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  1. He’s not great, but I completely understand why he needs his own space (no, I won’t use their childish term). She’s too self absorbed to understand why he bolts to find one the minute they walk into a house. My least liked couple in years. This will be her forever home. Him, not so much. He’ll be in a 1/1 apartment once the kids are gone. Also... those countertops SHE HAD TO GET FIRST were super fug.
  2. They cut most of her lines, according to Sandra. She talked about it on her show the day after it aired and she wasnt too happy. She made other comments about it here and there for a couple of weeks afterward also.
  3. I remember a poster on TWoP would call her “Kia DollarTree-a” due to her cheap-ass designs. Hildi’s hay walls were bullshit, but could at least be fixed. I’ll always hate her for destroying the beautiful and historic Douglas Fir mantle and replacing it with some pine POS. Fucking wrong and disrespectful on so many levels just so she can “fully realize her design concept.” Any designer worth a damn (i.e. without an inflated ego; and respect for craftsmen, history and the homeowner) wouldn’t have touched it. If it had been my house, I would have been in jail that night.
  4. Missed last night's game. Just stopping by to see if anyone else thought Frank was annoying as hell.
  5. The Spokane call was fucked up and the officers knew it. I hope this footage can help him in court if it goes that far. Sure doesn't help him tonight, though. Shallow, but gotta say the dude has a hot bod. I've only noticed the 'previously recorded' disclaimer on the reruns or replays. The show has to be on at least a 30 minute delay. Its dark at 9 here in Atlanta so it certainly is in SC. Maybe that gives them time to have a waiver signed or it's not required in these municipalities. That's why they film there. Sort of like places where mugshots can be published.
  6. Bryce, you're not alone. I like them, too. There have been true assholes on this show and Red is nowhere close. Shit happens. People have jerk moments. I like that they get along with each other and most of the others, it seems. I'm enjoying this season and like just about everyone. There have been a some stressful moments and douchebaggery, but most of the racers appear to like their partner and they seem to be having a good time also. Maybe I just want the last TAR to be fun and enjoyable. Oh, yeah, and eye candy. Casting gets an A from me for many of the guys this season.
  7. i like Bret well enough, but this conversation touched me and I gained new respect for him. As a man working in a similar job culture and sharing the same attitude about being gay, it was nice to finally see "someone like me" on Survivor.
  8. Scotty having an issue with Ryan is laughable. You want an informant, but don't want him to assimilate? You don't expect him to react when forced to live in these conditions?
  9. WTF? You can't call in back up from somewhere in the department to go get cases of water from WalMart? You speak to store management and work it out. I'm 52 and was locked up a few times in my 20's because if DUI's. College degree, good job, good family, just stupid. This show brings back memories of those times. These guards act the same as those I dealt with. They treat inmates as subhuman and don't give a damn if someone is sick or if there are problems brewing that could turn violent That officer drinking in front of the inmates, the blond with the attitude about the toilet situation and that gum smacking bitch doing as little as possible for an inmate that may be seriously ill are a perfect examples of how these people act I know they deal will a lot of bullshit, but most of them are on power trips and are grossly under qualified for these jobs Pardon the pun, but this shithole needs to be cleaned up from the top down. This jail is obviously run by incompetent people. Every facility I was in had a guard on duty in the pod 24/7. Any situations were dealt with immediately. Maybe not in the smartest or respectful way, but dealt with. The citizens of this county should be embarrassed.
  10. All I see are glorified playhouses that will one day sit in the back yards of their normal size homes, sans appliances/working bathroom, being enjoyed by their kids. I agree. Posturing for the camera. Yeah, right, Goober. You're a badass. That driver would squash that lil turd in a second.
  11. Glory be!!!! (as my grandma would say) I offered to help a friend with his son's birthday party Saturday. Everyone likes my homemade ice cream so I'm bringing that. I'm going to volunteer to also bring cupcakes, steal your ideas, and look like fuckin rock star. Thanks
  12. Ditto, but I know the Christian hymn. I came to RoA since it was the only show title I could think of that had a "religious" sound to it
  13. What I'm getting from most of the post show interviews confirms the obvious: The editing tells the story they want to tell. Not saying Dan isn't a douche or Shirin's not annoying, but post production definitely did not care for some of these folks. Most of these contestants spoke of how much fun they had together, how they felt like family and that all were serious players. This didn't sound fake. They were disappointed the funny, joking around moments weren't shown because there were plenty. Sierra commented that she's such an loudmouth IRL that it was interesting to be be seen as "the quiet one." Every single person has said the person playing the hardest, smartest game was Rodney. Yes, Rodney. They also talked about how funny he was and enjoyable to be around. He stated some of his antics shown were game play, but came across as him being an asshole (it was a Satellite radio interview). MIke said that had Rodney made the final three, there was a good chance that he would have won. Sure didn't get that from the show. Mike also said that he wasn't surprised Carolyn only got one vote. He didn't want to elaborate, but said it wasn't a surprise. Both he and Rodney sounded more articulate than they did on the show. Yeah, the Merica thing drives me nuts also, but I'm a Georgian with a bunch of transplanted midwesterners living near me. I was skeptical of you guys also, but y'all (yes, y'all) grew on me slowly. Except for the pizza. Too much sauce. NY style all day long!!!!!
  14. Love they're giving this POS an unprecedented grilling. The Mail Escort shirt shows how clueless he is. btw Dan, sticking up for family isn't just a New England thing. Go. Away. Forever.
  15. They will. There are plenty of idiot women out there that will let these two douches bang them.
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