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Everything posted by magemaud

  1. I thought the partially unbuttoned baggy purple shirt and slouching back on the couch was to minimize his moobies. Unfortunately I don’t think he’s self-aware enough to realize “how dopey and unattractive” he is, especially since he’s been getting (must be desperate) female attention on social media. I was reading about Larissa starting a second GFM and some of the comments. One person commented that Larissa was crazy but Colt was "just so calm and kind" so he must be fooling some people. Another idea for a show for Coltee, remember the short-lived TLC Show “Married by Mom and Dad”? How about “Married by Mom” where Debbie gets to find him a wife?
  2. I know it’s hard to believe, but according to MyLife.com, Eric’s DOB is 7/14/77 making him 41. If you want to pay money, you can also read about his “lawsuits, liens, and/or bankruptcies.”
  3. In the Profanity Laced Post Tell All Tattletale Session, Leida only spoke two words. When Eric was attempting to explain that he hadn’t chosen Alessandro over his daughters, she said, “He’s five.” Otherwise she just sat there sullenly. On an unrelated note, my daughter just texted me that her husband asked her if they could watch 90DF tonight. He calls Asuelu “Asiago.”
  4. He described it as a "home" test, so I would imagine it was a urine test. I've seen them at the Dollar Tree next to the One Dollar Pregnancy tests.
  5. Or maybe Leida would be jealous of her like Snow White's jealous step-mother.
  6. Yes, he posted on his FB page that just before Christmas he "finally" passed a home test for marijuana and NOW he could apply for a job! Some other thoughts. I seriously doubt that Ashley lost $ 20K on her barn wedding. Even if it was cancelled only a few days in advance, all she would have lost would be a few deposits to vendors. Certainly not the full cost of the cancelled shindig. She had and wore at least two dresses (one for the Jamaica ceremony, one for the Elvis wedding and possibly a third shown in the photos of Vegas which show NATALIE in attendance) But I really came here to talk about Eric and Leida. I can't believe that after everyone being at the studio for HOURS (interspersed with pizza breaks) before Colt and Larissa's arrival, the only filming of them that didn't end up on the cutting room floor was a brief segment with Tasha and a confrontation with Steven about how crappy Eric is as a father. I couldn't believe that Eric was still demanding an apology for the actual mess in the apartment, I thought he was using the word as in the way Tasha had "made a mess" of the chances of his children to have a relationship with Leida. And I would have loved for Tasha to turn around and say something like, "This is a hard life lesson, Dad, but it's something you need to learn. You're 40 years old and I'm sorry if you're living in your car but I'm not letting you move into my apartment..."
  7. Even Jesse donated $10 to help Larissa work on herself, babe. But the GFM was, indeed, taken down https://theblast.com/90-day-fiance-larissa-instagram-live-gofundme/
  8. Don’t worry if you can’t find the last segment On Demand, because you really didn’t miss anything. They just showed the couples watching video clips (supposedly for the first time) of things other couples said about them and the watching couple’s reaction. The most interesting thing was that for some reason they weren’t bleeped out and they were dropping F bombs and other profanities right and left. I thought the whole Tell All, especially Part 2 was a huge letdown. They spent entirely too much time on boring Fernanda and Jonathan and their trumped up feud with Larissa and Colt while Eric and Leida got off easy.
  9. What Eric said (paraphrased): “At 18 you have to register with selective service! You can be drafted! You can go to war! [ominously] You can die!” What Eric didn’t say: “Divorced dads are off the hook for paying child support for you anymore!” Yes! Her Snuggie! I took a screenshot of her sitting ladylike in the green room. Does Louboutin make flip flops?
  10. My husband said, “Could that chick’s dress get any tighter?” I know that one bulge is her mic pac, but really, was she going for the sausage casing look? Plus her extensions don’t match her hair color. But the season ended on a happy note for me because Princess Toast was back TWICE!
  11. Maybe Eric has some ideas where you could move
  12. That was right after she couldn’t hide her laughter and said to Eric, “Baby, I’m dying” so I don’t think she was being sincere in her concern
  13. From Steven’s FB page: “Took a home drug test and finally clean of weed. Now I can get this job 😍” additional advice to Steven: don’t wear your pot socks to your job interview Oops, I don't know how I posted this on the Colt/Larissa forum...
  14. I’ll take your word for it, thanks!
  15. I wonder if you can see his nails in the masturbation video
  16. I don’t believe that Coltee is a nail biter. In fact, he strikes me as the type of guy to have creepy long nails.
  17. Actually, he went over his $ 5K goal by $ 835 and is no longer accepting donations. Yesterday, Larissa (or someone on her behalf) also started an emergency GFM "for a new start". The $ 5K goal was reached in less than 24 hours. (check it out, some of the comments and the donors' names are pretty funny)
  18. I saw these comments supposedly made by Asuelu to Steven "Why you need your wife to say ‘thank you' to you, motherf—ker? Your wife didn't want to say "thank you" to you, asshole. You make her pregnant. That's your job, to look after her..." I thought this was interesting for two reasons. First, where does Asuelu get off talking about looking after someone’s wife and child when Family Kalani complained he contributed nothing to support Oliver after he was born. Second, it looks like Kalani’s potty mouth is rubbing off on Asuelu.
  19. I didn’t think they dress the women but it’s obvious they do their hair and makeup. That’s why I was confused at Larissa’s claim that the airline lost the luggage containing her dresses and makeup and she traveled makeup free. The Tell All was filmed in November and a few episodes had already aired so I was surprised Larissa would allow her new fans to see her looking less than glamorous. Those studio hair stylists can work miracles. They made Danielle and Nicole look presentable. I’m not sure if the same team was involved in the After Show, but somebody made Debbie look good.
  20. On the promos for Sunday’s finale they show the original scene with Colt saying “I stay at home and dress my cats.” Then he is shown putting a dress on one of the cats and he says “Oh, you look so beautiful” in the exact same voice he uses when he “true compliments” Larissa.
  21. Once a poster here pointed out his enormous nostrils, that's all I can see!
  22. I fixed that for ya! I don't think you meant to say Steven is high functioning at anything, did you? Okay, how about "high while (somewhat) functioning" for Stevie Pot Socks?
  23. Constant crying will do that to ya!
  24. and an apartment for her? and pay for her college? and Amazon Prime? AND BEWBIES FFS!
  25. If there's an Asshole Spectrum, Cole, Jonathan, Jay, Eric and Steven are all very "high functioning" edited to add..l didn’t mean to leave the women off the list. IMO, everyone this season but Olga and Asuelu are somewhere on the Asshole Spectrum.
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