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Everything posted by GoneGirl

  1. I’ve had enough of Coco ? I wonder which witch she really is....she is funny but starting to grate on my nerves
  2. How did Ally know that Kai was had a relationship with the African American prison guard? This bothers me....other than that I found the finale very predictable, down to Bev taking Kai out in the end.
  3. Speedwagon was the mole, not Ally. Ally just wanted Kai to kill Winter so she used the Fitbit and the tape recorder in the ice cream truck to convince him. Also wondering what Ally will do with Speedwagon but I think she might kill him, he had a wire and she was speaking during the confrontation between Kai and Winter. She also had shot Bebe without even knowing who she was, and killed Ivy. Not so sure how her and Speedwagon will play out.
  4. Right he was telling Meadow that she needed to “bear witness “ and tell Ally everything about the cult, no one would believe a crazy woman. But I’m not sure she got invited to the rally by Meadow, I have a feeling she was just there, maybe to check out what Kai was all about?
  5. Hmm. I’m not sure their plan HAD (re: the rally) to rely on Ally on at all. Meadow loved Kai, enough to die for him, and follow out his plan for the rally. They really didn’t need Ally at there at all except she DID show up and now things look bad for her. Did I miss an important part that it was in the plan for Ally to be at that rally? Hmm-stripes=jail?
  6. Maybe I am wrong but I DO feel the plot is coherent.
  7. My feelings exactly! I adore Frances and hopefully we will get her for at least a couple episodes....
  8. Oh it was definitely edited, I watched the unedited version the next day on FXNOW and it was definitely chilling. Um, hell yes. I did want to watch the unedited version because this actually is real life. Especially after the Las Vegas massacre. It was not gory. Chilling would be the proper word to explain it, and Ivy (Allison Pil) was amazing, she seemed simply terrified. It’s available on demand and on FX now. Not gory, terrifying and chilling. Worked real well, ashame they had to edit but totally realize why of course.
  9. Edward Mordrake. He was creepy for sure. I think if you aren’t into this season because of no supernatural stuff you almost have to somewhat accept there is going to be more gore than usual. Every season has had gore, I’m not a big fan of gore and sometimes need to turn my head, but it IS AHS after all and I think the gore is expected. Maybe I’m wrong?
  10. Did anyone else think it was a bit ironic when Bob told Beverly “you’re fired!”????
  11. Harrison did vote for Gary Johnson.
  12. A screenshot I took of the RX bottle last night. Can't find a name of the prescribing Dr. (Damn it).
  13. And who do we think prescribed this for Kai? No name of Doc...?
  14. Boom! Yep. Everything you said above. So glad I was right on the nose that Ivy IS IN ON IT??!!!
  15. He totally seems a sociopath, yet why is Murphy almost blatently leading us to him (the smiley buttons, Kai's "have a nice day") It almost seems TOO simple...IDK. I'm sure he is up to something, just not sure what part he is playing and to what degree. Another quick thought...Is everyone thinking that the shrink saw Kai at some point?
  16. Totally think the birds were planted and we are being led to believe things are connected in this season that we will find out aren't connected at all....example, I don't think that the neighbors placed the ad in the paper. It could have been someone who was pissed that Ally killed Pedro...etc.
  17. Rose? Interesting, brings me back to the Rose on the door in Kai's house? Connection?
  18. Right! Kai, aside from peeing in a condom, and splashing some latte on Ally, has not done anything very violent that we have SEEN, he seems more interested in getting people to FOLLOW his ideals. Winter however has done much more harm than we have seen Kai do. I definitely need the backstory on the Anderson family.
  19. I'm not fully onboard with the fact that Ally was drugged during her bathtub soak with Winnie. She had a glass of wine and just looked relaxed to me. Also made me think of her soak in the tub outside in Roanoke;)
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