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Everything posted by Rosebud1970

  1. I loves me some LVP, but she did not apologize. I didn't get Eileen's whole position on this convo. She's a strong woman. Why didn't she just tell LVP that the conversation was making her uncomfortable and let's just discuss something else? But no. Instead, she goes back the next day for more. And true to her rep, LVP doesn't apologize and turns everything around and makes Eileen feel even worse.
  2. Eight #1 singles on the dance charts? I don't think Erika Jayne needs much to subsidize her career. She's probably making plenty of money not only to sustain her career and pay all of her staff, buy costumes, pay for studio time, but for walking around money, as well.
  3. One (of many) major plot hole that stood out. Here we have Laurel Hitchin, major player in The Cabal and general all-around baddie, sophisticated anti-government plotter, stone cold murderer, yada yada who oh so casually feeds Tommy Markin's name to Ressler. Reven Wright was a lot of things, but stupid wasn't one of them. If those were her dying words, then even an idiot would think they were meant to be a message of some kind. But, no. Instead, Hitchin repeats those words to the one person that Reven told he could trust Hitchin completely. Ressler even prefaced his statement to Hitchin with that fact. And the 'cabin on Lake Yvonne'? It's completely off the gird. No cell service. How big (or how small) is Lake Yvonne? There could be 100s or 1000s of cabins up there. Even Ressler needed to get the address from Cooper. But the bad guys managed to show up exactly at the same time as he did. Holes so big, they make my head hurt. Ay yi yi. I still enjoyed it and I'm happy it's back.
  4. Probably of limited interest to a very few, but it certainly caught my ear... When Erika was talking about her house (all 17,000 square feet of it), she oh so casually mentioned that her designer was Joan Behnke. True story--back in the early '80s, Joan and I worked at an ad agency in LA together. Honestly, I had no idea that she would one day go on to become a high-end interior designer. But she has. And I'm still shlepping along, working in entertainment marketing. Good grief.
  5. The Aberdeen wife irritated the daylights outta me. Whining about that huge house being all of $100 over budget. It didn't have an open floor plan, the kitchen wasn't open to the lounge. Every other requirement was met and beyond! She wanted a house. She wanted a yard for the dogs. She wanted multiple baths. She wanted each girl to have her own bedroom. The husband needed a quiet space so that he could do his recordings, most likely their sole source of income, since she's pursuing her PhD. But, no. Instead, she wanted to take the underbudget city space, with no furniture, that needed work and had no space for him to record because it was under the budget. Also, she wanted to 'put her own stamp on it.' it's a rental, for pity's sake. So glad the husband called her out on that shizz. Maybe if she cut her food budget, they could easily afford the extra $100/month for the house.
  6. It's an office Christmas/Holiday party. There's no reason for Kim, and especially Kyle/Mauricio to attend irrespective of the venue. Hilton/Hyland could've had the party at any one of a number of venues (The Bel Age, The Mandarin, etc.) and Kim/Kyle/Mauricio still would not have been invited.
  7. So, James' big stressor is that his parents are splitting up. He's 23. Their divorce, no matter how much he'd like it to be, is not about him. He's not the center of their universe (at least not any longer) and that fact is seemingly causing him to spiral downward, drink huge amounts of Fireball, abuse drugs, have indiscriminate sex, Sorry, Snowflake. Your parents getting a divorce is not about you. Refresh my memory again. How long has it been since you lived home? How old are you? I can understand an 8 y/o blaming himself for his parents splitting up. But this guy? Not so much.
  8. The COTW has a parallel IRL. It's the Cannibal Cop in NY--his name is Gilbert Valle. Only he knew his co-conspirator. Valle was a cop who accessed police records to get information on potential victims and built up profiles on them, to determine their patterns of daily living. He and his co-conspirator developed a list, focused on one person in particular and planned to kidnap, rape, murder and then eat her. Same as in tonight's case, the jury voted to convict, the judge overturned the verdict. Fantasy isn't really donig the deed, apparently. These two lovelies weren't really in a conspiracy to kill and eat an unsuspecting woman. He's now suing to get his job back with the NYPD. Gee, I feel safe.
  9. Doesn't Kyle have a dark grey Maserati convertible? I seem to remember her driving one from a season or so back. I have major sports car envy. And Tuscany envy. That is a magical place. I was there in May 2014 and still haven't gotten over it.
  10. This very day, I had two ancient amalgam fillings drilled out and replaced with something or other (not silver). I have serious dental phobia, as well as a killer gag reflex. But, somehow, I managed to drive myself to the dentist, endure the drilling, refilling, filing and shaping and drive myself home. All without my loving husband to hold my hand or offer endearments and soothing words. Amazing, right?
  11. She most likely made an appointment with the DMV. That's what I did the last time I had to take a photo and an eye test to renew my DL. Easy peasy. Just breezed in and out at the appointed time. The whole thing took under 30 minutes.
  12. ITA. In my opinion, menopause is a natural process and women have been going through it for eons. I took no hormones when I went through it, largely because my mother had breast cancer and I didn't want to take the chance. WRT to Yolanda and wearing makeup, I'm older than she is and I rarely wear it, other than for events. Like, last night I was at a formal affair. I painted myself up and off I went. I look great, all made up and I'm pretty good at doing my face, if I do say so.
  13. When the Planned Parenthood 'selling baby parts' tapes first surfaced, PP was able to obtain an injunction on just these grounds. California is a two-party state and the PP doctor being recorded was unaware she was being recorded and did not consent. The injunction, however, was only temporary and the tapes were eventually released. BTW, PP only makes fetal tissue available in California and Washington state. I guess that's why the dodge of having this unknown abortion services provider. You know, in the interests of accuracy.
  14. Oh poor Lala (I can't with that name)! She gets called out for being a whore, which she totally is, and her fee-fees get so hurt that instead of going to Venice for this fabulous trip, she's so upset that she has to call her mommy. Oh. Please. She's a skank who has to go crying to Lisa, rather than dealing with Katie and Scheana head-on, like an adult.
  15. Re: Peter's anti-union speech. There is NO way, I mean no possible way that a candidate for national Democratic office is going to come out with a position so blatantly anti-union. That's a Republican tactic, not a D one. My ears were burning when Ruth burst into Peter's office, claiming that she had fresh polling data showing that he was up to Number 2 and rising. Among which voters, pray tell? If his real goal is the VP slot, neither Hillary nor Bernie would touch someone who comes out as anti-union with a 10-foot pole. This is just not realistic. But then, this is The Good Wife, so, you know...
  16. Not to read a whole lot into this, but Caroline F. just oh so casually dropped something like $50,000 on a fur coat and walked out of the store with it on. Julie hasn't got those kinds of funds. Maybe she didn't want to be embarrassed and made to feel like a poor relation ('Save Mapperton'). Maybe she has philosophical objections to wearing fur. Maybe she's not into shopping. Whatever the reason, the one person who should have been offended by her begging off--Caroline F.--clearly was not. On one hand, the Brits call the Americans pushy. On the other, Annabelle apparently expects Julie to read her mind. Julie thinks she's giving her space to work out whatever it is that's bothering her. Annabelle, if you expect Julie to ask you what's wrong, use your words. It's what adults do.
  17. Mikey is one of the biggest, if not the biggest douchebro I've ever seen on my TV. He oozes sleaze. He looks as if he smells bad. He's a crass opportunist. And, contrary to what he thinks, his shit does stink.
  18. OK, so it was the mother who stole the $900 sweater, complete with the old empty shopping bag trick. As if! We are expected to believe that a) a stupid-looking orange, no-count sweater retailed for $900 and b) that it was just sitting out there, out on display, with absolutely no, none, zero security devices attached to it. My local Macy's has stuff far less expensive practically chained to the floor. I call shenanigans.
  19. Juliet is absolutely despicable. But she certainly brings the drah-ma, I must admit. She's so busy kissing Caroline S.'s butt that she gives no thought to what she looks like on camera. NYE, she accuses Caroline of 'straddling' her husband and stomps off. Then returns, causes more drama and stomps off again. Then, she tries to enlist Julie in her crusade against Caroline and then turns on her and says Caroline didn't mean it really when she said she'd annihilate all of Juliet's family. Now, she's busy trying to turn the group against Julie because she's (Julie) spreading untruths about the sacred Caroline. And how dare you try and make up with her? She never did anything to me. Even though I told you she was going to wipe the floor with me and my family. DIAF, please. I can't take too much more of her. Ugly inside and out. You will never belong in these circles Honey. At least, Julie is a Montagu and will one day be married to an Earl.
  20. Do you seriously expect me to believe, Show, that two high-powered and high-priced attorneys like Diane Lockhart and David Lee--especially David, who's a killer family law specialist--didn't know that the caretaker of an invalid is barred from inheriting more than $20,000 from the estate? Seriously? And some bond attorney, with no working knowledge of the case, just dug into her bag o' tricks and pulled that out? Yeah no.
  21. How are all the hammies in this ginormous house and it has only one bathroom? And that Mame simply must pee and brush her teeth at the very moment that Hadassah is taking a shower? Oh, for the drah-mah, of course. This show is always broke-ass, but this cycle seems to be even more so. Show, don't ever change.
  22. OK, I need to unburden myself about this Hadassah girl. She is clearly too good for this ish. She calls a house meeting to tell them not to drink from the containers, not to eat with their fingers and not to look at her from a distance. Wat. And Hadassah is a Hebrew name, it's one of Queen Esther's alternate names. I might be guilty of stereotyping, but she doesn't look...Jewish.
  23. I see Kelly Cutrone still hasn't washed her hair. Sheesh, Kelly! You had months. From the opening credits, I also see that Whitney hasn't learned any new facial expressions. And still I watch. Why?
  24. I just about swallowed my gum when Frank showed up. He's good friends with a friend of mine and an excellent host at Rao's. He played the head FBI agent on The Sopranos for a large chunk of its run on HBO. To see him as a celebrity psychic was very much an inside joke. And hilarious.
  25. My Darling Child was a 28-weeker, too. We spent months in the NICU and I had a support team that I worked with for the first 18 months or so, until she was 100% out of the woods. She's 26 now and doing very well.
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