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Everything posted by labresq

  1. Former Girl Scout! 1 of 5 with the *. I have one last sleeve of this year's Trefoils left so that's what I can contribute.
  2. I had just finished watching some episodes of "The Durrells in Corfu" and thought it might have been Roger!
  3. 1 of 5 this week, with 1 * for the Eisenhower jacket.
  4. I KNEW that wasn't a good image of a Maltese. Just no.
  5. As was mentioned above (and as was true in the book) the dog was taking a very long time waking up from the anesthesia and was in no shape to be jumping or trotting. This show made it seem very different from the original, or from the book. Tristan had been left in the house to watch over the dog and he was driven to putting wads of paper in his ears to try to drown out the sounds. The dog in the original was very heavily under while making all the noise. What was portrayed in this episode was way off the mark.
  6. I've really enjoyed being able to watch this on You Tube - as well as the Kiwi version. But I have a question: I know on the British version they weigh everything rather than use measuring cups and such. On this version, they are more likely to use measuring cups and measuring spoons. But why do they keep them joined together as a nesting set rather than pull them apart? It just seems so clunky to be trying to measure up a cup or a half-cup of something and have so many extra cups dangling in the way. Same with the spoons. It seems so unnecessary to keep them joined together. Not to mention that when you wash the one you used, you have to wash all the others, too, since they are joined. What am I missing?
  7. Another Call the Midwife alumni...Jane, who was the perfect companion to the gregarious visiting Vicar.
  8. 3 of 5, with * for Tues and Fri. Love the asterisk cookies! Love that Amy beat James' record!
  9. 1 of 5 this week. Thank you to Oscar for that!
  10. There was also the fact that the Downton Abby movie ran over into the slot for Call the Midwife. I think CTM actually started more than 10 minutes past the time it was supposed to, at least here in Nashville. Fortunately there was another showing at 2 AM and it recorded fully.
  11. Was anybody else worried while Reggie and Cyril were having the snowball fight? I was so scared one of them would get an eye injury! I loved Lucille's dress - so beautiful and she looked just lovely.
  12. I was surprised and delighted to find the Canadian version on YouTube tonight. Not sure how many episodes of each season but saw some from at least 4 seasons. It's so much like GBBS that I really enjoyed the couple shows I watched. Even the same music and the same drawings. And it's the full episode, all three challenges.
  13. my score this week is exactly like j5cochran. And my best wishes, too!
  14. I knew it wouldn't be a real one but since Amy never misses, I hoped there would be something named for her.
  15. I know it's only Wednesday, but I'm pretty happy with myself for getting final Jeopardy! Do we get a special asterisk for getting it when Amy didn't?
  16. Add me to the table for zero this week.
  17. Thanks! Nope - didn't know that one!
  18. Thank you! I had never, ever, in all the time I've watched Jeopardy, noticed that they didn't start with the champion podium. Thanks!
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