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Evil Queen

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Everything posted by Evil Queen

  1. Same here!!! If that is the case and you don't care much for the history why go into the thread on it and read it? Trying to understand here. It shouldn't matter how some watch it differently from others really. I know some like to watch things and not know the real facts of what went on and its fine. Its also find that there are those of us that do like the real facts of things and do not like how they are not given in a show that is not fantasy. Sure its not a documentary but its suppose to be a show about Queen Victoria. So why not go by the true facts of things that are important instead of twisting and turning them to the complete opposite and far from the truth. It does a MAJOR disservice to a lot of issues that happened during those years IMO. I don't mind a mix of little bit of stuff tossed in to add to the story but not like this. While it did bring the Irish famine into it, it still wasn't honest about it either. I wonder how many little girls watch this show. Its not on until 9pm and my 11 yr old daughter would have no interest in it at all. Yet if it is the case little girls are looking at this like that, they have already shown her as a woman that has PPD. That is a hard thing to go through no matter how one does. I had it myself after 2 of my kids but it wasn't like how Victoria was. Yet I think seeing as how we have seen the show twist things, I think they would find a way to do so with those times in her life as well. and skip over some of it. I read some place that while Beatrice did that, there was someone else, a man who for the life of me I can't remember the name of right now, who did the same but didn't leave stuff out. I don't think he got a hold of all of them because Beatrice was going to destroy them. Wouldn't it be something to read these things unedited? While I am sure many pages could be quite boring there probably are things that would be something to read for sure from both Victoria and Elizabeth II.
  2. I am going to say this as someone with 3 kids, gave a lot of time in the class volunteering and worked a noon duty job at one point as well at the school. THIS IS NOT WHY EDUCATION HAS GONE DOWNHILL!!! If one doesn't have kids in school or have any idea what is going on in schools how can this be why one assumes such a thing. The facts are to many parents do NOT parent their kids. As Neurochick said there are those that think their kids are angles and do no wrong. I can tell you those are the parents that kiss up to a principal, teacher and are usually running the PTO/A. This has been my experience over the many years of my kids in school. You have parents "friending" with the teachers on SM as their kids are in the teacher's class and will have other kids at some point in those classes. They hang out with them as well outside of school. Now this isn't the case with all but I saw it with the lazy teachers and a couple others. Thankfully there weren't many of those kind. Yet those kids are the ones that got away with being bullies in the school. Treating noon duty like crap as well and doing what they pleased. Rules are in place but yet one word to tell one of these "angels" to pick up their trash or they are missing some recess and you have Mommy calling her buddy principal to say how their kid never did a thing or make something up to try to get you in trouble. Trust me I dealt with this bs and so did some others. Teachers make plenty of comments that are FAR worse then what he said there. You also have not only kids that are bullies but teachers and principals that can be as well just as bad if not worse. Been there and done that before. I have seen some HORRIBLE classes over the years as well. I give him the benefit of the doubt on it because unless you have EVER stepped foot in a class that is full of some of the most misbehaved brats you have no idea how trying that can be on all. He didn't name names either which would have been an issue then. Yet there was one teacher who told me she wished they allowed the paddle in her Kinder class. She had nothing but out of control kids and we all saw it. That was when I worked the one job. I know there has been worse posted by some teachers on SM as well. So getting butt hurt on just those comments and judging for it is crazy IMO. The lady that was digging around like that has some issues IMO to go looking for things on people on a low rent "reality show". Oh btw, if only you all could see the kind of crap said by our oh so wonderful school district school board members online. We have at least 2 VERY insane people on that board that need to be kicked off it and not allowed near kids. The stuff they do and say is just unreal for people in that position. *steps off soapbox and goes back to the shadows*
  3. While I get it as well, it does bug me too when its twisted and turned in such ways that its far from even being close to what it was like. I had major issues with the famine episode as it is. But then toss in some other things that have been mentioned as well and it just adds up to wondering if anything was even researched enough or did they just not care? I am one that I watch things like this and I have to look up on what is truth or not if I am not sure. I knew about the Irish famine because of family and I knew what the truth on things was there so it bugged me. One hand its great to see this mentioned and not skipped over. On the other hand it should have been handled right. Don't lie on who did what in that situation. Its a bit of a disrespect IMO. This is when the show for me now started taking the turn where the enjoyment of it is leaving. I get wanting to add the "romance" side to it at times even if its fake but dates and who handled what and how shouldn't be twisted so much so it has strayed far from the real history. I don't mind a few odds and off things in these kind of shows but stray to far from truth and I start to lose interest. My Great, Great Grandparents were born at the beginning of the famine. Didn't come to America until well after that time passed. First GG Grandfather came to set up his shoe making business in Missouri and then sent for his wife to be to join him later on. They got married not to long after she arrived her. Supposedly they came from County Tyrone but I know she was born or at least baptized (found the record) in County Tipperary and her parents marriage record there. I have one Great Aunt alive that I have no clue if she has stories about them or not. It would be nice to have but for some reason I am not given a way to talk to her and her family. I do know that from doing my genealogy I have come across some 2nd cousins and such from the Scottish side and talking to them have come to learn that most that family was typical when it came to liquor. LOL I will say that the holding a grudge til doomsday so very much how I am. Don't cross me or that is it. LOL Thank you for sharing the papers you had from her. Its great history to keep passing down to each generation.
  4. I recommend researching things yourself. That is all I will saw since it seems it is not allowed for some reason to compare fact and fiction. Agree!!! This is why when I watch shows like this I will look up things to compare fact and fiction going on. Yes the famine happened and was a horrible time for Ireland. As well as I wouldn't be here if my Great, Great Grandparents hadn't survived. I do appreciate this done but I don't like when these things are done in such ways that its not giving us the truth where it should to make the main "characters" of the show look certain ways that they were not. I get some don't want to know the real stories and just watch the fantasy side of it all but when shows do this stuff it is misleading the viewers on the real history of things. Its as bad as keeping people in the dark about how horrible it was IMO. I have enjoyed the show up until now knowing its not all the truth but this one just didn't sit well with me at all and how it went. SMH
  5. Just something to toss out there but considering the fact that Jephte had not seen this show before or anything, what if the producers talked a big game to lure him into doing this? I don't put it past them at all so he could have possibly been told he will be match with a certain type of girl and such. Then he is matched with Shawniece, He said on the wedding day when he saw her she was pretty (or whatever word he used) and made a comment that was nice about her looks when she cleaned off the overly done makeup. Yet the behavior during the wedding was a total turn off. So in turn he checks out. This isn't the only time this has happened but its usually the girls. Then toss in the editing and how bad its done with scenes sliced up in odd orders, things missing to lie about what is really going on to sucker viewers into believing the lies, then when certain things are mentioned where it looks like they are being honest about how they might really feel about the person its either dropped off or sliced up to be more lies in how its done. I am to the point I don't buy what this show is trying to sell us anymore. To much bs compare to reality. The show has basically shown its irresponsible in matches and only wants drama so that is what they match for. Not to try to make real matches that might work out. Toss in the fame whores that do the show and the ones that want to sell something and its just one big joke in the end. I'm just not feeling it anymore at this point since all I see is all the messed up edits, butting in the producers/"experts" do to make more drama happen, and lies. This has just gotten worse with each season IMO. As well as its obvious (at least to me) the way they will play games with who is going to be a "victim" or "villain" in the relationships. Its never honest on it when they really play it up too. If one looks back at past seasons you can see it. So I'm out. I may read along here and there but I am over this mess at this point. I am not feeling it anymore and a lot of the comments are a bit much IMO and were last couple of seasons as well. Those still enjoying the show....have fun!
  6. Sounds to me like she just wants to get herself some and he knows it but isn't going there. Don't blame him. IMO its better to be this way then sleep with the girl like she wants and look like even more of a jerk to those that think he is already. I'm telling you all that there is a lot we are not seeing that is going on between them to end up in moments he is turned off. They are going to give us a few of the waterfall type moments of them kissing and hugging but then a lot of the bad stuff without what really lead to it. Its typical MAFS. And this season, so far, he gets the jerk edit and her the pity me edit. SMH
  7. I didn't catch that one but I sure did notice Shawniece was talking as she was about Jon in her TH and how he looked. Exactly! Yet if it was reversed in roles and he was pushing there would be major freak out over it. Then you have edits that play games with it all so we aren't getting everything either. So I wouldn't be surprised at all if there is more to what is going on and good reason for him to be like he is. Just like I said last season there was reasons for Sheila coming off like she was but she still got shit on in the comments too and Nate got a lot of the "I feel sorry for him" comments. Show plays major games with what is going on. We get little tastes of things at times and the edits don't match up a lot of times. There are so many things at times that give away something is off in the edits for the person they are trying to make the jerk. Its typical MAFS.
  8. Remember the edits are done in a crappy way to make things look how the show wants. Its not always the truth...and hell if it ever is from MAFS its a miracle at this point. They replay so many of those THs over and over again with people saying they can fall for whoever or something that is opposite of what we are seeing. Same as past seasons. Then the edits in it all. It could have been totally edited out that he had actually looked at her foot but it wouldn't fit the "story line" the crappy producers want to tell. Hell some people get a tiny cut and play up how hurt they really are too for the attention factor. He has more personality then Atlanta Ashley IMO. I am thinking they picked him and had him sign on the dotted line asap because he had not seen the show before. I can imagine finding those that hadn't heard of the show a task so if they can pluck one form a dating site, sucker them into it then they won't care who the person is. Its about drama they can make and how the can manipulate the couples while filming and with edits. IMO most the people that come on "reality" tv shows are not tv material. If I can ask, why? I don't feel like its a big deal to discuss these things at times. Things pop up that remind us of something and we will be like "omg, I had a boy/girlfriend that was that way". We have been married almost 17 yrs so we have talked about a lot of things with that part of our lives and sometimes its something new we didn't say before. Yet is a part of who we are and sometimes its why we are a certain way in our relationships. Nothing wrong if that is how someone wants to be or if a couple is agreeable on which way to go with that kind of talk but I don't see the big deal in it. I just think I rather be able to talk about anything then have to keep things stuffed away that I might like to talk about with my spouse and same with him as well. I wouldn't want him to not feel he can't talk to me about anything he wants. Just the way we are though and I know not all are like that. The look on their faces when Ryan said no, to me said they had. And I actually think Shawniece is the one that wants it on her terms and nothing more. She is basically telling him they shouldn't be strangers once they said I do. Which is stupid because they are. The problem is they do things differently when it comes to relationships. He comes off as he wants to do more getting to know the person before getting into sex but she would rather just jump into the sex and forget about the rest. I agree with whoever said that its no wonder she hasn't been in a relationship for the last 4 yrs. I will say it again that if she was the one wanting baby steps and he was behaving like her everyone would be calling him an asshole still for pushing her but because he is wanting to not just jump in bed with her and speed it up he is still an asshole to some. No matter what he does I think he will not be liked by some. I wanted to know too. I think he is one of the older ones because he had said he needed to basically step in as a father figure for his siblings. Which is probably why he is so much with the don't do this or that and cautious...as well as the fact he does it all day being a teacher. Sometime its hard to turn that off and hell some of us in the world are a little more cautious in doing things. There is nothing wrong with one for being that way either. its just the nature of the person. Just like being more adventurous is for some. Yet she come off like either a middle child does that is dying for attention or like you said the baby of the family who is used to attention on them. Not saying that is the case for all in that order though but in most cases it is. I want to bring up that black swimsuit again that Shawniece had on. I think if she had it on sitting on the beach or by the pool...or heck even paddleboarding it wouldn't have been so bad but it just didn't seem the best kind to pick for climbing a waterfall.
  9. Shawniece and Jephte - I will say I agree on the black swimsuit. She totally could have picked a better one for that. I take it something went down between these 2 before they had to go off to "play" with the other couples. I wouldn't call her "bubbly" either btw. I wonder if they were warned beforehand on the water and being careful. UGH she doesn't get it at all. If he says baby steps its she is taking it as something completely different. She says ok but then not. I don't see the big deal in how he walked out either. He did it so nothing was said that shouldn't be. There was more said I am sure that we did not see there too. Which all I know is if this was the other way around and it was her behaving as he is I doubt she would be getting shit on for it. So why should he? And she is a damn stranger and he is to her. Its not that long into their marriage but geesh. And getting married doesn't throw it out the window yet. Talking and treating each other with respect on where they are would be the way to NOT be strangers. Getting to know each other. I get what he meant when he said "I didn't curse at you". It was he wasn't using curse words but she was while fighting. Sorry but she expected way to much to fast from things. She is one of those on the kick of she is "married" and it doesn't matter to who but she thinks everything should fall into place fast like they knew each other forever just because they got "married". She needs to chill out and let him get to know her. She is pushing him to that place its going to be a place of no return and he will be checked out for good. I will say this again if it was the other way around with who was feeling what, the comments would be VERY different. I'm at the point that I think a lot is not getting shown between these 2 to explain why they end up in these places they are. We get a little glimpse of conversations but not all of it. So they turn it to look one way with this kind of edit. I've said it many times in the past, it is shitty! I am saying right now that I wish he would pull a Heather and be done. I know contracts probably tightened up but it feels like that would be best for these 2. I don't even see a glimmer of hope for them. Jaclyn and Ryan - Did she ever say if she dated before deciding to do this show and after her boyfriend died? I really would like to know how the family of that boyfriend feels with it ending up being used by MAFS who does nothing in good taste. The floaties thing was funny. Ryan was being really great about her sharing the death of her boyfriend. So basically she needs to make sure he doesn't feel like she is comparing but yet that can happen with an ex that didn't pass on too. I just know this show will make sure to drag it through the mud since its what they like to do. UGH Nothing wrong with how Jaclyn was with her bathing suit and cover up. They are in a resort hotel...geesh. I would bet many do it without covering up at all. SMH Molly and Jon - She was good at explaining where she was at on the whole being touched by people she doesn't know well. So far he is letting her being in control of it but how long with his thought of her being so perfect last and not touching her like he might want? Really didn't act like a man Molly? Want to bet if she knew more of the situation she might have a different opinion. Hmm is he joking way to much and that is why she is saying she doesn't want to have sex with a 12 yr old boy? As its been said a bunch before he does come off frat boy like so maybe more of it is slipping out and its to much for her...hmm Seriously not into these couples getting together during the season. Its not a good thing at all. To much can be said to add to issues or to cause ones. Then the whole comparing which each one is up to or done. UGH Why on earth do they all need to know about if each other had sex or not? That is so a producer butting in deal I bet. Its just all so awkward and forced....just like it was before the wedding with the ring shopping/lunch. Good for Ryan on not saying they had sex to the others. It really isn't each couple's business at all. What he said was actually a really well said...even though they had done it but it fit very well with the other 2 couples.
  10. Could be there was a reason though for it. I still have a half hour to go til its on here so not sure what was said and all but then again like I said before the edits play such games we are missing a lot of key things to know why they are fighting and what it is really about. It could be she doesn't deserve that...or it could or they both should be apologizing. I wish we weren't given fake stories but the real deal instead. I think it would be more interesting to get why its going on during these moments instead of force fed bs. BTW, I have known those that like to play games like this where fights happen, the one puts on the tears and expects the other to back down to what is wanted because they played up the "guilt trip" act. My mom was this way. To most I am a cold bitch for not falling for it and not comforting her and telling her sorry. When really I have no reason to do those things because its an act to get her way. Once I realized it I was so not going to be a part of the game. Not saying this is going on but there are those that do that. I don't put it past those on tv to do it though when the going gets tough. Hopefully this all made some sense. Maybe it was edited out? Just a thought. LMAO I haven't noticed but funny.
  11. I disagree. There are times its better if one walks away then keep going to a point of no return at all. I have done so myself before saying something I shouldn't only to have the person follow me which really makes it worse IMO. Sometimes you need to walk away to both cool down in moments and gather one's thoughts enough to revisit when both are in a better frame of mind. Yet it also depends on what the argument is too in these situations. Yet I don't think one should ever be shamed for walking away when there are reasons for it at times. And with this mess, having cameras/producers up in your face, its probably better to walk away in a lot of these moments and hopefully they try to discuss the issues once all those people are gone...at least its probably the best way to handle it I think.
  12. And how much was probably not shown because it was edited out to look this way is my question? There is usually a reason for things like this to go on but this show won't show that part of things because it never suits their pathetic vision of what they want for the show. BTW, I haven't seen it yet but had seen a little thing on this from an article on another thread but its not on here yet since I'm West Coast. Yet from watching this show since it started, I've noticed how they play games with the editing and what we are getting. Its VERY dishonest and ALWAYS trying to make someone look like an ass...not always the right one either when one looks at past seasons and how it goes. SMH
  13. I won't even look at the other show and compare it to MAFS because the other show made both him and Vanessa look bad IMO but also was BEYOND a scripted mess. Yet I do get what you are saying but would compare them more to the other 2 couples over that one. LOL Agree she can't take a hint at all though. Like I have said before I think she has been pretty disrespectful to him since their moment alone at the wedding. One can only take so many of those moments from someone before they tune out to it all.
  14. Agree that is not the issue with Jephte. And you know what if a couple really wanted to keep some of that off they could. Look at how much Ashley and Anthony kept away from the "experts" and such in all topics. The problem is that we have a couple where one will tell the world and anyone around her in ear shot how she supposedly hasn't had sex in so long but masturbates. While he rather not here it at all and more so have it blurted out like that. Considering she didn't respect what he had said already about it I doubt asking her in private to just stop that kind of talk on camera would help. I don't care who one is (unless they like to tell the world about their sex life all the time) the intimacy episode and how these "experts" get is just a bit disturbing most the time. Yet with watching the show, I wonder if he had watched seasons past if he would have signed the contract or not. Like I said before I think they try to seek out some that have never watched the show on purpose and probably get them signed asap so they can't back out if they do. It wouldn't surprise me at all with this show.
  15. I do NOT see this at all like David and Ashley. Ashley was outed on being a fraud with why she did the show (wanting to make an ex jealous and hope to get back with him). I am taking it when he is saying "Here we go again" that we are missing a lot of what was going on with those 2 already. With the editing and producers playing with things, it needs to be remembered we don't see it all and are ALWAYS missing key moments to explain why something is said and done. Last season is a big one with how often we saw Sheila end freaking out and Nate was played like he was doing nothing wrong when really he was cheating on her the whole time. So she was really freaking out over something but we were NOT allowed to see what it was ever because the show played their stupid game of let's make one look crazy for no reason while the other is really the jerk. Sam and Neil as well is another one. He shut down after she let her NPD show with her crazy and abusive ways to him but the show decided to flip a switch. Try to make it look like she was changing when she wasn't really at all and how he was being this "mean" guy for not giving her a chance after all. Yet he had to go see a therapist once it was over because of her abusive behavior towards him. So we will now see Shawneice come off like we should be saying to give her a chance (which I am not going to do) and Jephte look like he is just "mean and cold" for not trying when he is possibly putting up with who knows what that is edited out (and he was hoping during that time got left on the edit room floor..so to speak) and what went on when the cameras were gone.
  16. I'm really so not into seeing these couples interact together. This is not going to do this show any good having this happen. Maybe if Molly knew what has gone on with Shawneice she might not be so quick to judge him....plus things like this are EXACTLY why its not a good idea to mix them together during filming. Yet obviously all this show gives a crap about is what kind of drama can they get from this or that and nothing more. I am going to bet we will have a lot of edit in this to NOT give the real picture on what went on but instead make him look like a jerk. SMH If others can't see how this show places things by now then I don't know what else to say. I just predict some hate on him depending on how it all shows. Yet if you can't see the water below you to make sure its ok to swim in then its generally not a good idea to do what she did and I don't feel much pity for her on not taking the warning he gave.
  17. I am thinking that most, if not all of them, came off okCupid or some SM/dating site at this point. Its probably how he got suckered into it. I wouldn't be surprised if they do try to find ones that have never watched the show over ones that have. Its easier to manipulate them. Yet if he knew the name of the show before signing anything, he should have watched it. If he didn't find out the name until after, well he should have still watched it to see what he got himself into. I am thinking those that try to do this show or get picked off of dating sites or whatever agree in hopes of the fame and possibly selling something. THANK YOU!!! The way it comes off it feels like it is a miracle I have a husband of almost 17 yrs here since I don't wear makeup and meet him all natural face and not dressed to the nines but casual. SMH To me it makes it sound like way to much work. Nothing is normal about this show for sure BUT I doubt he is a cold fish or that most here think/assume this is like a regular marriage. He was pretty warm to the idea of her before meeting, when he saw her walking down the aisle and during the ceremony. It was the part where she started opening her mouth and talking like she was that ended that all. Saying she its on her to get the spark going...yikes! She has already shown us a few things that are not going to get a decent guy's spark going at all. She needs to chill out, apologize for her lack of respect she has shown him and ask to start fresh with more of a toned down behavior and mouth. And yes it is a major lack of respect she has shown him when he said to her he works with kids after she mentioned masturbation right off the bat and she goes on to lap dance then mention masturbation yet again. Who knows how much more of this was edited out to turn him off of her if we just got that. As far as taking the makeup off, having natural hair and not getting all sexed up for bed though.....I think they are all dressed for bed in a comfortable way to be around someone that they just married. Seriously going to bed with makeup on and hair still done up still would be crazy. Men do NOT care about all that stuff and its more the woman that feels they have to put the front on for the guy that is the issue. Men that go to sleep with a woman still in makeup and such probably find it silly if they were to be asked about it. In all the seasons of this show I am not even understanding why its all of a sudden this big thing. They have all been with and without it. They all film FAKE wake up scenes in with a face full of caked on makeup or without. But in no way should a woman EVER have to feel they can't go to bed without it and instead need to play games. The men aren't doing something special here to themselves so why should it be just the women have to? SMH While that can be the case, I am not so sure in this situation it is. I think she doesn't know what a filter is and how to tone it down. When they were at the brunch with her family, even her Grandma was trying to pry about their wedding night. I think its a chance its how her family is. Which that is fine and dandy BUT people like that need to remember that not everyone is that way or is ok with it. Yet I am one that is on board with all women taking their makeup off and hair natural. I find it absolute ridiculous to think wouldn't shouldn't allow a man to see them without it right away. Who would want to go to bed with glitter shadow on their eyes like that? Or hair pulled back tight? I don't care what race a woman is or anything else, it is just not ok at all that one is talked about like that and makes it seem that a woman shouldn't let a man see her without such things right away. SMH Yet back to behavior I actually get the feeling that with this couple we are seeing the opposite of what we normally have seen in the past with the black couples. That they will give her a sort of pity me edit (which we have seen a bit of) and make it look like he is some jerk for being cold. Yet I really think if she had not behaved like that or talked that way it might have been a different outcome...at least in the beginning. When its said that first impressions are everything......well it really can be.
  18. https://www.aarp.org/home-family/sex-intimacy/info-2015/long-distance-relationship-married-schwartz.html BTW, for those wanting to have a little more on pepper and her marriage I came across this. Sorry but still not the person to be giving out relationship advice at all. Especially telling them how they must go live with the spouse when she doesn't do it herself. Hypocrite much...SMH
  19. LOL Mine was there without issues. He wasn't sure how he would be and didn't think he would even want to cut the cord but he did all of that. Considering how our last one was he was awesome. Won't go into story here since its not the place really but its one of those things that each man is different in handling it. Oh yes they do. Now why though is the best part. She has been living with her assistant and doesn't want to have them all live together. As well as the excuse of how they have had their own separate houses for so long and all there things like they do that they feel they shouldn't have to live together but yet they got married. I am not sure how many times she has been married but its not her first. She left a long time husband/family to go slut it up basically. No matter what I still think she is one of the LAST people that should be giving marriage advice to anyone and more so telling them to stick it out no matter what issues there are or to keep living together when she doesn't live with her own and left one like she had. BINGO!!! I've said it before as well that producers have more of a hand in things then most realize. They are also telling editors it should be done this way or that on the couples as well to tell things the way they want....instead of the truth. Yet no matter what small part the "experts" have in things, they are still shitty in their ways. They do. All those wake up scenes are more of a "reenactment" of sorts. So hair is either fixed or not and makeup on or not. It just depends on the person. Its the same with all the seasons. Its rare though the women are without I noticed during those scenes or some seem to go more natural toned down makeup compared to others. And agree that Shawniece does not look like Oprah. In fact Shawniece is prettier then Oprah IMO. I don't think she was. BTW, the family the next day was her family since his had to fly back home. IMO there is way to much focus on looks here and it is not the whole picture of a person. In this case it really isn't when her behavior is the turn off. Yes! Why is it just that women are suppose to do all this? Why aren't the men suppose to as well? And that is my experience as well. Men would rather see us in are natural state then all made up looking far from ourselves. I've never once had a man tell me I needed makeup or why don't I wear it. They didn't give a crap about it. The only person I have ever heard it from is girls. I can think of better things to spend my money on and my time. LOL Which is silly IMO. She looks good either way I think. This is what I feel like I am hearing too. SMH Guess I should be glad that is not the way it really is since I have never been that way in my life. Exactly! It seriously has NOTHING to do with her looks or how she is dressed. Its the behavior of Shawneice's that is the issue and turn off.
  20. So he had at least one bleep now too? Seriously the guy needs to drop Pastor from his name. I'm not religious at all but the guy is giving Pastors a bad name IMO for so many damn reasons. To hear they are doing the Unflitered interviews...I don't like Jamie but this seems to be more of a bad idea with having those idiots do it. I'm not black but agree. I will say I loved how she looked with the natural hair like that and no makeup. I am glad she did that. There is no reason for her to be shamed for it. Or any other women that doesn't hide their natural look no matter what color they are or what kind of hair they have. It seems like its more work then its worth to be that way too. Remember that all we are seeing is a joke of editing to make it all however the producers want the viewers to see it as to tell the "story" the producers want. Which is not always the real story as we have found out in he past. Its all for the ratings with what is done. Why though? Why should she have to do that to her hair? The thing with her is she will probably either be going natural hair or one of her many wigs. I don't think there is a reason she should go braids or twists thought. Why is it she should have planned a hairstyle she didn't have to deal with it every day but the others shouldn't? I know that her hair is different from a white person's but she seems to handle her hair pretty well since she is a hairdresser. I think she will have plenty more looks as the season goes on since she is going to want to remind viewers of her wig making business. Which there was a wig she had on in a TH and it was not a nice looking one IMO. LOL at the spy. This is nothing new. Obviously all their "waking up" scenes are filmed after the women put makeup on and hair down. It was that way in the past as well. Nothing new there. A few will not do it but come off more natural. Yet its one of the things I can't stand because it shows the fake with the show IMO. OMG I am laughing so much at this. LMAO I find her to be rude for not hearing that he is a teacher and chilling on the masturbation talk and then went to lap dance him like she did. That was rude and disrespectful behavior on her part. I don't think Jephte thinks he is better then her. I think he got turned off by her behavior and talk during their wedding and after. She disregarded what he said to her about his job and the kind of talk. IMO she should have more respect for herself as well. Of course that is what gets edited. LOL Hell the previews at the end of the first episode was all negative. Nothing good in them at all. Just fighting and tears. Its all this show wants to push. SMH This is what I have said as well! If it was reversed some would be screaming to the hills and back at the kind of guy he must be for it all. Yet her behavior is suppose to be ok and he is suppose to just do what she wants? And yes the are still STRANGERS! Shouldn't be saying that after a week of course but this show just likes to reuse scenes and words said. At the end of the day though, Shawneice has no one but herself to blame for Jepthe not being into her. She ruined the chance she had when she disrespected him.
  21. First I am sorry you lost your husband. I think you are spot on in what you said for this situation since you can see it from a side some of us can't. I thought it was a wrong move from the get go to pick her but sadly this show is only after what drama can come from this. I know that everyone grieves in their own way and time frame but doing this on tv with someone is just low and beyond wrong. Its the same for all the couples that they do this crap too. They matched Shawneice with Jephte for drama factor and nothing more. Basically any person suckered into doing this show is probably going to be out for their 15 mins they hope to get from it, selling something or well a sucker. They do a major disservice with what this show is and made it more disturbing to watch with each passing season IMO.
  22. I don't know why it is a big deal she did that. I find it dishonest to do otherwise and a bit much to keep a fake (so to speak) face on because of a man. If a man doesn't like what he sees because the makeup is off or in her case the wig so what. Someone else would like it just fine. I actually liked how she looked without it all. It was so much better then the caked on, fake hair look. Really most men do not give a crud about women in makeup to begin with. I know I've been married almost 17 yrs and 3 kids and I wasn't a big makeup person to begin with. I have put it on for certain dressed up occasions but I don't need it to be cute for him and don't think anyone should if its not for them. It doesn't mean one isn't making sure to look their best for their spouse either but I just know my husband could care less if I was to wear makeup ever. Yet its not "bravery" to do what she did. That is just my opinion on it. As it is I find the fake wake ups on this show crazy because they are all brushed hair and full makeup. Its not how they went to bed so its a joke. IMO there is a difference between filling empty silence and putting out there about your masturbating or giving your just met spouse a lap dance in front of friends and family for both sides. If she is trying she is trying in a way that is not respectful at all. Didn't listen to him when he said what his job was and went on to lap dance and bring up her masturbation again and so on. How is on earth is the stranger talk insulting? They are strangers still. They just meet the day before. They are off on the honeymoon what 2 days after they get married? They are still strangers in many ways. I actually don't think they have made her at all look like the black women from seasons in the past. I actually think they flipped the roles and she is coming off like most the men do and him like some women in the black couples. She is going to get the better edit out of this...sort of like Tres and Nate did. While he is going to be made to look like he is nuts, cold, a jerk or whatever word you want to pick out there. This show is pretty predictable in how they edit the couples at this point IMO and play their games. Either side one lands on its pretty shitty. Which step back for a second when you watch the show and remember the editing game played in these scenes. We will never see the whole scene in the moments so things could be said and done but the show is going to play their game to make it look otherwise. Look at the whole Nate and Sheila fights, its a GREAT example of it and how its VERY one sided when there was good reasons for her to behave as she was. Yet the show couldn't have us know what it was so the edit comes in to make her look like the cause for problems when it was really him and his player ways. As well I think he was excited about all this BUT the second she didn't hear him on his job then lap danced in front of everyone that is where she blew it! It showed a bit of disrespect towards him I thought and she was all about her wants. Same here!!! No matter what the condom was totally not their used one but the producers playing their stupid games as always so everyone can know they had sex. *rollseyes* Yea I heard it. This show and editing is so shitting that the THs are reused in places that are out of place. So basically they could have had sex or done something else. Who knows....I just know that I don't want to see some lame bs that we got from another couple I won't say for good reasons who supposedly kept it quiet. Its a load of bs on it all when they pull this lame crap. Yet with previews they make it seem like she wasn't yet so who knows. This show is just so full of it with butting in and editing that its hard to know at times what is what. Which was VERY gross to know and probably for him. You just meet and you are leaving the door open? I know some are ok with that but come on now you just meet him!! Show respect towards him and make sure the comfort level is there for that. Hell I've been married almost 17 yrs now and there is no way I'm doing that. There are things I don't mind sharing and other things I would really rather not. That is one of them. Exactly!! Who the hell does that after he says he works with kids like that? To me it showed a major lack of respect on her part and his career. I can just imagine if it was the other way around and the backlash he would have gotten from some. SMH She blew any chance she could have had when she decided to do a lap dance in front of EVERYONE at their wedding. I think he would have let go the masturbation comment as she didn't know about his job just yet but when she went further in things that was the end of it all. I don't blame him. That is one I won't be able to forget that came out of his mouth. I can't stand him and anything he says. He is as phony as they can come and probably why he fits in with the other "experts". I don't think this is 100% true. I think its how her and her family are actually. Her grandma was getting nosy about their wedding night at the brunch. Sometimes that is how all family is. My mom would be that way in a lot of moments and most not appropriate ones too. It was mostly directed my way too and left me feeling horrible. Yet that is that whole NPD thing with her. Shawneice is not that but I just don't think she was possibly raised to know that there are times you need to use a filter. Time will tell though but I get the feeling so far that is one reason why she is so blunt about everything. I will assume they probably haven't been. I know some will probably say otherwise but I doubt it. Yet this is the first time I think it was pointed out there was condoms in the room before. I will bet both sides probably would want to do what they could to prevent pregnancy and diseases. No idea if they would be using more then one form of birth control but who knows. Probably would be best if they aren't into risking being that 1% or whatever it is. LOL
  23. Shawneice and Jephte - She said she hadn't had sex in 14 months...wasn't she saying 4 yrs and she got through it with masturbation? She was calling him her "eye candy". UGH!! The chemistry is crazy and she will lead if she has to she says and work to do. So she is one of those (seen plenty of men but now its a woman) that won't be able to take the hint to chill out and let him get to know the real her and see if he wants to be with her or not. That maybe he is more of a respectable (as much as one is on this show) man then she is used to and not one to jump into bed with a woman the first night. I said before to some that I wouldn't be surprised if they give him a shitty edit because he isn't "falling in line" with what she wants and more so what the show wants. It seems when one is a little more out there its the more reserved that can get the shit edit to make them look like a jerk, crazy, or just something wrong. OMG poor guy when she is pointing out the condoms. UGH! OMG seriously she pees with the door open. Girl come on!!! Back of already!! Why does it matter what he puts in HIS phone? He gave a good enough reason why he didn't want to add it yet. Geesh! I am betting his family didn't want to deal with them. Wow no wonder she is so out there...listen to Grandma. OMG that whole scene with the "expert" its like hello back off him. He needs that time to get to know each other and they should respect this about him that he didn't want to just jump in bed with. I'm not pitying her in this moment. She hasn't been respectful to him once in this at all IMO with her comments/behaviors and he is trying to be a good guy who doesn't look like a douche that just slept with his *gasp* stranger bride. Instead she should take it as the cue that they need to take some time getting to know each other and mellow on being push. Maybe if she just did this, toned down some things with at least the cameras or others around and showed some respect to not just him but herself. How many damn times will she say "aka your wife"? Its annoying. Jaclyn and Ryan - These 2 I can see why they did. They are the only ones showing any chemistry at this point I think. Yet we all know it will be drama, drama, drama for them because of the lost love. Total eeeeewwwww with the condom on the floor. Could have totally edited that out but then we wouldn't know about them having sex otherwise I guess. UM I hope they had to take tests to make sure they didn't have anything (I'm sure they don't) because his talking about not liking to wear condoms grossed me out. I don't care if you were with only certain partners or not...I'd want to know he was disease free. I am hoping she will not let him just go without any time soon. Molly and Jon - Of course he wanted to have sex right off the top. He totally comes off that kind of guy. Dude is a bit forward on he sleeps naked thing...it totally came off like a hope she would too and they would get it on. OMG come on...really a ball gag. Yea bet its producers that went with that and told him to ask when they would go to the sex store. I seriously hope he will be respectful if she doesn't want to rush into sex but I get the feeling he isn't used to that happening. Did anyone notice that Shawneice and Jephte are the ONLY ones that did NOT sit next to each other at the brunch? No idea if there as an offer to make room for them to be next to each other or just sit in the empty spots but the others were next to each other without issue. SERIOUSLY, you want to know how they are communicating when they just meet the day before? WTF?? It feels like its more of a pressure move on the show and "experts" part to make sure they are having sex. Is like back off bitch! She sounds like a robot when she talks. Its a bit annoying. I wish we would have to not here these people at all. They offer nothing and she was sounding like she was stumbling over words at one point too with repeating things in one sentence. UGH! And PLEASE STOP REUSING THE SAME DAMN THS OVER AND OVER AGAIN!!! So guess they found a place to send them all during major hurricane season....Jamaica
  24. I don't watch that but WTF????? I already take issue that he is suppose to be a Pastor and is doing a show that makes sure to remind us and the couples divorce is an option and how hypocritical that is but now he says that! Shows he is far from a real Pastor IMO. So he would be ok with his just met wife lap dancing for him in front of all his friends and family who just met her as well? WTF is wrong with this idiot? I have to say that this show does NOT give a crud about these people. They make sure to match for the "drama" that will come and nothing more. So they make sure to find the one that would be better with someone more over the top with someone more reserved because of the chaos it can create. Its disgusting....why I am still watching I don't know at this point.
  25. Not sure how her lap dancing or bumping and grinding on him when they danced in front of friends and more importantly family be a good way to try to get a positive reaction out of someone you just meet and married. I wouldn't be surprised if she is pretty forward with men in general and used to them responding the way she wants and he is one of the few not. And yea cal is always full of it....oh hell they all are. She keeps up as she did it will draw him further away dumbass! They need to sit and have a calm, non over the top chat without her lap dancing or discussing her masturbation. They both need to be respectful towards each other in it all and put it on the table what they feel at this point and other points during this mess.
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