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  1. Yes. It was a picture of Cara as Carl with the phrase "you've been unblocked." It was one of those sequins pillows that one way just looks like sequins but when you brush them the other way it looks different. Also it was in poop brown due to the pooping of the pants I believe during the final.
  2. Ok. I get what you're saying. That makes sense.
  3. I admit I don't sew. But isn't a bodysuit more difficult to sew than say a draping gown? Like in my head an empire waist dress with straps would be so much easier than trying to sew and measure around my legs and butt and chest. I have never understood why the non-sewers default back to the leotard.
  4. But the same could be said about Jenny, Kyland, Derek (I have no recollection of Derek, others on the show may have a better memory of him), and possibly most of era 4. I wanted to like Michele in the beginning of her being on the Challenge, but she's become odious and her alliance with Jay on whichever season that was (or maybe across a couple seasons), just brought out the worst in both of them. So I'm fine with her knock down to 3rd. I also am not a huge fan of Jenny, for honestly no real reason, so I was also fine with her not getting solo first. The only female competitor I really liked was Tori. Much of that goodwill could be residual because she was the host of the Challenge podcast for a long time which I listen to. This final did cement, for now, my like of Kyland. He seems generally to be a good person. I appreciate that about him.
  5. I don't understand, or like really, the trend with the heavily striped nose. It's too jarring. So many of them are doing it now. Kori King had a lot of talking heads this episode. I wonder if that's a sign of anything. This is a very young group of queens. The oldest is 34, Lexi Love, and the youngest are 22, Lana Ja' Rae and Jewels Sparkles.
  6. Some appear not to be trained swimmers. Several were doing a variation of the breast stroke, which allows them to keep their faces out of the waterish (technically they should be putting their face in the water but they don't), hence the arms and the frog kick. I think dragging the buoy was also a bit of a hindrance for the kicking for some of them.
  7. I seem to have missed it, but how did Aviv DQ? Did she just time out? I know she got lost and it seems like she went down very wrong paths (based on the "X" she crawled over). But for some reason I thought TJ said something about her breaking the rules.
  8. Is it me, or is this season lasting 100 years? There has to be another shake up soon because I think they still have too many people to run the final. Those who went later definitely had an advantage, which made me feel badly for Cara and Tori. But they hit enough targets that at least they weren't in the very bottom.
  9. I listen to the podcast. An interesting piece that they didn't talk about was that the keys were on a rope so that helped guide the digging. If you weren't careful, though, the rope snapped and then finding the keys was almost impossible. That's what happened for those that timed out. They also indicated that Michelle was still working when Laurel started talking about quitting. They believed that Laurel quit because she would had the penalty and then potentially would look bad in the next daily. This way she goes out on a 'win.'
  10. But what could she have done instead for a "laminated" dessert? Isn't lamination in baking a very specific thing? It's not like she could have done a napoleon and called it laminated. I also didn't think the umami options were equivalent. To me, red miso seemed much harder than soy sauce or parmesan. I have no opinion on Aaron, but Lillian is one of my faves! :)
  11. Listening to Cory and Josh fight, didn't Cory totally screw over Josh in a previous Challenge? I knew Derrick wasn't going to beat Cory, but I could hope.
  12. I honestly have no recollection of her at all on this season. (Or in her own season(s) for that matter)
  13. I think I'm confused. I binge watched the whole thing and in the pilot I thought she said it had been 6 years since she had seen some action. But I think here she may have said 3 years? And they were only 'together' 3 months? I mean, I know I've pined for someone I couldn't have but that just feels excessive.
  14. I appreciated Cory saying that he was working on puzzles with his kid because he knew he was weak at them and wanted to build up. That's growth. Of course he also said if he won the million he'd propose to his (I'm assuming baby mama) and that is less growth to me. 😆 On the one hand I'm okay with the purge of 8 because 40 people is TOO MANY and I have no idea who half these people are despite having watched most of the seasons. (Including Fresh Meat. I don't remember Aviv at all). But it will kind of suck for those under the radar folks, like Aviv, who may end up going out early because nobody knows them and they have no alliances. This is my least favorite part of any season and so I fast forwarded through it. I hate the begging and justifying.
  15. I had to stop watching Sons of Anarchy at one point because somehow the Sons were all so much smarter than all of law enforcement combined. This show is walking that line for me too. Like those two yokels are smarter than the entire FBI group and police? This is why they can't bring Spencer back. He'd wipe the floor with the "big bad" this season. (Or they'd make him bumbling and stupid too and that would the actual "big bad.") I didn't love it last season and I'm loving it even less now. I would prefer someone, anyone else. The worst part, is that it is kind of a cool concept. How to delineate conspiracy theory from actual conspiracy. Or what happens when conspiracy theories become actual situations.
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