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Posts posted by WhosThatGirl

  1. 8 minutes ago, scrb said:

    So Emmy Rossums must have left on bad terms?

    Either she didn't want to come back or she was written off the show, which is why she announced at the start of the season that she wasn't coming back the next season?

    Not a good year for female leads on Showtime -- Rossums, Ruth Wilson, Frankie Shaw.

    I’m not sure if it’s good terms or bad. When she announced it about two weeks before this season even started airing(and only the first half had been filmed and the rest were still being written and shooting) all of the statements including hers, the networks, and the creator of the show made it seem like it was a good parting on both parties.

    Then this half of this season started airing and Fiona’s storyline was AWFUL. I still find it awful even if they tried to turn it around these last three episodes, they just seems to throw this ending together for her. So I don’t know what the terms actually were now. 

    • Love 1
  2. Just now, taanja said:

    That is when Fiona hit "rock bottom" -- she woke up beside Frank in the abandoned appt building -- puking her guts up. She was always the first to condemn any Gallagher for listening to Frank and then she went against her own advice and paid the price. Hence-- rock bottom.

    I understand that but it still didn’t work for me and it really just felt like WHM and ER wanted scenes together. Kind of like when frank was going to pay for Fiona’s wedding to Sean a few seasons ago.. and that was because ER and WHM had asked for an episode of scenes together. I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s what happened this season. 

    • Love 1
  3. 9 minutes ago, LibertarianSlut said:

    I thought the episode was poor.  Either it was a series finale or it wasn't.  Since it apparently is not, we could have treaded a little lighter, and it would have been fine. Carl having a big, dramatic Ian-type scene with Fiona didn't work for me.  

    Ok, everyone is going to hate me, and say this is a retread of the lemonade stand, but if I were Fiona and I had a window seat my first time on a plane, and some stranger put her daughter there so that the daughter could see take-off without having asked my permission?  I would have said hell to the no.  That is the most presumptuous thing ever.  If the mother wanted to do it classy, she would have sat her daughter in the daughter's assigned seat, and upon meeting Fiona, could have asked her for the privilege.  Me being me, I would have said no either way.  It was Fiona's first time on a plane.  If she booked a window seat, she gets a window seat, but that was all kinds of advantage-takey for me to appreciate the scene for what it was supposed to portray, which was...I don't really know.

    I was relived that Deb found the $50k, and not Frank, but, yes, the family is going to be "fine," and I think Fiona paid her debt a million times over, so maybe keep the money?

    I didn't think it was right to bring Seamus in at the eleventh hour as if we were supposed to appreciate his existence.  At first, I thought Deb brought Neal back, and somehow he was walking, but I thought if they were really going to take care of Frank (which they have no responsibility to do; I would have dropped him off at the nearest emergency room and hightailed it out of there), then it should have been Chucky, approximately 16 years old, whom Sammi sent back to take care of "Da-ya-d."  Who is this Seamus, and why are we just meeting him now?

    If I feel bad for anyone in this Lip situation, it's Brad!  Lip, you can't just leave the shop and "make up the hours."  There are people who had motorcycles promised to them at a specified time.  And I feel bad for the sponsee who couldn't be taught to change an air filter.  That being said, I think Lip performed extraordinarily in this epi, and the pain on his face when he was confronting the idea of the baby being placed for adoption was very believable.  I also think Tami is a very good actress, so I am taken in by their situation, even though the facts are a little stupid.  When Tami accused Lip of being someone who would smoke himself to death, and he said, all dejected, "I'll quit," it kind of broke my heart.  I noticed he did not smoke one cigarette for the rest of the episode.  If anything made me tear it, up was not Fiona's absence, but Lip's excitement about having the barbecue and going up to find Fiona, only to see that she was gone.  That hit me harder than anything Frank and/or Fiona had to say.  

    That being said, I didn't agree with Kev that you just love kids and you won't fuck them up.  Teaching girls, for instance, that they can and should raise children without the influence of a man, is a lesson I often see passed down between generations of women who love each other, and I think it's about the most toxic thing that you can teach a child.  

    Kev, you got your sex back...congratulations?  Not a scene that inspired anything in me.  

    I revised my opinion on Kelly.  She had every right in the world to break up with Carl; I didn't think she should have continued to hang out at his house afterward, but I think the wrongest person in that situation was Deb, who was actively trying to steal Carl's girlfriend out from under him.  It didn't sit right with me that they were getting revenge on her for having the temerity to break two Gallagher hearts (it was reminiscent of the revenge Deb and them took on Ford earlier this season--the payback being too high to be enjoyable--) but I guess things turned out alright.  

    The only storyline left was Liam's and that fell flat to me.  Liam isn't black any more than Fiona, Lip, Carl and Deb are black--they are all 1/8 black.  This is what the show told us since very early on.  I don't like the revisionist history they are trying to portray now that Liam's blackness has been all but ignored.  No one has ever treated him any differently--he was just a Gallagher.  I am sympathetic to the idea that Liam is going to be perceived as black by the rest of the population, when the rest of the Gallahers are going to be perceived as white, and if they were a functional family, this would have been discussed from day one.  But they're not functional, and Liam moving out until the family met his 46 demands felt manipulative to me.  I would have just let him stay with the other family--he probably would have been better off.  I was also not especially appreciative of the idea that Liam's newfound black identity would lead him to hang pictures of Frederick Douglass, MLK, and Barak Obama in his room.  Did he choose each and every one of these pieces because they resonated with him?  I doubt it.  It feels like exploitation of the viewer, and of black people especially.  "Oh, Liam has 'realized' he is black, so he is going to be an Obama supporter" is very knee-jerk and stereotypical, and disrespectful to me.  it feels like the show is trying to say that white people can live nuanced lives (Wyman/Ruiz/White election earlier this season), but black people cannot.  

    That's about all I have to say.  I don't know if I will tune in for another season.  It's not that I love Fiona; it's just that this show is not getting any better, and I hope I can just be done with it.  

    This is kind of how I feel about this whole episode, minus a few things. 

    I just thought the episode was.. boring. And maybe that was the point? Maybe Fiona’s final episode and moments weren’t supposed to be a big thing but to me they were supposed to be more than what we got. I was just waiting for something. 

    The Liam thing bugs me because as I said in an earlier post, I wish liam had just moved out and decided to live elsewhere had nothing to do with race but to the fact that his family is terrible to him and forgets about him, on the daily and only want him around to do things like watch Frank. But yet they hardly ever know where he is half the time. I never found this story funny that he was gone for two days and no one cared. So I kind of wish that was where they went with it. That now he can live in a house where someone makes dinner every night and cares about his well being and all that.

    It made me sad that Fiona left without a proper moment with everyone but I get that that was the point. I guess I’m also alone in not liking her moment with Frank either. But again I’m also one of those people who hates that episode a few weeks back when Fiona and frank were partying it up together because it felt random that all of a sudden they were great and she was taking advice from him. I don’t get why the kids even ackowldge Frank past season three. He called cps on them because they threw him out and yet.. no one mentions that. I’m just over the Frank character. 

    Im not sure what next season will be like. More frank doing stupid stuff that leads nowhere. Lip and his pregnant girlfriend while she dangles her pregnancy back and forth on him. Carl and his crazy girlfriend. Debbie doing.. something.  Eh. 

    • Love 2
  4. This is the first time I actually liked the buisness stuff. Maybe because this time there was an actual real issue that people working there messed up. Also maybe because Kristen’s photo shoot with her friends wasn’t that fun to watch. 

    I don’t think it’s britttanys fault if people aren’t telling her, that’s on them,. Like she said she can’t fix a problem if she doesn’t know there is one, it’s the people in shipping problem. I liked her big speech about how this really reflects on Kristen because it’s her company and people will talk about that. I think she handled it as best as he could with Kristen being out in California and not knowing what’s going on.

    They should fire the two people in head of shipping that they showed tonight(I forgot their names) as they seemed totally confused by this whole ordeal and lost on what to do.

    I mostly fast forwarded though this episode. 

    I hope they get pepper back safety! 

    • Love 2
  5. Yeah.. I didn’t like it. And I’ll probably be alone in that. Also don’t know how we’re getting another season of this show because I honestly can’t stand any who are left.

    Also wish Liam had just said he left because no one in the family gives a damn about him, he can leave for two days and no one calls and then when he returns they expect him to play nurse to frank so they can do whatever they he’ll they want. I mean I get be wabts to embrace his culture and all that but still.

    I can’t stand lip and his pregnant girlfriend story.

    • Love 3
  6. 15 hours ago, teapot said:

    same here.  she still has that high-school affectation of laughing at everything that annoys me to no end.

    I kind of wish her kids *were* on the show, though;  hopefully she's sweeter to them.  I feel like she'd be more likeable that way.

    I thought Kristen was fun on laguna beach but I was also young too, plus I often wondered if her behavior was because te producers kind of played her with her emotions and stuff. I hated her when she came on the hills mostly because it was clear it was all forced and an act and I didn’t get it. 

    Here I just find her kind of boring, apparently I’m alone in thinking the store is boring, like we’re watching people work at a retail store and work on sending out orders. Nothing about that is compelling or exciting.  The most drama she had was the blow up in the season finale that the show teased for weeks before it was shown and that was about the orders getting messed up online or something. And it turns out it wasn’t anyone who worked there’s real

    fault, it was a glitch or something I mean yeah that sucks but it was not all that exciting at all when you think about it.

    Also I think uncommon James the store will be around as long as the show is around. People like the idea of possibly seeing Kristen or someone from the show. Hell Kristen even said it “regan is still here people love seeing her!” 

    On the kids not being on the show she keeps saying she wants her kids to decide for themselves if or when they want to be on the show.. does she think the show is going to

    go on until her kids are able to make that decision? I’m not saying she’s wrong in her choice but her kids are super young and not even close to that age when they will be able to make that decision or old enough to understand. Am I wrong in this?

    • Love 3
  7. 8 minutes ago, secnarf said:

    I actually figured the kid out pretty early on - as soon as he revealed that he had the same mark as Archie.

    Cheryl was blatantly emotionally abusive in this episode. It is becoming hard to excuse her as just 'being crazy Cheryl', even on this show.

    Completely unsurprised that Betty burned her house down - something her and Cheryl now have in common, I suppose.

    Yeah I was surprised by the kid, I just thought it was another odd Archie is away from everything plot.

    The cheryl thing bothers me because cheryl is being truly awful this season and has been for a few episodes, as I said what if one of the males was doing this in a relationship? I’m also not sure if this show is going for this or if they think viewers are supposed to ignore the signs. Also because of the way they are writing this, this isn’t even a normal type of Choni not getting along and they should break up, it is veering Hard into emotional Abusive territory and I honestly don’t think the writers are meaning to go that far. I really think they are just trying to write Choni having disagreements. Maybe I’m wrong and they are intentionally doing this but I don’t think so, but we will see next episode I guess and see how cheryl acts. 

    • Love 1
  8. 12 minutes ago, Snookums said:

    Remember when Weatherbee was throwing fits about the Serpents and insisting they wear polos and khakis and shit? And when Mayor McCoy was being all Just Say No about G&G? 

     And now it's all  "enjoy burning your hands kids! Also, I will throw a fit about a gang fight but not a dead eyed psycho who should be in a padded room on all the Thorazine HANGING A KID UPSIDE DOWN FROM A STAIRWELL, AND THEN DROPPING HIM." Fangs would have died if Jug and that other Serpent hadn't broken his fall.

    And then! Jug goes to his father, the sheriff, about this, and nobody says "maybe this nutjob should be arrested for attempted murder and assault before he actually kills somebody [else, because who knows what this lunatic has already done]?" No, Grown Adult Sheriff HP Jones just tells his minor son to figure out a way to handle it. This isn't a fight over who sold the most band candy! That kid is a potential killer!

    Yeah, I mean I know this show is ridiculous and they are supposed to teens but when they bring in the school and the teen part into the show more, it looks so ridiculous it’s not even able to comprehend to me. Like I wish this show had never been introduced in a teen drama because when they try to incorporate that into the show it doesn’t work at all and it makes you wonder if any of the writers have ever been in an actual high school, ever. 

    • Love 2
  9. 2 minutes ago, Chaos Theory said:

    I guess because this is a teen show none of the main young cast can do anything especially bad.  It means Juggead is leader of the most boring gang in the world.   Even the Poisons who should be showing strong females have Cheryl not getting involved.....for reasons.   

    Whatever on the Pretty poisons, Cheryl is a toxic character enough right now, the way she was treating Toni this episode was beyond disgusting, again I ask what if the males were doing this behavior. Also she definitely has encouraged violent behavior and set it in motion, kind of like how Hiram doesn’t kill people but he definitely hires people to kill people more than likely, Cheryl doesn’t hurt people herself but she sets others to.

  10. 6 minutes ago, tennisgurl said:

    Seeing Fred/Luke showing up in time to have a sweet father/son moment really hit me in the gut. It makes it kind of hard to enjoy wacky Riverdale shenanigans knowing about poor Luke and what the cast and crew must be going through, not to mention his family. Anyway, trying to move onto the actual episode. 

    Slow your rolls there show. Lets not be reminding us about how this show is so not Twin Peaks, no matter how much it wants to be. Twin Peaks was surreal, this show is just nonsense.

    All the characters are in such different plot lines, I sometimes forget they actually know each other, let alone are friends or family. I am excited to see Archie/Betty/Jughead all together again, they have really nice friend chemistry, and its been forever since they all had something to do together. Like when they were asking Josie about Kevin, I forgot that they actually live in the same house, and their parents are a thing!

    Speaking of, I can get why Kevin would be vulnerable to a cult, as he is dealing with his boyfriend leaving after being kidnapped by his boyfriends crazy father who was in love with his father (because Riverdale) and a bunch of other crap, but come on dude! Not these farm freaks, they're one of the towns worst cults! 

    Congrats to the extra who managed to say a line like "the goolies, pretties, and farmies are getting into it!" or whatever with a straight face. I mean, Weatherby needs to just admit that his school is the weirdest clusterfuck in the world and bring in some new people. Like an entire SWAT team of counselors. I also really want to see the school schedual where people have to book rooms for their extracurricular clubs. "Sorry Pep Club, the semi reformed gang members have the gym from 4-5:30 for their bake sale, and the murder cult have the math room from 5-6 for their conjuring of dark souls. Maybe try next Tuesday, if we can reschedule the demon worshiping DnD campaign!"

    So if they dont steal, do drugs, fight, or break laws, how are the Serpents even a gang at this point? Its just a bunch of people who like to wear leather and hang out. Except now they're cops or something, because why not?

    Well the pretty poisons aren’t really a gang either. And now these gangs are all allowed to exist on the school like an after school club. Hell even the cult is allowed to as well.

    • Love 3
  11. I mean I would like the trio of Betty Jughead and Archie but I’m just waiting for it to turn into a triangle so.. hopefully not this season but you never know.

    Most of this episode as I said earlier was me just being annoyed, except for a few moments and I think I explained why.

    But yeah so many things just had me rolling my eyes, also I’m hoping cheryl and Toni break up. Cheryl is really bad. She’s become mentally Abusive,  that scene where she was talking about how she has given shelter for Toni and their gang.. wow. What if Archie or Jughead were doing this? Interesting that Cheryl hardly gets called out on anything? Last week she was serving her gang up to beat up

    sweet pea and Fangs but it’s finny because they’re girls! And this week she’s pretty much telling her girlfriend to fall in line because she provides for her. It’s gross. And she won’t get called out on it. 

  12. 36 minutes ago, Pete Martell said:

    First I should say RIP Luke Perry.

    Second, I should say, I know that David Lynch did not create "fire walk with me," and I know that his work has more than its share of issues regarding treatment of female characters, but I will always associate that phrase with Laura Palmer and what she went through. Invoking it on a show whose female characters are a world away from Laura and the ugly reality of her struggles (especially their main heroine, whose struggles are treated as kinky, sexy, able to be resolved by the love of a good man, and mostly in existence for an "edgy" nickname and hashtag) just feels wrong. 

    Other than employing Madchen Amick, Twin Peaks and Riverdale are completely different shows. And that's fine. I'm sure many would tell you Riverdale is the best ever and Twin Peaks sucks ass. 

    I just wish that  Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa would drop any remaining winks and nods to Twin Peaks, as they do his show no favors. If there is ever a Twin Peaks season 4 while we still have a planet, I doubt Lynch will be naming episodes "Jingle Jangle," because this is not his show. There's nothing wrong with dropping the cutesy tie-ins that your actual body of work does not in any way show any similarity to or respect for.

    Well for this season they seemed to have at least gotten rid of Bettys dark Betty persona and according to the powers that be of the show we , the viewers, were the reason it became sexual and a joke. No it became that way because it was constantly presented to us as that and LR herself said it was betty exploring her sexuality that way and that’s why people got  confused. But regardless they have said that’s over so hopefully it is. Because the show never knew what they wanted to do with it. 

    Again this episode was odd. I’m worried about certain things now. I can’t help but think that the show is implying something with Betty putting her hand over the candle. Sorry this show never foreshadows things like that without going through with it and like I said so many things are happening off camera this season, conversations, Veronica all of a sudden being team lodge and moving back into her house with her parents, etc, who knows what Betty is actually doing off camera. 

    Plus I don’t get why she burned the house down. I mean I guess it was funny and I get that she’s mad? But something about it felt really off and especially with the way she acted at the end. There’s more to it than “I’m so happy, I lit my house on fire and my mother is going to be angry” like what? It just.. doesn’t make sense to me.

    • Love 4
  13. 6 minutes ago, Chaos Theory said:

    Was this Luke Perry’s last episode or will there be a couple more where he will make an appearance?

     Wheb Fred Andrews came into the house to rescue Archie I got a little tear in my eye.  

    Did anyone really think Betty was .Mgoing to let Alice force her into The Farm without burning at least something to the ground. That isn’t who she is.  Loved the scene where Alice was trying to show their nice pretty house and Betty pointed out all the points of interest

    So the Serpents are cops and the Poisons are blouncers.  I’d say only in Riverdale but honestly....any teen show this scenario would fit

    I think Luke could possibly be in a few more? I’m not sure? They finished filming episode 19 this past weekend so this is episode 14, so he could still be in a few more.

    I admit I was nervous Betty was going to be forced into the farm, I’m thinking she still might be. I’m not sure. Don’t get me wrong I laughed when she burned the house down but I don’t get why? And I don’t get how or why this makes her all happy and smiley? That’s why I’m not entirely convinced she won’t be joining the farm or has plans to. With this show and with all the things that apparently happen off screen, conversations, events, etc, they could totally make Betty do farm things off screen. I sure as hell hope they dont because yeah Betty would never but again this show you never know.

    Also yeah the serpents being police and the other gang being bouncers, none of them do Gang things at all and the school is actually totally fine with them having meetings after school like they are clubs. It’s strange. But the serpents being police gives FP something to do, I guess and he hasn’t done all that much since they came back after the holidays and they made him shoot Hiram and made him Sheriff. So.. yeah.. 

    • Love 2
  14. 5 minutes ago, nilyank said:

    Well I was suckered punch when Luke showed up at the very end when in early scene Archie said he was going to introduce the kid to his father but they didn't show Fred or that scene.

    I know it defies logic with the people that live in Riverdale but am I actually to believe that two big time criminals will allow themselves to be pushed out because some teenagers said they weren't allowed into the club. I think they might have access to people (criminals) who are violent/dangerous that Toni's gang of teenaged girls.

    Yeah, that didn’t really check. and they don’t even have their bows and arrows. So I don’t get how they are going to protect the speakeasy? How are they scary to adults? Whatever. I guess it didn’t make sense when the serpents were doing it either, because they were also teenagers.

    I do have to say, I really Dislike Gladys for various reasons, not the least that she is completely the cliche of what I thought she would but sometimes she says smart things, last week with telling the serpents to quit because atvthatbpoint veronica was all about her family, the serpents hate Hiram (we didn’t know Gladys was doing that to get into the speakeasy) and this week when she called Reggie Veronica’s “boy toy”. That’s what he is to her, I don’t think veronica sees him as a serious thing. And that’s fine. Again I said this a few episodes ago, do you veronica, but I definitely think Reggie cares more about her than she does about him. She sees him as someone to hook up with him and someone who’s willing to help her out. It is hard that none of the other core four mention him or their relationship though. Seriously.. I kind of feel bad for veronica.

    • Love 2
  15. Just now, notcreative enough said:

    When she was playing with the candle I knew that psycho was going to burn her house down.

    Kevin's pulling a con on the farm right. He cant really be that big of a shitbag friend. So it has to be either con or he dies because he is the worst. 

    It's nice that Jug Betty and Archie were together this episode and for hopefully the rest.

    Not sure what show Veronica is on because she adds nothing. When was the last time she had a scene with one of the other core four.  

    PS Veronica your speakeasy isnt a secret everyone knows about it. Don't know why a bunch of "kids" want to go to a club that has parents in it even if they are shady. And what gross ass adult goes to a club geared toward the under 18 crowd or however old these kids are supposed to be.

    I mean I think her speakeasy serves liquor now but yeah.. it’s not really a speakeasy. But also most of the adults on this show act like they are still high schoolers so it’s not surprising that they hang out at a teen club. 

    Anyways I hope Kevin is doing a con mission but he’s been a crap friend for quite some time. He’s always throwing Betty under the bus as I said. But yeah by next season betty will forget he ever did this to her, just like she will forget Alice did this to her too.

    im glad we had the three musketeers back. It made me laugh when Archie said to Ricky “I had friends who helped me..” Which kind of? I guess? He got two whole episodes with Jughead so yeah but then they had lots of jarchie friendship moments tonight and then Betty Jughead Archie moment at the end.

  16. (Okay so before anyone reads this, I need to preface that I know I’m sometimes negative but in a fun way about this show but tonight I don’t think there was much of that. I just didn’t feel much this episode. I tried but I was pretty over it before anything happened but I think you guys will understand why so.. I just wanted to add a note about that in case you want to skip my thoughts on the episode).

    So yeah.. just saying it might be really hard to even be my fun witty self about this episode considering everything that has happened this week. I don’t know. Don’t get me wrong I’m always watching this show with trepidation a lot of the time, how will betty be tortured this week? Will Bughead survive or even get screen time.. but this is really hard to even watch and try to think things. I don’t know.. I was hoping the thread would be open already so I could voice my thoughts live time but here we are.

    Okay I’m going to try.. the only

    Thing I really agree with Gladys about his not working for veronica anymore.. but that’s about it.

    Alice is the worst. And it’s harder and harder to stomach this week for obvious reasons. So Betty ruining her open house tour ruled. 

    So.. do the other boxers not like Archie? And that’s why they make him clean up?

    Okay Cheryl talking to the farm was awesome but I still dislike her.

    Okay.. wait.. the school is just like “whatever” about the gangs? And is just like “yeah gangs exist but whatever, just don’t have fights”. What? That actually made me laugh. Like gangs and cults get to have meetings on the school schedule. See this kind of crazy is kind of fun. 

    So yeah hiram is just going to buy drinks constantly to pay for the drug money. And seriously Reggie cares more about her than she does him, really. At least from what I’ve seen. He’s helping her out and that’s why she needs him and he’s fun to hook up with.

    Archie and Josie find a runaway little boy named Ricky at the gym. Who also has the same brand as Archie. 

    Aw Archie being nice to Ricky.

    Choni. Being the most toxic ship ever on this show.  Cheryl is such a raging bitch.

    Hey look a 2.5 second four core scene. And Archie tells his friends about how he has a homeless kid staying at his house. But also Betty you have a number for a person who works for child services, yes help archies friend but also hi call that your number yourself! You’re currently living in a unhealthy environment.

    Dear Kevin another worst character ever. Seriously people like him and think he’s a good friend to Betty? When has he ever actually been a good friend to her? He’s a fair weather friend in the worst way.

    Yeah Gladys clearly brought the gyglore gangs in to push Jughead our.. for reasons more than likely to get more drugs into Riverdale.  Yeah Jughead came to you and then left and his mom brought you in so he didn’t want you in.  Ugh. 

    You know.. I’m not remotely interested in anything with this episode. 

    I don’t care about casino night.

    So.. Archie left a little kid at Pops all day? I mean I get Archie wanting to help but.. I don’t quite understand why he didn’t just say stay in the garage? 

    I mean.. I get that we need to see Kevin’s in danger with the farm and their cult like ways and Evelyn being Evelyn but.. we really don’t need to see it? We’ve seen enough and heard enough already. Also at this point I don’t give a damn if Kevin or Alice or Polly get hurt because of the cult. All of them have been beyond terrible to Betty so all I really want is betty to get the hell away from them all. 

    Hey betty why don’t you mention to miss weiss that you are currently in a bad situation but whatever.

    So Veronica gets both Gladys and Hiram to shave off 5 percent off her debt.

    So Josie had no idea Kevin was culting it up? Just that he was hooking up with randoms. I mean either way doing terrible things and not smart.

    So the gang is helping look for the little runaway.  Also are we forgetting that all the serpents were playing this g and g game at one point too? Because they sure as hell seem too.

    Hey Gladys sings. Whatever. I dislike her so all her scenes are too much. Seriously it’s really making me mad watching all these terrible parents now. Like way more than usual.

    Again.. I’m sorry but we don’t need to see the dangerous stuff the cult is doing(I’m not calling it a farm, it’s a cult), we know they are dangerous. We also know that Kevin was going to walk through the fire before he finished so this scene was pointless, having Betty try to call out to him was pointless and it’s eye rolling(I’m actually rolling my eyes more than I do, I’m not sure why, I think I’m just having a hard time enjoying anything tonight, I’m sorry guys, I’m a kill joy, but everything is bugging me about this episode) so this was stupid. Also Kevin is awful.

    Hey archie and Jughead friendship scenes!!!! They find Ricky st the glolgre liar.

    So Betty thinks thinks telling people what her plans are to write an article about the cult

    Is a good idea? Why are these people telling them their great big plans about how they will take them down? Also seriously again.. Kevin sucks!!!! I don’t get why people think he’s such a good character. He has never had bettys back, ever! And he sells her down the river as soon as he needs to. Yup, he’s totally a friend I would save. Betty cut your losses, your mother, your sister, and your so called best friend. 

    Hey at least Toni was around to get Jughead to save Fangs. Maybe she still has a heart after all. Can she dump Cheryl now and I will maybe forgive her for her stupid speech to

    Jughead last episode about all of a sudden wanting to be queen.  I was glad fangs didn’t get super hurt.  

    Also Veronica realizing she’s in over her heard and Gladys and Hiram are running the place. Well, they kind of are. 

    Does FP do anything on this show anymore? Making her Sheriff was really dumb. He doesn’t do anything.

    So Veronica is hiring Cheryl and Toni’s gang? Yuck.  I bet cheryl gets mad that Toni accepted the job. 

    Alice sold the house. I’m sorry the worst. Ever.

    So Jughead brought in FP? To.. have the serpents work for the police force? Um, sure. Are they even a real gang anymore? They don’t really do gang like things anymore. Also bye random gyglore.

    Aw. I didn’t see Ricky being Joaquin’s little brother.  But also Ricky was lying the whole time to get into the game with the others? Well I didn’t see that coming either. 

    Okay.. the Fred moment.  Since it happened so fast.. still. Again seeing all the other parents and their awfulness(aside from FP but kind of odd how his character doesn’t make sense ever and in the first half of this season he was odd and creepy about the game and now he’s Sheriff and doesn’t do all that.. much but whatever and we have Josie and Kevin’s mom and dad but we rarely see them) makes me mad and so I saw Fred and got super sad and more announced at the awful parents.

    Watching Fred with Archie.. I don’t have anything to say. It was nice and lovely and I can’t. 

    What is Cheryl’s problem? Can they break up already?

    At least veronica was able to

    Find a way to keep Gladys and Hiram out. For the time being. 

    No Betty please don’t go into the farm. Don’t. Please. Now

    I’m worried that we’re going to find out in a future episode that she did cult things.

    So Archie is marked for death.  And he’s going to Leah the game.

    Okay I was worried that betty had joined the cult but she just pulled a cheryl. Well she is a Blossom.

    You know.. I feel like we all have been touching on the issue with this season but I’ll bring it up again, it’s not so much that no one is talking to each other, it’s clear they are because everyone knows for the most part what is happening with their lives but t seems the conversations are happening off screen.

    Anyways this was a rough one. I’m just mad at everything that happened this episode because almost every parent is terrible and I just couldn’t care less about anything.

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  17. All of the posts I have read about him, and im focusing now on celebs who met him in passing or briefly have been kind and said he was always humble and just kind. It’s just nice to read about that. Like obviously all his costars love him but people he briefly worked with or only talked to. It makes me sadder.

    Again I said earlier that as a fan,I had hoped the stroke wasn’t this bad but when we didn’t hear any new news over the weekend, I just had bad thoughts. I was hoping it wouldn’t be this outcome though. 

    • Love 5
  18. Well they stopped production today for everyone to grieve so they aren’t writing anything that quickly. They have like three episodes to shoot for this season. Also I’m sure for a final farewell for Luke, Molly will more than likely make a guest appearance.

    Also maybe I’m alone and I know the show is Riverdale but a part of me thinks that like recasting, having Fred be killed by a murder would be in bad taste too. Maybe I’m alone In thinking this but I would like to think they wouldn’t do it that way. That seems more like a plot point than honoring both the character and Luke. Maybe I’m alone in thinking that. I do think the only option is for Fred to die though.

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  19. Just now, Lady Calypso said:

    Well, in Bewitched's case, the first Dick had to quit the show because of an injury sustained years prior. I think an actor death makes it harder to recast successfully.

    If Luke hadn't been as well known as he is, I could have seen them recasting. But with his sudden death and how beloved Luke is to everyone, I don't see a recast as an option. Of course, I can't imagine them wanting to even think about how they're going to handle this on their show right now. But I think they'll likely write his character off. 

    This does suck. Luke Perry seemed to be a great guy. I've heard nothing but wonderful things about him and it sucks more that he was so young. I was really hoping that he was going to pull through. 

    This. I’m sorry but recasting in this situation just seems like it would be in really bad taste. Also I know the cast can’t dictate what they want but I don’t see them going along with that. 

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  20. 1 minute ago, Halting Hex said:

    Not recently, but IMDb tells us that Luke made two appearances, back in the Regis Philbin days (if I have the chronology correct).  August 16, 2005 and July 3, 2008, to be precise.  And who am I to disagree?

    You’re probably right, I just meant recently he hasn’t been on and therefore kelly may not have even as close as now, considering mark her husband works on Riverdale all that. She will more than likely talk about it tomorrow. 

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