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  1. He's not. Matt has kicked his ass in cqc and Dex only managed to tough it out because of the suit, then he creates space to put Matt at his mercy with improvised projectiles.
  2. I liked that they didn't walk back Vanessa's heel turn in season 1 and instead doubled-down on it, first with her approval of Dex's initiative regarding the painting, and then later suggesting that they get rid of Ray, The Fisk/Vanessa/Dex dynamic reminds me of the Sloane/Irina/Sark trio from season 2 of Alias.
  3. Dunno, Rick had trouble fighting Dr. Pete and Governor nearly killed him. Rick IMO always seemed a poor CQC fighter unless he's cheating.
  4. We finally got the Prometheus reveal we deserved. No offense to Adrian, because he managed to take the ball and run with it when he got it, but Tommy as Prometheus had just so much potential and tonight was a cruel tease.
  5. Ugh, this so reminded me of when Jack failed to save President Hassan in 24. And throwing in that comedic escape attempt was just a little extra salt in the wound.
  6. It's kinda funny how these characters ended up. Michaela was practically catatonic and useless during the Sam cover-up, but is now taking charge cleaning up the Simon mess. Connor, arguably the biggest Annalise hater, is now in her camp; it was hilarious how he chastised Frank for being a perpetual screwup in the same way that Annalise will later.
  7. Lydia hunted Quinn and took her shot at him when he offered it. Ryder stabbed Quinn in the back and cowered at every chance Quinn offered to take him out up front.
  8. Is the rifle they got from Plunder the same one HR uses in the future?
  9. It was hilarious to hear Rory geek out over Barry in his Ragman voice. I'm SO over Rene's lame Vegeta impression; Vegeta was actually awesome.
  10. Why was E1 Caitlyn more creative with her powers that E2 Killer Frost? She seems more powerful, too.
  11. And there's no rival group of humans screwing around with your plan.
  12. The killer was towering over Ms Lang, so it rules out the girls and the smaller males. Branson's out, so that leaves Kieren. I was shipping Emma and Audrey since last season and I thought they'd get some more traction this season, but they seem to be dragging their feet on it. Good thing Brooke's entered the picture.
  13. It was hilarious when Wynonna was all "yeah, you do that" while WayHaught were kissing, then she just chucks the coat at their heads so hard and goes "times up, let's go". I'm not sure if that wasn't scripted and Kat and Dominique's reactions were completely natural.
  14. Duko just had to conveniently choose not to shoot Delphine in the head like any other person he would execute, but hey, I'll take it. WayHaught just have to survive the next couple of weeks and two of my ships will be in the free and clear, which is sorely needed after this bloodbath of a TV season. I love how Delphine manages to work saving Cosima's life into an opportunity to make for some lost opportunities at Crazy Science. As reprehensible as she is, you gotta hand it to Rachel: no one spits in the face of possible redemption and eagerly dives headfirst onto the pool of supervillainy quite like she does. Sarah has to be like the crappiest fighter ever. Ambush or not, the fact that she can be so easily at the mercy of a frigging cripple is just plain embarrassing. Krystal has to be even more denser than Allison's mother when confronted with the truth.
  15. Up until the very end, Alie underestimated Clarke's ability to make the hard choices, and that's why she lost. I'll be exciting to see the world deal with the impending apocalypse. Even spoiled in advance Lexa's comeback and reunion with Clarke still lived up to the hype. And she got to go down fighting. If I was Harper I'd be concerned about Jasper and Monty being way too cozy. Loved that Octavia followed through with Pike no matter how many times he tried to be a hero. Blood must have blood.
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