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Everything posted by magemaud

  1. Which is more cringeworthy, the Family Chantel's Spanish or Pedro's English?
  2. With her oddly shaped face and tiny hat, it always made me think of Mrs. Potato Head. And her slow, deliberate way of talking drives me crazy. On a different topic, maybe King Ca$his isn't Jorge's friend, but a good customer!
  3. The general consensus is that she lives in a converted motel for single mothers that's operated by Nicole's grandfather's church. The last episode was the only time we saw her in a kitchen but I'm not sure if that is part of her unit or a shared kitchen facility, it was definitely not part of her room. We also saw her meeting a friend for a drink, but this could very well be a TLC set up. For some reason, that girl just didn't strike me as the type who would hang out with Nicole. Also, she had mentioned "going out with friends" last year when she supposedly cheated on Azan.
  4. You would think being in HR for years, and on the other side of the interview desk, you'd know how to dress and present yourself for an interview. Certainly not launch into a big discussion of your health issues, lame excuses why you couldn't work for FOUR YEARS, running out of money and having a 24 year old wife to "keep happy." (I'm sure he thought that last tidbit would impress the local politician.) I don't believe it when he says he had gotten lots of job leads since he was back in Louisville and I'm still wondering what happened with that restaurant job Chris offered him at the reunion show.
  5. OMG, when Anfisa opened the door of her new apartment and Jorge was standing there (dressed like a burglar), his morose “Hi, can I come in?” sounded just like Eyeore.
  6. I cracked up when Pao said, "I want to talk to Juan, one on one." And I was totally distracted by her clashing bright red hair, orange turtleneck and purple lipstick. No bueno.
  7. They did show Azan proposing to Nicole after their night on the desert. It was a engagement/wedding ring set (which she probably had sent him the money for) in a clear plastic box that looked like it came from Wal-Mart.
  8. I agree, we've heard the production crew asking questions when something happens, for example when Nicole had a meltdown on the crew bus last season after yet another argument with Azan
  9. Basic service including calls to MOROCCO?
  10. The way she has to tilt her head back to see under them, plus speaking through clenched teeth, makes her look like she has a permanent migraine.
  11. Nicole appears to have two cellphones. "My World" is the one where she Facetimes with Azan and "Babe" is the one she used for the call when she told him his visa was denied. That call was not face to face, she sat there holding the phone up to her cheek and chin. I so wish we had SEEN Azan's panicked reaction to her marriage in Morocco scenario.
  12. Also, last year there was some discussion of Chantel having some kind of an "inheritance" which is why her family was pushing for the pre-nup. And at one point she claimed she had "used her life savings" to bring Pedro to the US.
  13. They keep saying May is 3, but she’s been 3 for three seasons
  14. very possible! She as much as admitted that she was desperate to have a WEDDING last season and didn't seem interested in the marriage part. They showed her giddily gown shopping and planning the big day although Luis showed no interest in the process. Then it turned out they had already had a secret courthouse wedding and were legally married. I don't think they ever had the public ceremony due to Molly kicking him out.
  15. You're right, it's not like she was saying that Kensley needs regular medications like insulin!
  16. I seem to recall him doing the exact same thing last year (edited to add: also in bed and on the phone-where he seems to spend a lot of time)
  17. I’ve seen her name is actually CeAir (middle initial C-possibly Chantal) Wylie-Everett Jimeno (Pedro’s last name)
  18. Yes, I saw the cross and recall reading that the housing is for single mothers sponsored by a church. Then we saw Nicole in a kitchen for the very first time which made me wonder if the door with the cross led to some kind of shared kitchen facility that was not accessible from her hovel. Edited because another thought just popped into my head. If Nicole is living in a unit geared towards single mothers, shouldn’t there be lots of other young women to interact with and even more importantly, lots of children for May to play with?
  19. with a classy blue blood background like that, I'm surprised Mother Chantal was never asked to be on "Real Housewives of Atlanta."
  20. If indeed she was pregnant perhaps it wasn’t her first pregnancy? From what I've read, RH neg women also need the RhoGam injection within 72 hours after a miscarriage (or following the birth of your first and subsequent children) My children are in their 30s and I'm O Neg (husband is something positive) so I had to have the shot after the first one was born, then twice at prescribed intervals with my second pregnancy and would have had another one after delivery if I hadn't had my tubes tied during my Cesarean. edited to add this little factoid I just found online: Less than 10% of South Americans have RH negative blood types so maybe our Espicy Latina has some other blood disorder that could affect a pregnancy
  21. When Nicole was talking about her parents' concerns about her relationship with Azan, she used the word STUPID.
  22. I'm willing to buy the story that Pao actually did find out she was (unexpectedly) pregnant a couple of weeks before traveling to Colombia and miscarried two days later, but when the doctor explained the risks associated with RH incompatibility for future pregnancies, all she latched onto was the idea that she shouldn't have any career ending babies and chose not to hear the part about the effective treatment they've had for years to avoid the problem. That way she could conveniently dodge the pregnancy bullet.
  23. I’m picturing Azan and some friends spending the Visa interview day coming up with a bogus denial that they made appear to come from an official office in Morocco. Then I think he was totally blindsided when Nicole came up with the alternate K-3 Visa idea and getting married there. I had to laugh when Nicole said, “Azan is worried about money because it’s hard for him to get a job in Morocco, and I’ve been supporting him financially” then in the next breath she says “Hopefully Azan will get a good job so that he can support me and May in Morocco.” Yeah, because he can’t even support himself... Edited to add: Is Nicole’s father Amish?
  24. And wasn't that Thai gold jewelry brassy looking? I guess it's 23K "baht" gold, but it sure looks cheap to me. I noticed that David pawned one of Annie’s necklaces, but HE’S still wearing a bracelet. What a prince!
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