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  1. Jet, bless his heart, is back! My loyalties lie with him or Antonia to take it home this year. I am sorry not to see Tiffany Derry competing -- she's one of my favorites. Interesting that Brooke, Maneet, Tiffani, and Mei Lin have different roles. I would have thought Mei Lin would be given a chance to defend her crown -- or monstrous belt, in this case. No matter, I'm looking forward to the season.
  2. In the episode when Alfie was going off to his debate event, a school bus from Westchester County was parked nearby. I assumed Julian and Olympia lived in NYC so the twins would be enrolled in a school in the city. My geography may be faulty, but don't Maddy and Edwin live outside NYC?
  3. I'm putting this comment here because it's the first time we see Matty's chauffeur. Does he know what she's doing or does he think she's just gone back to work after years of retirement? Does he wonder why he has to park in an alley? Does he drop Matty (and sometimes Alfie) at the apartment? None of these questions are crucial -- or maybe they are down the road, He refers to her as Mrs. Kingston, so doesn't know of her second identity.
  4. Lots of things we don't know about as yet, including the circumstances of Ellie's addition. We don't know when Maddy stopped practicing law, we don't know where the Matlock/Kingston wealth came from, we don't know anything about Alfie's father. We might assume the Kingstons live in Westchester County, thanks to the school bus in the opening scene of the last episode. The one I'm most interested in -- and it may have zero relevance -- concerns Alfie's dad. Unless I've missed it and I don't think I have, there hasn't been any mention of him at all.
  5. I've been thinking along these lines as a possibility for season #2. It doesn't address whatever Olympia might feel learning of Maddy's lies, subterfuge, etc. No quite sure how her real identity could remain hidden.
  6. It was renewed for season #2 right after the second or third episodes. Not sure how long the current storyline will hold up, but can imagine a cliffhanger on the last episode of this season.
  7. Maddy will or will not get justice/revenge and the what happens next is the stuff of good storytelling.
  8. Yes! When Maddy sent the document to that printer, I assumed there would be safeguards against all the possibilities mentioned above so was surprised to see people milling around. Those of you in the legal profession, is this common practice?
  9. Poor Alfie. When he first appeared, I commented that he was that kid who would be bullied at school and evidently that's been happening. Or at the least not having friends. Do we know when Ellie started using? Was it before or after Alfie was born? Had she been addicted in high school/college and got clean? And where is Alfie's dad? That phone call from Ellie to Maddy announcing her pregnancy -- well, Maddy was happy about that so I assumed (wrongly?) that Ellie was OK at that point. For grandparents to have custody means something drastic has happened to or with the father. Guess I'm craving some backstory here.
  10. Really a chock full episode on many levels. I agree with others who wondered about Maddy's reaction to the bracelet breaking. It played such a central role and yet when it breaks Maddy does nothing nor does anybody around her. Even a comment like "Oh, what just happened?" would have been natural. Stepping on the beads, nope that doesn't work for me. Maddy listening to the voice mail from Ellie telling her mom she was pregnant and then not gathering those beads seems contradictory and out of character.
  11. I assumed they meant 16 baby/toddler steps. Yes, mom then "walked" them, but that's grief and emotion talking.
  12. Thanks for clarifying their relationship. I, too, thought it odd that sitting through the trial would not be stressful, perhaps not as much as testifying would be, but still ....
  13. I was interrupted and missed who the pregnant young woman was and why she was involved. She wasn't allowed to testify on doctor's orders, but was at the witness table. Did she also lose a child? Honestly, she seemed kind of random to me.
  14. Ava is fast becoming my favorite and, sadly, Barbara not so much. Janine's insights when talking with Ava show maturity and confidence she certainly didn't have earlier. And Ava's pride in what's being accomplished at Abbott was sweet to see.
  15. I'm glad to see Edwin getting more involved rather than just greeting Maddy at home with "How are you, darling?" And I continue to have a soft spot for Alfie and the young actor playing him. Learning his craft with the best of them.
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