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Everything posted by JennyMominFL

  1. larissa will marry for boobs. I once married a boob
  2. I love makeup and do a full face almost every day, contour etc. I will not do eyelashes
  3. There is an international food warehouse in Orlando that has rashers. I go like twice a year and get some . And I eat it like crazy when I am over there. Now I want a Bacon Butty
  4. Im going to guess they will have a hard time finding American style bacon. They would probably only find British bacon
  5. Hey, I have seen Horse on the menu in Italy. I was in Venice and there was a shop with pics of happy horses on it... Um those horses were not happy. They were food
  6. I bet if they went to McDonalds there they would bitch too. They are not always like here. Paris had some higher quality McDonalds
  7. I feel like Miami is Paris. Its at least got some unique culture. Orlando is Ibiza and Tampa is like, Frankfurt.
  8. Yeah, I save it for very special occasions, like when I had swine flu
  9. Although only 1 box at a time, per kind. So I buy 1 regular, one with caffeine.
  10. Bet its not as good as the paracetomol(tylenol) with codeine that i by in Boots in the Uk and bring back to America
  11. Lets just say i have too much boob for that option
  12. Oh yes. We are all fine. Just some dead electronics. Im ready for the Florida summer to end
  13. My house got hit by lightning this week and it fried a cable box and TV
  14. I had to marathon 5 episodes today so that I could live chat
  15. He looks ready to bust in to Ooh eeeeeh! What’s Up With That!
  16. She reminds me of LeAnne from Orange is the New Black
  17. I brought Rice a Roni and a cake to throw at someone
  18. Woohoo. Its like a 90 Day Fiance reunion. It these shows every crossed it could be 90 Days In
  19. Did Scott have an allergic reaction to bees? I am so confused by his mouth
  20. Well hello. I see some familiar faces! A little birdie told me to come here.
  21. I wish they would give my husband narcan, but it has never even been suggested here in fl. He has been one one opioid (or 2) for. 13 years now and he has never had problems with his opioids being reduced. He had an ascending aortic dissection, the same thing that killed John Ritter. Doctors can easily see his chest incisions, skin graft scars, fascitomy scars Etc. There is never a question that his need is real. They have also never had an issue giving him meds like valium with his opioids. I truly believe he would kill himself if they cut off his pain meds And what Sandy and some people dont seem to get is that her valium, and my husbands Oxy, dont make them high. They keep them normal. I would have a much stronger reaction to valium or oxy than they would. Im sure Sandy would see my husband as a drug addict rather than a survivor
  22. Yeah, i went back just before I saw this, and added to my post that I was wrong and you are right. I spend enough time in Europe that i should have realized that too. Rookie mistake
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