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  1. The cat sitting in judgement in the corner 😆
  2. Is this the guy whose dad was a retired train engineer? Something to do with trains.
  3. I love Coach. I'm trying to think of another situation where your life depended on defending getting stuck in a dead end job. Almost everyone faces that dilemma at one time or another, and Shauna, of all people, is seeing that now as an adult with herself and her husband. Jeff can do no wrong, however. The golden atmosphere ruined some of the drama of the trial for me. Almost everything else over the seasons has used dark or harsh lighting to accentuate the situation. I guess it could have worked if the area was a little more intimate. I think a few things are going on in the adult timeline that are not related, though they seem to be related. I think the targeting of Shauna is different from Lottie's death. They made a point of showing Lottie going to a bank for money and she took everyone's money when they entered her cult. Lots of suspects there. Shauna's feels more personal. Never thought I'd like Misty Effing Quigley.
  4. "I don't want to be tacky," says the girl with shower curtain rings in her ears for her talking head.
  5. "Everyone must come to my house." Please. This is the most artificial, contrived nonsense.
  6. I'm completely distracted by Jennifer Tilly's Astroturf Bag.
  7. If they kill and eat Coach, I don't think I can hang in there. He was the only one to abstain from cannibalism and Nat would have to go along with that plan. I don't like the these people anymore (past or present) and personally believe you have to like at least one character to stay immersed in a show. Breaking Bad did a good job of skirting the thin line of the redeemable/irredeemable character. Mari wins the MVP of being a true Judas. I hope I feel differently next week.
  8. Erika is just sitting there eating her hotdog being grateful she isn't the target for the first time in four years. Of course, this is when she is the most boring.
  9. I was thinking Bad Frederick's of Hollywood. Does that still exist?
  10. I would have lost it when she touched my purse. NO ONE touches my purse. That might just be a personal quirk, but hard no.
  11. I was sick this past weekend and binged the entire series. If I didn't love it before, I do now. They are constantly showing how each girl is possibly the worst human out in the wilderness and then replaces her with a new girl and with a worse reprehensible action. The weird golden filter on the 1997 scenes makes me wonder how much of it is real. Toward the end of season 2, even Akilah hallucinated a living mouse out of a shriveled up corpsemouse. I don't' know if this is a genuine callback, but Lauren Ambrose played a teenager named Claire in Six Feet Under that was whispered about at school. She brought a human foot and placed in her boyfriend's locker. He opened it between classes with everyone watching. Claire was suspended and made to see a counselor. Callie covering the high school girls with entrails reminded me of that. The sounds from the sky reminded me of the noises the FBI aimed at the Branch Davidians. Doesn't make sense for this series, but that was my first thought. In case speculation is frowned on:
  12. So she and Marshmallow really are divorced?
  13. Good for Quaalude. He's actually giving back.
  14. We are presently awaiting 3-6 inches of snow to add to the snow from earlier this week. Made the mistake of going to the grocery store. Milk, eggs and bread. What are people making with these?
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