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Everything posted by Mazzy

  1. I haven't read the comments yet, and I'm just now starting to watch this episode but right out of the gate - Iris is SO full of it!!! Saying she "eventually" wanted to have sex with her husband and asking why her virginity was such an issue for KEITH!! What??! She couldn't go four words without mentioning it! For the dice roll game when she got 'kiss anywhere' she kissed his shoulder!! She needs to get her crap together!
  2. To me, earlier seasons seemed more genuine, as far as ppl actually coming on here to find their mate. I don't feel the way many others do, that being arranged married is some kind of nutjob thing to do. I think it's perfectly reasonable and honestly half the world does it so several billion people can't be all wrong. Doing it on a reality show is just a sign of the times in America. ~shrug~ But I don't know if the show just has terrible ratings or what has caused them to veer so far off course, but I've said it before and will say it again: most of the people on this season just don't make sense to have been chosen for an experiment like this. Amber - there is absolutely no way to hide THAT level of neediness. We literally saw it on episode one, so why would she have been chosen? Matt - homeless, unemployed, with no job skills. AND, seemingly a person who has been absolutely content their whole adult life with being a homeless drifter, as he told us early on that he crashed on friends' couches. No one would pick this guy as a good candidate. Beth - obvious day one that she was just an attention seeker, not a good choice to pair with someone. Iris - no one in their right mind would think putting a stranger on the spot on national television with a VIRGIN would be a good idea! If anything, if I were a producer, I'd be constantly worried the almost-30 year old virgin feeling "violated" if anything happened and it didn't work out and then I'd be producing the rape show! So yeah, you get the idea, just none of these people make any sense at all as contestants. As for D-day I have never gotten that part, even since the beginning. They can literally get divorced whenever they want so there is no great pressure to decide by that day. And last - I don't understand all the Keith-hate. I will admit it doesn't make any sense at all that he is on this show. If anyone DOESN'T need help with a relationship I'd say it's Keith - and he seems to have no trouble (he had a used box of condoms after all). But what did he do that was so wrong? Ppl say he didn't open up or talk to Iris but he totally has. He has told her that her fixation on her virginity is an obstacle. He has told her that he doesn't at all want to be perceived as pushing her forward so it is up to her to guide him in their sex life. The fact that she flat out refuses to move forward with it, there is nothing he can do about that. And clearly Iris never took this seriously because if she was saving herself for her husband - well, he's right here!!
  3. They also got to the cabin at significantly different times, and the last two couples acted like they had been driving all day when they finally arrived.
  4. THIS!! I don't watch Unfiltered, but re: Matt even being on this show - it's just plain stupid. You don't need to be an "expert" to understand what kind of person NOT to pick for this experiment. I bet any one of us commenting on this show could find the nearest 10 year old, give them multiple choices of contestants and ask them which one should NOT be on the show and 100% of them would say "the homeless unemployed basketball player". That's just ridiculous!!
  5. Yes, there is. I don't know if it's allowed to give you names of sites so I'll just say to search things like "free streaming" or "stream Married at first sight", etc. I can tell you that these sites run on ads so like the one I watch goes basically like this: click on search bar, a pop up window opens. I close it and type the search (married at first sight) and a new tab opens with the episodes list. I click the episode and usually there is a small pop up on same tab asking to 'allow' something - I always choose 'not now/deny' and then the episode window with the media player opens. Sometimes it's tricksy and there is a "proceed to video" UNDER what appears to be the media player and sometimes not. If so click it, if not click play, another pop up - close it, click play again, a second pop up - close it, click play a THIRD time and it plays. It seems like a lot and a headache but honestly once you are familiar it's just a quick routine of closing a couple windows. There are also some shows that you can watch directly on their network webpages. And there are also other sites besides the one I use that will have different pop ups at different times or more or less working links, etc. You just have to pick the page that works best for you. I cut the cord maybe 10 years ago, before it was the norm, and I've been watching TV this way ever since. I do also have Netflix and Prime.
  6. I noticed Deonna's neck too and wondered but seeing her family, all the females have that neck so it is just a trait of their family. And I agree completely with your last statement - all these couples are ridiculous this season. It's like this year they purposely tried to match people they knew wouldn't make it. Elizabeth and Jamie are both hot heads and that is never a good combo. Keith is laid back while Iris is so uptight she has different sinks for different washes and you can't get on the bed in clothes that touched the air outside! The teacher and the moron = the clinically needy vs the globe trotter who is never home. And Deonna and [can't remember his name] are a stand offish and very private woman paired with an open and super affectionate man. None of them make any sense unless 1. the "experts" are utterly terrible at their professions, 2. psychology profession in general is a joke, or 3. they purposely chose to have a season of train wrecks.
  7. I'm not finished with the episode yet and I haven't read the comments yet (can't wait!!), but this was bursting out of me so I had to come comment - Okay, Jamie is an ass, BUT EVERYthing he says about Elizabeth is absolute truth!!!!! They are about to go see their childhood homes and Elizabeth, yet again, can't stop talking about herself and how Jamie will be reacting to learning more about HER, and how he will find it sooooo interesting. Elizabeth literally lives in her own head in her own movie in which she is the star, everyone wants to watch her, everyone wants to listen to her, and everyone thinks she's amazing and her life is amazing and her story is amazing and SO interesting! Gah! Shut up, indeed!!
  8. This 100% - I also don't believe she is at all scared or ashamed of something to do with her body. I believe whole-heartedly that she wants to lord sex over men in a very immature, high school kid way. I think Keith is spot on when he says she is immature. She is the only one that thinks her vajay is lined in gold and sparkles with the twinkle of stars, and she seems to expect men to want to fall over themselves to get to it. I think it actually pisses her off that Keith doesn't try harder to get at it. There's nothing pure about those Duggar nutbars. All those huge litter families that are uber religious are F'ed up. Females tend to have a lower sex drive than males in their formative years but it's shown time and time again that if the males aren't allowed any access to the opposite sex they will gladly substitute a sister for a girl they would have met outside the family - as is the case with the Duggars. All those litter familys are crunchy nutbars. And lastly, I didn't see the preview of Elizabeth's table flipping, but as toxic as her and Jamie are, I think they are both toxic individually too and maybe that is why they enjoy each other's crazy ?? Jamie is super mentally abusive but Elizabeth is seeming to show herself to be abusive in her own way too.
  9. I don't get Unfiltered so it's a little hard to follow some of the convos. But seriously if I have to hear about Iris' f-ing virginity one more time.... She even talks like she has no intention of basically ever giving it up. It doesn't seem to be a matter of knowing her husband, it seems to be this thing she wants men to want but then hold it over them and did you see her face when he said he wasn't sure he was ready to have sex with HER? I could see it plainly - the only thing Iris cares about re: her virginity is that she can hold it over a man like a prize except she is too immature to understand that no adult actually wants it!! No one wants to train their spouse in their twenties! That's what awkward HS fondling is for! PS - and leaving Keith with blue balls is NOT "satisfying" your husband!
  10. This would have been the perfect response. I love that perspective. I don't remember any real convo about this other than him saying 'oh oops sorry' for being out w/o telling her, but no one seemed to mention the ring thing which I always thought was bizarre (to not mention). I don't want to think something is "wrong" with people for wanting to be arranged-married but I also admit that with all candidates we DO get to see what is keeping them from being successful in love and with Keith it just doesn't make sense. I believe by any hetero woman's standards this man is handsome with a good personality, and he is easily smooth around women. He's a very attractive man in all ways. I did not know this or 'notice' this in society as a white female, but it makes me very sad and I thank you for making me aware of it. I don't know how to change it but I am happy to have my eyes opened to it. I wonder if there is a connection with the idea of not wanting to lend power to someone? Anything humans covet yields power and that includes beauty. Black women are typically the most oppressed of all American people and to acknowledge the physical beauty would be to lend power. I haven't really thought about it, but that's right - Matt was CHOSEN out of gazillions of candidates to be on this show. How would that make sense; to pick a man who has only ever known employment as an over seas athlete, is now unemployed, and hopes to start a seemingly random car detailing business in hopes of helping to support a family (because I believe they've spoken of eventually wanting kids??)? No one would ever chose him as a potential SUCCESSFUL marriage candidate in an arranged-marriage situation. And then to decide that the only way a mate wouldn't immediately be like 'no thanks' was to choose a woman who is so needy that after one week any split would devastate her world? I love this show but that's pretty warped. And then finally; I do think Elizabeth views her whole life as a movie playing in her head and she is both the star and the biggest fan. I loved that Iris's mom basically told her to get over herself and sleep with her husband. I thought it was absolutely ridiculous and naive for her to claim any man would want a virgin and would want to be the first and only in there. Who would want that, Iris? Who?! Literally no one! PS - for me it's Iris's baby voice that drives me crazy.
  11. Okay, again just catching up... But Iris getting upset about condoms? SHE is the virgin, not everyone else! So SHE needs to understand that other people are actually having sex. Also, as much as I like Iris and Keith, I do wonder how committed she really is because she came into this process knowing that she was going to be married and doing all the things married people do, yet she also knew that making a decision to sleep with someone was going to be a huge deal for her. With that in mind, she clearly had no intention of getting very intimate with her new husband very quickly and so her need to wait and see if this is really the person she wants to be with is exactly the opposite of what the process is supposed to be. She is supposed to be all in for the process, not just considering it as if she's been set up on an extended date.
  12. I am just catching up on this season, but I agree with this 100%. Deonna does NOT at all seem ready for a relationship. Sadly I see a lot of myself in her, but because of that I see her bad qualities. I think she didn't care much about being in a relationship, she enjoys "her" time rather than having to share it and do what others want to do, BUT I believe she gets lonely and bored and so she just wanted someone built in to her life to do stuff with but has no interest in him as an individual, just as a warm body to drag along when she's bored and wants to do something. The difference between her and me (thank god!) is that I go all in with my man, and her body language is really strongly like seeming to have no interest in intimacy or really any affection. Even when this couple hugs she leans in with her shoulders like you'd hug a distant relative at a wedding, and keeps as much of her body from touching as possible.
  13. Eew... I'm just catching up/just starting binging this season until I catch up. I am simultaneously reading your comments while watching the episode and I just got to creepy-dad! WOW!!! That was crazy. If I were that guy I would just be like 'dude I don't even know what to say to the words you are speaking right now'. I'm also starting to get some red flags about Amber and her man. Amber is really intense. She honestly reminds me of a friend who is also very clingy to her men. And that works just fine if you have a partner that is into that, but I feel like it is going to be too intense for Matt and I can't blame him for not being into it. Also she reminds me of a child for some reason. I don't know if it's the way she acts or her mannerisms ~shrug~ It's just not very attractive IMO.
  14. I believe Jasmine will keep it together to "save face", but I believe she will be having an internal 'Sam reaction' when Will wants a divorce.
  15. My current take on the couples: Kate and Luke - I just can't. I don't know and I don't care. Stay together, split up, you're both crusty nutbars. Kate is looking for a 14 year old's idea of love and Luke... maybe he's a sociopath. I really don't know what incentive he has to stay with Kate. She desperately wants a kiss at the end, he so very obviously has zero interest. AJ and Stephanie - I really wish Stephanie had gotten to talk to AJ about his temper, and maybe she did. I feel editing in this show is extreme with the guiding of the audience to the drama they want to paint. But if it is real that she hasn't talked to AJ about this, I feel that AJ would try really hard to change. I feel he larady loves Stephanie and I feel that Stephanie genuinely enjoys spending time with AJ but for obvious reasons doesn't want to deal with that toddler temper of his. I think she could be and currently is happy with this man for the long haul IF they can talk about the temper or he can go to therapy to get some tips on how to properly process his feelings and exercises to do when he starts feeling it rise up. Will and Jasmine - LOLOL FINALLY Will tells her about the constant hanging on him!! Since ep 2 I have noticed Jasmine constantly touches/rubs Will's face and pets his head and runs her fingers over his beard... gah! no one, and I mean NO ONE wants to have their face constantly fondled!!! And she's always draping herself over him too, and finally this episode he actually made a single comment about how she's always got her feet and legs laying on him. I think for Will that was a huge step in sharing his feelings. lol But in seriousness, I think he's going to want a divorce and she's going to want to stay together and I also agree with comments suggesting she might say she wants a divorce just to try to save face. But I don't feel sorry for Jasmine. Even now she got snippy at the idea that he would even ever consider not wanting her but simultaneously was talking about how she had to consider things like she was the great catch and she didn't know if he was worthy. I can't stand her and I see why Will can't either. Keith and Kristine - I think they stay together. I think they make it work. And I think they are happy together for at least enough time to call it a real marriage.
  16. This. Comments keep suggesting money but there is zero proof of that and if you Google it, as I just did, you find multiple past contestants saying they barely get enough to buy a crappy used car and the show itself saying it wouldn't make sense to pay people because they want people who actually want to be married. A site called Reality Blurred looked into the idea of getting a big pay off for staying together and they made very legit points of why that isn't even realistic: the show is super small on a small network so it's likely on a very small budget, and since they have 3-4 couples, if they got a big pay off that would be a big pay off for up to 8 people, which could cost more for the show than even the truly big pay offs of the super popular shows like Bachelor, etc. Edit: HOWEVER there doesn't seem to be any incentive on splitting up on D-Day either because an InTouch article did a 'secrets of the show' story that claimed that 1. there is a longer amount of time than just up to D-Day that the show will pay attorney fees for a divorce, and 2. even the couples who break up have to stay together for 6 months before their divorce goes through. So that makes D-day even more arbitrary than it already seemed.
  17. This show has always been like this every episode. They repeat the guidelines of the "experiment" and show wedding footage literally every. single. intro. I skip the first maybe five full minutes, sometimes more, just because of that. I don't think Will and Luke are asexual, I think they both find nothing attractive about their wives and that's really the entire thing. The one in her middle school aged brain! Kate shows no maturity at all IMO and I see Kate wanting the RomCom ending that she fantasized about when she was 14. She wants the guy to come running after her. In the rain. In Paris or some shit! lol It's ridiculous.
  18. I feel that both genders do this, and honestly, can you blame them? Dating sucks. I know some people genuinely like the passing around of potential partners but I think most of us, if given a choice, would just be like "okay just bring him to me!"; as long as he's not a serial killer or a dog hater or some nutbag wanting us to move off grid and live off berries and 10 year old eggs that he has stored in his basement for some apocalypse he's sure is coming, I'll make it work. LOL
  19. That would be a straight crazy plot twist. It would basically transition this aging group into a 'real housewives'-esque type drama-reality show instead of the MTV-esque reality show they are still managing to pull off right now even though they are quickly aging out.
  20. Or he knew she would lose her mind if she weren't included in something that had nothing to do with her and so it was just easier to buy a helmet for her too.
  21. Just watched the After Show or maybe just a clip (on Youtube), but Arianna talking about the dynamic between Lisa and the rest of the cast: yikes! "no matter how hard we try to improve she always wants us under her thumb" or something close to that. That's... a LOT. If Lisa sees that she may take issue with Arianna's candidness in sharing her opinion. Like Stassi pointed out: it IS called "VANDERPUMP rules"
  22. Oh, PS, Brittany - Maybe everyone heard something I didn't and please correct me if we got a real diagnosis last episode, but it sounded to me like the doctor was just telling Brittany she had acid reflux and her and Jax are making it sound like she has some life threatening illness! LOL I have acid reflux.. I had a massive ulcer at one point as a teenager (normally happens when you are older) that left about 50% of my stomach lining scarred and thinner than it should be. At 16 I was put on Pepcid (not OTC), a year later they changed it to Nexium max strength, and about two years after than they told me to start taking two a day of those 'one a day' pills. Now I just live with it. ~shrug~ It hurts, it's uncomfortable, sometimes I down a few of the stomach acid pills, sometimes I drink a Coke, which makes you burp, and it's gross but burping makes you feel a LOT better when it flares up... Point is, having a drink isn't going to harm you at all, it's just not going to feel great if your stomach flares up. Eating spicy food - same. And according to the doctor who used to treat me as a teenager when all this was diagnosed, while spicy foods and the 'normal' list of things are most likely triggers for it, each body is different and for someone it can be sugar instead of spicy, or bread because bread expands in the stomach and can cause more acid to be produced to break it down, or any other thing we consume just dependent on the individual's system and what affects it. So yeah, Brittaany's fine, and her drinking is fine, and while they are trying to create a dramatic subplot here, it seriously sounded like just plain ol' acid reflux to me.
  23. Said it before, say it again: Katie always needs to have someone to hate. Right now James isn't around, Kristin's BF isn't around, and she's now friends with Lala so that only leaves Schwartz to turn her constant hate-fire on to. As for the TomTom opening, Katie seemed pretty obnoxious and Tom seemed pretty busy. We have no idea if at any point he DID acknowledge her and tell her 'Bubba I'm real busy right now', but the editing we get suggests he just ignored her. He didn't need to play it like that for sure and that is his fault, but she didn't need to make HIS night all about herself either. They were both dicks in their own ways here. As for the flight, I don't know how long it's been since some people have been on flights; and it's been a long time for me too - less than a decade but more than a couple years for sure - but you can't just go switching seats anymore so that's one very practical issue with Katie's nonsense. So while it may not have been super chivalrous of Tom to take the upgrade and not sit with his wife, if a grown woman can't sit for 3 hours without a man without absolutely losing her mind then that woman has issues. She rage-texted for three full hours?!! WTF! What are you, 16?! And she seemed pretty wasted in the hotel lobby, so she not only rage-texted for three hours, she binge-drank like a kid at a high school party for three hours. To top it all off, NOW Tom isn't busy opening his incredibly busy bar, and is RIGHT THERE for them to spend time together in this beautiful place but since Katie hates everything in her life and needs to project her hate-fire before it consumes her, Tom is the nearest and only target around and here we go for a terrible vacation. BTW, that past clip they threw in of him pouring a drink on her - in that clip, right before that drink is poured on her head, Schwartz's words: "You're a bully, Katie!" Yeah, she is!!
  24. Someone else said it best: it's the drama we come for and despite what is, IMO, a 100% failure rate of this season's couples, they definitely delivered on the drama. My end of season assessments: AJ & Stephanie - most likely to stay together through ending and reunion but I don't know about forever, since I don't trust AJ to improve on his mood swings or lack of maturity when it comes to accepting he can't always have exactly what he wants. Grown women don't tend to put up with man-babies forever. Will & Jasmine - Jasmine will choose to stay together and Will will choose to divorce. Then Jasmine will act shocked like she did all she could, even though she bashed everything about Will, even including his dreams!, for the entire 8 weeks. Keith & Kristine - stay together and I believe most likely to stay together long term. I attribute that to Kristine being a good woman/wife, a kind soul, and willing to overlook minor annoyances in favor of keeping her marriage. I don't know if the same can actually be said for Keith. I don't feel like we got as much of an inside look at him. but I don't see him mattering too much on the stay together front because I think Kristine will keep things together and solid between them even if she is the one truly making the effort semi-alone. Kate & Luke - I can only believe at this point that they are both just acting. I believe they will stay together at the 8 weeks to annoy the shit out of all of us, then go their separate ways behind 'closed doors' until the reunion and we will see them still together there, again to our total annoyance, and then we will read about them splitting up when there is nothing left of the show. I don't think any of these couples were a good match this season, but I do want to address the notion that no one would practice an arranged marriage if they didn't "have to". Many cultures practice arranged marriages and have very successful and strong families. I think this is because it's family members, the people who know the 'candidates' beyond simply what they would write (and possibly have self-biases) on paper, and really know the real person inside, who is picking who would be a good match. This is the flaw with this experiment. Expert or not, you don't truly know the person; only hearing about them as they see themselves, and no one REALLY sees themselves for who they really are as we all like to think we are better than what we are. We all make excuses for some of our actions that we judge others for, we all see our own flaws as not as 'big' as those same flaws in others, etc. Whereas family members see them and know them and therefore can know what a person can overcome and what things they will be willing to work on to keep a happy marriage, how short their fuse is, and how much value they place on accepting the other person to keep the marriage healthy vs seeing all their flaws. Some people trust their family to find a better mate than they ever could BECAUSE their families know them so well. I don't think there is anything wrong with arranged marriages or that the people willing to have an arranged marriage are someone flawed for accepting or wanting that. I just think this specific way it's gone about on this show is the flaw.
  25. I don't actually believe he does ask for sex. Kate claimed that and that's the only time we've heard it. Meanwhile Kate admitted to asking for sex at least twice of the 5-6 times they've supposedly done it, so at least 33% of the times they did do it Kate specifically asked Luke to participate.
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