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  1. Today I was listening to Beethoven’s Appassionata piano sonata played by Arthur Rubinstein (stunning! If you want to listen to it, I wouldn’t listen to the one that he played on his Last Recital for Israel when he was almost 90 and blind. He came to grief in a way I don’t believe he ever did in public before. And it’s painful to hear.) ANYWAY ... the moment it started, I said to myself, “Oh, my God. That’s what Niles was playing (only to come to grief himself), when Daphne appeared in Maris’s nightie.” God, that show was great. So MANY memorable, hilarious moments. “Dr. Crane, your glockenspiel has sprung to life!"
  2. I still think Tiffani can dial it back some more, a la Simon. I think Justin’s found just the right balance between his natural look-at-me!! TV personality and being more self effacing in this role. Hopefully Tiffani will get there too. She just started in this gig after all.
  3. Anyone watch last night’s opening round of qualifying? They have 16 chefs (including Jonathon Sawyer, Chris Oh, Carlos Anthony, Dawn Burrell, and others who were familiar to me), who are each competing in a single one-on-one “cook in” to claim one of eight free spots in the main draw. Some thoughts: I really do like Jonathon and wish him well in his continuing work for sobriety (didn’t know that about him. Love that he and Stephanie Izzard are a pickleball team - although I’m not a pickleball fan. Play tennis, people under 85!!! It’s amazing!). He won against Jacob Town, who is a DDD chef who evidently excelled in at least one GGG appearance. Unfortunately he seemed overmatched in this context. Oh, Dawn ....... !!! Dawn Burrell once again graced our screens with her beautiful and evidently extraordinarily delicious cooking, as well as her propensity to flame out in competitive situations. She forgot to plate one of her randomizer ingredients until the last five seconds and only got a slice or two of button mushrooms onto the plate. She lost by seven points (!!!) to Carlos Anthony. Sigh. Chris Oh looks different. I didn’t recognize him. It may simply be the aging process that bites us all, but damn. He beat a chef whose first name is Mika by one point.
  4. Harry24

    Tennis Thread

    My first thought when Popyrin beat Djok was, “Oh, thank goodness. Now I won’t even be tempted to root for Zverev.” So it was with a light heart today that I freely and happily rooted against Zverev. Thank you, Fritz. I don’t like you either, but I’m glad you won, and appreciate you took out the abuser.
  5. Harry24

    Tennis Thread

    Don’t know if this will be helpful, but I’m a DirectTV user, and at 7:15 this evening, they engaged in a blackout with ESPN. So I checked out what other services are streaming the USO, and YouTube TV is offering a free 21-day trial, so I went for that, and the broadcast is now up on my TV.
  6. ME TOO! LITERALLY SCREAMING. I suspect having two broadcasting gymnastics newbies at the helm didn’t help matters: Rich Lerner - probably hasn’t broadcast gymnastics before, and the commentary guy, who was on the 2008 bronze-medal winning US team, but seemed VERY green on the broadcasting front. He seems likable, but it’s like he would forget he has to do more than gasp to inform the audience; he actually has to talk. Then of course the director was in charge of keeping the camera focused on the US team, so they’re at fault too. I mean, it’s not like nothing was at stake, just one of the most unexpected, dramatic comebacks in the history of the event.
  7. Anyone know how to find which teams are in which subdivisions?
  8. Harry24

    Tennis Thread

    Congratulations to Krejčiková. I enjoy her game. I can’t remember the issue, but I remember reading something about her (possibly on this site) that made me not like her as a player and disinclined to root for her. But now I’ve forgotten what that was. Either way, congrats. Totally rooting for the adorable Jasmine, though. Hope she can continue this wonderful form. I hope this is a maintainable level for her. But for me the big match of the day is the Women’s Dubs final. GO TAYLOR!!!!! (The Best US Taylor, IMHO.). ESPN better darn show it! Can’t wait for the men’s to be over, as worthy as the players are.
  9. Harry24

    Tennis Thread

    Lorenzo!!!! Such a beautiful game. Such a beautiful man (shallow).
  10. Harry24

    Tennis Thread

    Wow, crickets (not Cricket!) here for Wimbledon, huh? So disappointed that Coco is out as well as Naomi (my two favorites). And the women’s remaining draw is remarkably charisma-free (except for the charming Paolini). At the moment I feel about the Navarro the way I do about Tommy Paul. I acknowledge they’re very good and have nothing against them except ... I don’t care. Sigh. I felt absolutely gutted for poor Keys, getting injured on the very verge of winning. The men’s is starting to feel exciting, though. A lot of good matchups coming up, and I’m psyched for it. I AM NOT psyched at the prospect of Yuck-ovic winning again, however.
  11. Now, did he start it, “Hi-ho, I’m the ice cream man ... ?" (Or did Niles say that as one of the characters in his classic bursting-the-balloons rant? Either way, I just love it when they threw in these random British-sounding expressions, even for the non-British characters.)
  12. Harry24

    MLB Thread

    Judge’s scans came up clear for fractures (supposedly. This is the Liars, er, Yankees we’re talking about.)
  13. Harry24

    Tennis Thread

    Darn! I was really hoping Naomi would beat Andreescu and go on to take the title this week. I like Andreescu too, but not as much as Naomi. The portion I was able to watch, they both looked close to their old, intimidating form.
  14. Harry24

    MLB Thread

    I totally adore Judge* and never warmed to Jeter as a person at all (even though he was undoubtedly a great player), but even I do a mental double take when they call Judge The Captain. *Judge is probably my third favorite baseball player after Eddie Murray (forever Number One) and Mariano Rivera, but he’s definitely the most exciting player I’ve rooted for. I also think he seems like a lovely, genuine guy.
  15. Harry24

    MLB Thread

    This Yankee fan was feeling so sad, despite the club’s good start, fearing that Judge's mediocre second half last year, his poor start this year, and his talk that the toe isn’t really expected to get better but will always need to be managed, meant that he might be a seriously diminished player going forward. But he’s definitely starting to look like the exciting slugger he’s always been (injuries aside.). Fingers crossed. Then it occurred to me how fun it would be (and how great for the game it would be), if he and Ohtani had a HR race. They are two of the real household names in baseball, and a HR race with them could be big news for casual and non-fans as well as us diehards. Just a pipe dream, but there it is.
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