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Everything posted by marinw

  1. Stunning. The reveal that Julie was "Driving" Eros because she wanted to go home was so unexpected and bittersweet and beautiful. Dear Bell Media Canada: Please stop running your little ads on the bottom of the screen on shows which are this pretty.
  2. Heller admitted to Jack that he had been diagnosed with Alzheimer's, so probably not.
  3. Or a Bill Buchanan Memorial Library. As others have pointed out, this show pays very little attention to medical accuracy. At the start of the hour, Grimes is being taken to CTU via gurney and ambulance, and now he is up running around with Eric.
  4. IMHO, the harshest thing I've seen on 24 is Jack returning from China just to be handed off to a terrorist.
  5. Drew is ths season's version of Kim's friend in Day 1 who survived a number of calamaties included being hit by a car only to be killed in the hospital. I think the current sitting POTUS was referred to as "him" but I may be confusing this show with Homeland, as I am wont to do.
  6. Starkwood: Jon Voight's private army from Day 7! So there is our second original 24 refrence. So is this season supposed to take place somewhere around Washington. D.C?
  7. When Miller tells Diogo to leave him, we don't get the speech that usually goes along the lines of: "I'm not leaving you, we die together!" Nope, Diogo obeys the older man and leaves. The subversion of the usual trope is another thing about this show I love.
  8. Amazing episode. Feel terrible for the Mormans, although maybe they will get thier big beutiful ship back now. I like how understated all the actors are, with the exception of the initially annoying Diogo, who has now won we over. Shooting down the medical rescue ship was awful. No good deed goes unpunished and all that.
  9. This is how I feel. It's not just Jack, it's all the other characters that helped elevate 24 from a good action show to a great one: Bill, Chloe, Renee, Presidents Palmer, Logan and Taylor, and so many other great characters played by wonderful actors. So far, there are no really great chracters on Legacy. That said, I will give Legacy a few more episodes as it works as an action show.
  10. That episode was very action-packed with all the 24 tropes one would expect. Still, the show isn't engageing me emtionally. Eric being hit by a car with no massive injuries was one suspension of disbelief too far. I keep waiting for Rebecca to exclaim "I am no man!" for no apparent reason.
  11. Wow. Saw this on a fifty inch TV. I would put the visuals of this show up agiant Westworld, Game of Thrones and most feature films. Like the friendship betwen Naomi and Fred Johnson's Second. Love all of the Martian Marines, alhough I don't know why they are called marines, unless sace is like the ocesn, hense the Martan Navy. Interesting character development with Martian Marine from Earth.
  12. That was a good episode, action wise. I am coveting Eric's backpack, if not all of its' contents.
  13. David Palmer was assisinated at the start of Season 5. I will not be suprised if Jimmy Smits does not survive the day. This is the first time I've seen Corey Hawkins in anything. He has the running and action thing down.
  14. The Superbowl went on past the end of forever so I saw this via On Demand. At this point it is hard for me to seperate myself from my nostagia and so I find it hard to judge the show on its own merits. I WANT to like it and Hawkins is fine, but it just feels like a generic action show without all the deep emotional resonace or the political thnkiness. So far my favorite character is Stiles 2.0 and her non ivy leque college skillz. That pipe scene was cool, as was Rebecca useing her tazer. That scene reminded my of the early episode where Jack shot George Msson with a Tranqulizer gun. Some things never change.
  15. Chloe was the Director of CTU in the last few episodes of Day 8.
  16. So of cource I am now thinking of the time Kirkman banned all immigration when he capitulated to the nacent Congress. So I suppose that was totally not Constitutional? Current Reality suggests not.
  17. Also, remember that SyFy (or Space in Canada) also brought us the rebooted Battlestar Galactica, the show to which The Expanse is often compared. Personally I like The Expanse better because it is a bit less hopeless. Good point. The fact that I didn't notice the sound problem means TPTB have fixed it. The overall look of the show is georgeous and matches any feature film IMHO.
  18. Not much traffic on this forum. If this show was on Netflix or HBO I think we would be on page three of comments by now.
  19. One more thing: Was that a Fed Ex logo I saw on the Trojon Container?
  20. This! I am glad to see such a powerfully built woman in this role. Also liked that we get a bit more of a look at Martian society. I liked the political machination back at the UN on Earth. Trying to figure out what Mars is up to when you can't just ask them. I also liked Tycho station. I really appreciate how all the stations look different, some are richer and better run than others. So much to unpack with these two episodes. Overall, it's nice to see a future that is neither a post apocalyptic wasteland or glittering Utopia.
  21. The show has been renewed for a second season, and the finale was pretty epic, so. I agree with you about the underplayed part, that may be a feature of the show's budget, although this may have been one of the most expensive shows to ever come out of Norway. Tom and Jesper need to get together for a beer or three. I keep imagining A Man In The High Castle scenario where the people in MS and DS watch a show about OUR current reality. I think Bess would be a great Secretary of State or VEEP for Tom.
  22. I don't know where to post this so I started a new topic. Be gentle with me, mods! While we are waiting until March 8, what other political dramas are resonating with us? I just finished bingeing a Norwegian series called Occupied (or Okkupert) which I found on Netflix Canada. The show is about Russia taking over Norway when that country decides to stop extracting and processing fossil fuels. I think Occupied is worth mentioning because its far-fetched yet theoretically possible premise requires almost exactly the same degree of suspension of disbelief as Designated Survivor. Also, actor Henrik Mestad as the put-open Prime Minister with a Green Energy agenda is a soulmate to Tom in the shear amount of sh*t he has to put up with. The show is also half in English for some reason. In 2017, TV showrunners of political dramas can't compete with reality. Particular American reality. But they can try.
  23. A good point @OtterMommy. But now those episodes look weirdly prescient. Maybe that's why we have to wait until March 8. Perhaps the new Showrunner wants to reshoot some things. Or the sniper can reshoot a different victim...
  24. Or this season please! Perhaps I am asking too much of a somewhat silly but entertaining show. The frustrating thing is that Designated is posing the super-important question of what makes a person fit to be POTUS at this particular time, yet this show is not a huge critical or ratings success for a variety of reasons.
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