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Everything posted by HalcyonDays

  1. Just like the stuff going on behind the scenes of the show....something is shady with this poll. Very shady.
  2. You bloody bastards... You broke 1000 posts. This episode thread has OVER ONE THOUSAND POSTS. Dear god, what are you doing to me?? Still......Good job guys. No complaints. Lots of discussion. Lots of fun. An excellent thread. Nicely done.
  3. No way, man. I refuse to believe that. The fact that a ship that has never kissed or declared any romantic feelings of any sort has made it to the final four - COME ON!! Let's win this mess! I want Ichabbie to take the whole shebang, dammit! Screw Captain Swan! C'mon baby - let's do it!! *grin*
  4. Not deleted. The posts were reported, and are being reviewed by the mods of this board, and most likely to return in a bit. Standard procedure. ETA: If you will notice, your posts have reappeared.
  5. Okay, I just had to look this up and am dying with laughter. Hilarious! Hot damn, this is a great fandom. Apparently Orlando is tweeting this around too. Mison must think this fandom absolutely insane. For the record, the originator in all of his brow-lifting glory:
  6. Okay, we know that maybe these people (CDB and ASZ) don't really know this, but pregnancy before modern medicine was very very risky. The chance of a woman dying in childbirth was extremely high, then the chance that the kid would survive was really high. Now that we have clear knowledge of WHY, the last thing I would want to do is get knocked up and risk a painful pregnancy and potentially deadly childbirth and for what? On top of that, hauling a large belly around while running from Walkers is not the ideal situation to be in. No way, man. Screw the Earth. It's not worth it. JMO.
  7. Ohhhhh....conspiracy theory...I like it. I would not be surprised!
  8. Small Talk people. Go finish this in Small Talk.
  9. This is a really good point, Nashville. There are people out there that really cannot handle a situation like this and literally go into denial. I'm not sure I could, but I think some people may try to convince themselves that the world really hasn't ended out there. That by keeping up the pretense of cocktail parties and a normal community, then they can convince themselves that the horrors of "out there" don't really exist and they are not in any threat. True, but morgankobi was responding directly my post and the response really made me laugh, so I think I'll let it pass....this time. *grin*
  10. I dare you to do it....I dare you...
  11. EIGHTEEN Pages..... 880+ posts in FOUR days..... Potentially contentious SHIPPING arguments re: Michonne, Rick and that Jessie person.... And Yet - ZERO reports!! ZERO Complaints! So here is an "Official" mod note saying Thank You to Everyone for being good. For remaining respectful, polite and spoiler free yet funny, creative and just plain awesome with your posts. *Loud Applause* Good job!
  12. Also, the Ichatrina shippers are actively voting against Ichabbie, simply because they lost their own stale dry boring witch (good) and ship (excellent). For that reason alone, I'll vote like mad to get Ichabbie to win. I want my season 3, but I am enjoying the little victories in the meantime. But it does make me laugh - the ship that has never kissed is in the final four. Ah, the power of the Innanet.
  13. The Moore years are campy, for sure, though I have a special place in my heart for A View to a Kill. Connery ones, I have a hard time watching at times, I think because of the blatent sexism (not that Bond isn't sexist, but him slapping around women bothers me). Craig is my absolute favourite Bond, so like I said: Crane needs to watch Craig's Casino Royale and Skyfall. :')
  14. Watched Skyfall last night. Great movie. Love Daniel Craig. Crane needs to be seen watching and commenting on a James Bond movie. Preferrable the Daniel Craig ones --> Casino Royale and Skyfall. Abbie can explain the meaning of Bond Girl names. Then he can regale us about his own spy experiences, though I doubt they bear any resemblance to his time. *coughbondgirls*
  15. This thread is to discuss the the 14th episode entited Spend. This thread will open at 10:00 pm Sunday after the episode airs. Prior to this, if you want to speculate or live post the episode, please go HERE. Please ensure that your opinions, comments and discussions remain respectful to everyone else For those who are not sure about the shortforms, nickname and acronyms used in these threads, we have a new handy-dandy thread that will answer your questions. Comic talk goes HERE, but if you do have to mention something, please liberally spoiler tag. Other than that, post away!
  16. This is your pre-air speculation and live airing thread dedicated to discussing the 14th episode Spend. At 10:00 pm, this thread will close, and you can go on over to the actual episode discussion thread HERE. SpoilerTag comic spoilers please. Always be respectful and kind. Make sure to include some humour in your posts. And have FUN!
  17. Melissa Black is Orci's wife? Oh well, now that starts to explain a lot. So the writers room was filled with Goffman and Iscove (who already had connections), yes-man and spouses, not those who are actually necessarily qualified to write for and handle a TV show like this. Makes perfect sense. Blake wrote these episodes: John Doe, The Vessel (Teleplay only), Root of All Evil (with Donald Todd), and Pittura Infamante. And I remember the Orci twitter fights. Sounds familiar?? Goffmand and Metzner went off on us - the "real fans" - too. Again, I am not surprised. We just didn't understand his "brilliant" vision, just like the ST fans didn't understand Orci's "brilliant" vision. The difference with SH I think, is that rating and reviews and media articles backed us up. If ST failed miserably and was a box office bomb, then Orci would have no leg to stand on. We did, because there was a direct correlation between reviews and ratings declining. Same type of entitled arrogant mentality all working together, maybe? I've long ignored K/O as a factor though. I figured that once they bailed at the end of season 1, they went off to do other things. They are there in name only, not anything to really do with it. Maybe they peeked back in, once Blake told her husband of the clusterfuck fallout of season 2. But other than that, I think they really could care less. They have other things to worry about. JMO.
  18. I'm not sure "nostalgia" would be the right word. Only two episode ago, they were suffering in the heat with a lack of food, water and shelter. They have that now, these basic needs. Also, most of these people grew up and spent a large portion of their adult lives in relative comfort, but it's only been a couple of years of Zombie apocalypse, so I can see it being easy for them to shift back into living in a "civilized' manner. I think the real problem is that they are all suffering from PTSD, and they have been very hardened by the life they have led. So trivial things like cocktail parties and pasta makers and idle chit chat about nothing is going to register to CDB as bullshit and a waste of time. There are more pressing concerns, like Sasha pointed out. It's like listening to a friend talk about the fact that they can't afford a pair of Prada pumps when you yourself can barely afford to pay for rent. Or listening to a public service employee whining about getting a smaller raise than normal, when there are people out there struggling to find jobs. Different priorties, based on how entitled one is. The ASZers don't get it because they have been sheltered and pampered and entitled. CDB does, because they have experienced the horrors in real life. I guess my point is that CDB has no use for these pampered people who haven't been "out there". They also know that this fantasy world can't last forever - the walls WILL come down and they will have to fight once again. I would say that some of CDB is going to integrate better than the others. We can see that Rosita, Abraham, Maggie, Glenn and even Daryl have let their guard down a bit. The truly messed up are Rick, Carol and Sasha - it will be harder for them to integrate.
  19. See ^^^ post. See this amazing post by phoenics?? My response.....(Spoilertagged for scrolling purposes)
  20. Thanks Wynterwolf for the clarification - I do remember that about Kim Manners, now that you mention it. So sad. ETA: Timetoread, I was like wait, what? When?? Thankfully we have IMDB!! I've seen fanfiction that is superior - vastly superior - to what the writers have given us this season. All you need are passionate writers who love the universe, the material and are excited to develop it, a la Chris Carter and company. It was clear that Goffman and the others didn't care one way or the other, unless it had to do with Katrina (and even then...). When the writers can't keep recent major plot points straight, that's a problem. Just get someone with passion for the show.
  21. OMG, you freaked me out. I read the bold as Chris Carter died while working on Supernatural and was like NO!! When?? Phew - no, he's still alive and never worked on Supernatural (the TV show). Maybe another Chris Carter? Or I misread what you wrote? And yeah, Whedon is never going to bother with SH unless he sees it as an fun side project to see if he can return it to it's former glory. He's too high profile for it, and the show is not. Just get someone who actually is interested in this type of genre and the characters. You already have amazing actors that can bring the writing to life.
  22. I never watched BtVS or Firefly or Fringe. Only X-Files. Any writer from the X-Files is more than welcome to join the SH writing team. THEY knew how to develop mythology and background and an exciting show that still kept the core leads front and centre. Granted, Chris Carter led the way, but they learned at his heels, and that bodes well for SH.
  23. phoenics - I'm sending you a PM re: the Washington DC restaurants. - At the Library of Congress - Going through a haunted house - Rollerblading - Going up the Toronto CN Tower (and walking the outside edge) - Spending a week in Las Vegas (remember, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas)
  24. I have no problem with 18 episodes, but I can see they reduce it back to 13. The problem wasn't the episode number. It was the writers and their inability to advance the Katrina/CFD plot. Everything else was resolved at break neck pace, but we had to endure 15 episodes to Katrina waffling (that's right, Ichabod - a plate of waffling!) back and forth on Henry, and Abraham and napping and fainting and magic making. That was the problem. With the right show runner and a clear plan and show bible, 18 episodes would be perfect.
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