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Mrs. de Winter

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Everything posted by Mrs. de Winter

  1. Based on the story - which does not name either of them specifically - there is no evidence against either one right now. Only speculation based on assumptions of relationships, status, workload etc. I mean the person who challenged AK is credited as a writer in the story - which technically is a classification that covers MG as well (if you say co-producer you might as well just say his name so perhaps writer was used). I am not saying I believe that is the case - and there are other writers who fit the description - but it is possible. Which is why I don't think we can know until more people share their stories - which I hope they feel safe enough to do now. I have no problem believing others are going to have to - and should have to - answer for this. But at this point we don't know who those people should be. All of that said - I also would like to say thank you to those men who clearly did try to do something and help those who were in less powerful positions. In the midst of all of this grossness I feel like we also need to take a minute to appreciate that some people did step-up and try to help so we don't all lose our minds. Kudos to them - along with - of course - the women who came forward. Here's hoping it is not in vain and positive change is the result.
  2. If Berlanti knew - he needs to be held accountable. Full stop. But the fact that they worked together on scripts doesn't mean he witness this behavior. This is, in part, about power and usually people know not to do this shit in front of the boss. AK prayed on young, mostly powerless people. It's how they continue to get a way with it for so long. And writing together doesn't mean they spent copious amounts of time together physically. It is not implausible that GB didn't know. HR departments exist to protect the company. I have no problem believing someone (or many someones) tried to keep him insulated from this. If he knew - I doubt it will remain hidden for long - and if he knew he needs to be held accountable. Even if he did not know there are clearly issues within his organization that need to be addressed - and whether he takes real steps to do so will be telling. It is not just about KC. There is plenty of gross being said about people across these shows with no evidence or support. And then there are the people hoping that MG is next. How broken do you have to be that you hope people suffered harassment because it maybe, might get you the story line you want?
  3. I was prepared to try, but nope don't care about Slade and his daddy issues. He killed Moria - in front of her kids - so asking me to care about his sad daddy story? Nope. And blame the mirakuau all you want show, I remember that Slade tried to kill Oliver and Thea on the island too. Dinah continues to be abysmal - if we have to have cannon fodder this year, I hope it is her. And a swear JH's acting is getting worse with each episode. Flashbacks do not make this show better.
  4. My head cannon is that Dig hates her annoying, self righteous ass as much as I do and wants her dead! Just let me have this, okay?
  5. Given DR recent interview (or it may be it was WM) it sounded like Dragon was Diggle's nemesis. I assume everyone is sort of for Oliver, even if not directly for Oliver, since it is his show, but I wold have thought he would get his own big bad not share one with Felicity. Vigilante for Oliver would have made sense to me, particularly as a counterpoint to the political story line they have going now. I would prefer that Vigilante stay in the bad guy group because team good guy is already too big for me. Although it makes me wonder if this is at least part of what the team splits over - whether Vigilante is a "good" guy they can work with or a "bad" guy they need to stop (while the show tries to make him gray (hand-waving the fact that while he did try and stop some villains last year he also kept trying to kill the team too)). But my main goal now is to free Diggle from the self-righteous screamer - so as long as new guy does that I am not sure how much I care which side he is on.
  6. So is everyone still getting a villain this season? If new guy is Vigilante (and possibly her ex) does that means she gets two bad guys? I thought BS was her villain. She barely rates one (which is why BS is a good match). Or is she dating Vigilante, doesn't know it, and someone else on the team is fighting him? Then again the more scenes she has with BS and random new guy hopefully the less scenes she has with characters I actually care about so - welcome new guy! I hope you and the screamer will be spending a ton of time together!
  7. Ha! I knew when I did not clarify the time zone someone would mention it! Or perhaps that is her strategy - marketing to only a select, special few :)
  8. Given that the latest online spot encouraging people to stream the DC shows lists Arrow as airing on Thursdays at 8pm, I think your answer is the winning answer.
  9. Diggle, Diggle, Diggle. Either the GA suit makes the person who wears it stupid or it's the time you have spent hang around Dinah. Or you know, both. He could ask Curtis for help, or Oliver and his magic teas, or Felicity, or STAR labs. Make better choices Diggle! That said I hope they handle his better than LL's addiction story - DR is certainly much, much more equip to play it out when it comes to acting talent and skill. This episode was everything that is great about Oliver/Felicity. And this is the most I have ever liked William. The Thea mention was nice too. Dinah can die anytime now. Painfully. I now officially miss the flashbacks if the trade-off is getting more team jr. league. Who would have thought there was a way to make me miss the flashbacks? Originally I just hated the screaming - but now I hate her anytime she opens her month. And anytime she is breathing.
  10. Why do we get so few Oliver/Diggle or Diggle/Felicity scene? WHY?? How in the hell do they think more Dinah is a better choice?
  11. I love that Oliver didn't find school important but recognizes how important it was to Felicity and is genuinely impressed and proud of her accomplishments.
  12. Okay- is the goal to make her so obnoxious when she speaks that I actually hope for the stupid screaming? Is this my punishment for hating the flashbacks - because I would take the flashbacks over these Dinah scenes.
  13. Is JH getting worse each week? That pose was just - stupid.
  14. Shut Up Dinah! And - just to get ahead - Shut up Dinah! The self righteousness is hilarious given that you haven't told anyone either.
  15. Dear Season Six Villains - whichever of you kills Curtis will be my favorite of all time - forever. Take out Dinah too and I will build you a freaking shrine.
  16. Is there some rule that says anyone going by BC on this show has to be a self righteous,lying bitch with limited facial expressions? And because I know I will need to say it again soon - go away Curtis.
  17. Good Lord if we have to have this much Curtis and Dinah put them together so I can 2 for 1 mute. They suck and deserve each other.
  18. I guess we should just be glad Oliver didn't tell the kid to shoot arrows at the other kids Curtis and Dinah need to go far away -- not even two full episodes and I am over them
  19. I am seriously hoping someone asks DR at the next con if he and EBR are fighting or not allowed to work together any more. It is just beyond stupid how hard they work at pretending they are not friends.
  20. One episode in and I am over DD. I don't want to have to fast forward Dig and Lance so I hope the writers contain her - quickly. Stick her with the other screamer because she too is always fast forward material. KC defiantly did not spend her free time working on her acting. For future reference show - the quickest, surest way to get me to hate a character is to force them into scenes that would have made more sense between Dig and Felicity. All that focus on blowing up the island and they spend as little time as humanly possible showing how everyone survived. So glad they stuck to the pretend everyone is dead thing - because the suspense was totally worth it. Except not.
  21. Making DD insufferable is not going to make me like the other screamer better. I am perfectly capable of hating them both - massively - at once.
  22. Oliver X falls in love with her not knowing she is Jewish - and now regrets that he gave her up. Do I think this show will try and make Nazis seem sympathetic? Well, given their previous decision making skills, I don't think they would not try and do so.
  23. I am - and continue to be - skeptical about anything WM has to say, but based on this Oliver's big story line in the crossover (based on a comic book story line that comic book fans are supposed to love) is going to be about the true love he has with Felicity? Man - Twitter is going to be a fun place come crossover time.
  24. Yes, yes he will. Or evil Nazi Prometheus. Or maybe evil Nazi Oliver and Prometheus are in a loving relationship that shows Oliver the way. Dear show - thanks for being standout crazy even in these crazy days.
  25. Maybe they leave before the wedding so the show can go back to them in the final scene? I keep wondering if the end isn't going to be some sort of montage -- it seems hard to believe they are going to go through two wedding ceremonies at the end of the episode - and it seems like they have a lot of wrap-up (funeral, goodbyes, weddings, etc.) to get done in a fairly quickly.
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