A kind poster on another list mentioned hdclump website and I watched the latest seasons there. It's a little complicated but if you can't figure it out (I couldn't without help) I'll see if I can find those posts.
Thank you so much, ombre, for the help! I'm now able to see the 2023 and 2024 seasons that I was missing. And of course, the new season. I really appreciate your help!
Does anyone know when we'll be able to see the latest season of UK Traitors in the US? The season that just ended in the UK. I keep checking but still only see the first two seasons available. Thanks!
Thanks for the info. I'm looking for the great pottery throwdown. I found hdclump and the episode descriptions but didn't find a way to watch the GPTD episodes themselves. All the links I could find were for the first 5 seasons only. I did find the first 2 episodes of season 8 on you tube so I'll keep searching there.
Thanks though.
I have seen someone else wear that necklace sometime. Not sure if it was on Dancing with the Stars or American Idol but somebody on some show wore one. Please somebody help me remember where!
With the tragedy of the bridge collapse in Baltimore, is anybody else having flashbacks to the "Francis Scott Key Key" episode? Poor C.J. not being able to keep it together: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80mHu_nRLms
Is there a new place for those of us who followed The Royals? I miss the pictures of all the bling and the news surrounding them and am not sure where to look for those discussions anymore. Thank you for all your work on this site.
I honestly don't understand what the writer's strike has to do with using former champions. Couldn't they use new contestants? Or is it to get more contestants for the TOC? I just don't understand.
Yes I could have been more clear. That whole scene which was CJ felling into her pool was just so wonderful...right down to the package of Goldfish crackers floating away.
West Wing connection... Emily's List. The organization that Toby told CJ that Bartlett was impressed with ( which wasn't true) is in the news today because the person appointed to Sen. Feinstein's seat is associated with it!