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Everything posted by TeenMom69

  1. I only wish the show had gone further into the real agenda behind CPCs, which is they can collect tens of thousands of dollars to facilitate adoptions. They want unwanted babies. That's the "product" they sell and there is no cost for goods sold. They convince the woman to be selfless and give up their babies for free, then they turn around and sell it to the highest bidder. Adoptive parent customers seek them out. The legal forms are standard. Therefore the profits are enormous. They trick women in thinking the "services" and counselling they provide are free, but if a woman changes her mind and starts to think about keeping her baby she is presented with a bill for services rendered which she cannot pay, forcing her to give the baby up. Birth control does reduce the need for abortion. Pro-Lifers don't want birth control because they want more and more unwanted babies. It's all about money.
  2. I can't believe no one has speculated that Jo might be making extra bank under the table. Selling weed, perhaps?
  3. I think Chris and Kerri (and the producers) worked the whole thing out on their last date. No one was surprised there. Chris encouraged Kerri to go ahead and pick Mason. Now he'll go home and get tons of pity tail from women who saw him get "jilted".
  4. They hide in the laundry room because Leah never goes in there. It's a safe room.
  5. I agree that Isaac read the room before giving that answer. He loves his dad and fears his mom. I think Javi has been doing most of the 6 hour drives. Leaving Kail free to do....whatever while he's gone. And that's why she doesn't want Jo to move.
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