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Braniac Woman

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Everything posted by Braniac Woman

  1. I won't be surprised if that happens. I'm sure the Theresa haters will LOVE this if it comes to pass. I guess this will be considered well earned karma for all of the horrible things Theresa has done. I guess I won't be surprised if she starts to end up losing kids just like her mom. I think the show might end up doing this to break up Theresa and Brady for good and possibly turn Theresa evil and single again. Maybe the writers believe that Theresa and/or Brady shouldn't have had any kids in the first place and that would be a good way to make them single without any attachments. Honestly, if this show doesn't want Theresa to have any more kids why not just bring in Andrew and give him kids? On the other hand maybe this is their way of freeing Theresa to have another child with a man they may want to pair her up with. Maybe Tate's death might be how Theresa might ultimately end up leaving Salem forever. I don't know... some people believe Theresa hasn't suffered enough and needs to suffer as much as possible. I can easily see how many people might end up being overjoyed at Tate's death and laughing that she deserved for it to happen.
  2. I will shit my pants if Kristen comes back. Theresa better run and hide Tater Tot just in case she's interested in re-kidnapping him. The possibility of some of these people coming back, including Nick is so unlikely. I don't see Nick ever coming back from the dead but you never know. Well we have Deimos as the younger bad Kiriakis man now so I don't see why Xander would be necessary at this point especially since Deimos and Xander are pretty much the same character. And why has Thaao Penghlis signed on for two more years?! This show may be done next fall for all I know so it seems like kind of a waste...
  3. Oh lovely, so the whole virus storyline is done just like that? How weak and a pathetic waste of time! Oh jeez, so now Theresa is going to be branded the bad guy in their relationship? Why don't you go fuck you, Brady! I hope Belle rips him a new one and tells him to get over himself! I better not see her agreeing with him that somehow Theresa is wrong to try to drill it into Brady's head that Summer is nothing but trouble. Justin, shut up. Yawn on the Hernandez drama. Whatever on Deimos/Nicole. Aiden needs to stop being such a fucking creep. I still think he's an impostor.
  4. I guess despite of Eve bonding with Theresa over Paige's death she still could care less about her own sister and I think Theresa knows this deep down. Then again, it's not like they were particularly close to begin with even before Paige's passing so why would Eve attend the wedding?
  5. Maybe... I wouldn't put it past these writers to do this in an effort to completely wipe out all traces of Will from existence but it looks like judging from BTS pics that the kids playing her are still filming, so she should be okay. I wonder if the major death may be someone we don't expect to die. I actually hope it's Chase who dies.
  6. They probably think it's okay to kill off Tate because he's the spawn of an unpopular couple and they probably figure no one would care if he died. Maybe they want Brady (and maybe Theresa, unless she'll have another child with someone else), to be free from the responsibilities of parenthood so they won't have any reason to have them together anymore and Brady can continue boinking every woman he meets. Maybe there's a reason why he hasn't had a first birthday yet. This kid is not long for this world. I can't see Thrady having a wedding at all when their son is basically dead and I'm sure Brady will dump Theresa right after Tate's funeral because he has no reason to be with her or even marry her. Oh well, looks like the Donovan family line may die with Theresa & Andrew, and perhaps that's what the writers want all along.
  7. Oh, sorry. I meant another child. Theresa did say to Brady the other day she would possibly like to have a daughter in her future. And what's going to stop her from adopting another even without having a father in the picture? It's not like she has an actual criminal record on file now. And besides, I have an inkling that Tate may be among those that might succumb to the virus during the CDC storyline anyway, so I don't think the poor kid is long for this world. Maybe the writers probably would like for Brady to finally be free of Theresa and Tate so he won't be weighed down by parenthood anymore and he can fuck all of the women he wants.
  8. I'm pretty sure they're not related. Chad's a DiMera and Theresa is a Brady/Donovan. Also I don't think they're going to get together at all. The fact that they presented together means absolutely nothing. Camila Banus was originally going to present with them but she got switched out with Teresa Castillo at the last minute... And besides, even if they were to get paired up, I doubt the relationship will last long since I doubt Chad would be able to tolerate Theresa's issues with her insecurity and jealousy. Unless Theresa gets therapy for her problems and learns how to deal with them I don't think she'll ever find a lasting, happy and loving relationship with anybody, never mind Brady. I think if her relationship with Brady doesn't ultimately work out, she needs to be alone for a very, very long time. And if she still wants a child she can easily adopt.
  9. Ugh... I really want Theresa & Brady to work out their problems as a couple and deal with whatever issues they have together but not if Brady keeps on repeatedly blowing off Theresa and basically spending a huge chunk of his time on Summer... I get what he is saying about allowing second chances but he's referring to the wrong person. It just infuriates me and makes me sad because Theresa deserves to be treated a lot better than this... I'm very interested in what she might have to discuss with John. This could be good... And I can't believe that Brady actually gave the money to Summer and now she basically duped him. I knew she couldn't be trusted and I liked how Theresa handed her business to her. This is probably the most I've ever enjoyed of Theresa for the entire time she's been on this show ever! Ugh... I only put up with the stupid Hernandezes only because of J.J. and Gabi. Can they be the new Chabby, please? I won't mind. Shut up, Dario! You have no room to judge your father especially considering your activities with Summer. And wow... regarding Summer & Clark... that was the quickest send off I've ever seen on T.V. ever. I can't recall another character that has died as quickly as he has. I hope Theresa gets wind of this incident so she'll have a real reason to call the police.
  10. I'd like to think that this show will wake up and finally give Jen Lilley the meaty storylines she deserves because I believe she can really shine if they just give her at least some good material but I seriously doubt it. They probably think she's not capable of handling them and that's why she is constantly handed garbage stories. I am honestly surprised that Jen Lilley has been around on Days for as long as she has, considering how many times Theresa's been put through the ringer.
  11. Oh God I hope not. I'd like for Theresa to rip that Vicky bitch apart if that were to be the case. LOL!
  12. Oh yeah Theresa giving the business to Brady was pretty awesome! I've been looking forward to it all weekend. Brady needs to stop imitating Dr. Dan and acting like the savior of Salem. He has a fiancee and son to worry about. If he's not careful he'll end up losing his family because of his stupidity. Also what kind of traits from Isabella are you referring to?
  13. I seriously doubt it. Looks like there's some kidding around and joking between Eric Martsolf & Vincent Irrizarry, especially judging by the latter's response tweet. If anything I think there may be some indication that somehow Theresa & Brady are still together, which might surprise me because I was so sure that they might've broken up by now. Besides, I believe Deimos is too evil even for Theresa.
  14. Also if the Aiden that tried to kill Hope was an impostor, then does that mean that the Chase that raped Ciara was also an impostor too? Kind of seems a bit far-fetched but if they can pull it off, then maybe I'll like Haiden again. I don't know.
  15. To be quite frank, I don't like Hope and Rafe either, which is why I said almost. But honestly I would've preferred Hope to be alone for a while and maybe introduce a new guy for her. And if they were going to bring back Aiden... how about not having Chase rape Ciara? That just really screw things up!
  16. Oh my God... this has got to be one of the absolute worst episodes I've seen on Days in a long time. Just so bad. There's nothing good I can say about it. But the worst part has to be Lani coming on to Shawn the way she did. Seriously, what the hell are the writers thinking with her?! Now she's just a deviant highly promiscuous creep! She just creeps me out big time! I hope the sooner she leaves the show, the better. I never want to see her or hear her name ever again after this.
  17. Really? Clark is going to die? I wonder how that would happen? I wonder if Summer ends up killing him in order to keep her secret from coming out. It must be pretty bad. Well, if Paul ends up dying somehow from this virus I won't be surprised.This show doesn't seem that invested in giving him any story and if they get rid of him they won't have to worry about giving him any material to work with.
  18. This whole epidemic thing is probably the only other spoiler other than maybe Deimos/Kate/Nicole that sounds even remotely interesting. Hopefully they deliver on this one. Also there's a line on the SOD cover where it says that there's gonna be another death so perhaps it'll occur during the course of the epidemic. I wonder who might die this time... Lani I hope... or better yet Summer... I'm going to be very pissed if they're really trying to recast Lani when she's pretty much ruined already. Just don't. Also regarding Aiden... several months ago I would've been excited at the possibility of Haiden reuniting but now I don't even care about them anymore. If they're going to have Aiden basically fake his death in order to escape his debts that he owed the DiMeras and he still ended up trying to kill Hope, I can't see Hope ever taking him back, let alone forgiving him. I can definitely see Brady doing just that and more. But Hope? No way! Secondly there's the whole issue with Chase having raped Ciara. At this point I almost wish Hope would just choose Rafe and just tell Aiden to take a hike. If Aiden really is sticking around for a while, I don't see why they can't at least try him with other women. If not, just send Aiden and Chase out of Salem and never speak of them ever again.
  19. Speaking of the Days teens, I was actually looking at some YR tweets the other day and I've been noticing that people are talking about this kid named Max who appears to be a young sociopath in training. It's actually scary that they had a kid that young be responsible for his stepmom miscarrying her own child. That's disgusting and sad. And to think of all of what Ciara and her friends have done too... That's even more disturbing. I'm surprised that neither one of the teens has done what Max did yet, but it probably may happen soon enough.
  20. I think Theresa did Melanie a huge favor. I shudder to think what would've happened if Brelanie actually had a wedding and Melanie would have be around Tater Tot 24/7. Ugh! On the bright side, hopefully Melanie would have been killed by the same curse that's befallen all of his past girlfriends. I'm still hoping Theresa beats the curse but chances are she and Brady might not make it to the altar or even actually get married. If that's the case I hope the show is going to introduce a new male character just for her. Maybe then Theresa will finally find her true love, assuming that the writers aren't actually intending for Brady to be her true love. Who knows...
  21. I'm looking forward to Theresa versus Summer only if it results in Theresa driving Summer out of Salem for good. That bitch needs to go now. And Brady definitely needs a new brain.
  22. What is Deimos doing asking Nicole to be CEO of Basic Black for? So that's basically the end of D.J. Wear? Wow, Steve & Kayla must be proud of their dumbass son. Wow. Get that bitch, Theresa! Show that psycho mermaid that you're not to be trifled with! YAY!
  23. Oh God, if they are recasting Lani, that's a huge mistake! Why would they bring back a character that had never caught on with the general audience? Does the show really think that people will actually give a crap about Lani now at this point? She needs to go back to Florida and never come back! If they are introducing Valerie's kids, fine. They can pair them up with anybody. At least Valerie appears to have historical ties with the show.
  24. I am so glad Theresa's ripping Brady a new one. He's been nothing but irritating and aggravating a lot lately and he is on my last nerve. I can't wait to see Brady accuse his loving fiancee some more of being so insecure of his relationship with Summer. I'm expecting that at this rate they'll probably spend the next 5 months fighting over Summer. It'll be a miracle if they even make it down the aisle at this point. Honestly, I don't think Shane & Kim are going to bother showing up for their daughter's wedding at all. I'm sure the actors probably were preoccupied with outside projects by the time the wedding is filmed, (if there is even a wedding), and they might not have been able to commit. And considering that Dena seems to supposedly have a huge hatred for the Bradys, I don't know why she'd even allow Kim to show up. Shane maybe, but definitely not Kim. Besides, I have a nagging feeling there might be a wedding but for whatever reason Brady & Theresa won't actually be able to marry. I think something major will happen that will completely disrupt everything. There is a possibility that Eve could show up temporarily for the event but that's about it. Ugh... Dario & Summer. Boring! Ah man! This is nuts! It's bad enough we hardly see J.J. & Gabi together but they don't even get to have a decent date. I have a feeling the writers don't want ANYONE to have a few minutes of decent romance. It's nothing but drama, misery and suffering 24/7. Hopefully there will be better spoilers as the days go on. This doesn't sound like a great start to May Sweeps.
  25. I have to admit I really liked Nicole and Deimos today and I could definitely see where Deimos was coming from. I could almost sympathize with him since maybe he did love Helena and it appears that Victor only intended to marry her because of her dad. However, I still have my reservations about him. Everything else was just dull...
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