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  1. I liked that Janelle did not tell Kody she was moving. He found out from one of the kids. Probably Mykelti since not many of his kids still talk to him. Janelle leaving that tree pendant Kody designed(?) at the Plotz Plot made me think of the news that Kody melted down his wedding ring to Meri before the start of this reality show. A little knife to Kody's kidneys there? Payback is an ex-wife. Janelle said she liked the necklace but it's good to leave Kody behind. I imagine someone will take it and list it online to get some cash. I wish Janelle had done that. On a side note, I didn't like that tree design at all. It was dark metal with gnarled tree trunk, heavy and clunky. I wear a medallion style Tree of Life necklace where the tree is high polished, shiny, and has a perfect shape, which is what I want to symbolize LIFE. Not something dark, twisted, and gnarled. Christine and Janelle are the only reason I watch this show anymore. I enjoyed their convo in the car. Shades of Thelma and Louise. Christine confessed that she was needy and didn't know how needy she was until looking back. And then there's Janelle who has never been in a bar, done a shot and doesn't drink really, but Christine chides that Janelle needs a little bad influence to loosen up. Meri is talking about not having the B&B and/or not living there. Oh Meri, why did we all just go thru your renovation of the garage carriage house to your small business office then? She's probably only throwing out innuendo to keep people guessing. Is that all you got? I did like the preview of upcoming truths like Robyn was never Meri's friend, etc. We already know but we need to hear from Meri. I'm glad Jen is there to remind Meri how backstabbing Robyn really is. Kody blasting at Suki letting his inner psychopath out for all the lawyers to document.
  2. This is one of the reasons I like David being a part of the show. TLC is giving us the comparison between real man David and Kody ass-hat faker. David has the love and respect from Christine that Kody never earned. Kody's kids think he's great and so does Janelle. It's the IN-YOUR-FACE-KODY-BROWN editing that makes the episodes worth watching. David's had his own drywall business for decades. Knows about construction, knows about tools. Cue to careless Kody swinging around a chainsaw and can't cut down a tree without being a safety hazard. TLC gives us more footage of Kody swinging an axe with one hand, trying to look cool. The paramedics are probably on standby off camera. Christine, David, and Janelle are starting fresh new chapters in their lives. Kody and Robyn are the same old, depressing, sour faced downers. Pretending to be happy having a picnic at a glorified drainage ditch while asking where it all went wrong. I almost forgot to mention Janelle FINALLY got a lawyer. Meri says she sort of has one, too. It's about damn time ladies!
  3. I was surprised to see that Kody didn't approve of t-shirts since he put such importance on getting those t-shirts back from Meri. I agree that Kody only wanted to squash Christine's idea. If it had come from Kody first it would have been golden. Kody said he wasn't trying to teach his kids how to properly take care of a picnic table, he was just using them for labor. We know, you air head. He's never cared about nurturing his kids. He's all about using them for the moment.
  4. I saw the clip where Kody is worried about his ringlets yet again. Really? Ex wives, alienated children, but Kody's priorities have him focused on his hair. Meri needs a new guy in her life. Forget old stale leftover Kody and his controlling manipulative ways. With someone new, I'd hope she'd get out of the constant loop of reliving every horrible thing Kody put her through. Meri, "I'm married once but divorced twice". Followed by inappropriate giggles. Same when Kody named Meri his "Favorite ex-wife". More inappropriate giggles. Jenn needs to step in, give Meri a hug and tell her it's not okay how Kody treats her.
  5. LOL Let's see... Coyote Pass or Europe. I'd take Europe but TLC probably won't pay for it. However he might vacation for a week. We can anticipate when Kody visits Stonehenge. He calls Meri and says he's discovered Stonehenge and asks if she's ever heard of it. The only clip I don't get tired of seeing is when Kody is mad that the OG3 wives and their kids dare to be a family without him, dare to live on without him, and dare to have kicked him out. Don't they know they are supposed to revolve around him? Then there's the clip of Janelle talking about how it's not a question of whether Kody brings Robyn with him to any family functions. It's that Kody isn't wanted at any of those family events. He's alienated 95% of his offspring. I'm really liking bad-ass Janelle and her I'm-going-truth-on-Kody's-ass. Meri, it's not about the quilt! It's a power-move and Kody wants to control you yet again. I would have invited Jen and friends over and had a celebratory weenie roast so TLC could film the demise of Kody's quilt and memories. Love the contrast of stories. Christine and David are celebrating the joyous life ahead of them. Kody and Robyn are doom and gloom over their failed everything. And, Robyn get the news that Kody might have left Robyn.
  6. I'll get the barf bags ready.
  7. Meri finally packs up her stuff and is ready to move. I don't understand why she asked Kody to help. Get some self-esteem and tell Kody to go shuck himself. While loading the truck, Kody and Meri are laughing and being playful. After I threw up, they show Kody being emotional and crying about Meri leaving. Don't even with that crap, Kody. Yet, Meri says she is confused.
  8. Yay! for Marcel! I'm glad he won. I'd definitely watch this again. There were new faces to me who ended up doing well. You never know who will step up. I'd like to see Viet come back. It was such a shock that he was eliminated the first challenge. He usually wins. I wonder if Chris Oh would come back. He was so exhausted. The prize money is usually increased when the producers have a hit show. Good incentive for Chris Oh, and the others to come back. One person I don't want to come back is Josie. The challenge was to make a burger without having already ground protein available and no buns either. Josie served a whole mushroom on a leaf of lettuce and called it an "abstract" burger. Also, the chefs had to include a fried side dish without using the fryer. Josie had some sauteed veggies, but nothing was crispy to tell if it was "fried". I didn't like Josie's attitude when she was eliminated. She said she got sent home "on a plating error". No, you loser, your mushroom on lettuce was least like a burger amongst all the other chefs. I liked everyone else's side dish, too. I don't need to see her again.
  9. I'm glad this show is getting such a good response. I kind of like the clock keeps ticking and it's all filmed at one time. On many other competition shows, the editors play with the editing and time clock too much. For example, the host on other shows will yell out "2 minutes" but a contestant will be starting their sauce or just starting whatever item that we know on this green earth takes longer than "2 minutes". And, they've still got to plate. They're down to six chefs now, I think. I'd like for them to invite Chris Oh to move to a closer cooking station. He's got to walk all the way from the back and the judges comment about him being slow and tired. It's funny yet I still feel sorry for Chris. I'm really liking Marcel and his commentary. He's so mature, and appreciative, and talks about his little boy. I'm rooting for him. I'd like his mom to get the implant to hear. Everyone's got a plan for that money though. Carlos and Mika want a honeymoon for their fiance and spouse, respectively. Esther made the comment that she wanted to go to Hawaii, too. Michael being funny throws in Esther with the Hawaiian trip. LOL I doubt Mika wants Esther on her honeymoon.
  10. I'm really loving this show. I'm surprised I like it. I started watching just to see what it was about. I'm already wondering when they could do another season. Tournament of Champions is done only once a year, but this 24 in 24 could be done every 6 months or less. Regarding Elizabeth Faulkner, I usually like her on these cooking competitions but I don't remember seeing her win anything. I was surprised that she acted like she should have won her round b/c she's Elizabeth F. more than it being about her dish. She should realize there are tons of good chefs out there that haven't been on every Food Network show ever created. It's good to see some new faces. Some of these chefs we will probably see more of in the near future. I'm really liking Martel and navy Chris. I remember the whole Top Chef awfulness at Marcel's expense. On this show when they showed Carlos Anthony and the other chefs in the break area suddenly talking about Marcel and how they wanted him out, it gave me those Top Chef bullying vibes again. I'm okay with them talking about how tired they are, etc. They're all experiencing this together and they're kind of bonding. Plus, they're so tired that they are getting silly and making jokes. I laughed at Chris Oh when he was walking his dish to the judges table rather slow. Michael Symon commented how he needs to move a bit faster. Chris said something about only having the one speed now. You don't get that on Chopped.
  11. I wanted to like her since everyone else seems to. She went on to be behind the camera on Top Chef so I figured I was missing something. Just when I think maybe she's changed, her obnoxious self comes out again.
  12. I'm disappointed in some of the outcomes this time. I wait a year for this show to come back. I'm all excited. I'm rooting for my favorites. BAM. Brooke's gone. Adam's gone. Jose's gone. Stephanie's gone. I still have a lot of faves, since I respect most of these chefs and love to see them do what they do, but dang it's hard to see them suddenly gone. Lee-Anne Wong was a jerk last year imho, and tends to be too boastful. I know these chefs are self promoters but many do it in a way that is more confidence with talent and the wins to back it up. Lee-Anne seems to be more on the obnoxious side of that behavior. This is the first time I've seen her win a battle and she ended up getting the highest score of the night. I'm happy for her for that restaurant donation since the devastating fires in Hawaii. She's not on my fave list. While I'm posting... sending out some fangirl crush for Shota! ETA: since Guy is going to be Guy and come up with nicknames for these chefs, if I were competing I'd want a kick ass name. Antonia "Princess Warrior" isn't bad.
  13. First off, I'm glad this show is back. I love watching people shine doing what they do. Another plus is anyone from any background can compete and win. I have so many favorites that it's hard to watch any of them lose. After all the speculation about FN maybe scrubbing Darnell out of the show completely, I was surprised to see Amanda and Darnell's segment when it aired tonight. I agree it looked like it was edited so we got the very short version. When Amanda won, we don't see Darnell hug Amanda or congratulate her or say anything. The edit shows him exiting out the door. Gone. FN handled it well. Don't hide it but don't embellish.
  14. ITA that Christine's first wedding gown was even worse than (on Golden Girls) Dorothy's wedding dress to Lucas that had what looked like construction paper loops on the bodice of her gown.
  15. Maybe I've seen this show too much. Amos looks kind of like Kody. Maybe it's the facial hair.
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