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My thoughts exactly. There are parts of this show that are very good and parts that are very, very bad. This episode was not a good ending. How did Sir get the money for a super underground passport and money for a train ticket? How did he poison the dog, how did he erase security footage that's most likely backed up in the cloud with a password. Is this guy a genius? He's been chained to a bed for months. Did he cut his own foot off? How did he pick the locks? They made us watch all this dreck but we can't get a backstory on why Zeke won't leave his apartment? Or why Dhan keeps a cache of guns hidden in his wall? The only person who got character expo was Margaret.
OK I waited until the finale to comment on this show. They showed the shark too early. I wish they had spent S1 with character expo rather than revealing right from the jump that she was keeping Sir in a cage. I understand that's the entire hook of the show but now that hook is gone. I would have preferred it that they kept that reveal for the end of the season, showing her being held captive and spending time getting to know the background of the other characters and why they work for M&A, as they all seem to have connections to being abducted. This episode felt like a way to have him escape rather than be a true missing person case. The previous case with the trafficked children would have made a better finale because it naturally tied in with her real life teacher-student-abduction story. The best thing they have done with this show, especially the prev episode, was to show how children are REALLY groomed. MPG has been excellent in this role. Perhaps now that the cat's out of the bag, they will focus on the backstories but I doubt it since I'm sure there will be legal ramifications to deal with regarding the reveal and also Lacy's upcoming scenario with Sir.
S34.E14: No Good Deed Goes Unpunished / S34.E15: Reunion
DonitsYum replied to Tara Ariano's topic in Survivor
(Seriously men, there is just no call to wear short-sleeved dress shirts. Ever.) My Dad sold refrigerators at Sears and this is EXACTLY what he looked like. -
S34.E14: No Good Deed Goes Unpunished / S34.E15: Reunion
DonitsYum replied to Tara Ariano's topic in Survivor
On what planet did Brad think he could beat Sarah at a final tribal? Nobody on that jury would have voted for Tai, except maybe Aubrey, I don't care what Jeff's "what if" scenario said. -
I'm listening to this 2 months after it was recorded and the scream-laughing had me in tears at my desk.
Glad to see Mike and Liz get eliminated because I was sick of the bickering. I enjoy Team Fun because they seem to be genuinely having a great time running this race and have embraced this season's gimmick of pairing up strangers. I like Becca because she's got this Jeff Spiccoli-type vibe going that's entertaining.
S01.E05: The Love of Johnny Johnson
DonitsYum replied to David T. Cole's topic in Little House On The Prairie
Johnny the Goober Johnson looks like he'd be an ancestor of the Waltons -
Her lounging was amusing. The munching on coconut was hilarious. They should have picked her for the challenge - she swims well and could probably scamper across that beam like a cat. I need to go watch Ponderosa now and see how fantastically awkward the Debbie - Ozzy reunion was.....
I'm nearly at the end of my rewatch and that was one story-arc that I don't feel got cleared up. I agree, it seemed he was being sneaky at first. The look or horror on Skylar's face when she walked into Ted's hospital room was fabulous. Think about it, he's probably too cheap to have bought health insurance so the medical bills will destroy whatever life he might have had left. Another victim of Walt, really.
Wow, there will be so much to wrap up next week. How will they do it all? Obviously, there isn't going to be a long, drawn out trial (Romero kidnapping Norman ensured that). Until that happened, I was just saying "the hospital would have the (missing) psychiatrist's session notes somewhere, which would prove multiple personalities. That should get him acquitted." If this ends at the Motel/House, how will they get in there? The place is crawling with cops. I think the scene with Emma and Norma(n) was one of the top 3 in this entire series. I watched it twice, the second time, I closed my eyes and listened to the switch between Freddie and Vera - it's really hard to tell who is speaking because he has adapted her speech mannerisms so well. When she asked to speak with "Norman", it almost looked like "Norma" was going to let it happen. I had hoped Emma would then run back to Dylan at the motel and be like "ok, I get it now. Let's help him." I still couldn't pick up the relationship between Romero and his lady friend who healed him...who was she? Had we seen her before this season? She really wanted him to run off with her. What an ending this will be!
Thank you...I took a sip of water at the exact moment you came out with "Prarie Kardashian"
I knew this was Luke Perry's last storyline because all of a sudden he's 50 years old. I think the spell wore off.
I noticed the sign also and didn't make that connection...good analysis. Very true. The reflection of Mother in the glass was also a nice touch. Mother doesn't realize that Norman almost walked away from this but she just couldn't stop meddling. I'm sure as soon as "she" started talking (calling the sheriff by her first name especially) it tipped her off that something wasn't "right". In the previous interview Norman gave, he was contrite, desperate and remorseful. Afterwards, he acted like a criminal after his lawyer got to him and I'm certain she saw right thru it. I love Vera but I wish Freddie had been on-screen during all of this and Norma was in the reflections only. I was disappointed that the writers had Dylan describe Norman as "crazy" rather than "mentally ill". Up until now, they have done a great job avoiding the stereotype. I thought Norma was going to pin Sam's murder on Marion, which would have made more sense, since all her stuff was gone and she peeled out of the parking lot and left evidence.
Sandra ranks with the best players this game has ever had. I was impressed last week and this week I was glad she at least gave her best effort to make it through the tribal, rather than just lying down. I'm also glad that the other players (from their points of view) were able to articulate just how she does it. Her manner of speaking (at tribal), her calmness, her choice to lay low when other players might obnoxiously advance in that situation and most of all, her skills at observation are what got her to be a two-time winner. Ozzy was practically hypnotized after that meeting before the tribal. As proof, here was Cochran, also a good player, schooling Debbie - who is one of the stupidest players ever - on how to play the social game, tone it down, observe more, know when to compliment, etc.. She's like the Pied Piper. I could have watched her win a 3rd time and be thrilled about it. She could win 4 more times and I'd be good with it. I'm rooting for Zeke or Aubry at this point. Tai is a goner.
Then it must be the actor who plays him because this character to me is as one-note and boring as it gets. Maybe if they had introduced him at the halfway point of last season (and replaced that AWFUL Glenn under the dumpster crap) with a mid-season cliffhanger bat swing, we would have had more of an opportunity to appreciate him. Instead, it was "OMG Negan will appear soon" "Almost time for Negan" and the worst: "Who will Negan kill?"...massive ramp up then that SPEECH then THUNK. THUNK.. Right after....6 months off from Negan. Huh? I spent the whole time off pissed that they didn't reveal who got plunked as opposed to "Wow. That's tragic and powerful. This character is a badass."