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  1. I loved the ending. That child who played Tali was absolutely adorable....child actors aren't always adorable. And it seems perfectly logical to me that Tony would leave...his whole world has changed, drastically. He has, for the first time in his life, a very real responsibility. As he said, Tali has nobody now....except her father and grandpa. Tony is an incredibly good person and it makes sense to me that he now has a reason to redirect his life...a safer life, a life with more free time. Good for Tony.
  2. If Amanda had said "I have nothing!" one more time I'd have punched her lights out. She has a baby coming, for God's sake.
  3. I don't know how far along Bernadette is supposed to be, but she sure doesn't look preggie. Little bitty people like Bernadette tend to show right away....this baby will be bigger than she is soon.
  4. i was a little disappointed in this second season opening episode. One of the joys of last year was the banter and friendship of the two leads, the humor and warmth of many scenes. This time...not so much. If they're going to go all serious on me and if I have to watch Amanda (ugh) often, well, I'll continue to be disappointed. I do agree with you, JudyObscure, Dickens did look gorgeous, all wet and shiny.....
  5. I thought Adam West's appearance was very sad, I felt for him.
  6. I so hope, when this show finally, mercifully ends, Harvey and Donna will be together.
  7. Rachel's whining and wailing about the 2 years really irritated me. Three generations of my family and many other families....manage being apart months, sometimes years because of wars. In my first two years of marriage my husband was gone 20 months. At least she can visit him., for God's sake.
  8. Robert so loved Isis, he is so much a doggie person. One wonders why, when Isis died, he didn't go out and just get himself another dog. We do that all the time in our house. That scene, however, remains one of my favorite DA scenes. Good for Violet. Her cruise trip adventure certainly came from no place and is very, very odd. Did she go alone? I'm very very old and I would hesitate setting forth on a long journey alone like that...why didn't she take what's her name with her? The dreadful maid? Not that I'd want to go anywhere with the dreadful maid. I believe Mary will remain a single women, a widow, devoted to home and family...mostly home. Having an affair every so often but never marrying again.
  9. The entire premise of this show, the whole bloody Mike is/isn't really an attorney, who knew and who didn't know blah blah blah...is ridiculous. Damned if I know why I watch it. They added a few new side plots this week, trying to make us believe there was anything worth hanging on to. There isn't. I can't imagine how they will end this series. Mike is blatantly, obviously guilty as hell. Harvey and Jessica and everybody else who knew he was a fake are also blatantly, obviously guilty as hell. How on earth can they end the show without most of them being found guilty and going to jail? Well, Harvey is really attractive and Jessica has fabulous clothes...that must be why I still watch.
  10. I'm with you, Congo! I have a grandchild working her ass off in law school. A fraud is a fraud is a fraud.
  11. Sheldon seeing numbers as colors and smells is a classic Asperger's sign. Interesting.
  12. Thanks, Wendyg ;))
  13. What does demisexual mean?
  14. The most unrealistic, unbelievable thing here is why Amy put up with such dreadful treatment from Sheldon all those years! It's beyond funny, it's pathetic.
  15. Thanks, Latverian Diplomat, for that info. I wondered if it was a live audience. Since it is...yes, I'm sure they fiddle with the volume and pump up the audience...maybe have the word LAUGH blinking at them at the right time ;)
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