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Everything posted by ForReal

  1. I have just the last episode to watch. I am enjoying it, but I wish there were more episodes per season.
  2. Slurry cry is the perfect way to describe that style of singing, if you can call it a style, and I'm over it, too. Leah can sound surprisingly good when she dials back the quirk, but she doesn't do that often enough. Totally agree on your points about Nick and Mike. I like Nick more than I ever thought I would, and I feel like I could like Mike a lot more if he just did...something else. He has no country in his voice when he speaks, so there's none to hear when he sings.
  3. I would love to see Nicolina sing a Heart song. I think she could do Ann Wilson justice. I'm torn, because she's my favorite, but I'm not sure I can see myself listening to her on the radio. Some performances were surprisingly good, some were surprisingly disappointing, but it was a good show overall. Best so far, as they say.
  4. He did not seem to be having fun at the end, and I wondered if it was because Gabby shot down his song choice. I didn't know the other song he was considering, but if he felt more strongly about it or more enthused about it, he might have been more engaged. I can't tell if she was right in discouraging him from singing it. I feel the same, I just like her and her teeth, but she needs to have a moment on stage. Same! I was telling my spouse that KD Lang sings an incredible version of that song, and after hearing her sing it, Leonard Cohen is said to have said the song could be retired. I cringe when anyone sings it on AI. And I do not consider that song to be religious, although it is perhaps spiritual and definitely about uh, passion.
  5. I really should rewatch this show, thank you for reminding me about it. I sometimes think about dropping in to watch an episode here or there, but it's hard to pick one without considering what went on before and then after. A complete rewatch is the answer.
  6. I liked her, too -- she was a breath of fresh air. I immediately looked her up on Spotify and will follow her there. I will be rooting for Nicolina. I don't listen to country so I have no strong opinions on any of them, although I think Huntergirl will be successful in some fashion no matter what and I won't be mad if Noah wins. I don't think Dan deserves to be there. The rest of them are okay, all talented in their own right, but I don't see any stars amongst them.
  7. I agree, I don't remember that at all. Although the look she gave him when she commented about him working out made me wonder if that will change. I hope not. I thought Glassman was working so slow because he's become accustomed to it, working in the clinic and chatting with patients. I know Shaun was rude, but Glassman did need to step it up since they were in crisis mode. Park was the star of the episode for me.
  8. I figure she doesn't look much at Lionel because she can't dominate him, but Luke she walks all over. In our household, we joke that Luke looks at her or waits for her to speak before he voices an opinion, but this episode he spoke up and actually said stuff. A nice change of pace.
  9. I'm waiting for them all to be available as well. Looking forward to chatting with like minds!
  10. Only on TV does someone wake up from experimental brain surgery capable of having a cogent conversation about detecting no pain and no sadness. Way to wrap things up quickly. I agree that we are being set up for more problems. I think their hearts are in the right places, but I don't think she is accommodating his fears. I don't see it as a gender issue, the way she claimed, I see it as allowing and enabling someone to feel comfortable with their circumstances, and she bulldozed him into ignoring his discomfort. This, all of this!
  11. When I was watching that contestant, I thought, "For sure her dad will make an appearance at some point down the road." Why else include all that story? I felt like we are being played.
  12. A few seasons back there was a moment that has stayed with me. Lauren Daigle was mentoring some contestants and mentioned that she bussed tables to save every penny to pay for singing lessons, and one of the contestants said she had never had a singing lesson before, leaving Lauren a bit nonplussed. I sometimes wonder if the contestants really understand the sheer hard work required to be successful.
  13. After all the ups and downs in his career in the past few years, it was unbelievably crappy of him to take over Lim's office without even speaking to her about it. I hope this last episode wakes him up, but I have a feeling he will sink a bit lower before switching teams for the win. I have to admit, I was kind of hoping someone would die. Both patients made bad decisions (because the options were not fully explored, not because they were flat-out wrong), but there were no consequences, really. It's hard to say who got luckier, the girl singer or the kid who Resnick by a fluke manages to cure (to a degree). It feels like a lame attempt to play at House, where the risky procedures alway pay off, but this isn't House and the risks weren't sufficiently weighed.
  14. I felt the same way about Noah, I couldn't understand him most of the time and he sounded like lots of other country singers that I don't listen to -- not a fan, either. I kept comparing it to the old show as well. Back then it felt like we were watching true auditions and the judges were as surprised as we were by the performances. Now it's all too clear that the contestants have been chosen and packaged beforehand, so there are no surprises and little excitement. Sometimes the judges appear to act like they have never seen the contestant before and know nothing about them, but then they know to ask them to invite in family members, so clearly they know how it's all going down. It's not the same show, and I guess that's okay, but I can't help comparing it every year to the past.
  15. Sadly, that sounds plausible. I'd love to see a reboot of Reba! I liked Malibu Country, but it just wasn't as snappy or tightly knit as Reba, and even Lilly Tomlin couldn't save it. I think I could live without Brock and Barbara Jean, or at least without Brock. Maybe he's died and Reba and Barbara Jean could be neighbors and have the youngest kids going to college and living with them. Lots of generational comedy available with that.
  16. Interesting. Hard to believe they don't know by now. It's hard to imagine the show without the actor, but that could be an interesting new direction.
  17. I don't remember the dog. In fact, I wondered why some random man with his dog was standing so close to the field. I kind of think I would remember if Earl had been introduced previously.
  18. I figured it was because she was drawn to have a snippy, unforgiving attitude toward Brock, and the show wanted to move toward the one big happy family concept. It was too bad, because Brock deserved those snips.
  19. Same! I'm thinking this will come back to bite both Salen and Resnik and get them both off the show. I know a show needs villains to rail against, but this just isn't working for me. I need characters to have redeeming qualities or at least sympathetic qualities so I can hate to love them or love to hate them, but Salen and Resnik are just annoying.
  20. Andrews was such a jerk early on and then he came around. I hate to see him be a jerk again.
  21. In total agreement. This struck me as the female version of people going to Gibbs' basement to bare their soul and pour their heart out over a stiff drink out of a jar.
  22. I have to agree, on all counts. I get that Mike doesn't want to be unkind, but Gina cannot and will not take a hint, it seems. I didn't like Kristin with that guy, either. And yes, the new guy is a little dull, although still likable.
  23. If someone called my husband a silver fox, I'd be like, "Isn't he, though? And he's mine!"
  24. That was great, I could just hear his voice and delivery reading it. I'm glad he enjoyed being on the show as much I enjoyed his being on the show.
  25. I thought he was staying in the garage to quarantine. I recall that he many times spoke of how much he loved his wife when Shaun asked relationship questions, so this is rather sad for him that his wife has lost interest in their marriage.
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