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Everything posted by Drogo
She sees the people as wronging her because they didn't rise up against Cersei like Tyrion said they would. The Meereenese slaves killed their masters and liberated themselves when Daenerys arrived. They were inspired by her greatness, her willingness to risk all to save them from the tyranny that had destroyed their lives and the lives of their children. They found strength in her strength and changed their circumstances. They appreciated and loved her from the moment she arrived as they realized their present situation was as bad as bad gets. The KL crowd just sat in their pile of shit city and waited for another tyrant to replace the one they already had, and well- that's exactly what they got. She wasn't their savior, coming to break the wheel. She wasn't the rightful heir to the Iron Throne, Breaker of Chains and Mother of Dragons coming to unseat cruel Cersei and her team of demon monkeys. She was just another Queen, more of the same. Is that all I am to you, your Queen? All right, then. Let it be fear.
He was actively conspiring to ensure she didn't sit on the Iron Throne. He had a little bird in the kitchen letting him know whether she was eating, and he took off his rings when he was called before the Queen (which probably contained poison, a popular weapon among eunuchs.) The little bird told him her soldiers were watching her closely (so it was probably getting more dangerous to continue poisoning her) and Varys told her the greater the risk the greater the reward. He was trying to kill Daenerys. Kings Landing antics aside, it'd be hard to justify not killing Varys.
Arya's white horse that took her out of the city looks a lot like the one she got when she got Needle back and finally stopped trying to kill Sandor. Some dead people and 12 chickens later... If I'm letting myself get whimsical, maybe the Lord of Light brought Sandor back as her horse to get her out of there.
The Hound didn't have a problem with Arya killing Cersei; he had a problem with Arya dying in order to kill Cersei. *The pair had planned to kill Cersei and the Mountain and leave. Once the castle started falling apart around them, killing Cersei and leaving was becoming less of an option for Arya.
How much could they possibly be paying FamilyChantel to humiliate themselves like this?
It's mostly an improvement, curb appeal-wise. . Property values in KL have skyrocketed since 10pm Eastern.
Fuck Viserys Targaryen.
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.
Last episode's war council was pretty clear that there were half left of each faction.
Like Grey's Anatomy- everyone working there is The Best [Plastic Surgeon/Neurosurgeon/Pediatric Surgeon/Prenatal Surgeon/etc.] In Their Field.
That's not who Daenerys was before this episode.
Not anymore... that's why she's in such a bad mood. All backed up.
I blame Jaime for not killing Bran in the first episode. Maybe if he'd used both hands (while he still had 2) we wouldn't have the 3ER giving bastards free AncestryDNA kits.
No no, he was just going to cut it out and give custody to the daddy. Viserys was a gem, only a monster would kill him.
Arya and the horse, echoes of another woman leaving one life behind for a new one. Arya saw all that death and destruction... And decided "That's not me."
She heard the bells and realized this was likely another of Tyrion's "mistakes." So she followed Missandei's advice instead. A brilliant woman who never misled her. Dracarys, indeed. I'm not mad at Daenerys. Fuck Kings Landing.
Kings Landing was a shithole anyway. Yeah, I said it.
I know the acting is good when I'm rooting for a brother and sister to get to Essos and raise their baby in relative peace and anonymity.
Death by fire is the purest death.
You couldn't just make out with your hot aunt, Jon Snow? Motherfucker...
She didn't seem too frightened for Jon's life when he was in the middle of a swarm of enemies and she was smiling smugly next to Littlefinger as the Vale showed up, to her expectation and to his shock. Sansa only gives a shit about Jon's life when there's more than just him sitting between her and the North.
I think they just swaddle Bran, like a newborn. Sandor Clegane wouldn't mind giving up his last name for the Little Bird, given his hatred of others who possess it. And he could even keep his wolfy dog helmet.
The deal with Yara was independence for the Iron Islands in exchange for their fleet, which was lost when Euron decimated them and took Yara (and the Dorne-trash) hostage - so it's possible the terms of the deal have changed a bit. Possible that it hasn't and Daenerys is just still counting the Iron Islands as one of her kingdoms. The Iron Islands have a King/Queen chosen by Kingsmoot and Dorne has Princes/Princesses (Prince Oberyn, Prince Trystan) but they're both part of the Seven Kingdoms. More importantly from the Dany/Yara negotiation scene, Daenerys straight up says she's agreeing because Yara asked nicely, Yara will support Daenerys' claim and her reign, and follow her rules to break the wheel. (Basically, the Iron Islands would be like a son that's grown up and moved out but still has to listen to his parents if he wants their support. And the Iron Islands will need that inclusion and commerce with Westeros to survive since Yara agreed the Iromborn will stop paying The Iron Fucking Price from now on.) So as @SilverStormm wisely pointed out, it's not what Sansa's after but how she's going about it that's the issue for Daenerys (and many of us here.) -- TYRION: What if everyone starts demanding their independence? DAENERYS: She’s not demanding, she’s asking. The others are free to ask as well. Our fathers were evil men, all of us here. They left the world worse than they found it. We’re not going to do that. We’re going to leave the world better than we found it. You will support my claim as queen of the Seven Kingdoms and respect the integrity of the Seven Kingdoms. No more reaving, roving, raiding, or raping. YARA: That’s our way of life. DAENERYS: No more. YARA: No more.
Okay, so? How is that a counterargument? Sansa supported taking away Last Hearth and the Karhold from Ned and Alys, respectively... because their fathers refused to pledge fealty to her cause. (Pretty rich, since Sansa didn't much like paying for her own father's "crimes" in KL. Ned Umber was probably named after Eddard.) Jon said "Bend the knee and keep your shit." Sansa was fine with taking away the Umber+Karstark's castles but she sees no issues reneg'ing on the KitN's knee-bend to Daenerys and thinks an appropriate reward would be the entire North, independent to boot.