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Everything posted by ctbabe

  1. I don't think it's because of money. I remember Rachel's interview. She was talking about how strong Heather is and that we would see it. I think she decided to give it another shot.
  2. Really??? So they continued... hmmmmm.. Maybe Heather would give it a chance
  3. Of course he is being sarcastic. I think they are both done.
  4. the episode guide for the upper episode talks about Derek and Heather making a decision to stay married or divorce.
  5. Hugggg, you are smart... I have said I hate all men that they should all die.. did I mean it? Nope but at that time, I was just too hurt to think.
  6. I said in my country. The spring chick analogy is used for ladies in their late 20s too. I asked my husband and he said it means the lady isn't all that.
  7. I am probably going to offend people with my comment. Before I got married, I said worse thIngs to myself whenever I get dumped by my exs. There might have been a time when i wished all men to die? Was i hoping my dad and brother would die? No. Was I thinking about them in that scenario? No. Does that make it right? No. Does that make me evil or terrible? No. It was definitely coming from a place of anger and hurt. Did I still marry a man? Yes. It was just unfortunate that his lowest moment was recorded on camera. The 'no spring chick' comment is a regular saying in my country meaning she isn't all that.
  8. He definitely likes her. Of course he was trying to get his mancard back by denying it. I think David was faking it even though he knew she didn't like him.
  9. What's a sad sack? Are men not suppose to be sad? I remember last season when David had a crying episode, a lot of people called him a cry baby. Nick isn't showing any emotion and people are so quick to tag him as a robot. Derek is saying how he feels and people are saying he is insecure. He also showed frustration and anger which IMO is totally justifiable and people are saying he has violent tendencies or might be an abuser. When did men become minigods that can't have feelings? Or why is it wrong for a man to express his self? Hmmmm
  10. I forgot to post the last video. Derek was really hurt. Such a sad situation. http://www.fyi.tv/shows/married-at-first-sight/videos/derek-and-heathers-honeymoon-is-definitely-over
  11. Tom said he lives 5mins away from the beach.. very vague response Heather checked out on day 2, not day 5. http://www.fyi.tv/shows/married-at-first-sight/videos/pastor-calvin-is-blunt-with-heather-and-derek Busgate http://www.fyi.tv/shows/married-at-first-sight/videos/tom-shows-lillian-his-unconventional-home
  12. Mini alarm bell went off when he said it was a lie that an estate agent needs a new car to sell off a property. Though to her face, he acted like he understood. Prenups are fine but post nuptials are dicey.
  13. Maybe he is trying to test her. To find out if she is materialistic
  14. You are correct. They sign prenups before the wedding
  15. I am not getting that vibe too but I don't trust this preview..
  16. Busgate https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=778486172293936&id=334832696659288&fs=1
  17. I also laughed real hard. My interpreting of the incident is that she isn't all that.
  18. Preview for next week. Tom asked for a post nuptials. Emmmm https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=536307196572271&id=296143973921929&fs=5
  19. http://www.realmrhousewife.com/2016/08/02/married-first-sight-season-4-men-speak-exclusive/ http://www.realmrhousewife.com/2016/07/26/married-at-first-sight-season-4-women-speak-exclusive/ http://realitvwithbee.blogspot.com/2016/08/married-at-first-sight-rachel-dealto.html?m=1
  20. I think Derek found Heather attractive at the wedding but her attitude made her turn ugly to him. Didn't Derek's friend in unfiltered say character was most important to Derek not physical apperance?
  21. I think she was replused earlier than that. She was replused on the plane to PR.
  22. I am sorry to cut you off.. Rachel is not on anyone's side. Infact based on SM (facebook and Twitter) interactions she is closer to Heather. I could prove it but it's not necessary. Heather is also close pals with the producer that was in charge of them. I trust Rachel. I never trusted Dr Cilona and Logan.
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