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Everything posted by JayEeeBee

  1. Loved the episode. Frank is the worst. Where have I heard that? Two of my observations - 1) Murtaugh!! Because...well, Murtaugh! Honestly, it's been so long since I read the books, I don't remember what happened to him, I still don't and I'm not bothered by the fact he's here. I can understand those who are though. 2) My secret Outlander confession - I don't like Lord John Gray. I never have. There! I said it. I'm going to have to read everything again, but I still won't like him. And you can't make me!
  2. I was a charge nurse on the Alzheimer's floor at a long term care facility for seven years. She is so familiar to me. Some of my dear ladies were very much like Sr. MJ.
  3. MJ strikes me as someone who would say anything just to hurt someone or start/stir shit
  4. Join my children on that couch! ;) They are 32 and 27 and would rather eat worms than sit through an episode.
  5. Dunno. He did bring her takeaway and told her a story about children being eaten, by space lice and a house no less. Sounds almost entertaining.
  6. You're welcome! :D Kenya Moore pulls a gun on three trespassers
  7. This...sooooo much! As much as I love my Ponds, Clara worked on my last nerve. The Christmas Takeover on BBCA had me twitching every time I looked up and saw her face. I couldn't even take any joy when the raven flew because I knew that it didn't mean one doggone thing. I'm sure Jenna Coleman is a lovely person, but damn it if Clara Oswald and her minions aren't! Ok, back to my corner I go. :D
  8. Given Yo's ability to be Yo, I wonder if she broke her coccyx during his birth. The coccyx is the very bottom portion of the spine, often known as the tailbone. That could easily be spun to be said that her spine was broken during childbirth. http://www.webmd.com/fitness-exercise/tailbone-coccyx-injury Most tailbone injuries are caused by trauma to the coccyx area: A fall onto the tailbone in the seated position, usually against a hard surface, is the most common cause of coccyx injuries. A direct blow to the tailbone, such as those that occur during contact sports, can injure the coccyx. The coccyx can be injured or fractured during childbirth. Repetitive straining or friction against the coccyx (as happens in bicycling or rowing) can injure the coccyx. Sometimes, the cause of coccyx injuries is unknown. Less common causes of coccyx injuries include bone spurs, compression of nerve roots, injuries to other parts of the spine, local infections, and tumors. Just a thought.
  9. I've got Dalek Bob's big brother next to the bed. I'm not sure what I need to name him, but the cat loves to curl up with him. Every once in a while, the cat hits him just right and I hear, "You would make a good daaaalek." come from the foot of my bed. The cat meows. I give both of them the side eye and try to go back to sleep. Yeah, it's never ending fun times in my house.
  10. Rewatching this episode again and, for all the sniping and gossiping, the one thing that stood out? My darling Eileen Davidson coming down the stairs like Mr. Ed when Renna showed up. Why is it that Ashley Abbott can descend stairs as if she were floating on clouds but, in that scene, Eileen looked as if she was headed for the trough?
  11. Perhaps I'm getting it wrong, but she didn't see the Doctor with the other companions. She only saw Clara. That was my understanding of that one.
  12. My daughter and I paused the DVR and slowly advanced it frame by frame several times so we could read the cards, laughing at each one as we did. We didn't see it as dumbing down either. We also liked his tone when he turned around to "read" from the chosen card. Regarding Clara - I still don't like her. I've also thought she has overstayed her welcome and the whole "Impossible Girl" incarnation should have ended with "The Name of the Doctor". That would have made sense. I'm sure JC is a lovely person, but the character is nothing but devisive, arrogant and controlling. My argument is starting to get away from me. Suffice to say, I'm safely on the "Go Away Clara Couch"; however, in this episode, Casa JayEeeBee enjoyed how she was written very much. The Doctor reclaimed who piloted the Tardis and who was the Companion. And it was about time.
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