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  1. I'm guessing the side job is working for/with someone Bode met in prison. I'm hoping it's not actual criminal activity because you can only have him do dumb ass shit and be gobsmacked by the consequences so many times before I refuse to believe there's anything but rocks rattling around in that head. Part of me is afraid it'll end up being an intimidation tactic by Oxalta which I'd hate because it would mean turning the parole officer, who's always seemed like an okay guy, into a villain, I'm already not really looking forward to the story and don't want it to overtake the entire show and there's pretty much no better way to guarantee mindnumblingly stupid behavior from Bode than something like this.
  2. Especially since the problem was that Nyla kept sneaking out before their scheduled talks. It was a pretty weird plan.
  3. It will probably still be a slap on the wrist but when Sharon and Vince were talking at the station, she mentioned that Gabby's actions required disciplinary action.
  4. I was just about to post about this. He's made three major mistakes that could've/should've gotten him washed out and for every one, he's had a "not excuse" that perfectly plays on Lucy's heartstrings, either he's super sus or it's bad writing desperately trying to him sympathetic as fast as possible.
  5. I feel like the ADA married to a detective at the precinct probably wouldn't be the one sent to make sure there's no further corruption from the evil psychologist/Monica situation. Especially if he used to be engaged to Monica and his wife considers one of the psycologist's patients family.
  6. I liked the episode but the fact that it didn't seem to occur to anybody that Mia withdrawing $100,000 and going AWOL might be a ransom situation bugged me.
  7. In a show where fhere's always at least one character actively turning their own life into a dumpster fire it's small potatoes but smack talking your bosses at the bar they own doesn't feel like the most intelligent choice career wise.
  8. I feel like the show may be finding it's footing; Mandy's brother came off more like an actual character than a punchline that never quite lands and her mother finally did something other than be horrible. And even the mom's amusement over the Todd/Georgie situation was, for me, at least, more funny than irritating.
  9. I think Bode told him fairly soon after the crash while Vince was talking to Luke and Bode walked in and Vince demanded to know what happened and then Vince yelled at him not try to blame Riley. Which as he was devastated, grieving father, I get but the fact I don't think we've ever seen anybody tell Bode that Riley's death wasn't completely his fault (Manny told him he's not the worst thing he did but that's not really the same thing) bothers me.
  10. Sharon, and to a lesser extent, Vince, sometimes seem to forget that they had no idea where their son was (or if he was even alive) for like 5 years. And Sharon over parenting Bode was an issue but Bode ended up where he did in part because Vince placed all the blame for an accident on him (and absolutely none on his precious daughter trying to jump out of moving car) and exacerbated Bode's already existent issues. Bode has so many issues but I've never really understood how the crash is viewed as 100% on him and I feel like that it is is still a significant part of his problem.
  11. I think the injured/allergic man was another firefighter, not the pilot, which may be their saving grace since he presumably knows at least Gabby.
  12. Howard did part of the episode where Sheldon studies engineering. I can't remember for sure if Raj or Leonard ever did one
  13. I don't understand why he is going to her in the first place. He definitely needs help but they specifically warned Aaron that she's loyal to the department not him. I can see the initial meeting if he thought he needed immediate help but beyond that it seems like a not great idea even if she wasn't evil adjacent at best.
  14. I get changing things from the earlier years of BBT, even the softening of George I understand, but to change things that they stated when Young Sheldon was already on the air? I could actually buy the guy who insisted on coming up with the term 'niblingo' referring to Mandy as two separate ex-wives if she and Georgie were divorced more than once but it still doesn't make sense for Mandy to have texted her congratulations twice. And this retcon doesn't even really solve the 'they don't end up together' issue because they were both ex-wives
  15. Yeah, I feel like any potential this story had was torpedoed by everything happening so fast. This pace just makes Tim look crazy and/or stupid.
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