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Everything posted by JennyMominFL

  1. This is like an animal mating ritual where you expose the goods to the opposite sex
  2. Im going in October. And Norwegian airlines has crazy cheap flights
  3. There is a guy on Four Wedding and a funeral with a similar haircut. Both men suck
  4. TBF.. Someone mentioned her Flashdance moment in another thread
  5. An Now Zied looks like he should be in a Samurai Deli
  6. Someone described rebecca as looking like Pinky Tuscadero and I cant unsee it.
  7. And then many in the forum ran with the Rice a Roni theme and it was hilarious
  8. Just have to say that this is the greatest thread title on this whole site
  9. Clearly, the one thing she removed was her dignity.
  10. I get it. I get what Darcy is going for. I am 49 and in good shape and I want to look my best. Its hard to find that line. I don't want to dress like i'm in my 20’s like Darcey does but I also will not dress “old”. I thought my mother dressed so old at my age and it seems like my generation dresses younger than hers does. There is a middle ground and dressing too young for your age just accentuates how old you really are. Darcey’s look is actually aging her and she doesn't realize that.
  11. For me the difference between the 2 couples is that while his behavior reminds me of Luke’s , Beth fight back more
  12. Wow, darcey is just an absolute disaster. I cant believe how she is behaving. I stand by my belief that he will end up being the one who is unhappy and calls it off
  13. I loved how Joey clarified to her dad that the thing on the chicken is actually called a wattle
  14. Pepper.. Im from New England. I lived in Peabody for 4 years, so yeah, apt comparison. My Mother used to drive from Woburn to Peabody and some days it was total hell. It was even worse getting around Boston before the Big Big. One of my best friends lives in N Andover and works At Novartis near Harvard. The commute is awful
  15. Ah, so it was a Black Cab. I was distracted and thought it was not I have friends in both Newark and Lincolnshire, not too far from Nottingham. The work a few days in london and take the "rattler" down and back. Its like 1.10 by train for them. I know it sounds like a lot but it can take my friend who works at the BBC in White City London close to an hour to get to his home in Putney, London. Londoners have long commutes just to get across London. Re Accents. I would guess that there are twice as many accents in tiny Britain than there are in the entire USA. Its crazy how many. London has multiple accents.
  16. I need to check again but it didnt even look like a proper Black Cab
  17. Poor Miss Darcey thought she was getting Prince Harry but what she really got was Prince Hairy Avery and Omar are going to have big problems in actually making it work. Even married the USA is not going to let him in and she will have a rude awakening if she goes to Syria.
  18. I have a 9.30 flight to Paris in. October. It gets in at around 11 AM. Ill shower at like 3 PM(Paris 9 PM]) and Ill be good to go until the next evening. i buy travel wipes. They have deodorant ones, tooth ones, makeup ones. I’ll be fine. And Ill change clothes when I get go out AirBNB. I really feel like I need a change of clothes after an overnight flight even if its not been that long timewise. I wont spray on a ton of perfume to cover my stench. and I thought he had a hotel room sow that she could shower and freshen up before they met. What happened to that?
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