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Everything posted by GoneGirl

  1. For now I think I think its the cult's ally, meaning the killer is on the cult's side.
  2. I am with you all the way!!! Might be my favorite season so far. ***still got my eye on Ivy, I don't think she is as innocent as we are being led to believe.
  3. Ok. What IS behind the door in episode 1 with the rose on it??? someone please give me their input!!!! I have my own theories but want to see what you all think. IT IS DEFINITELY IMPORTANT.
  4. She may be worse. Who knows at this point. I do know that that the pinky thing that her and Kai do seems to put her into like a brainwashed state. I have so many freaking questions!!! Like what IS their relationship? ARE they siblings or not. Is Kai related to Ally? Ivy? Oz?
  5. I think IS VERY IMPORTANT. The door had a padlock if you noticed. I have a few thoughts off the top of my head....I think this room may be a tomb of some sort, maybe his parents? Maybe it is the room he is keeping for Ally? Kai's fear is definitely being humiliated, he has said the word a few times now. Did he kill his parents for humiliating him in some sort of way??? Is Ally his sister? Is Ivy his sister, is Winter even his sister? To my knowledge the relationship between Kai and Winter is still unknown.
  6. So, hallucinating from the beeswax candles....that could be a good possibility. However, that only explains a small party of Ally's batshit craziness, IF the clowns are a hallucination (and I don't think they all are) she has been being drugged long before the candles....and by whom?
  7. Right, Dexter is the first thing that came to my mind!
  8. Good call!!! I think you are right. Blue barrels of water and then suddenly a huge blackout. Interesting.
  9. Does anyone have a guess to what the new neighbors have in the blue barrels???? im guessing it's NOT ? honey.
  10. Hmm. I'm not sold that she is the cult leader but interesting.
  11. I seriously laughed out loud that aside from "Ivy did you hear that?, Ivy?"(while Ivy was downstairs btw) Ally's first words out of her mouth in this episode was "THERE IS A CLOWN!" ????
  12. I was thinking the same exact thing. The police should be the first to respond to the alarm. I guess even if the police got there first they would need a key or passcode to get inside though and to make sure there were no intruders.
  13. You are right. I was just messing around, my auto correct doesn't recognize Kai either.
  14. His name is Kai. I'm so sorry to get knit picky. I do own a Kia though. Sorry again, I am a grammar fanatic, that being said, autocorrect doesn't seem to recognize the name Kai ....
  15. Can I just say as an avid reader, this is the coolest bookshelf ever!
  16. I think we will find out that Ally is also scared of bees.
  17. Did you know that the house they reside in was the original house from Halloween? ? I'm with you on the psychiatrist maybe being the head of rhe cult, although Ryan Murph has said otherwise, but if he isn't the leader he is in in on it. Also....the BLUE, blue hair, Oz wears blue glasses, and Ally wears a blue heart necklace. RyMurph also has said that Ally and Kai are a LOVE STORY for the ages...interesting.
  18. I think we are going to see that "the clowns" will disappear and we will see members of the cult behind their masks.
  19. I think he got it from IVY!!! I totally think Ivy is gaslighting Ally bigtime. I also think Chaz Bono's character is in the cult, along with Winter and Ivy and Ally's psychiatrist.
  20. I am the opposite. I am glad she is gone. She was good in the first two but then the show became all about Jessica Lange instead of the ensemble show it should be. For better or worse Hotel got back to basics and became an ensemble show again not focusing too much or too long on one character or actor. agreed
  21. Totally agree on thou shall not kill, he is totally going to kill himself. Or the Countess, after all, he hasn't found out yet that she took his son, he can't kill March because he is already dead, so maybe he finds out about Holden and goes apeshit on the Countess...or Alex....
  22. This episode was amazing! Loved March, and not having the Countess hogging the limelight. Wonder when we will see Valantino and Natasha again?
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