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Everything posted by ctbabe

  1. I don't think when Doug married Jaime, he signed up for marrying someone with extreme issues. BUT he took time to get to know her and found out that she has some redeemable qualities. You are right that no one should marry someone with the intention of changing them BUT at least give them the opportunity to change themselves before running.
  2. The person has to want the change as you said but what if the person never knew they have an issue. That's what I think Nikker is saying. Sometimes upbringing make some behavior seem like the norm. It takes someone on the outside to point out the less obvious. What is normal to you might not be normal to the other person. I don't think everyone knows all their flaws..
  3. She set him up for failure. . I don't drink and smoke and I can't tolerate it but I decided to TEST my spouse to see how he would do even though Its my dealbreaker. HOW DOES THIS MAKE SENSE? You give someone the permission to do something you hate then you complain about it.. it either you hate it or not... I have read most of the MAFS interviews and I have seen Derek admit that he was impatient and could have handled things better. From the interview, Derek hasn't lied about anything. He has been open abt everything. Even Rachel said he is authentic. He has been forthcoming abt his shortcomings. Even Pastor Cal, highlighted derek's issues and Derek retweeted the link. Abt the texting issue, he and Jaime cleared it on unfiltered.
  4. I totally agree with everything you said. My issue is IF smoking pot was a deal breaker, why give him permission to attempt the deal breaker? Derek did an interview where he discussed this. http://www.usmagazine.com/entertainment/news/married-at-first-sights-derek-divorcing-heather-was-terrible-w440364 The key note: 'The account executive feels he was "honest and open and remained true to myself throughout the process." And he finds it "strange" that Seidel had such an issue with his smoking, since he says he "asked her about it on the first night, and she did not seem to have a problem with it." However, he says she "later told me that she determined on her own that I [smoked] too much. When I asked why she didn't tell me she felt like that [initially], she explained that she decided to test me instead to see what I would do." Why TEST someone with something she hayes that much and it's the dealbreaker? That's so wrong..
  5. I honestly don't believe he did anything inappropriate. I think she asked for no intimacy until they knew each other better and he accepted that. I don't think he tried to force her or 'someone' would have leaked the info as they leaked the rest. She also wouldn't continue saying he is a great guy in unfiltered and TH, if he had done something nasty. I understand his lashing out being an issue. I actually don't think he said the milk age comment until he was interviewed in his apartment after the demise of the marriage. The producers just copied and pasted it to the most impactful spot. I believe everyone has a negative.. if after giving feedback and the person keeps up the bad attitude then walking away is ok. I believe he could have toned down the lashing out, if he was given the feedback. They definitely were both stressed so I get her needing space for a few days but walking away is where I have the problem.
  6. I am thinking maybe the show purchased the tickets but they were not responsible for the entertainment. Sonia hosting a party, meeting up with Jaime and Tom hosting them on a boat wasn't a producer or show driven thing. I am thinking Neil had a worse experience than Heather did and was still able to remain friends with everyone. I just think it shows the kind of person she is. Despite Derek's habits and lashing out, I don't think he is a bad person at all. I believe he would be a very loyal friend. There is a reason why everyone on the show is close to him, they definitely must see what we don't since they are insiders. Also to people saying he is playing the victim. I don't get that. After the 'long selection' process and preparing of one's mind to get married on a reality show, it would be devastating to be dumped on tv after 10 days because of one's bad habit, without given the chance to grow and change. Instead of going offcamera to mend, he is thrown on camera and constantly asked how he feels. It must be difficult, i empathize with him. He is human. I also read comments abt him not taking ownership of his behavior. If after reading the post episode's interviews, watching the show and following him on SM, you still don't think he blames himself for the demise of the marriage, I have no comments. I think he blames Heather for giving up too quickly. It's like you sign up for a 6weeks job, do you quit after 10days because you have a 'terrible' coworker or manager? Nope. You express out your concerns, manage the situation and exit after 6weeks. Just my thought
  7. I wonder why Heather won't hang out with the group and not just Sonia and/Lilly. I don't think I would believe the work excuse again.. I wonder if she is avoiding Derek..
  8. He wasn't told to whip it out, the producer handed it to him. Based on your someone like him comment, I am assuming you know him more than the 5mins shown every episode. I thought I heard him take responsibility this episode. He said he was too impatient.. I don't know what other responsibilities he is also meant to take..
  9. Based on the first preview, someone proposed with a princess cut diamond ring. The lady had a tattoo like Lillian so I believe it. They are still together.
  10. I don't think they are dating or would ever date. It's just friendly barter...
  11. BTW the producers brought the letter to Derek. He didn't take it to the bar
  12. I agree with you. I think he did have feelings with her. He also said on twitter that he had a terrible cold during that meeting with Rachel.
  13. Since Nick's friends are allegedly bashing her (she said it on twitter),
  14. I totally agree with you. I don't get the strong dislike for Derek.
  15. Sonia said MULTIPLE times. It's going to be hard to use the drunk excuse
  16. I think Nick is lying. No eye contact. He is acting like an asss...
  17. Heather is friends with everyone except Derek. Not as close as the rest though
  18. The show was already filmed so I am sure they edited it to tell the story that's why we had clues in the beginning. It's in the editing not planned.
  19. I heard they asked the family/participants for pictures of exs this season.
  20. You are not right that issue was clarified by Jamie. Heather sent a short response back then he sent a followup txt and she didn't response.
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