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SunShine Gal

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  1. When is the last time Kodouche washed his hair? How about cleaning yourself up and LOOK professional. Where did the "When have I ever been in charge?" outburst come from? He gets his way ALL of the time, but acts like a toddler throwing a tantrum. Then he says, "I've got emotional vomit... and I'm gonna puke on everyone!". Who says that? Has he spent the hiatus from the show making up soundbites to use when he can't think of anything? He also thinks he has an "empire". Kody, you have to actually do a lot of WORK to get ahead. Another stupid comment was when he said, "everything we touch turns to gold". No. It doesn't. They had to run away from their home in Utah. Kody thought they'd be realtors and "own" the agency they walked into. Only to find out that it's hard. Only 1 of them got their realtor license IIRC. What about them buying a gym? What about them selling those products online, might have been Amway or something? They have millions of hits on their website because of their reality show without EXTRA marketing and still can't get more than 500 sales? THAT is BAAAAADDDDD! That news should have had those investors laughing their asses off.
  2. This is what I meant upthread. You put it into words better than I did. It was odd that Sophia believed some stranger who could have been trying to rip her off.
  3. I loved that silly "hot chicken pickers" bit! Funny. Cute. Entertaining. Clean silly fun!
  4. That episode is one of my all-time favorites. From start to finish it's hilarious! "If you batted your eyes any harder you'd blow out the candles." "And by the way... STINKY needs a ride." "It must have been during ONE OF MY BLACK OUTS!" "Don't forget your warm glass of Tang." "I remember when I first drove a moon-crane... damn near drove it into the Sea of Tranquility." "Yeah. I had fun, too."
  5. Gil: "This is my last little man... oh, who am I kidding!"
  6. Oh, that's so sad. I'll probably not watch that one again. Fred and his penny pinching... he was sooo ungrateful in this episode. Ricky and Lucy are taking them to Hollywood and Fred is quibbling over pitching in for gas money. If Ricky was like that, the Mertz's wouldn't have gone anywhere. Ricky was very generous and a good sport. He didn't have to share so much.
  7. "Call the man." "Call the man." "Just call the man!"
  8. I agree with lots of the comments about the way the women dressed. Some of Carrie's outfits were so bizarre I had to roll my eyes at them. Like in the episode where she's in Paris living with Mikhail Baryshnikov's character. In one of the restaurants she is wearing what looks like a baby pink tube top with sparkly rhinestones all over it AND coming out of each rhinestone was a plume of maribou. A 16 year old would like that outfit. For a grown woman who fancies herself the most fashionably sophisticated woman EVER, I found it laughable! Also, she sometimes wears a small pill box hat ruining the look she was going for as she looks like she's at a birthday party for ONE and waiting for a balloon animal to be given to her. Carrie's wedding dress and bizarre hat/veil with the plume are ridiculous! How about something beautiful? I didn't mind the dress so much, but her hair done that way AND the accessories ruined the whole thing. We know Carrie can look beautiful, but they screw it up when it's something important. I totally agree that Charlotte was always classic, well dressed, appropriately dressed, and beautiful. I wish I had the money to dress like her AND the tiny figure to go with it. She always looked nice. Miranda dresses more like a regular woman. My closet is a mix of pretty dresses, classic styles, and button shirts with jeans. Samantha dressed nicely for the most part, but her accessories screamed CHEAP to me. Blue enamel earrings, punched-out-metal Grape earrings, yellow hoop earrings that look like plastic. For as much money as Samantha has she should be wearing gold with real precious stones. Sometimes we saw her wear an authentic piece, like that expensive flower ring. But, she didn't seem to care that much for the nice stuff, at least not as much as I think she should care. She'd rather wear some bright color enamel earrings that look like they came from Target. I'm not knocking Target, just that Samantha wants to be ELITE so she shouldn't be wearing the cheap costume look. Her stuff might have been expensive, but it sure didn't LOOK like it, IMO. I watch QVC and have heard for years that most of the jewelry for the SATC show and movies is from the Kenneth J Lane line. That line was a big deal decades ago, but it doesn't mean anything to me. Especially when so much of it is plastic and/or resin.
  9. Rose's mother comes across like a rational, well-adjusted person. Rose is nothing like her. I'm surprised that the writers didn't take the opportunity to go over the top with her mother's personality. If they had, it would have explained Rose's beliefs more. Her mom was too normal.
  10. I really enjoyed this episode. They actually addressed some questions that we've thought of here and on the TWoP forum. Thanks, @Steff, for that beautifully written post about Bill's attributes. You said it better than I would have. I find Bill very attractive in personality, caring, AND looks. He's a great guy! Regarding the question about cancer from the young poster - My mother was diagnosed with cancer the first time when I was 6 years old. I was sitting on the steps of our home when my mom asked me why I was crying and I said "I don't want you to die". At 6 years old I knew about death already. I'd seen it on tv and in movies. My mother had cancer 3 times when I was growing up. She died when I was 19. I do believe that question was real. It's funny that Zoey went from not being sure about animals to allowing the dogs to lick her mouth that way. Ick. I hope she grows out of that. Also, about the outfit change in India - I was thinking it might be that Zoey's original dress might have smelled too much like India. Not only did they have to do a diaper change, but a fresh clean dress would be nice. They were probably surprised to even read the initial comments that it was all staged. I didn't think of that at all. But, glad they mentioned it on their Q and A episode anyway. Love love love all the "smile" clips and Bill's take on them.
  11. I don't really like that episode. It's a stupid idea in the first place AND I felt sorry for the Pig. I'd rather have had a story about how they were doing something real in their lives... like how they argue over trying to pick a movie to see, or where to go out to dinner. Oh, that's just me and MY family? I'd even rather have had another fake clip show of all the girls sitting and chatting about their lives before they met. No. They had to have Rose announce that she was going to have a "Baby".
  12. Thanks for the info. I'd forgotten her name was Kari. I liked that they made Martin a cop in the beginning and were able to use his background in lots of episodes. It served him well over the years. I hate it when a show introduces something for only 1 episode for 1 or 2 jokes only to never mention it again. I originally thought Niles' nose bleeds would be the same way, but they did use that from time to time. Then again, Frasier had trouble with his ethics several times throughout the series, but he doesn't get queasy like he did with that caller who previously dated Marco. I would have expected him to feel ill when he was in bed with Claire on that trip to Belize and wanting to be with Lana instead.
  13. Sort of reminds me of that episode where Frasier has the rabid admirer who wants to meet him at that dinner. Frasier hires that female bodyguard.
  14. "The Barra... cuddaaaaa" "You're not even the SEX I want!" "There'll be NO naps in HELL." "If you aren't this tall... you can't go on this ride."
  15. Of all the girls, Blanche would be the hardest for me to believe. Like when that local politician said he slept with Blanche, but she actually didn't sleep with him. Blanche stretched the truth so much that it's understandable the others didn't believe her. Another example is when she showed them the 5 places she lost her virginity. BUT, Rose doesn't go around trying to deceive the others ever. So why wouldn't they believe Rose? They know she's not one to make up something like that without reason. Yet, they believed Holly without question and turned it back on Rose.
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