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Everything posted by HalcyonDays

  1. Campbell also retweeted this: Gotta love this guy. Also, some of "those" prople who are still trying to get Katrina back on the show are tweeting poor Clifton, but I have noticed not one retweet. That gives me warm fuzzies.
  2. ^^ DearEvette. This post is awesome and I completely agree. They had the seeds there with Katrina, they could have done so much with it, and it would have been awesome. But because Goffman put his doll on a pedestal, and that doll could do no wrong, well, then we got Pittura Infamante, some other crap but at least she was killed off. The person who played Mary is Heather Lind - she plays Anna Strong in TURN (good show), and is very good in it, and though the time period is the same, her character is very different there. Same with the actress who played Carolyn (Laura Spencer), who also plays Raj's girlfriend on Big Bang Theory. Almost every guest character has been really good - they cast well. It's just Goffman's vision and Katia Winter couldn't quite bring her character to life when she was "good". When she was a baddie though - she did quite nice. As for the writers giving up on Katrina, they did is way earlier in the season. I mean, how did they THINK it would look, to have "powerful" witch fainting and being squicked out by a rat, and Abbie's like "screw this" and takes care of business AND does magic. Just...what were they thinking the audience would see it as? Was this some sort of writers room plot to find a way to get rid of a boring character and oust Goffman without him knowing??
  3. Unlike in season 1, where I kept the entire season on my DVR until the DVD's came out, this season I deleted most of the episodes in anger after live watching. However, I did tape the repeats, thinking maybe - maybe - I would give them another chance, but am having a hard time dragging myself to watch them. That said, for me, the list for me would be this for me: This is War - Definately watch The Kindred - Watch until Crane finds Katrina, then FF through the mess until you have Abbie's reaction to Katrina wanting to stay behind Root of All Evil - Watch Go Where I Send Thee... - Watch The Weeping Lady - Definately Watch And the Abyss Gazes Back - Watch Deliverance - Skip this absolute disgusting mess. Find the opening voting scene with Ichabbie on Youtube and watch that. Heartless - Skip Mama - Watch Magnum Opus - Watch The Akeda - Skip. though Frank "dies' in it, it is a mess and a total disgrace to Irving's character. Paradise Lost - Skip. I didn't mind Orion, just found the episode boring Pittura Infamante - Skip skip skippity skip. Find the scene of Abbie adjusting Crane's outfit on the internet Kali Yuga - Watch. It's a good episode for me, and the karaoke is great. Spellcaster - Skip. Dual role Katia, and though the villian did good, dual-role Katia. Read the synopsis on the internet, for background info needed for the final two episodes. Or ask us. What Lies Beneath - Skip Awakening - Definately watch Tempus Fugit - Most Definitely Watch. I personally though this was the best episode of the SERIES. Yeah, I said it.
  4. The previous couple weeks and this episode, all I could think was "YOU'RE WASTING FOOD!!" There aren't any decently stocked grocery stores to go get supplies for another tuna casserole. Idiots. He's that stupid. He's so selfish and self-absorbed and messed up that he really didn't pay attention to the gate, because it's all about him and his drama and feelings and Woe-Iz-Me bullshit, that he doesn't think. And now I can't remember the exact words, but when he had his righteous freakout with Sasha, and said something to her like "you guys will get us all killed." I'm yelling at the TV going, "WTF You're the one who is going to get everyone killed!"
  5. Reminded me a lot of Woodbury and their little late night zombie wrestling fights. I first thought that Deanna was asking Rick to shoot her husband, because she knew if he died, he would turn to a Walker, then I was like "How the hell does she KNOW that for sure." But Rick turned away from Deanna (who was cradling her husband) and fired a shot - so I think definitely Pete. On first viewing, I didn't catch that the poor guy whose throat was slit by the Wolves, was Red Poncho Guy that Daryl and Aaron were tracking. Poor guy. What is their motive? To guard the cannery by creating an army of Walkers? Because like everyone else in Walking Dead land, anyone outside of CBD are bloody "cray-cray" (tm Lennie James)
  6. Yes, yes and a wholehearted yes! Sasha pointing gun at FPP: Me: "SHOOT HIM!" I really wish FPP was dead. What a terrible terrible person (but great actor) Glenn beating the shit out of Nicholas. ME: "Punch him!! Glenn pointing the gun at Nicholas's forehead. Me: "Shoot Him!" Morgan is back - love it. Lennie James is a Brit?? Why on earth are my favourite actors all Brits! Why didn't Maggie explain FPP's sin's to the group. She remained silent. Crazy Rick shows up, once again covered in blood carrying a Walker. My first thought is, if I was Deanna, I would have thought Rick deliberately did this to "prove" his worth. Loved the talk between Michonne and Rick. So Deanna is perfectly fine with wife-beating Pete, because he was "important" as a doctor, but the moment her hubby is killed, the doctor is no longer needed, apparently, all bets are off, and she immediately asks Rick to kill Pete. How convenient. And typical. And no matter where Rick Grimes and company go, misery, death and chaos soon follow.
  7. No worries. *smile* For some people it may be a pain in the butt, especially those who maybe are reading this on mobile or whatever. Either way, great pictures!
  8. No deals yet, but possible cast returns: Mitch Pileggi - YEAAAAAH!! Robert Patrick I like so little!yeah Annabeth Gish? - NOOOO!!!! Hopefully Skinner is in a lot, but the other two should be quick cameos. ‘The X-Files’ Revival: Robert Patrick, Annabeth Gish & Mitch Pileggi Eyed To Return
  9. The masses have spoken and most of you like Jessie: Owl Be Seeing You as the thread title, so here you go!
  10. Hey everyone. Just a heads up that for tonight's episode, we have created a second thread to discuss the episode itself, while allowing comic spoilers and comic discussion to take place. As I mentioned, this is a trial run to see how much interest there is for having a thread like this for season 6. The thread is: S05.E16: Conquer - Episode Discussion with Comic Spoilers. As with the regular episode thread, this one will open tonight at 10:20pm. For the conditions of this trial run, refer to my post here. Hope everyone enjoys tonight's insanity!
  11. Here is your discussion thread for the Season 5 finale: Conquer. This thread will open at 10:20 pm Sunday. This thread is intended to provide an area for everyone to talk about the episode and also be able to mention the comics without worry! Discussion about the Comics is ALLOWED! Comic spoilers are ALLOWED! No Spoiler Tags are needed. If you want to discuss the episode without any comics spoilers, please go to S05.E16: Conquer. As always, remember to please keep all discussions polite and respectful.
  12. Shit, you're right. Copy and paste, man. I remembered to put the reminder about the 90 min episode, but forgot to update my C+P from last weeks episode. Thanks for catching that. Phew! Fixed. It may have to be. I can only imagine the tears that are going to be dripping onto people's keyboards by 10:30 pm EST Sunday night. It won't be pretty.
  13. The full text: Wow. Just wow. Those are some strong words that I did not expect, I have to say. But I agree with it all. I wish there were more scenes of Noble and Mison together, but not just Henry whining about daddy. Again, our mantra all season has been "What a waste." Of Noble, of Greenwood, of Mison, of Beharie, Jones, of the whole season. With Mison saying he was flat out bored with CFD, Noble saying they were clueless/he had an unsatisfactory year, subtle Beharie shading (which she never does), Greenwood saying she wished she had more to do, and over-the-top yet dead-on Orlando shading, you can't argue with that and claim the problem is only the thuggish fans. Note there were only two people (actor and showrunner) that were happy with this season. I can just see the situation/conversation now: SHWriters: "So, uh Tom, we're thinking of possible killing off Katrina. What do you think?" Mison: (tries to not jump around in joy) (In calm voice) "I think that's a brilliant idea." SHWriters: "We're not 100% sure though." Mison: (outloud in serious tone): "Well, I think there is no other way to resolve this storyline. It would make a great finale." Mison: (in his head) - Do it, do it! For god's sake, bloody well do it! SHWriters: "Okay, yeah, I think we'll kill her off. Mison: (exits the room, skipping in glee)
  14. Oops, looks like I was wrong. I thought in the original announcement, they said the show was going to air in summer 2015, but no, they have not announced a premiere date yet. So I bet more like October-ish or later. XFN Exclusive with Chris Carter on the #XFilesRevival
  15. Here is a bit longer version of that CTV news article. WBD looks good for 77! They starting shooting in June!! But if it's going to air "summer" 2015, well, that doesn't give them that much time. I expect the series to start beginning of August, and run the 6 straight weeks up until the September new TV show season starts. X-Files Episodes to be shot in Vancouver, Smoking Man confirms.
  16. No, don't need spoiler tags at all in here. Post away. And you know, Bastet, since I am a glutton for spoilers, if any juicy info comes your way, feel free to share!! *grin* Okay, I found it really weird that William Davis confirmed he's coming back. Wouldn't that be something that CC would want to keep under wraps for a bit?? Or like you guys are saying, flashbacks possibly, and/or not so integral to the story. Strange.
  17. The flags are pre-programmed and only one can be picked at a time. So the choices would be Spoilers or Book Talk. So I can set the flag as Book Talk and just name the thread accordingly.
  18. I was hoping to get some feedback from everyone, get some ideas and come up with a nice solution for the majority, to satisfy both the comic fans, while also trying to deal with the spoiler issue, etc instead of merely dictating. I also want a solution that limits the low traffic threads and the overall number of threads. Clearly I was wrong in this train of thought. *sigh* I should have been the "dictator" and crushed the revolucion. So this is what we are going to do. We are going to have a ONE EPISODE trial run. This Sunday is the last episode for season 5 and I am sure will generate LOTS of conversation. - I will create your "spoiled" episode thread for Conquer. This episode thread will be tagged with that RED Book Talk flag ahead of the title. - The Comics threads will operate as per usual rules. - Pre-Air Speculation thread will operate as per usual rules. - The Actual episode thread will operate as per usual rules. IF there is a post that you are "bothered" by in the regular episode thread, that you considered "pointless" or "has reached a level of farce", you will NOT report it. You will PM me a link to the post, WHY it is a problem, WHY it is "spoiling" others, why it is a 'farce' and WHY you think it belongs in a separate "spoiled" episode thread. All those who want to be involved, we will do this through one dedicated PM. Actual blatant spoilers and bad behaviour, do report that, again as per usual. The objective is to see what some of you consider a post that "ruins" the main episode threads. If this trial run is successful, if the "spoiled" threads get a decent amount of traffic and if the conversation are different enough to warrant two threads, then we will do this for season 6.
  19. So not even something like that against-the-wall make-out deleted scene from the first X-Files movie???? Come on Jolene...jolene...jolene.... (with apologies to Dolly Parton)
  20. Here is your episode thread for the SEASON 5 FINALE: Conquer. This thread will open at 10:20 pm Sunday night. Prior to this, please go to the Pre-Air Speculation and Live Chat thread for any discussions on the episode. Remember to please keep all discussions polite, respectful and spoiler free. To discuss the episode WITH Comics spoilers, go to: S05.E16: Conquer - Episode Discussion with Comic Spoilers. For shortforms, go to our Acronym and Nickname thread. Don't forget!! The season 5 finale is 90 minutes long. That's right, 1.5 hours of Walking Dead goodness, so don't forget to set your DVRs/PVRs accordingly to make sure you don't miss a single second! And to repeat a little trivia, the episode titles come from this quote:
  21. Here is your pre-air and discussion thread for the FINAL EPISODE OF SEASON 5: Conquer. This thread will remain open until 10:30 pm Sunday night, after which you can all mosey on over to the actual episode thread S05.E16: Conquer to continue discussions. Don't forget, the season 5 finale is 90 minutes long. That's right, 1.5 hours of Walking Dead goodness, so don't forget to set your DVRs/PVRs accordingly to make sure you don't miss a single second! As always, please be respectful and courteous in your posts, please tag any spoilers - comic or otherwise - and overall, enjoy!
  22. Random Coin Flipper I don't know man...I keep flipping the Toonie (Cdn $2 coin) and the Queen keeps staring back at me...
  23. Yeah, and I don't want this area to become so heavily moderated and so nitpicky. I don't see the need with you guys, except in some cases. It should be fun posting here, not stressful (IMO). True. This is why I am leaning toward the existing comics threads to be comics ONLY, and a new comparison thread. The only reason you know they are wrong is because you know the spoilers :'). For the unspoiled/non comics readers, it doesn't stand out. But sometimes we guess right. I don't read the comics, but figured out the direction of some of the major plot points this, just from the hints on screen. Written another way: if you know what to look for, then you actively notice it (it just stands out). However, some people do end up posting information about spoilers too overtly. It's a fine line. I disagree with that. I think in a lot cases, a comics only or book only thread is fun for people to have. Why not? We talk about movies in here, food, music, games, other non-TV topics here too. I think of it like an online book club for PTV. So that thread should/will stay for those who are interested. Poll is tied now...Hmmm...
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