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Everything posted by ForReal

  1. I felt the same way when they asked him to sing that song, it really hit me wrong. I am already listening to him on Spotify, so there's that, because I agree that he's not the package AI likes, even though he is an amazing singer. I wonder if any of the young people who were sent home will come back in future years when they are a little more mature and more resilient. I felt bad for Cam, he just got lost along the way.
  2. It was especially cruel when she did it to Nutsa, who as a non-native English speaker really didn't get it and so suffered needlessly. I also thought it was ridiculous that Nutsa had to apologize to Katie for actually showing what I consider to be grace under fire when her duet partner threw her under the bus. I think Katie should have apologized back.
  3. While I was watching, I thought the same thing with the same fury -- they focus on how hard it is for him to find a partner then leave him to be the odd man out of with 149 contestants? But when they were filming him while he was melting down, he said something like, "It's important for people to see this part of my disability," and I thought maybe he agreed to let them film all this to bring awareness to the struggles autistic people face (although being the only person without a partner in a group of 149 would be anyone's nightmare, IMO). I still think it was not great TV, but I have to/want to believe he wasn't being treated cruelly.
  4. Oh, I agree, she went along with it. I just don't think she coached her daughter to go "find" the gold ticket, I think the show made a lot of that happen.
  5. I thought the show used her poor kid as a sympathy token. Luke was quick to take her on his lap to watch her mom audition. She must have babysitters for when she works, so having her daughter there seemed staged. I can't imagine her not getting picked next time we see her, or why even see her at all? Plus she already had #Idol after her name.
  6. There was one other perspective Morgan got -- Park's. He said his best memories were his kid's activities and events, and his biggest regrets were missing so many of them. Yes, Andrews told Morgan what she needed to hear to get the job, which was partly in his best interests. He *wanted* her to take the job. I think we will see her either forgo having a child or have a difficult time with it, and Parks will come to the rescue.
  7. My husband kept insisting that some future audit of the hospital's records would reveal a gunshot wound that wasn't reported. I wasn't so sure that there is any agency that would track that -- not like the police would come sniffing around for that information. Maybe insurance? For liability? I agree with Thuganomics, it was low of Powell to tell Lim that she owed her. For what, it never felt like she had her best interests at heart, more like she was trying to recruit to the disabled club. I did not like Powell and I won't miss her.
  8. I felt foreshadowing of this, too. When they were talking about motorcycles and he asked if she missed riding them, she said something like they are way too dangerous. While I think most surgeons would say that, she herself rode one fearlessly and sometimes recklessly, and I can't believe she wouldn't miss that. I just don't think she can admit that.
  9. Yeah, I cynically told my husband, no way would they have rushed her into surgery that fast without getting all her information, especially her insurance. I'm not sure how Glassman can recognize Lim's ability to move, and she can't. I also don't get how quickly she's reached a point where she's happy with her new life. Her struggle has been so glossed over.
  10. I think that was the best moment of the entire season, to be honest.
  11. Bert used to redeem himself one way or another in the past, but this season he really didn't. Yeah, I would have liked to see Mrs. Tishell finally come to grips with her obsession and let him go. After she crossed the line a few seasons back, it seems in poor taste to have her dancing anywhere near that line at this point. Ruth was not a very effective doctor for her.
  12. We live in a highly litigious society. Luckily, the son was grateful, rather than vengeful. I bet my husband that the lawyer grandson would be a new love interest for Morgan. That's about the kind of story I expect from the show at this point.
  13. With Shaun's black and white thinking, I understand why he cannot apologize to Lim. He wasn't responsible for her complications, even if they resulted from his actions. If he had to do the whole thing over again, he would presumably make the same choice, because he did what he thought was best, so how could he in good faith apologize? Could he tell her he's sorry things turned out the way they did? Sure. Could he give her time to share her reasons for deciding against the surgery? Sure. But Glassman is punishing Shaun in a cruel way, and I'm glad he got a reminder via his memory of Maddie that his way doesn't work. He's not helping Shaun to see the situation in a new way, he's pushing him so hard, he's getting stuck.
  14. Finished the fifth episode, and Frodo is definitely developing into a strong character. My unexpected favorite, though, is Trudy. Determined to stay neutral, but wonderfully observant and helpful. She's an interesting character this season.
  15. I have watched three episodes so far, and there does seem to be a lack of something. I mean, I'm liking it, but some sense of energy seems to be missing. The new guy is fine, but kind of bland. Maybe that's it, the show isn't as funny this season. Even Gina has hardly made me laugh.
  16. I watched that and enjoyed it. I give it a solid B+. I've watched two episodes now of Brokenwood Mysteries' latest season. I am enjoying spending time with the characters.
  17. I rewatch sporadically, and I don't care for the Pelant episodes, either. I also skip the parts where they are apart, in later seasons, for manufactured reasons. I don't think I have ever watched the episodes where Bones went on the run because it made no sense to me that she wouldn't have lawyers and friends in law enforcement (!) who could have helped her. I also never liked Jared, although I also didn't like the way Booth was with Jared. Some of the writers' ideas for stirring things up just sent things down the drain, IMHO.
  18. They all made their Springsteen songs so pop music-y! The disconnect between the lyrics and the singing drove me nuts. My husband kept saying it was because they are too young to know the songs, but geez. The edgy feeling of "I'm on Fire" was completely missing. I didn't even recognize what Leah was singing, and Hunter's rendition of "Dancing in the Dark" was also missing that hint of desperate restlessness. I guess if I didn't know those songs as Bruce Springsteen songs, I would think the performances were alright. I guess. I thought Huntergirl was convinced she was going out first, and when Leah left she kind of bounced back little. Good for her, she seemed the least confident of the three of them. I think Leah will be fine, and I daresay Noah will be, too.
  19. I don't listen to country music, and even though I've been watching the show for a long time, I am starting to think this might be my last season.
  20. I like the moments when she is caught off guard, like when she's arguing with Van and he makes a good point, and she says, "I like dumb Van better." Or when Cheyenne tries to make things up to her for something and takes her shopping and hangs out with her, and she admits to Reba, after making her promise to never tell, "I kind of liked it." And her face, when she realizes these things, cracks me up. Makes up for the snark all the time, at least a little.
  21. I'm thinking Reznick might take the job and Park will go with her. Didn't he recently pass his "test" as a surgeon, handling a case alone? It would make room for two new residents to come in. I really hope Lim doesn't die. I feel like that would make killing doctors off look too easy (looking at the writers and thinking of Melendez). The wedding was nice, I'm glad it's behind them, and while they were saying their vows I reflected back on how much I hated them getting together but I am truly okay with it now.
  22. Well...they are both lonely, and being in India has changed them both. I recall he wasn't much impressed with India while his wife was dying, but after he lost her, he evolved as a person. The mother is kind of doing the same.
  23. I was rooting for Nicolina all season, but when she sang Adele's song, I felt like she knew it was over (and I felt like I did, for her). She has seemed the most grounded and self-assured of all the contestants, so I hope she is going back to a life that will take her upwards and onwards, after this whole experience. Leah is a puzzle to me. I like quirky, but she tends to annoy me. However, when she drops the quirk and just sings, she is great. She made a comment during the show about being able to be more herself and not having to be so...I can't remember the word she used, but it made me think that she had been told to turn up the quirk factor and was enjoying being herself so that people could have a better sense of her. I really liked Maddie Poppe and don't mind another quirky girl winning, but I won't be sad if she doesn't win, either. Noah. He does nothing for me, but I am not a country music fan. I wish him the best, whatever happens. Same for Huntergirl.
  24. I was pleased to see a happier story line for Mari -- she so deserves it. Also, I kept wondering if the British widower who came back (from the first season) would get together with the British mother who was at loose ends after her son grew up. Maybe in Season 5... I do wonder about Ram and why he seemed so down, with no mention of his wife or son.
  25. I can't see anything 🙃 It's kind of hard to discuss the show without knowing who's seen what. Hopefully it's not a spoiler to someone to say that Lydia's ex was really a piece of work. I was not sure what to expect with that whole story line, but I liked how it played out. I joined an FB page dedicated to people who like the show, but every post is either how much one loves the show or how much one loves looking at Dr. Varma. No real discussion to be had.
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