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Braniac Woman

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Everything posted by Braniac Woman

  1. Well, that's it. Let's just pray Theresa doesn't die a horrible death and just leaves town.
  2. So far it's just rumors but there's been a lot of clues within the last month or so based on tweets and an interview from JL/EM at the Emmys where Eric made a strange comment that there's been a trend lately that people who leave the show get nominated for Emmys and he looked right at Jen as he said it and he apparently did another interview where he refers to Theresa as "the woman he currently shares a baby with" and a strange comment that Kassie DePaiva gave when she was interviewed about coming back for Theresa's wedding that she has no one left in town. All indications suggest that it could be Theresa. Also a blind item came out from Serial Scoop yesterday and it sounds a lot like it could be Jen Lilley leaving too. If that's the case, maybe it might be the actress's choice to leave but it might also be the show's mutual decision to let her go. Also if Jen Lilley really is leaving I don't understand why General Hospital hasn't approached her to play Maxie again for Kirsten Storms. I don't buy that shit that she wasn't available. Surely they could've have at least asked her if she wanted to go back to General Hospital and she might've said yes and she might've started doing General Hospital while wrapping up her role on Days. Was Molly Burnett really their only option?
  3. Yeah, why aren't they getting rid of Brady instead? At the rate this show is going, Brady might end up with a different woman six months from now and it'll be like Theresa never existed. Brady has pretty much run his course and maybe when Eric Martsolf's contract runs out in October, maybe he'll decide to move on too. He's been on the show long enough.
  4. Yeah Days probably has concluded there isn't that much investment in the character from the general audience and she has basically run her course and the solution is to kill her off. Also maybe since Ciara is now being groomed to be the next star of the show, there might not be any need for her anymore. Also I have a nagging feeling that this might be Higley's idea and this is her desperate attempt to get rid of Theresa just to pair Brady & Nicole together. Maybe there's also a possibility they might bring in more young women to replace Theresa, so that could be another reason for killing her off. Also maybe Jen Lilley doesn't want to be in soaps anymore and she might want to move on.
  5. I wasn't even talking about Theresa and Brady. I was referring to Kim and Shane and how asinine it would be to kill off their daughter just because the writers don't want anything more to do with her.
  6. I don't want Tater Tot to die either, but if I have to choose between him dying or Theresa dying... yeah. Anyways I would hope Theresa gets more opportunities to have more children if she wants any. And I don't want Theresa to be a Kate clone. She should be her own person.
  7. Light? Romance? Humor? Killing off a child of one of the most popular and beloved supercouples of the entire show doesn't sound like lighthearted humor and romance to me. That sounds more like of the same dark crap we've been enduring for nearly a year and a half. Up until this time I've been assuming that Higley was in charge of the show, so I wasn't sure if I should even bother putting my faith in Quan. But maybe Quan can work some miracles for this show. As long as he doesn't kill off any of my faves, I'm okay with whatever he might do, if I might like it. And yeah Griffith is definitely as bad as Higley, if not worse. He pretty much ruined the entire teen set and trashed so many characters, including Maggie. It's so sad. He might want to move on to primetime where his work will be better appreciated. I still want Higley gone though.
  8. What big reveal could possibly happen at the Thrady wedding? Can't be anything pertaining to Brady and/or Theresa, right? Honestly I'd rather have Theresa alive and have her break up with Brady at the wedding. I don't care what happens at that event; please for the love of God don't have Theresa die! Is Ryan Quan being a James E. Reilly protege a good thing or a bad thing? I'm afraid to ask.
  9. So if Brady & Theresa do get married in November and Theresa somehow dies either during or right after the wedding, why would the show potentially have a wedding with Lucas & Adrienne right after if that possible wedding is in the same month? Unless Thrady has already gotten married earlier before the writing change. On the other hand, I think it's possible that Kim & Shane might show up for the wedding too. If Theresa is going to end up dying though, I think it's a huge mistake. First off, why even go that drastic route? Why would the show choose to kill her off as opposed to just having her leave town for good? Second, I think it's just so unfair to have Tate's mother taken away from him in such a horrible way. Does that mean Brady is going to be a single dad or might Kim & Shane attempt to fight for custody? On the other hand, what if something did happen to Tater Tot and not Theresa? Kim & Shane would definitely come back for his funeral. That would also explain Eric Martsolf's "serious soap" tweet the other day. Weren't we just debating a possible rumor of his death the other day too?
  10. I'm sorry. Like I said, I don't want to scare anyone and maybe I'm wrong, (I hope I'm wrong), but I wouldn't put it past Higley to do something this awful. I know that Theresa's had a lot of issues as a character but I don't think killing her off is the solution. It would be better to just have her leave town. I'm so sick and tired of people dying on this show. If this rumor actually comes to pass I'm going to quit the show cold turkey. I'm done.
  11. I don't want to scare anyone but someone just told me on Twitter that based on that tweet Larry Poindexter sent that indicated that he had scenes w/Patsy Pease, CS and Eric Martsolf that there's a possibility that Theresa could die. If that is true that makes me sick. I mean why? You're basically leaving a huge hole in the 20/30 something group and the show is also basically killing off yet another member of the Donovan family. Just gross. Why not have Theresa just leave town? Too much death. But I'm confused because as recently as a week ago Jen Lilley was tweeting out BTS pictures so if Theresa has died already she wouldn't still be on the show. And if Kim & Shane do show up I thought it would only be for the Thrady wedding. Can they really afford to bring back two vets for a funeral too?
  12. Well, Haiden is already dead in the water and it's pretty clear that Rope will come out on top. What a waste of time. Anyone want to bet that Chloe is actually pregnant and Philip is probably the baby daddy? I'm wracking my head trying to figure out who's getting married. I doubt it's Thrady since I think their wedding might have already happened and they're now doing November sweeps, unless I'm completely off. Maybe it's Rafe & Hope getting married?
  13. I agree. If they destroy her as a character, I'm done with this show. They've already ruined Thrady for me with the stupid Summer storyline and I'm barely hanging on with JJabi. And even those two aren't going to be enough for me to stick around. If Dena ends up ruining Theresa I'll never forgive her and I hope they fire her ass soon before any more characters get ruined.
  14. It'll be nice if they can pair Chad with Theresa but I don't see it lasting because of Abby's possible return and I'm assuming the producers put a lot of time into making sure the new actress has good chemistry with Billy Flynn, assuming they've already recast Abby. Besides, I can't see Theresa winning against Abby and the last thing I'd want is for her to look bad in a triangle with Chad/Abby after all of the growth she's made as a character. It just isn't worth it and besides, they don't really need another triangle anyway. And to be frank, if the writers are moving ahead with the Ciara/Chad affair like it looks like it may be heading, then Chad's character is going to be utterly destroyed as a result of this story and I wouldn't want him with anyone, let alone Theresa. Too bad there aren't any other guys in Salem that aren't either total douchebags, amoral criminals, or both. At this point maybe it's best if Jen Lilley just left this show at this point especially if Dena Higley is going to cause even more damage to her character. I'm sure she'll find plenty of other opportunities on T.V. and maybe become a big music star someday. Maybe she can go into voice acting.
  15. This show pretty much ruined Rory as a character the minute he turned into a drug dealer working with Deimos and honestly I don't care anymore. And also regarding Theresa & Brady I'm almost wishing that they don't go through with the wedding at all because of what you just stated. Why bother giving a couple a wedding only to have them divorce less than 6 months later? Seems like a huge waste of time to me. It would be better for one of them to get cold feet and just call off the wedding if they're going to break up anyway. I actually saw a tweet that Eric Martsolf posted like a week or two ago where he apparently filmed some scenes with Jen Lilley with her having short, dark hair and I won't be surprised if they were filming their characters' break-up and now they're heading for a quick divorce during November sweeps. I don't care if they break up or not and I'm mentally preparing myself for that possible reality but what concerns me is if Theresa is ever going to find a decent guy after Brady. I'm terrified she'll end up with duds like Fynn or Dario and the thought of her ending up with either of these losers makes me sick. If those are her only two options then I'd rather she be a single mom for a while. I'm actually hoping Days is throwing out casting calls for a new guy that she can hang out with and hopefully fall in love. And I hope it's a decent guy.
  16. I think Brady actually has/had a much more serious drug/alcohol problem than Theresa did. I think to my understanding Theresa only got into drugs & alcohol in the first place because she felt like her life had no meaning and she didn't have anything to give her any purpose, so she did drugs and drank alcohol to fill a void. Brady clearly has a very addictive personality and that's what makes him more likely to become a drug addict/alcoholic, although some of his reasons may be similar. If Theresa does drink, it's pretty seldom if ever. Honestly, I just didn't care for the whole Jennifer-centric episode today and the fact that so little time has been devoted to her storyline just makes it all pointless to me. Actually what pisses me off is that the show actually had Abby appear in this episode but not J.J. I can't shake off this feeling that Days seems to put more stock into Abby as a character than J.J. and that really sucks. That's got to be because he's basically the spitting image of his father.
  17. If anyone might end up dying soon at some point, hopefully it might be Chase. It's time the show gets rid of that dead weight character.
  18. Yeah, that could've been great Thrady angst but with these writers Brady might have ended up abandoning Theresa on her deathbed and continue to follow Summer around like a lost puppy. And Anne would be the only person to bother visiting Theresa, (well, maybe Maggie & Nicole too, but that's pushing it), and nobody from the Brady clan would bother checking on her either. Actually, I'd prefer Dario in prison or dead. I kind of like Adriana of course, so she can stay along with Gabi and the others. I wish Rafe can drop off the planet too, but beggers can't be choosers.
  19. I don't have any interest in a Rafe/Hope/Aiden love triangle either. Not to say it's boring but I'm not invested in either character right now. Aiden is now a disgusting creep, Hope is a horrible person and mother and Rafe is just dull and stupid. I just don't care. And honestly, I have an inkling there might not be any long term plans for a Haiden reunion at all. So yeah I'm getting off the Haiden bandwagon and I'm not coming back on. Also this may also be unpopular but I don't want Theresa with anyone else on canvas in the event she does break up with Brady. They all suck. I prefer she waits until a new guy comes into town to romance her.
  20. I agree. If they can write Anne like this, then they can also write Theresa the same way. It's not that hard. The writers just have to put in more effort.
  21. I'm very surprised that Anne didn't want to join Theresa in her scheming. That was very strange yet interesting. I also love how she was being a great and loyal friend and she was basically trying to talk her off the edge. It's amazing that all this time I thought Anne was a bad influence on her but she's actually being the calm, stable influence that she really needs right now. I wonder if maybe Theresa might have been rubbing off on her somehow... I also chuckled a bit when Anne mentioned that Theresa also changed her name too and not just Summer. I had to chuckle when Belle even conceded with Theresa's assertion that Brady has a hero complex and laughed at him. I'm still annoyed that Brady thinks Theresa's being unreasonable about Summer and she needs to give her a chance. Um, she doesn't...
  22. Yeah but what would killing off Tate accomplish? Are the writers that willing to kill off Theresa's only reason of being for what? Just so she could fall apart and possibly start doing drugs and drink heavily again? Might as well write her off the show since basically in the show's eyes she's just a nonentity at this point. Not only that but Brady might fall into drugs and alcohol again too. So losing their son might end up destroying them both. So I guess the entire Donovan family will basically go extinct since I doubt Andrew's ever coming to the show and as far as Days is concerned he doesn't even exist. And if Tate dies I don't see Theresa ever having another child ever again and maybe at some point she'll find out that whatever Dr. Mandrake did to her caused her to be infertile so there's that. I won't be surprised if they're killing off one of the kids just to have another woman on the show have another child. There's a blind item saying that a popular 80s couple is returning to town. I wonder if Kim & Shane may not be coming for the Thrady wedding but actually for Tate's funeral.
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