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Everything posted by JennyMominFL

  1. I though it literally said Feb on it.I will go back and look I was wrong, You are correct
  2. So, 7 months later Hannah was still using the same batch of 50 pills
  3. Here is Florida state law on class 2 prescriptions of which both valium and my husband’s Oxy is Section 893.04(1)(f) and (2)(c), F.S. reflect the following regarding oral prescriptions: A prescription for a controlled substance listed in Schedule II may be dispensed only upon a written or electronic prescription of a practitioner, except that in an emergency situation, as defined by regulation of the Department of Health, such controlled substance may be dispensed upon oral prescription but is limited to a 72-hour supply. A prescription for a controlled substance listed in Schedule II may not be refilled. Any controlled substance listed in Schedule III or Schedule IV may be dispensed by a pharmacist upon an oral prescription if, before filling the prescription, the pharmacist reduces it to writing or records the prescription electronically if permitted by federal law. Such prescriptions must contain the date of the oral authorization
  4. Not always true. Some do. My husband ‘s methadone for pain (yes it is also used for pain relief)had to be on paper . His oxycontin is always sent electronically His valium was also always electronic although it has been a few years since he took any
  5. I travel a lot and I take a lot of meds. My husband takes opioids much stronger than Valium. Its has always been recommended that the pills be in their original bottle with the prescription info clear. Never have we been expected or asked to have anything more than the original bottle
  6. Creative editing. It really looked like they wanted to make Hannah look bad. Aside of her not telling Sandy about the meds, she was in the right. I also believe that she assumed Sandy already knew since they had conversations about her anxiety disorder before and I am sure Sandy knew then Also, when was this filmed? That was a prescription dated Feb 8 2019. The prescription was for. 50 5 milligram tablets. Didnt they film in like September? She wasnt exactly flying through those pills
  7. Did we not have a situation like this on BD Original Recipe?
  8. Its just so very rare to have a paper prescription now. The doctor usually sends it electronically. I take a lot of meds and i cant remember the last time i saw a paper prescription. And if you did have a paper prescription you would turn it in at the pharmacy to get the meds
  9. The prescription was literally on the box just like it would be on your pill bottle here in the USA
  10. Well,I was the 1st Supply Battalion Trivial Pursuit Champion of 1989, so there!
  11. I am torn between this, the DNC and Below Deck Med as it had quite a cliffhanger last week
  12. I bet she is watching the DNC. I am not sure if I will be around all night either, but i wanted to show my face.
  13. yeah. I think a lot of these people were uninsured or these procedures were considered cosmetic and not covered. That is what I like about the show, I have to look away for the gross parts sometimes. However, Some of these people are just so sad and their lives are horrible and this work that she does actually changes their lives and they know it. And she is so caring. I get emotionally involved even if i have to look away sometimes
  14. Ok seriously, something is wrong with Pole’s legs
  15. That is what happens when your cervix looks like the stargate
  16. I knew the actress Naoko Mori who played Yoko in a John Lennon movie and i got to hear all of the details on how Merkins worked
  17. Ive seen the term used here, but not as often as in the Uk
  18. Coltee looks like he is a couple of years from My 600 Pound Life
  19. 500 years, That guy from Cameo had one that he wore on the outside of his clothes
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