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Everything posted by ChromaKelly

  1. ^^^ Would love to watch this movie. In general, I need more Team Cap. I felt like we only got half of that in Civil War. I would have at least liked more dialogue between Steve and Bucky in Endgame. Steve's the guy who threw down his shield and chose Bucky over the Avengers and being Captain America. Bucky comes back from - wherever they were - and it's just like hey bro? Yeah... I just... ugh.
  2. Ugh. Exactly. I'm glad they stuck to defacto leader of what's left of the Avengers. Also happy to never see more of the Nat/Bruce forced relationship. Was rewatching AoU and god that is so painfully awkward.
  3. I was thinking about this. Again. (OK, I need a support group to help me Move On because I clearly can't). Anyway, I thought if Steve Rogers had access to a time machine, would he really just go and do what he was supposed to, or would he try to right some wrongs while he was there? Here's my theory - OurSteve goes back, has the dance with Peggy, and then rescues FrozenSteve and Bucky. FrozenSteve is the one that marries Peggy and comes back as an old man on the bench. OurSteve will return, it just happened after the movie ended.
  4. OMG I read the best fix-it fic that cleans everything up. Yes, it involved messing with time but it was good. Why can random people on the internet write better stories that are more in keeping with the characters we've known for years than the actual writers? Sometimes I still can't believe Endgame was written and directed by the same people who did TWS.
  5. Yep. I just can't think about the 5 year jump and the implications of bringing everyone, not just the missing Avengers and adjacent people, back after that long. Five years is a long time. People move on. Fall in love again, start new lives. Heck, people who survived the snap have died in the five year period. So what if someone comes back from the snap, only to find their loved one has died? What if a parent committed suicide over the loss of their child and then the child comes back with no mom or dad? And everyone comes back? Even criminals, assholes, abusers? It would have been better if it was an undoing the snap, not bringing them all back with the five years passing. Although, I'm guessing the implications of all this might be explored in Far From Home.
  6. I think for my own sanity, I'm going to ignore anything the Russos or M&M say about the timeline and stick with what was on screen. That way I'm free to interpret what may have happened off screen in what I believe is in keeping with the character of Cap. Did he actually marry Peggy? IDK, we didn't see it. (Part of me still thinks they wanted to kill Stucky though)
  7. I thought she, or was it Bruce? said the line about "clip the branches" by returning the stones to the exact time they were taken, and that would eliminate the divergent timelines. Which, we now have one where Loki has the Tesseract, and there was no discussion of cleaning up that timeline. Another time question - They explicitly state in the movie that their version of time travel is not Back to the Future. They can't do something in the past to "fix" the present. If that's the case, then how can Steve be Peggy's husband all along? Wouldn't that have to be an alternate timeline?
  8. Wooooo!!!! I'll try not to get my hopes up for Bucky, Sam, and Cap cameos. (pleasepleaseplease Bucky though kthx)
  9. OK I feel like I keep leaving the room, only to come back and open the door and go "And another thing!" on this Steve topic. But I thought of something else. The whole reason Steve was returning the stones was to 'clip the branches' of the divergent timelines, as The Ancient One said. So, Steve staying in the past is creating a new timeline, which is the exact thing that he was on a mission to prevent. This is so stupid, Steve wouldn't do that. I liked Tony's ending better, and he fucking died. At least he got to go out a hero.
  10. I love how dedicated Chris Hemsworth is to the character of Thor. Thor could have been a caricature but he's made him so much more. When I watched it again I really liked Thor becoming the God of Thunder again, but not back to his ripped, neat beard self. He really did look like a Viking who has Seen Some Shit.
  11. SAME. It's really bothering me so much. I was kind of, OK, I'll wait for the next half when there wasn't much Steve (and about two seconds of Steve/Bucky interaction) in IW. I liked Steve in most of Endgame except for the ending and it just ruins it for me. Yes, I'm a Stucky shipper but I live in reality and I know they aren't going to have them kiss and go off into the sunset. I just wanted more of a reunion and evidence of their friendship in Endgame. Same with Sam too, for that matter. Steve is loyal and I just can't see him turning around and leaving what's left of Team Cap. Shit, Sam hasn't even had time to process that Nat's gone. Ugh, I'm so bothered by this!
  12. Exactly. I would have liked it a lot more if he was a tad late getting back, Bucky and Sam are like what was the hold up? and then we see him having the dance. Then Steve gives Sam the shield and he says it's time to pass this on. Later we see Steve leading the support group. Helping people move on, like he has been doing.
  13. I agree, and I am a Natasha fan. While I'm sad that she died, it was very much in character. She wanted to erase the red in her ledger, of course she's going to sacrifice herself.
  14. I'm going to have to go with this too, otherwise it makes no sense for Nat and Clint to be the ones to go on the Soul Stone mission, when they are pretty much ordinary people (not enhanced/super power-having) and don't have specialized protective suits a la Iron Man. It would have made much more sense for them to go on the NY mission and get the Mind and Space stone given their secret agent training. But, then we wouldn't have Cap meeting Cap, elevator scene, Tony having a bonding moment with his emotionally abusive father, yada yada. It would have been interesting to see Cap deal with Red Skull again and who would get sacrificed to get the Soul Stone. Does it work if two people come to get the stone and they don't love each other? So yeah, for plot purposes it had to be two people who mean something to each other.
  15. I wish we could have gotten an actual third Captain America movie. Sure, Civil War is good but it really is Avengers 2.5. I'd love a movie featuring Team Cap set between Civil War and Infinity War. There wasn't much Steve in IW, and I feel like the ending of Endgame taints his character. I want more TWS/CW Steve. I feel shortchanged.
  16. I saw Endgame again tonight and I am okay with most of it except - you guessed it - Steve's ending. I don't want to beat a dead horse and rehash all the whys. Most of the previous comments here capture why I am unhappy with it. A comment upthread brought up the notion that there was pressure from somewhere to make sure Steve has a female love interest and I can totally see that. I'm wondering they also wanted to kill off the Stucky shipping. Steve blew up the Avengers for Bucky, fought like hell for him, saw Bucky turn to dust in front of his eyes, and not one mention of wanting to get him back? There were several Peggy callbacks in the movie, like hey? Remember her? Zero mention of Bucky is finally healed, they are reunited, when bam, he's taken from Steve again. Even if they kept it to just friends, it makes no sense for there to be no mention of Bucky by Steve, given that TWS and CW exist. For that matter, Sam gets nothing either. OK, besides that, I truly do like the movie and it does give closure to the Avengers. Couldn't help but cry at Tony's death again, and during the credits. An era is over. One other thing I thought of - shouldn't Nebula have known that she shouldn't have gone back to a time and place where she exists? That her mind is essentially backed up to the cloud and it could cause conflicts? And Nebula does seem to know how Thanos got the Soul Stone, and she doesn't tell Clint and Nat?
  17. Fellow dumbass here. I can't really handle time travel storylines unless they are sticking to Back To The Future/Terminator-style time travel. Here's something I don't understand. When Scott was stuck in the quantum realm, for him it was only 5 minutes, but the outside world was 5 years. How did Steve live (60-ish?) years, and then show up on the bench, but it was only a few minutes for everyone else?
  18. Something that's bugging me now is that Cersei never got to see exactly what the AOTD and Night King were, and why everyone else was so worried about them. Now she'll be like, eh, what was the big deal?
  19. I'm also having a hard time with There Are Two Caps Running Around That Timeline thing. The only way I can reconcile that is the Cap that went back in time stays only as long as that timeline's Cap is frozen, and he comes back when that Cap gets unthawed.
  20. I've been thinking about the return of everyone who was snapped. Of course, yay everyone's back. But think about ALL the snapped people in the entire universe returning. Some people may have remarried, moved on, have a new family, their jobs have been filled, or maybe their significant other or parent killed themselves in grief, or has a drug/alcohol problem, is in financial ruin... who knows? It won't just be yay you're back for everyone. Also, I never understood the point of Thanos's halving of all life, plant and animal too. Doesn't that just put the universe in the same position really? If there are half the people and half the plants and animals, it's at the same ratio. What's the point? I understood eliminating half the people but not half of all life.
  21. Saw it and I'm so glad we went on opening night. I'll get my negatives out of the way first - Thor being fat the whole movie. I kind of felt like that was a gag that went on too long. I was hoping when he lightning'ed up he would change back to buff Thor. Bruce being half-Hulk, half-Bruce. Same as above. It was kind of distracting. Steve/Bucky barely interacting. Review upthread shares a lot of my feelings on this. I knew we weren't going to get full-on Stucky, but seriously? A bro-hug and about two sentences was all we got. All the hell yeah moments were awesome. Cap with the hammer and "I knew it", the Snapped coming back to enter the battle, Avengers Assemble, I am Ironman. I'm sure I'm forgetting some but it was all great. Time travel and different timeline stuff always confuses me so I just have to go with it. I liked all the banter about time travel movies and how it works. Nat's death surprised me. Wondering if she will get out of the soul stone somehow or is that just dead dead. Wasn't surprised about Tony but was still sobbing. Then they got me again with the credits. As much as I do like Captain Marvel, I'm glad she didn't just swoop in and save the day. She was helpful yes, but not in a way that took away from this being primarily an Original Six movie. Loved all the call backs to previous movies, especially the elevator scene. It was great. Need to see it again to pick up on everything.
  22. And they always have to insist that they are fine even though they clearly have an exaggerated stuffy nose, look like shit, sneezing all over the place. Then they have the whole loopy-on-cold-medicine thing.
  23. I loved just about everything. I am honestly not getting the backlash that this is a "feminist" movie or that it had a political agenda. It didn't come across as Grrrl Power or anything like that. It was a superhero origin story. I mean, it didn't ignore the fact that she's a woman and it did acknowledge realities, but I didn't feel like it beat you over the head. I was really digging the 1990's setting too. I was a teen-young 20's in the early 90's so the music, clothes, the computer stuff, it was all awesome for me. The mid-credits scene got me so excited for Endgame. I almost screamed. I can't wait to see Carol with the rest of the Avengers.
  24. What for? I've never heard anything negative about them. Nevermind, saw the post above. I think one can be sad that someone died, that their life is over. Doesn't necessarily mean they support everything that person did.
  25. Wow, what? That's concerning. As a parent of a figure skater who will be headed to training camps and such in the next couple years, I want this investigated. It doesn't matter if he's dead, there are always other people involved in the cover-ups, and they need to make changes to not allow this kind of thing to happen in the first place. ALL sports should learn from the horrendous things that happened in gymnastics. I am also kind of grossed out by the tweets I'm seeing that he should not have been suspended until the investigation is concluded. Uh, no. A suspension is just that. He wasn't kicked out. He needed to be investigated, and if innocent, then he would be reinstated.
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