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Everything posted by peskipiksi

  1. Re: buses...yeah, schools just don't provide as many these days. For example, my kids don't have the option to ride the bus because we supposedly live too close to the school. Well, yeah...as the crow flies, it's maybe a quarter-mile. But you can't get there as the crow flies because fences and a big old water reservoir. So to walk you'd have to go around by the road, which would take a minimum 30 minutes. And there are no sidewalks. And it's a busy street. No way in hell I'm letting my 2nd grader and kindergartner do that, especially during the freezing winter months. I'd much rather have the extra 30 minutes every morning and drive them myself, since it takes less than 5 minutes to drive it and I can get them there safely and warmly. But according to the (relatively wealthy) school district, my kids are classified as walkers. I don't know if that's what's going on with the girlses and other kids, but it's a real possibility, especially in poor rural Kentucky or wherever they are.
  2. Ugh. I am usually just a lurker but I can't stay quiet for this one. Leah. You twat. That whole "I'm going to ask your Dad if you can stay with me, etc." scene just made me sick. There was no reason for her to tell the girlses it was even a possibility until she had gotten an answer from Corey. The way she did it...all she did was get their hopes up only to be dashed, and then to foster resentment in them against their father (her true intent, I'm sure.) I know it would never count for anything in the eyes of DHS or a judge (maybe under the terms of parental alienation), but to me that is nothing less than mental ABUSE. Depression, anxiety, addiction...none of them are any kind of excuse for that kind of behavior.
  3. So is Farrah off the show now?
  4. I agree Gary giving Amber those papers in front of Leah was not the wisest decision (although Amber's explosive reaction is all on her...she could have taken the papers and said, "thanks, I'll look into it" and there would have been no traumatizing scene for Leah), but I think giving them to her in front of the cameras was an excellent idea. This way there is no way she can deny it, pretend she didn't know, etc. Here are the facts, Leah, and everybody is aware. Now what are you going to do about it? And I felt bad for her, truly. Talking about how stupid she was going to look/feel if all of it was true...well, yeah. But somebody needs to point out to her...what's more important...her pride? Or removing a predatory, deadbeat father-figure from Leah's life? It should be no contest but apparently she's still with him so...
  5. Maybe I'm blinded by my Spencer love, but I don't think for one second he bought into that whole "don't bring goats to the end FOR THE FANS" crap. It's just not his style...he's nothing if not logical, and he wants to win. I think he wanted to vote out Tasha, but wasn't able to because he figured out somehow (off-screen) that Abi wasn't going to go with that plan. If he had voted for Tasha in that scenario, it ends up a tie between Tasha and Abi, and Spencer risks ending up in the minority having just betrayed his closest allies. So he was stuck with Tasha and Jeremy for another round, but I'll be very surprised if he doesn't try to turn on them next week given the chance.
  6. Oh, I hope Spencer and Fishbach team up...!
  7. Thank you! I swear I checked CBS but I guess I'm blind or something. Now I'm off to re-watch Season Two and remind myself what Jeff Varner was like way-back-when. That was the season that truly hooked me on this show...I remember every Thursday I felt like a kid on Christmas morning! And I remember a whole lot about that season, but for some reason Jeff is a big blank to me. But I really liked him last night so I need to do a quick refresher.
  8. Does anybody know of a place online to watch the early seasons? I see a few of them are available on Amazon, or Hulu, but there are several that seem to be missing, not even available on iTunes for purchase. I don't mind paying, but I'd really like to avoid buying DVDs if I can...
  9. Hi everyone! I've never missed an episode of Survivor, and anticipation for this season has finally inspired me to sign up for this site. Can't wait to discuss/analyze/dissect with all of you all day, every Thursday! The clock is moving so....slow...today... (Go Spencer!)
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