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Everything posted by jennypenny

  1. Good grief people. Why do I have to go through three pages of non-relevant bickering before getting to the comments about last night's episode??
  2. What's up with Meghan and Shannon TH? I know they started using green screen but it's never looked so.....obvious?
  3. Jim Edmonds had a solid career. Part of a championship Cardinals team, multiple all-star and gold Glover. I'm a Cubs fan so saw his ugly mug for many a year. So Hayley could've had issues in school, whether in CA or MO. If Derek Jeter wasn't a Bankee, you'd prob never have heard if him.
  4. These people are cruel. "Lets tell her she didn't make it and secretly record her reaction." WTF? For a woman who wants to have children, is skin removal surgery a good idea? How does that work?
  5. If that woman was a size 4 at the finale, loose skin and all, I'm the queen of England. This show sets unrealistic expectations and weight loss stories. Maybe the skin surgery wouldn't be necessary if they lost weight the healthy way, rather than "extreme" measures (losing 25% of your body weight in 90 days is ridiculous) I'm torn with the run time. 60 min seemed too short and I didn't feel invested in her journey. 120 min is obviously way too long. Maybe 90 is the sweet spot?
  6. There's just something wrong with talking about being baptized while at your sex party.
  7. I know. He was much more patient and kind to Vicki' s and Shannon' s faces than he was to Meghan. I'd be calling him a d!ck too if I were her.
  8. I think her last name is Hamilton (unless Edwards is her maiden name, but I don't see her going by that anywhere)
  9. Is this what this show has devolved into? Using a "psychic" to push a storyline? #imdone
  10. I have a feeling his finger lickin response of not getting hopes up is to another statement. #editingmonkeys #coolgirls
  11. Ha! I was getting a Bret Michaels vibe from her.
  12. What was wrong with vicky' s face on wwhl? Did she have more surgery?
  13. Call me crazy, but if you go to another room to talk about someone, dint be surprised that someone is talking about you.
  14. Also, wasn't Bethenny dating someone at the time and Carol had started seeing Adam. Doubt either of them were really interested.
  15. I didn't know who he was either, so nbd. Yeah, I think it's called ourtime.
  16. Ugh if bethenny comes back, can it be under the stipulation that her spots are not SK ads? #neverhaditneverwill
  17. And after taxes, that's not a whole heckuva lot. Who knows if she'll even be on next season (praying that she's not - she contributes NOTHING to the show except riling me up)
  18. FFS, can we stop with the fake Meghan-is-parenting story?!?! #badacting I agree, those games were meant to stir stuff up because why have that game if the hostess doesn't have her SO. Megan, Shannon is giving you judgy eyes because your boric story was a thinly veiled age attack. #goaway. Seriously folks, Megan is making me hate this show. She reminds me of gretchie-poo. Vicki should not be judging other people's outfits, she of the backless dresses. When was lizzie demoted to FOH? I.e why is she on this trip?
  19. I call editing monkey shenanigans on how late Leah fed her daughters. They keep zooming in on an analog clock, which could come from anywhere. Though not super clear, if you look at the clock on the range as she's heating the raviolio's, it looks like three digits, not four, which would at the latest be 9:something pm. Then again, that clock could be wrong. But really, any time there is a clock in a scene I look at the time throughout just to see how chopped up/spliced each scene is.
  20. I took a hiatus from RHONY after season 4 because I just couldn't deal with them any more. But I came back this season, in part because of Bethenny (i didn't watch her solo, but loved her in group dynamics). So this is the first time I've watched Heather, Carole and Kristen. Based on this season alone, I liked Heather, couldn't stand Carole and was "meh" on Kristen (who?). For the life of me I couldn't figure out WHY bethenny was so anti-Heather. She seemed like a nice enough chick, in the limited role she has played. Then I binge watched Seasons 5-6 this past week and my Heather crush increased tenfold. But now I totally get B's venom toward Heather. At the season 6 finale, Ramona said that she and heather were the head roosters (or something like that). I'm sure B is not a fan of that thinking - you know "the B is back". I wish Bethenny would get over herself.
  21. How is what you said sarcastic or snarky? Its just plain mean. Or are you "sarcastically" calling her 'butt-ugly'???
  22. Also, why was Leah drinking a mimosa at dinner? A nice dinner without kids, just adults, yet still need to play on their phones instead of you know, talking to each other. Go Janelle
  23. To be fair, the scene with Chelsea and her mom could have been spliced together. There are times we see Mary and Chelsea sitting there without aubree. When Chelsea is talking about adam or Cole, it's just her face. Fancy editing tricks. Edited to note that I was late to the party and someone else noted this.
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