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  1. I'm kind of glad they left Roy Jamie and Keeley unresolved because I was actually shipping Keeley and Jamie. They were hot together and now that he's grown as a person I'd like to see them as a couple. Am I alone in that? That ending makes everyone happy because there's still a chance for whichever guy you were rooting for. I don't see Ted coming home to Kansas City as depressing or the loss of a career. He took a second tier league team to promotion and finished 2nd in the EPL. That's a pretty big deal and I bet he could coach MLS team Sporting KC right there at home once he's had time to readjust and reestablish his bond with Henry.
  2. They should acquire the rights to the Rolling Stones' Paint It Black for a theme song. Seriously I did not like the whitewash of the fireplace. Would love to have seen that room finished but with the natural stone remaining.
  3. I read about the real ball too and felt this did not live up. But in the show's defense the real Alva spent what is in today's dollars $3 million dollars on this party. There were 5 elaborate costumed quadrilles by different young groups and a 2nd floor forest. I wanted to see more of that. I'm sure the show's budget can't compete with that but they did put alot of palm plants in the receiving lobby.
  4. Had all the ingredients in my pantry so I finally made that masala sauce out of canned tomato sauce, canned green chilis, chili powder, heavy cream, garlic, butter and mexican cheese. Poured it over cooked chicken, black beans and canned mexicorn and let it all simmer. Not bad at all. In fact it was a big hit with the boys. That's probably the first recipe from this show that I've added to my own book.
  5. Yes, I think he's finding that the ted nugent look wasn't helping his causes. It's better to look less like a bridge troll if you're looking to solicit money.
  6. Yeah I think this has enough audience for a Netflix or Hulu season. I'm dying for more.
  7. https://hyperallergic.com/512581/artist-sues-country-rapper-who-shot-paintings-with-assault-rifle/ Oh they're friends with Upchurch? Swell guy to bring the kids around...
  8. oh hell no they're in MY town!! Nashville, TN. Not sure why you'd bring a bunch a kids here who are too young to go to the honky tonks.
  9. ... and easily fooled.
  10. I'm sure this is all a misunderstanding y'all. Amber will tell you she was just practicing her lines from a movie script she was offered.
  11. I wonder how Cait and Maci feel about their sisterly support of Amber now? Any takebacks?
  12. Well then Ian really did his job well didn't he? 😄
  13. I would never shame someone to their face but I also wouldn't say you look fantastic would you like a donut. No one deserves praise for being obese. Overeating is just slow suicide. Would you encourage your loved ones to commit suicide? Not to mention obesity increases medical costs for all. That was Bill's main point, that Americans will not lift a finger to help improve their own health. He's not wrong.
  14. I'm not bothered by fat shaming. I don't subscribe to the notion that all humans are perfect with no room for improvement. That's just lazy copout from people unwilling to improve themselves. Shame is healthy. It forces improvement.
  15. I loved her in What I Like About You. She's the reason I watched that. I had to google Latte of Love and that movie does not exist in real life.
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