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Everything posted by Aprilshowers

  1. I have to see this, Melrose was my jam back in the day. I think Brandon would have played an excellent Michael.
  2. I loved, loved loved Laura today, and the truth telling with Liz. The writing for her has been great, sure its been only a week but hope they keep it up. Liz honey time to let go, even this Lake fan has to jump ship now. This reveal can't come soon enough. It's a shame baby Avery can't play all babies on the show, shes perfect. Little Leo is a little much, poor LLC and WdV Dante/Val were actually good, loved her getting pissy with him. Need more of that. I still hate Maxie's hair. LuLu/Dillon whatever. Nik and Hayden are interesting together I'll say that. And JaSam scaling Wyndemere priceless. Not bad GH week overall, and best part today no Corinthi
  3. You know I sort of agree with this. Jake is hot, Nik is hot, Dante is hot, Franco can be hot(still hate his character) Julian like way down the list perhaps even farther down then crippledSonny. Michael in black also hot. I also have enjoyed this weeks shows, I am hate watching and feel dirty now.
  4. Phew false alarm then? So the two being preggers are Sabrina and Lulu? If the rumour about two ladies being knocked up is true?
  5. Oh for pete's sake, what happened to using oversize purses and potted plants? Sabrina doesn't need to be pregnant just because TeCa is. And Valerie well we saw that one coming wash, rinse and repeat GH.
  6. I didn't know that, meh he still looks good to me for that matter SK did too even a little on the bigger side.
  7. This episode was pure shit under another pile of shit under some garbage. They need a new writing team stat, this was an abysmal effort. They seriously should have just stuck with a narcolepsy plot, sure would explain a lot about Homer.
  8. I don't get it I mean he has Sonny and Carly for parents he should be a manipulative condescending hypocritical ass. But he can't even pull that off right.
  9. It sure would. He looks terrible in this, just awful. I had thought Samtrick had chemistry quite awhile ago for some reason it's all disappeared and they are painful to watch. Dude she didn't say yes, time to possibly move on. Jason,Jason, Jason, Patrick please just walk no run the other direction. Sam has always annoyed or bored the shit out of me and now I just need her to go DIAF with Carly and Sonny for you know, reasons
  10. I really think Liz should have confessed to Jake this week she knows he's Jason. It would have surprised everyone and blindsided the viewers in a good way. The set up was perfect, but no of course that would conflict with them planning it for sweeps which I'm sure will happen. Looks like Sonny is becoming front and center again, ah no thanks show
  11. Well reveal is coming I think those looks are getting a shelf life finally.
  12. Anyone who is not named Ric can STFU at that hospital oh and Patrick too but you know he's just doing his job. Carly and her snarling, Morgan and his over-acting even Michael pissed me off because once again deep in the clutches of Carson hell he has become. I didn't mind Sabrina and her singing to Avery it was sweet and yeah it was done on purpose because OMG Sonny is shot PC will crumble in to little pieces now for all who knew him! Subtle goes a long way show. Where's Liz? I am tired of Sam/Jake bonding already
  13. Hey now don't forget Carly who apparently holds hospitality seminars at the Metro Court now..
  14. I thought it was weird Sammy, Carly's new bff wasn't there. And Maxie and Carly are friends since when exactly? I liked the choice of suit for the guys and Ric looked so handsome in those glasses. Not a fan of Carly's dress, not flattering. I miss the old days where weddings a soap staple would bring out all the stops, costumes, set design, everyone involved in non plot pointy ways *sigh*
  15. Ugh haven't seen today's yet, thanks for the warning. Head may explode after this one
  16. Oh lord this Bi-polar stuff with Morgan is something they just sprung out of their asses. No Morgan you aren't sick, you have Sonny and Carly as parents! I just couldn't roll my eyes hard enough in those scenes, they were almost worse than Ava crumpling in a ball when Morgan dumped her ass at the PCPD. And Keeks please do us all a favor and go jump of the nearest bridge, or perhaps you can try jumping in the water (the deep end please) ala KA in her *emmy* worthy scenes last year Fix this show new writers, please
  17. I really really really hate Maxie's hair colour, like Sonny levels of hate. I can't explain it. This show is just there at this point, no direction one plot to the next, Denise/Ava reveal was mildly interesting. They need to get on with the Jake reveal like now, I'm losing patience.
  18. Just a few random thoughts. I am enjoying this season so much more than the first one. I don't mind LP's Joe being a little back-burned I trust where the writers are going with him. I am worried for Gordon though, at first I thought his problems were cocaine related but now not so sure. I also don't mind Donna being prego again, I'm sure they have something up there sleeve with that story line. I am up and down on Cameron I still find her a bit over emotional and whiny but I do see some strength there too, the actress is doing a great job and I can't totally hate the character at this point. Overall I love the dynamic with the girls and Joe/Gordon working together. It seems like the writing is tighter too. I'm willing to bet they retooled this show, and for me its working. On to the next set of episodes...
  19. Holy crap this KiKi actress needs to go. She's worse than KA. I did not even think that was possible. Learn something new every day I guess. I am just catching up on episodes but not sure I can continue if this actress remains on my screen. Awful
  20. Oh sure they kill off Silas but the abominations that are Franco and Kiki still are still around. *sniff* bye McBain er I mean Silas. I'll kinda sorta miss ya. Only thing I am liking these days are that Laura is back, I think she's just what PC needed.
  21. I wish ME well. I found Silas the least offensive of the 3 OLTL transplants. But I sort of figured he may be leaving, since he was barely on and no real story line in months. I'd say he should go to Days but alas MA is no longer there and I would have loved to see them repaired. Wonder who is next? MW? I see a few people leaving at this point and probably not the ones I want.
  22. Hope new writer takes into account families need to have scenes together. I keep forgetting Lucas is Julians son. Not to mention other familial relations go way over my head because I never see them! I have my hopes high things do turn around.
  23. Hey maybe they'll actually write for vets now, wishful thinking I know. At the very least could we please have a natural disaster or something to clean out some of this over bloated cast.
  24. Agreed, it almost takes you out of the scene. I get that LW seems like a very jolly person irl but Carly is not and seems out of character.
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