comment, but hopefully someone will clue him into the fact that this isn't only a singing competition. Fans can turn against you very quickly. My bottom 3: CJ, Malaya, Jena
  19. itsHelloPattiagain I agree about the fakeness of Jena. She's like a reverse Madonna - fake British accent to Jenny from the block. For the record, I was just being a smart ass about where Sam grew up. I haven't a clue about the community in which he lives.
  20. JMO but Sam needs baby steps that a show like Idol will not/cannot provide. It would be the equivalent of someone having a fear of water being thrust into a pool. It doesn't help matters that he's always got a group of screaming teen girls shoved in his face each performance night. Something he's probably not used to after growing up in Del Boca Vista (Seinfeld reference).
  21. I've wondered the exact thing as well. I figured that the judges were holding out the save for Jena. I figure she's the chosen one this season. I don't think she'll grace the bottom three anymore this season. I think that save for Jessica may have left a sour taste in some viewers mouths, because people felt it wasn't a legit save. I was happy either way seeing as she was my fave that season.
  22. My oldest child is soon to be 24 so I'd feel like a dirty old woman crushing on some of these youngsters. To borrow from Cher, if I could turn back time.... I was a huge Bo Bice fan during season 4. That's when I joined TWOP and I had white hot hate for Carrie lol. Funny thing is I bought her first cd and not Bo's. Go figure. I've always gravitated to the rocker contestants. If I were to crush on any Idol contestants, it would probably have been Michael Johns then, not now and Adam Lambert now, not then lol.
  23. Yes and thank you peach. Glad all is well in your area. Its frustrating trying to watch a program and not being able to hear but being concerned about our safety as well. Our satellite kept going in and out. I heard a few beats of Sam's performance and saw the confetti shower but heard nothing after "We are unanimous".
  24. I live in an area that was also preempted by tornado/thunderstorm watches. My Fox affiliate had a split screen but with no sound until the final ten minutes. I'm glad the judges went ahead and used the save just to get it out of the way. If my favorite(s) goes home in the coming weeks, then my Idol experience will just be shortened. I haven't had a favorite win since season 7. I will probably jinx my faves by wishing that Jena could be Pia'd now that the save is off the table. I'm just never going to come around on her or Malaya (queen of the squats and angsty face). TPTB know what they're doing, thus the save being used for Sam. Producers keep track of voting trends. Two(?) most likely going home next week almost guarantees someone that has been hanging on by a thread will be out. ymmv
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